HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-22, Page 3THURSDAY, RINE 22nd, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
• .•..• 'So he. said. I was a polished 'the same thing. He
gentlemate". yes.'It.mearit,I slippery fellow"
• \
Andrew -Haddock W.A. Group
The Andrew - Haddock -Group !
met at the home of Mrs. G. An- I
drew with an attendance of 26,
including visitors.. -Mrs'. Haddock
presided. The scripture was read'
by Mrs. S. Bothwell followed by
two minutes of silent prayer for
the armed forces. Mrs. Cann pre-
sided for the folloiving program:
two mouth organ selections -by
Mrs. R. Middleton accompanied
on the piano by Mrs. Kilpatrick;
vocal solo, Mrs_ McLean; reading,
Mrs. , G; Andrew; two piano in-
strumentals, Mrs_ H. Alain; the 1
guest speaker, Miss Eva, Gree,I
gaive a splendid talk, taking as I
her subject The value of reading
and Some information. abut the
books in the Lucknow Librar".
Orany gouePe
• In accordance with its custom $137.00; Hepworth $101.00; Huron.
Of tkolcilhig• the June Session.'ai4146,00,; Kineardine $127.- Luck- .. .
e meeting closed.
by sliPging one ot the...lakeside nninietPaht- now $144.00;' ' North Bruce4 and " . „ • , •". - . -
The Icing and the niiipah bene- ies of the County; Bruce County Saugeen $153_00; Paisley $142.00; '1
diction. A social half-hour foil -ow,
ed. The next meeting in w-- ho.- Council assembled at the Town Teeswater $256.00; Tiverton 41.06;
- Hall, Southampton, on Monday Underwood $98.00; Wiarton $J19-; •
held in September at the home evening, June 12th, With Warden ,., waakettqa $18.
. of M.4, -s..° Cann.. William Shewfelt presiding and 0 Grants of $25.00 each' were •
said you were -
all members present.
made to the three districts a the
For results try a Want ..Adl
THE paps. OF .M.
In the absence "of. Mayor Robt.
McVittie, who is ill Councillor
Ellis Millard extended a warm
greeting to the visiting reeves on
behalf of the Municipality of
Worneres 'InStitutes in the County. • • :
$150_00 was, granted to the junior •
Extension Fund .to defray expen-
ses 01. junior boys and 'girls at '
'County and inter -county :compet-
itions. Each of the two county
One Finance• Plowinen'S Associations will re -
, of
of the most.juiP°rItaut I ceive a grant of S100.00 provided
itemsfrom the point of view they
hold' Plowing matches in
the ratepayers, is the county ievv. 11944_ Each Hortimltural Society
The rate for this year was set at in the County hohling a flower
• ' 6 milk, which is the
- •, same -as last i show this- year will receive a
year. This will provide a revenue grant of .$20.00.
of $184,685_58 for '' County *lir-
poses_ The County will also re- i Legislative
the Provmee a road
ceive fromi! The. following resolutions, a-
oers Weraope-V
subsidy amounting to 50 per cent lu°n- ' e dtd by
, -
Council on the recornmendafion
• of the amount ex-pended On the
County roads thiyear. in ofthees.e Legislative., and other con-
dition 'to this, Municipalitiesmitt
, or - —
Requesting the Provincial high-
ways Department to pave Pro-
vincial Highway ex 4 from
tts tniction
portions thereof. not included'
, • " school dils. trict will be required u„.
to levy the sum of $442,689.65 for , w la u„,i____,_°
Within any High or Continuation
-- ':'"'"--" - "4---:"-":- • -- -'''`--- ••-••••--- - -',-the •:•cost.-of-educatiorn7'of- Bruce "(1-1r-o.-",,,10'e'i•---"-74-1u'L'"--"u
County' pupils_ No „provision is highwa, , and Kings Highway No:
anade,--in the estimates for' the 86 from Wingharn, to Amlvirley.
Purchase of any more Victory . Opposing an open deer season
in would
Bonds this -..year. HoWevern -Buce this year as this , the hi -
seriously deplete the number of
tendon is that any. Unspent moi- seriously
in the County.
is from the 21, mill Highways
levy will be devoted to this pur- Requesting that the money ate -
pose. ,•cumulated in the packing plants
In addition to those mentioned from levies on livestock by con -
It is not by chance that the Bank has a million satisfied depositors,
besides thousands of other friends who use its services in various ways.
There are substantial reasons, chief of which, we believe, are as follows:
First, Confidence. Canadians of every occupation—farmers, labourers,
mechanics, office workers, home wotkers, business managers and
clerks, corporation executives, 1;rofessional men and women—be-
lieve in the Bank, because of its history' and traditions, its strength
and its known service to the nation.
Second, Experienci. These Canadians know, by personal experience,
in dealings. with the Bank, they can rely on it—come good times
or bad, peace or war—for the kind of banking service they need.
Third, Modem Methodc. Due to our modern methods, a spirit of
helpfulness, and the practical efficiency of our staff, customers find
it pleasant to transact business at the Bank, whether it be at the
Head Office, one of our Inge city branches, or the smallest branch
• in the smallest town,.k
If you are not a customer of the Bank, you are invited to become one.
10, laT Ltc o lc! 'IN .0 II 2. 111, re
Vide Experience, Modern Afetbodc, Friendly Sen?*,
Lucknow Branch: J. A. THOMPSON. Manager
• . '
under the other headings, the fol-
lowing grants were made: Bruce
County Hospital,. Walkerton $4,-
7501)0; Kincardine Hospital $4,L-
2501)0; Lion's Head Hospital
81,25(1.00; Hospital for Sick Chil-
dren $100.00; Bruce County Lib-
rary- Association $600.00; The
-Milk-for-Britain7 Funds of the
Walkerton, Chesley and Kincar-
dine Kinsmen Clubs $150_00 each
and Owen Sound Branch of the
Canadian Legion Service Bureau
A vast new reforestation pro-
ject, comprising an area up to
5000 acres, Will be undertaken
by the County, in the south part
of Lindsay Township. Options
have already been secured on
2900 acres of land at $L75 per
acre and this will be added to
as occasion permits_ This area
will be planted with the co-oPer-
demnation insurance and deduc-
tions On cattle marketed with
horns be taken over by the Pro-
vincial Livestock Branch and
used for livestock improvement
Protesting recent leaislatioia
empowering certain municipalit-
ies to grant a bounty for killing
foxes. •
• Reouesting the Ontario Wel-
fare Department to increase the
erant to Children's Aid Societies
to cover 50 per cent of -the cost
18. Auctioneer's Licenges have
been taken out in the current
year at a license fee of S25.00..
and 3 licenses for Transportation
ofFowl at a fee of $1.00.
On recommendation of 'the
Warden's Committee Council rat-
ified a grant of $500.00 to the
Navy League Of Canada, under-
wrote the cost of advertising the
ation of the Provincial Forestry 16th Victory Loan in county news -
Department under the same plan I papers to the extent of $4.00 per '
as the present , County Forest in paper. and the sum of $40.00 ex-
Amabel Township,The present , pended for advertising Bruce
County Forest, which comprises I County vacation resorts in the
about 1500 acres was established aPedial Vacation Edition of the
in the Sauble region of Annabel Owen Sound Sun -Times.
in 1938. It was at first planned 1 Excellent entertainment was
to enlarge this area but investi- i provided for the members and
gation disclosed that the prices officials during the session. On
being asked for land in that sur- Wednesday afternoon they went
rounding area were .too high to in a body- to ICinrdiree - wheri, .-
make this scheme practicable. - they attended the Warden's pic-
nic. sponsored by the Kipcardine
Township commit .in honor of
Warden Shewielt. Special speak-
ers on this occasion were Ontario
Minister of Agriculture ROIL T. • .
7/cerinecTir and.ffighways—Mini: •
ster Hon. George H. DiniCeft. The
former also attended' the Thiirs-
day morning session and deliver-
ed an addresS to Council on Mat-
ter pertaining in
• The Agriculture Committee
was authorized to investigate and
secure an option on- a suitable
pasture farm -to be used for dem-
onstrating and proving improved
pasture management. subject to
the approval of small option and
plan Joy County at a later ses-
sion_ tee agriculture
. Also nontemplated _is a proiect
to increase the number of top Ontario. On Thursday afternoon'
grade hogs in the County. This the members inspected the Coun-
tv:Forest at the Sauble, .and
project is under investiation,
Outlay evening they Were enter- -
Mined at a banquet held in their
honor by the Municipality of
Council adjourned at Saturday
noon to meet for the November
session at the Council Chqnriber
the result of which will be sub-
mitted to Council for its approv-
al at a later session.
The following grants will. be
made to Fall Fairs in the County
provided a Fair is held this year:
Arran and. Tara $190.00; Carrick
$1,91,00;' 00 qnorWalkeiloti on. .November eth.