HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-22, Page 1......... . .
Yftr—ft Advmee; 5#e Exftl Co U-S.A_ LUCKNOW, qNTAM,% TO 0804T, JUNE 226d, 044 EIGHT PtGES
OW ON pbell suffered- an, ac- STARTS TUESDAY
The congregations of the Pres- evident at the Maple Leaf- Air-,
In a 'United Churches Mr.'and Mrz--, Roy, Haddeaby, craft plant, on, T uesday, a
vffl of. the valiant -people of byteri-P , and when Registrat`Red' Crm;s.
ion for the
'ght d
Wartorn Russia the Ontario,Div- will hold, corpb1ned'services word wel Ate e dropped on hi
dur- MR, 2j Ifolyrogd, received -n his Ham e* Nursing Course cGnducted
-90 of the, Aid to Russia fund' ing the - ridonths.of July and � Aug- the first of the week 'advising toes_-' t n e1r,'4'ted his.. shoe and
lastweeke mpt.a; most favorable
bias launcheil a_. monste rt he f oft J-4- response,- and resulted mi an en,--
r line" ust, while the respective mini- them that - their, Son, FIC: cut, an a- o, a . k.'
Sgt RLA . A=_ L '
drive. The local committee is Co- sters aure on- holidays� Frederick,erick, James Haldeaby was suffered considerably f rom 1009 r Illm e, n t o some 75 rneinbers
ppiratin' . in, conducting this Ady, Sunday services m1s&ing aft air ope�a ons on :'of 'blood as it was, sqm� tim � b tape e.'course eithi�r. A
9 s Eq- During er a' t, wh& will
can shower and, i urging a-hearty. fore the 6�'sto, StL. He
will be. hqld ."in! the United'Church- June Iit& lefis �,uckno_w
am e Fred, is 1h. -ly
respons6. fr th e�'of this -conducted. by Rev' twenties. pe&.-
peopl C, 'H� Mac- his can The, coifrse.� will commence 'in
Re rsea4 Lucknow . oh� Tqe!Oa��i. 6venixw' 61f,
cornmunity� . Donald and during August„ v. an,4 went.,ove - last. :fall
-11 conduct ser- il� details 'of" the.
Donations' of an
J� W. Stewart vn
11nen, quilts or next week'' vusith, weekly. lectUres -7
'bllankets be� left at the Red meld in, the High School
voices the Presbyteriain Church-' from which he failed to return
may Ti&l WaVe At HUIron being .111 H
Cross Woikraoms -in Luckmow . an are yet known- at 8
second -eldest of the each lVesday commencing
He is -the Beaches,M',stui&y.
Tuesday 'and Thur;day afte'r- Local Girl Wim Fates CIL,
Roons, or at Wm.- Horiielrs'Store family, the pwenW home being afledp$ans oftheeaufse are
'Awar& At Stmtf6rd about two, miles east (A Kinioss A tidal . wave, conservatively , Det
at � any other time. Acewding t6
feet, high, roll- being..'w6rked out this. week. It
the'item . donated, the donor w M an the, D)xrhamRoad_ 1 ed in. , aJong 'H will run for a peried of. approxi- Stratford GeAL-ral Hospital gra- Lake . uron's, shoreis,
receive from one to live tickets ornately 3" mahths. When, those en=
duatioH Beate-
ewere undaiy mo7ning about 9-30, 1
-which afford the chance of Imm- held in Ion PS
a fortyvaquable th Colleeate-Vociiflonal Inst �SCHOOL AT SIXTH I cau'sing minor- damage at satne rolled will be clualified far horse -
ning'ane prizes d will fbTim an. Inwa-
i is. Top- tute hat Wednesday afternoon ppints� and dislodging -a.. good,_ nursing, an..
donated bV Toronto f
rn minary corps' in ease of
TO BE REOPENED Iman, bZts at resort bewlies,
10ing this RAI Of prizes is a m when Miss; Doris Ritchie of Luck�
t ade7l epldeifii�_- or emergencies.
to__Oyder mink coat valued. at I now had the honor- of offering Th ekt -me followed,
The opposi e rL
The Sixth Comces&ion. Schooy- whh obser s; Claiming that the Wis'expected 'thalt about forty.
the vaLledietafy in behalf! of her
horn' No- -5:Kinloss Town-
Classmates in, which;� she referred water! then,, keeeded -4s� much as, morewill take the coxmsp m
A towel or pillowslip is worth e
minarTMA ship, is Ito he reopened at the TMI Lrem the t..j vr. - Luck, now. A sim lilar course is be-
-Ied fieeK-n9Z al 206. 12-
one'ticket; a sheet, 3 fickc4s; and commencement of the fall term . the ing. corn 'at, St-
piness an the Completion of their- ''Clarke . wati_ Helens,
1, blanket or quilt 5 tiekels, ere ' t, a of abon
,here 'i
course and regret at severing ties, in BePtember, Miss Helen Or rolled up the beach about 75. feet wh' s
ladies le�
"I"i hese of Course must be In . good who graduated this mouth. fro at thirty
with their Akna Mater, some points and left -a 'water
condition to merit: the tickets
Stratford 'Normal on her yeaes
Doris complie-tes her training line .of debris that plainly mark-
Contribute now. Ack quWMy for with many honom:,She was; the work;, has been engaged as teach-
-the time i.,� short ed the high, water mark- It was
tot, winneir of mayor"s medal for, eT'- There will be an enrollment
,the rollment within a veryrfew .fe�etofreaeh-
Cash domtions; to the Aid'To of about ten pupfls� BROKE UP MEET.WGr IUME
general profiefen which was
Cyr ing Murdies cottage at Point. 'NW
Russia fund are stiff being ff"�71 PreSebted by AT& J� I&L King;, the -a C -Y ON THURSDA 3HT
The, school was, Cksed Ve lark, which is a fami via land- 109
ceived at T_ W_ Smilh7s; Gw-age, scholarship for p t. years , ago by the � Mrustee� B_ oard
lack of
as - gmdua4e -age mark to mok of m , w redders A,meeflng,being held here ast
but tickets an these
qty prizes I iecause 04 the school
1work, donated by Dr.. Lome. Rob- ithe'best way Of the
cannot be purchased- They are I ert in Lniemory (A hjS Thursday ev6hing. by .1 grodp,
gon jj children in the secfioii� ater rose.
Drylyobtaiin2ble by making don- father height to which the w. claimed to, be Jehovah Wlftesse�,,
and mother, Dr- and My, J. A_ Approv-0 W rewen the school. Throughout tike day the water
tions to the linen, shower, .6 a close
a Robertson, and his smer, ie was abruptly �rough ti.
WSS h by t' continued to rise and fak abodt
m1t'T= and upon the insistence:of a, number
Pearl Robertson, . presented by a foot at short intervab�
WiseSnider- the award for profi- ion. was'also approved at a recentresments
Coldman g...w
Vo PWZE mee C.rptepaye UeOm . vas...bem
g held'.1q . .. ........... ..... . . .
...... ..... .
ON If= mnmpresented'MS&G mmm ON, the -building adjdfii#i19 ffie Par. ina
W. WC�ore, ttr
of the T�-� Feard I'mNC'es HONORS list Shap, wiffi about &, dozempe-s
Miss Asiana Member,.-
Ballantyne; and the in attendance. Quite d crowd,
-At a are Allister Hughes, John- Mae- I
fmeefing of UW`dir6ctors award for piofwiency, in surgical
of the Luckmo* Agricul . mural Soc- technique, donated, by Dr- W_ C" Kinnon and D, EL Carruthers, Nursing Sister EL AL Cannom, gathered ouLiside- -the building, and
lie lwitv Hau—sta . appointed i sister a, MM 11 Mughs MjaL, as. the' evening' were on, ft, was
evemmg, Cam- Sproat pnmented by Afiw Myrtle
jyonald�, was., inC decided
mittees appoitted to ' rev&e the Hudgin&, as: %=umm D. f L Car- juded, the finally
ruffieri succeeft the late Alqx Ki,6g7s; hanoTs list'released early meetinig-- This, was.-'done in ern
_Drize Dist were nquested *0
their' work' 6ampleted by Pierce' as,4 ;=9of the Board_ in Ju Ntu SL_#e oiderly mmper,, % and the
r Cannon.
after some c�del.pTiotestn took,
day night of this week, so that CALVES' a -of the
IN, FOUR YEARS 'as made n associate to Car, s;
the Ests m2T be prfifted and m, !Royal Red Cross for, ' dents. their
ENGAGENFENTS, effi ser,- They i5einted;Gut,that, they had
the hands of the prospeefive ex- An Ayrshhre' cow for vice in the b4tle' HeI&
Lieut.. Cannim has been. in ItaJy rented f,
3 their
Johnston .of town tw.e Fetruary.... Her husband le departure ,u's meeting �udges has,'qufte 'Lucknow announce the epgage- &i 1 and g
merlIy 'or, the, )g rented'far a month,
ain earl Mr and Mm.'qe &e W_ Lau
me, at, y date, owned by P.� M_ bI
li At Saturd I record , 'a
an dutstan e In Cam- not u
for the Fair ment of their daughter R6=elda was in
'were 3POGiRted in t1hat during the paist, four years
-Present plans indicate that the sli , h I Kathleen to,Sgt- Norton, C,amm-
e - as -guven birth to eight Cal- paigo, while� M�S-_- Cwma`ft wAff
will be`a6other big. success ves. Four. yea�zs ago this r r, bell Heard;., Of Mr- stationed in North Afrim. She
ow, had
and Afts. as a.brpther who i
thi!F year, but #0 Make it So re_ twin ailedon is a baptain, PRESItf4TATION'
-John Heard, C.
The, next Fear' she gave
cuires the' su -0a- birth to triplets- Last spring she East. The marriage t& take, plarm pq -a tamk cor. carpe now in action - fu
PPort 2md Co
early in July in Hadkettfs United AT HOLYRWD,
tTTGT1 of everyone hm the commun- had a, Ittaily- Mrs. Qinnon was for.mlet,ly
zin&I,, Calf � and this spring
Church" Ashfield, HeleV,Wi,ik1n- of Islingtoril-
produced- twins again, The cow Friends and neighbors gather-.
is now. owned by a, Wingham ed at
dairyman who bought her at the REPATRIATES FROM' BORN night Halyraod Halfon Friday
'in henov of Mr. and'M,,r&'.,.
IMP Johnston sale ea�rbr, this spring-
VE. I Jack Ackert who, u'o' their. ar-
VI EAST HE,NDERSON-Th Winghpm Gen- p n,
SUNDAY -Ho on Thursday, ;une tiri�al were greeted bythe strains,
I'VISIT IN KINLOSS eral 'Here Comes: The'Bride".
Suffeffed Heort Alk 15th. to, Mr- and Mrs.' 'Morgan of
Th-e memorial and decoration Mr- A%ert. Afte.0 �of Belfast Inkidrig the COTe of a pleas-
Henderson, a daughter-.
suffered-a severe heart attack the Dr., wiffiam Malcolm and.lois'ant social. even4ng. of'. dancing' top-
nee held an Sunday under si
a!ispkes of the Luckmaw Brmich f6st, of last week- He was buS -ly alughter, Mrs- Do.reth&a Pearson MOR6AN_�n June. 1, 3th, at Chi knue -by T ifif iri's, orchestra Mr.
timet ho, were, those,. repatriat- cagp�. to, Ueutenant and -1 and Mrs'. Ackert were
can di Legi d the engalged on hj�s farm at the among F, Mr�_ Ti presented
gff the a an an an he was stricken- He will be, unter'Morg e'-Shir- iwith'a liberal puise of..money-
AumNary, was ed'f�oni Japan last fall, am 'Visit- ford' H an ne
impress med 'to ULA for hang at 'Kinfough at - the home of Reg Parry. o4 Detroit) a son, TH-.,'The presentation was mAde �y
several were
fdr a complete restDais;his; brother, Mr- Hubt ford H"ter EL 'Lorne Eedy after an �ppropriate
• South Kiwass church to hear' Dr'- Maltalm and his daughter address had been read by drvitel
for iot
Rev Herbert F Damon, conduct STRUCK BY S'WING, were . residents of' Shamghai Ap;ieknt Victim
ce� Dr' Dear Betty and Jack: k:
an appropriate memolaial -servill, many y(�ars�_ and China� IM Uo&iwent Oper, aticin J
1.117FTLE, TOT' HURT' Makohn's opinion, wasnY a bad
followed by the derwation of the We, your friends and your
graves off.vefierms of I the last spot until the Japs; came.., It goes; w6g4bors,
ary Louise Afton, wfthout saying. they aie happY Mrs- W. J. Clark of, Wingharnj Have gather
war who Me buried in South Kin- Lxffle W. who, was seriously injured,ina ed htre tonight,
loss Cemetery, . as well I as the Fear'-old daughter of � Mr.. amij to be in America-aga* and, it To honor -this new 'couple,
motor accident near Padmerston
fannW plots of tftose who lie in Mm Bert Alton of Ashffeld'sug_' was, a happy o-e-easion when they I I And we 'know we're doinir
tyFa.weeks a�go'last Sunda un�
FRand. Meld. fwd aifW , injuries ha arrived at the Malcolm heme:at right.
' I kinraugh, a - days �agm derwent. an operation in, Palmer-
Fach 9mve was mAwj;ed w4h, sbwk fflO *e fage bY a SW=-9 few ston Hosuital last 'Thursday-- Jack, we've knbwn you from
a poWy studded at 140b" lr�nk cluderf0h M sot-, Dr- Mwealm, who) is 92 Fears cMd-hpod,
Mrs� Clark was• formerly Ethel y(nw
unlide alk, DwiW 1*eveg� 4� '0_ of 'age, but" you would* never knd we.� praise your excenent,
UUUY _-Awmwom She Irwin, a sii&r of W.. J. Irwin of
-ading a. choice; g t�g Obger pmmw with. guess
-Mme LamamC w,,w 'in it,, is currently atte
played,ce 4he� twi4d the - Secoud COUCeSdGn Kiallom
medicatl convention in Chfcags� taking of a partner,
paxs by F�ra* buckenzie a,n,,d,, ker parents. In th4''head - an d=sh� Mrs.. in your.
aI' Mmd ftomft STMS� Pipe, F!kst ZeForts; af the wd*nt after which he w-Al return here Clark suffered a fra-etdred Jaw, 'And we hearbily rejoim,
R =�kl Dr- Malcolm and Mm Pearson
000 at to -have been ei,� Betty, you we 919MY -virel
fi-actured Collarbone and sevezwl co
d neigh
owing the SUW3�� Wswd ci;4 V4--while the ln*,a ',abx)wd the. ftwtared jkbo, Mr. Clark Ta'pur ffien�Uy both'
Mt = 5aile was , We hope that yiJu will find ur4
sie ekeir was heg�_d in the am-, .suers disbas mew Grip§hakn last October The v&y- iess, severely ini W`
,Wed V�as
age odmmeiced an the - - and *as
For I-e-q—we Kind R�a �ae anci
C" F. 'N_ baMe on Wam4;6y and is jj"#qg' ' d tf
by -C.VUm -92k ut w.;&- rkt -few.-
"Ifaum X --*pW
d&W !ater.. The Of
2J64 r eventfud as Wz%. Plegrsm e for it to hg
Gther car that' fignmed in thei It was, nic
114,404am 3oa , 14 . 4hsffi� Whim Biguy LGUW ran intathe went an emergency In the lovely , month of Junie
V4� 'Appendix OP7 Crash was kffle& ` : I .
sieepm"g , e72tion %an boaar4 I VhHe a.. few Wily your life, be. as full of
O� fen -W ldawnwwo 92* , Of the swx",091 It. was an operatlan an her jaw
twiv hqy4 #tN- received blessings,
la M tk& xtriklhave ldaysfut of RIO' anfo�' wbkh 31m Clark underlwent'on
The GripshdEam. nmehed New As 611a maeuth is ftu 0.
nwmtb� that
_4 I Iblurow.
Ed the groRd relpwl her.-
crsmsr comern:
zi�s=.Vlwk. *-46ve - a. ren of'our' �'iAg
f Dr� 'ffalgglni and MM - Pearsen at tEw. dane�, he
:r . /I - And of our ha-g
to safer Aeepin I g too,
• And 0MW.2Zd pmaed go reahns kMWjsji2d "t ;Wd, tb" =we� 0,,f have since bem'regd�s� "r, at the time� -she fs'getting Please accept t 'we iii.t.
iaitb badm�t &xaened, 'Makiphu has two &ugk.*rs liv- "g' And tkw� best' to yo!L�L
of vadea peam her baly severety in I g in the-Anverlaan wen now, aid .expects, to.soon be
UGrieve mat far'-,� whq, 2t �'ii, 16ai and
'a our while her maw& was able to. leave the hospitalL,
'the thmae of XkWy CUL Tow Chad adfenw Mostly Where his son-la-law" 11r, C." vl� hajoy,
of Arner- 'd yow ks'.be &.�e fironj
Beep dDgi reward which only fAM AAWX koweyNw, 4qo after Starr fs p A pat
W Coe,
C oe 004.* lot' 'dw MR Were kan - edit[Wo' of the " fShaugho'
down IWs
Zvemfiw Post, AMA mero W_ ln,�rs & Epysr wel*.C110thin,911 Jig YOU tmvrej
Go fali WA
Mm PeaTsdn has. sons st1rft-_ slocjks� etc. lite AMTa= 'W ily,
wvw New 44my 46 Ake,
2 bV841he7-in�L
pW` tW, AM -in IV iFom-i• ne State win the, may -yov fim t
L k S I
11-1111 11 oo
11- - � I I � I I— 14k� -
'77 4111111w, 110 __