HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-15, Page 8„ • 1°A Nat .. • 18:F011. The Lncknow Sentine LudEnow, °main .W.R.T.B. Medi* iited A distriet meeting of the War- time Prices and Trade Board was 'held .1"..Wate- on Monday ight, but sti,far as 'we are aware there -was no .one from the vill- age in attendance. Ido _ McLod, ho as the sPecial speaker on MondaF.04ghti'addrelfsed!a meet” Mg in Lucknow earlier in ear. Are fiu-ere 'any 7.!TrearelE,KS 'i."9 the lbaby? _asked the anxious father.. "Yee,•replied the doctor signif- icantly, recalling that the iv:their was notoriously lax in p.sying bilk, "he's marked C.O.D..” and Howse„ who is enter- ing upon his fourth year: Observe King's Birthday Pupils ,of the Lucknow Public School received a Icoliday last Friday in observariCe of the 49th birthday of His Id,: :jesty, King George V1 By proc1areation„1 Thursday, June atth, is set aside for the observance of the Kill' leS :1 birthday, but est& the /1:112ition at • • Bream bringing "on Aios• Reliable' Siii3el7 Rolief. •The Finger Points to the location of the Ariterioro litansanse Arch. When tbis Arch •weakens, the tiny binas are de- prssed; ureven. pressum is pro- • dueedandither: 1disHizalauticem c the parse's liVelUbl ceases a burning sensation, callouses; • t enderdispoui, irwr":. and swum ennup4ike paha. The foot widens eadsoveritheshoes, the small toe and great toe joints and bodily &dam and IleXVOUSQ2Bill result. ,11 " .=e de7-1- • V giettiaataimid Heed the fist danger signal! Step year Feat Tumbles before they impair your earnfigrt and day efficiency • An tbe newes, vomit ad" scientific methods of ai Wink and cahrecling Pout Troubleu, sail be held at our Store on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st if *relay traied expert flea the, :sigh ref W.. ALS M.D.., the world's i. pt noted Orthopedrse sartherity dads' esplai Atli, Mescals:dodo sire lastaitt foot comorfint. You ufti also be Oa' ea a pedogiaphpJLt of year stoekiagid feet. All this wittiest cost er_ebligation. Duel miss eading this Evert et Mir • store on shove dale. • S. C. Rathwell « Son war tine day is not observed as . a public holiday„ other than in the schools. • PAUSED FOIL POP; MISSED BOAT ON FATAI0 TRIP -- 1 • All Ontario is faniliiarth the dikalteT Stanley when 17 lives were lost as the cabin cruiser Olga cap- sized a moilp eivi shore_ This past eiva-i; friends learned that Mr_ Mrs. HOT - ane McGuire and :I; :ughter Ann narrow! ez:s5z20- on board, Horace and his little dant- later .1d. just returned -from aimEMEtillIrSien trio on the lake, and MM. McGuire and a girl. friend pllaratteta to g© on the next trip. In sttoniaing at .a reerEsIciimeant pooth for a few minutes they •missed the 1.03,20t as it JJ i on what pra_rzred to be the fatal cruisi. Tth Th It PLATE irn Paisley will remain omebanged at •;!'l mins. UNITP CHURCH • LUCKNOW Bev. J.. W Steart„ R.A.„BJL Pastor SUNDAY, 'ENE IS, 144 19 ass.. ---Sunday SbooL 11 a....n,—(Ie Doctrines of our Chew& Story:: "Richard's Happy Sunday". Junior Church. , 7 pni.,--"God Speaks to 31an" ...-,WrAPPAIR:Megv7 • • TIIERSDAY, JUNE, 150, 190 syrataactoosmogowoosestOoroatorn 1 SEP • Friday an -t Saturday, Aim rivoi7ak, -'SQUADRON LEADER X" WAR, THRILLER MYST1MY ,srogy Short Sibjeth ' • NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY Ronald Coleman„ Jane Wyatt, Thomas Mitchell, Margo, ' John Howard„ in the magniTicent production "LOST HORIZON OF SHANGRI-LA" AJso "5�e, Snapshot" 'C:OMING, 'JULY lap D tnninion Day "THE FALCON STRIKES BACK". COMING—JULY 7th, 8th A WESTERN THRILLER COMING — JULY ,14th, 15th„ 11th „. • "WHAT'S BUZZIPr CUZZIPI'?" Rochester, - Ann Maar BPIIN STUART — At Paramount, on 140,4iy; -12tEr. alrf Mrs. Allan Stuart (nee Martin) ilyir EganviIlle„ da Martin. OULTON--,-On Juane 2,, 1944„ to Mr and Mrs. Clarence (Fulton, it„. 2 1Iw ts TT1,, Batuy 1: LA. — At Alexandra 1:1(oolritat. Coder -idle on aline 4th„ 1 •1, b Mr.. and' 31rs..-Ifichaell Law, E.. 3, Goderich„ a(I; Ed!: \WI SHIPPEM SALIVA GE MONDAY The spring °collection of snl- vage was dispoesd 'Of .10\7 'The Clansmen on Mond . the bulk. g.off the huge ttrucklead tonsistkdi ©f waste ;01vIEDEr.: /•.\1003.At.pet: c2iVage oollectiiorm wili 00: made.,probably. about mid-suminaer...ln the mean- thrme amkone wishing.to. Olkpose of sait Johnsron"s F- 4¼ Barn., alvage Intateriaili:72yll 'by The ie Proceeds are Clansmen hu samara- g soket overseas to tam [wigs from Lock - now and afistria [ I ; BrC COUNCIL SE SSSTON -.AT SOUTHAMPTON The Juane • ,seraion . of Eranoe County Council eerrtwerama att Smithantilmii Eitra 7 eweniiing .at [a o'clock. Ora [[7 the members attemmud;.,,; a picnic at Kincaid -Me he barer Shewfelt of Kinrelrdise Tn ma, - ship. T(1)01,•2,, rThiarsday) Council is atteradin' the Federation off Ag- ricultUre piece at Satiable Beach fi the ranee County ota- iomi Shopping Suggestions VI, -TONE • • For MAIM & • .E1Wfy Fog quittirlf BLUE RIBBON TEA 1hr. Pchg 4qc BLUM AMMON 'COFFEE I lb.. can 511c YORK NEAT SPREA;D$ • IS; THRIFT *SOAP ITAKES Giant Firmly Size MAPLE LEAF CHEESE pck.g 2fite 2 lb. loaf 5 lb. brick • Banish Mosel WASHDAY BLUES WITH LaFRANCE For White Washes Package __ 15c A N JD SATINA—For Easier Ircering 2• packages ..— 15c THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 112 WE DELIVER Ne Goods • Men's. Women's and Children's Underwear- Hose and Socks for all the, family • '1 Sheets, Sheetings 'and. Pillow aCottons The Store With The Steck , . . . • b. of • ',..0,:',7.'..1;::=4,td.".ggt..!......i.....",41,1'.:,"4==ti'iro,t46.7.roM7,•".1',".."''' ![> T STO E9 Lite Inkow o • • • "••o•ii.;'filli"• • • ani..Mo.Owormaloettent=. WED' 13IDIG BEI ' , : :, : ':. .', ! ° ' ' , , ; !' . .... . . .. •The Dad's The • JUNE lEth Is The Day To Remember The Grandest of item. --1-5 ....N.,,,,...0:,,r.,.., marriage of Miss Kather- ine„Alitargaret MacDougall, eldest Oil* Ate?of the late Mir - . alikl Mrs. Jon MacDougall of Luck - ow, to Reverend Charles Henry MacDonald ,Of Lucknov?, took pbce In the :11"ns, - Wilnigham, on 1Wednesday, June 14th_ The Reverend Kenneth McLean wat ; :Le officiating clergyman.. , . , TEES rise to the occasion for Fathets' Day gifts. Forsyth fillatitY fabrics and hand-SOBle PattentS to ellOPS frOVII li/Fili please the3fussiest Bad with 232 eye for excellenee. Price . 65e & SLOG .., • SlIDESBIR CM'S, light weight and very cool. . 25e up WRITE SHIRTS—Country .4 i plain white silk , Finisheit broadcloth; neat fitting It! ' 21' ..' 1.' collar. . ': ..,.., • ,: $2.6. , , , . • FiER: FATHERS PI THE SERVICE—Khaki ildirtS,, sizes ' 14 _ ,„„ ,,, •.:.' . , sprts BLACK TIES :.. * ' 65e ilk SIM - HANDKERCHIEFS — Khaki and akfarce blue., Each ..... 25c: LISTS ASEIFIELD CIRCUIT measimns SlATOE 19117 • ' - • ------ ' Mr. 'Iola. 'Elliott's skttch a Ashfield -cliurc_h history in -Iasi Week's , Sentinel gavethe list of the Afield ' t“ieth- odist 'circuit down to Rev. S.: J. Bddgette whose term en,,:: -4 with •1.917.. ' - ' The completed fist of MiniSters ' to the present, following Mr. 'Bridgettei, inchtd:v.. R. C. Cope- land„ now the president of die- COB& Ir e IC I C e, C. 11. COserts,, C. EL Dickinson, A. W. BrOwn, C. T2V- =mum?. vir "r P,nif-throrn -Inc larillkiing PrN ' 1 . tempieton & Co , • . .W.R.T.B. Medi* iited A distriet meeting of the War- time Prices and Trade Board was 'held .1"..Wate- on Monday ight, but sti,far as 'we are aware there -was no .one from the vill- age in attendance. Ido _ McLod, ho as the sPecial speaker on MondaF.04ghti'addrelfsed!a meet” Mg in Lucknow earlier in ear. Are fiu-ere 'any 7.!TrearelE,KS 'i."9 the lbaby? _asked the anxious father.. "Yee,•replied the doctor signif- icantly, recalling that the iv:their was notoriously lax in p.sying bilk, "he's marked C.O.D..” and Howse„ who is enter- ing upon his fourth year: Observe King's Birthday Pupils ,of the Lucknow Public School received a Icoliday last Friday in observariCe of the 49th birthday of His Id,: :jesty, King George V1 By proc1areation„1 Thursday, June atth, is set aside for the observance of the Kill' leS :1 birthday, but est& the /1:112ition at • • Bream bringing "on Aios• Reliable' Siii3el7 Rolief. •The Finger Points to the location of the Ariterioro litansanse Arch. When tbis Arch •weakens, the tiny binas are de- prssed; ureven. pressum is pro- • dueedandither: 1disHizalauticem c the parse's liVelUbl ceases a burning sensation, callouses; • t enderdispoui, irwr":. and swum ennup4ike paha. The foot widens eadsoveritheshoes, the small toe and great toe joints and bodily &dam and IleXVOUSQ2Bill result. ,11 " .=e de7-1- • V giettiaataimid Heed the fist danger signal! Step year Feat Tumbles before they impair your earnfigrt and day efficiency • An tbe newes, vomit ad" scientific methods of ai Wink and cahrecling Pout Troubleu, sail be held at our Store on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st if *relay traied expert flea the, :sigh ref W.. ALS M.D.., the world's i. pt noted Orthopedrse sartherity dads' esplai Atli, Mescals:dodo sire lastaitt foot comorfint. You ufti also be Oa' ea a pedogiaphpJLt of year stoekiagid feet. All this wittiest cost er_ebligation. Duel miss eading this Evert et Mir • store on shove dale. • S. C. Rathwell « Son war tine day is not observed as . a public holiday„ other than in the schools. • PAUSED FOIL POP; MISSED BOAT ON FATAI0 TRIP -- 1 • All Ontario is faniliiarth the dikalteT Stanley when 17 lives were lost as the cabin cruiser Olga cap- sized a moilp eivi shore_ This past eiva-i; friends learned that Mr_ Mrs. HOT - ane McGuire and :I; :ughter Ann narrow! ez:s5z20- on board, Horace and his little dant- later .1d. just returned -from aimEMEtillIrSien trio on the lake, and MM. McGuire and a girl. friend pllaratteta to g© on the next trip. In sttoniaing at .a reerEsIciimeant pooth for a few minutes they •missed the 1.03,20t as it JJ i on what pra_rzred to be the fatal cruisi. Tth Th It PLATE irn Paisley will remain omebanged at •;!'l mins. UNITP CHURCH • LUCKNOW Bev. J.. W Steart„ R.A.„BJL Pastor SUNDAY, 'ENE IS, 144 19 ass.. ---Sunday SbooL 11 a....n,—(Ie Doctrines of our Chew& Story:: "Richard's Happy Sunday". Junior Church. , 7 pni.,--"God Speaks to 31an" ...-,WrAPPAIR:Megv7 • • TIIERSDAY, JUNE, 150, 190 syrataactoosmogowoosestOoroatorn 1 SEP • Friday an -t Saturday, Aim rivoi7ak, -'SQUADRON LEADER X" WAR, THRILLER MYST1MY ,srogy Short Sibjeth ' • NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY Ronald Coleman„ Jane Wyatt, Thomas Mitchell, Margo, ' John Howard„ in the magniTicent production "LOST HORIZON OF SHANGRI-LA" AJso "5�e, Snapshot" 'C:OMING, 'JULY lap D tnninion Day "THE FALCON STRIKES BACK". COMING—JULY 7th, 8th A WESTERN THRILLER COMING — JULY ,14th, 15th„ 11th „. • "WHAT'S BUZZIPr CUZZIPI'?" Rochester, - Ann Maar BPIIN STUART — At Paramount, on 140,4iy; -12tEr. alrf Mrs. Allan Stuart (nee Martin) ilyir EganviIlle„ da Martin. OULTON--,-On Juane 2,, 1944„ to Mr and Mrs. Clarence (Fulton, it„. 2 1Iw ts TT1,, Batuy 1: LA. — At Alexandra 1:1(oolritat. Coder -idle on aline 4th„ 1 •1, b Mr.. and' 31rs..-Ifichaell Law, E.. 3, Goderich„ a(I; Ed!: \WI SHIPPEM SALIVA GE MONDAY The spring °collection of snl- vage was dispoesd 'Of .10\7 'The Clansmen on Mond . the bulk. g.off the huge ttrucklead tonsistkdi ©f waste ;01vIEDEr.: /•.\1003.At.pet: c2iVage oollectiiorm wili 00: made.,probably. about mid-suminaer...ln the mean- thrme amkone wishing.to. Olkpose of sait Johnsron"s F- 4¼ Barn., alvage Intateriaili:72yll 'by The ie Proceeds are Clansmen hu samara- g soket overseas to tam [wigs from Lock - now and afistria [ I ; BrC COUNCIL SE SSSTON -.AT SOUTHAMPTON The Juane • ,seraion . of Eranoe County Council eerrtwerama att Smithantilmii Eitra 7 eweniiing .at [a o'clock. Ora [[7 the members attemmud;.,,; a picnic at Kincaid -Me he barer Shewfelt of Kinrelrdise Tn ma, - ship. T(1)01,•2,, rThiarsday) Council is atteradin' the Federation off Ag- ricultUre piece at Satiable Beach fi the ranee County ota- iomi Shopping Suggestions VI, -TONE • • For MAIM & • .E1Wfy Fog quittirlf BLUE RIBBON TEA 1hr. Pchg 4qc BLUM AMMON 'COFFEE I lb.. can 511c YORK NEAT SPREA;D$ • IS; THRIFT *SOAP ITAKES Giant Firmly Size MAPLE LEAF CHEESE pck.g 2fite 2 lb. loaf 5 lb. brick • Banish Mosel WASHDAY BLUES WITH LaFRANCE For White Washes Package __ 15c A N JD SATINA—For Easier Ircering 2• packages ..— 15c THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 112 WE DELIVER Ne Goods • Men's. Women's and Children's Underwear- Hose and Socks for all the, family • '1 Sheets, Sheetings 'and. Pillow aCottons The Store With The Steck , . . . • b. of • ',..0,:',7.'..1;::=4,td.".ggt..!......i.....",41,1'.:,"4==ti'iro,t46.7.roM7,•".1',".."''' ![> T STO E9 Lite Inkow o • • • "••o•ii.;'filli"• • • ani..Mo.Owormaloettent=.