HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-15, Page 4• , PAGE FOUR, ;LISTEN T •.0 • The Lucklow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • ucess" Self _Polishing Liquid Wax & Paste Floor Wax 911 Every, Friday Morning At 10.1 37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast FROM CKNX *INGHAM For Sale At All Grocery and Hardware Stores • Order Bray. Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg prices climb next Fall. See me, or phone me, • right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. FINLAYSON BROS. • • LUCKNOW IVIOR-POWER Super - Built Batteries. A Type For Every Car Qudity At The. Right Price. CANADIAN TIRE CORP - ASSOCIATE STORE 'Campbell's Garage Wingham, 'Phone 184 vasmi, Amor WHITECHIJECH BEEKEEPER SUFFERED' HEAVY LOSS , Garnet Farrier or-Whitechtirch • recently suffered a heavy • loss • when 45 colonies" of ' bees were destroyed. It is believed that ,the bees were poisoned by the late spraying of apple trees while . they were in bloom during the . • last two weeks of. May. The bees. . • were working at that time. and t. • failed to return. The broods of • young bees that Could not leave the hives are all that are • left. The, bees have been housed for some years • on the Amos Cornel- ius "farm. lOPEN .LINEN FOR" RUSSIA,'DRIVE In exchange .for a towel, sheet, apillowslip ori a blanket, fOrnecine in Ontario is going to win a $5000 mink coat. Sounds 'fantastic, but that is; one of the inducements of the campaign: to •obtain linen' for Ihissia, and • whiCh is now underway. The project • provides an un- usual Opportunity for people in Ontario to: share their' household linens, blankets and quilts with the families and children oftheit gallant allies •in deVastated Rue- sia. In exchange for! sruch the• donors, Will receive / tickets by which they may win one or More of 40' Valuable prizes clori ated for this occasion by a group of business. •firms in Toronto. • The list of gifts donated, by 'merchants includes: three mink coats,, among them one to order, worth $5,000; a $50. Victory Bond; three 'pairs of shoes; two soilver foxes;, four ladies' or men's top - oats' or suits, to Order; one dozen men's 'shirts; two ladies; dresses to order; brown Russian squirrel • skins for a jacket; two mink ves, ` each made of three skins.. an nphpistered ,ehait;, a walnut drum • top table; two 'leather jac- kets; two careen' paw ladies' oats; one natural coori coat; One • black lynx jacket; one lady's bathrobe; one :man's bathrobe; • One mole coat; one cravenett coat; .a century plant,; eight cred- it vouchers' ranging in value from. $50 to $300, on leading firms for anything: the winner, may choose. ••• A towel is worth one Chance. to win any of these prizes; a Sheet, • 3 tickets;. a Pillowslip, 1 ticket and a blanket or quilt, 5 tickets. Tickets are th : be obtainable locally and at rural •stores in the ceirimunity. • • , '4: ' Y • 4, REV. 'JAS. A. WATTON, former- ly • acting rector of this 4,point. parish, has been appointed rector at Geraldton in Northern Ontario: ROYAL ARCH. MASONS HOLD SPECIAL NIGH On Tuesday an 'event of 'spec- ial interest was held by:Lucknow 'Chapter No. 147, Royal Arch' Ma- sons, known as Grand Superin- tendents' Night, When degree work was conferred by Past •Grand :Superintendents of .Huron District No. 6, 'including the fol- lowing: Chas Fotheringham, W. S. Hall, Fred Shilroth, • W. A. Porteous, Rev. J. • W. Stewart, •Adam Dahmer, Hugh Hill,. F. T.. Armstrong, 'G. H. ,Ross, Joynt, Alex Coutes 'and J. E. Keating. I /• • TARA'S TAX RATE 'is up two, mills due to the , highest appro- priation for school experidittires in the history of the municipality. 4 THE TIME IS NOW,. WHEN : • COCCIDIOSIS Takes Its Toll 1N,CHICKENS &—TURKEY_JOUI.TS THE SYMPTOMS AIM 'bloody drOPpings, crowding, wings - down, pale heads and very thirsty due to loss of blOod -and, increased temperature. • • WE RECOMMEND THIS TREATMENT: Use "KEWS" as directed, even at tworweeks of age. Feed our Poultry Conditioner and Ifitestinal•cleahser in the' massa tor live '.days. On the sixth day put one cup of molasses to each gallon of water for two days.• '• Once a month use Dews and Poultry Conditioner and In- testinal Cleanser to avoid range paralysis in the fall. Lorne MacLennan, sPhoner, 77-w • . .• . , ' . , • • • • THURSDAY, JUNE 15t1, 1914 44MICI.16214•6041•4,4011414, WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Coulter have moved from the village to live with their daughter, Mrs. Hugh David McDonald and Mr, McDonald, on the„ Godkin farm. Mrs, (Rey,) Watt of Grimsby who has been visiting her dau- ghter Mrs. Milan Mooi'e return- ed home again. Mr. David Kennedy of Victoria, B.C.; IS visiting his mother, Mrs. David Kennedy :and other rela- tives and. friends. It is 36 .Years since he' went West and this is • the first time home, Win.. Adarias and family 'have . moved into the' Garton., • Mrs. ,JameS.' Forster spent 'the Week -end 'at Gyelph atives. • , Mrs. 'Donald McDonald of St. Ilelena spent a .few days . last week with Mrs. David Galles.. • Miss Christina Laidlaw, WhO has spent several months with. Mr, and Mit. Herb Laidlaw, has returned to her horrie in the vill- age. ° . / Mth: Markle of Hamilton and' Miss ,Bertha McKay. Of TorontO• spent •the week -end with rela- tives here, and also visited their sister, Mrs. Robert Mowbray who is. sick_ in Wingham linsPital, We wish her a speedy recOvery. • Anniversaryservices were held in the United Church on Sunday with Rev. Sinclair of Blyth tak- ing the, services, Special , music was rendered -1.53k the choir, ns- sisted :.by, Mrs. 'Harold .8parling of Wingham .who sang a solo. There will. be no service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday owing to anniversary s'erviees angside at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. with Rev. Cram of •Teeswater speaking The Kennedy reunion was held last". Iliurs'cta*. at, Harbor Park, Goderich"With aout 50 present. Mr. David Kennedy Of Victoria, B.C. received a gift for coming the, greatest distance. Mr: Archie McCarrel, his mqther Mrs. • An- nie McCarrel, Mrs. Robert Fig- ures and Mrs. •Yining of. Sault Ste; Marie, also .Mr. Joe McClos- key and his mother Mrs. Frank McCloskey Of .Guelph were from a distance' arid the rest were from around these ,parts Races and contests were held in the af- ternoon and an enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr. • and Mra. Wm.1 Dawson, Mr. John Craig, Mr. and Mrs: Wesley Tiffin and Mrs. Robert Stewart attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs: O'Dowd of Brantford, formerly Miss An- nie Dawson of this community, which was held on Monday of this 'week. Miss liettie Fox Of Hamilton is spendingtwo weeks' holidays at her home here, also Miss Tao - bel FOx of Kincardine spent Stm- day here. Rev. A. H. 'Wilson is attending the AtsembIY. Mrs. Charlie McDonald and Mrs. Hinuphrey :of Lucknow vis- ited on Sunday with their, aunt, Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mrs. - Harold Sparring, Marie and Douglas Sperling of Wing - ham visited on Sunday with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore. Port Albert to Be Closed? •;It is reported that a large out- door swimming pool, the same as those at Hagersville and other airports in the Comrrionwealth )Plan,, is under construction at Centralia, which gives rise to the belief in some quarters that this school will be kept in operation even after the .'war. Clintort Radio School is 'another said .to be scheduled.•to .survive the war, but according to the dopesters 'and 'gnessers Port Albert will be clod- before • the present year is out:-Goderich Signal -Star, Holds Position Only 6 Days Joseph Sillick, hired on June ,Ist as policeman and utility man in'Teeswater, resigned' his post six days later due to- the "dirt and mud -slinging" of a few rate- payers. The Teeswater Council .threatened to resign in a hot, if a "few,trien could upset the wolf- ibr urri of the entire eorpoatton" R E F d . • , - Ilfor-40,7ppeto. - • Itt"'";.;,1' '"''' •••.;•&,&.a.a&a&I,•&alia'all,'••••l•latalaafiT , FOR SALE -- Grade Hereford Cow, 5 years old, with heifer calf at foot. Stanley Todd, St. Helens. • FOR SALE -3O acres standing mixed /hay; clover and tiniothi. 'Can be stored in -harn j desired. Robert Moffat, Supertest Garage. FOR SALE -3 -yr. -old mare, 7'7; y. -old .gelding, aged horse;, also sows and young pigs. Layne Fai:•- rgh, R. 7 Luckno'w, 1,1104e, 'gannon 82-15. • . INSURANCE.. 'Life; .Fire, Weather and Car. Get our fire rates on Village and farm .properties. John Farrish, R. 7, %Lucknow, 'Phone Dungan- nan 82-r-13. • • HOUSE FOR SALE—Seven-room frame, house, in gbod repair, and 1/2 acre of'ground. Apply to M. J. J. Wilson at Hoilyrnan's 'Bak- ery or to Beatrice Armstrong,: 548 Elizabeth St., ,Lendon. AUCTION SALE or standing hay 'at IMelvin Raynard' farm, 3 miles West of Lucknow, Saturday, June '17 at 2 o'clock. 20.acres ted"clov- er and alfalfa 11 acresi mixed hay. See bills. Russell Johnston; Well. lienderson, Auc. AUCTION SALE • of purebred Yorkshire swine at Sprucelawn Farms, Con. 2, Huron Twp., on Friday, June 16th. at 2 o'clock. See bilis, terms cash. A draw will ...sale a ,.pure.7. bred Gilt, donated by• the pro- prietdr, with proceeds donated to. the .Red Cross. George MacDori. aid, 'Prop'.; .Donald I3 -Blue, Auc. AUCTION SALE Of househOld. effects and property' at the resi- dence of the late Dr. E. B. Bal -k - Jour, Lucknow, on Saturday June ,17th at 1.36, Completelirie of household furniture and effects, all in good condition. No reserye, terms cash. • .The' property will also be offered for sale subject to resei;ved bid. Matt. Gaynor, Auc.; R. C. Balfour, administra- tor. COINING EVENTS DANCING AT,FAR,AMOUNT Every Friday evening. Car- ruthers' popular oftliestra. Door prize. , • 'WEHSTEK PICNIC • For an enjoyable afternoon, come to the annual reunion of the Webster Clan at Harbor Park, Goderich on Saturday, June 17. Basket lunch. • • HACKETT'S ANNIVERSARY unday, June 18th anniversary services will be held at Hackett's Church at 2.34 and 7.30 p. m.1 Guest speaker, Rev. Harold Snell of Auburn. Special Music by 1 • Clark's quartette. CARD OF THANKS I sincerely wish to thank' the Fire Company for the lovely 'pen received recently:. Gerald Culbert, R,C.A.F. TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 3, Kinless Township. State qual- ifications and salary expected. P. A. MURRAY, secretary, R.R. 1, Holyrciod. • Notice To Creditors • All persons. ha:vinga- gainst the estate of William Arra- ... strong, late of .the citylof Lon - don; in the 'County of Middlesex, and. Provhice:Of Oritariojgentle- Man, whO dieecin or 'about' thirtieth day of December, A.D. 1943, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingharri, Ontario, on or before' the third day of July, - A.D. 1044, full.particulars of their claims in' 'writing. Immediately. after the said third day of July , the assets,of the said testator, will be distributed .aniongat the part- ies entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims Of which the executors shall then have :notice. . DATED this seventh . day of • June, A.D. 1944. • J.- H. drawfOrd; Wingham, Ontario, • • Solicitor for, the execntors. INSURANCE' SO'VEREIGN'LIFE • • CAR, t'IRE.& CASUALTY ' ,Free Advise on all Insurance matters. No Obligation Enquiries Welcomed ' STEWART 'PHONE 8. LUCKWOW • 711 'North American Life A MUTUAL. COMPANY A. Grant lylacLennan • District Representative Ripley, ,Ont. Phone 28-r-8. F.T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FROM 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE P1 Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW • Each VVednesday. • OFFICE IN. THE LEGION . -BUILDING BOUNDARY EAST Mr. and MS.° Henry 'Mathers • spent a 'few days recently with __41,nterided-tor4ast7week4 My, anca_Mrs Pharia_Mathers , Mr Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook vis-. . . orste r an Nancy spent the week -end at Mr. George Fisher's. • •• 'Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt and .Jeanette attended •the golden., • wedding anniversary on Tuesday of Mrs. Gaunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Da Yid- Cilrriti"-0 near--Wing-i harn. - .Mr. and ..11/1rs. Pat MacMillan and Margaret Visited . at Mr, Wangler'3 near Walkerton. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Evans, Bob- si and Teddy and Mr: and Mrs. Geo, Fisher attended the.Brown- Evans wedding', irr London '011 S•Jturdayj • — • r&& ited with Mrs. Gillies on Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. Merrill Cantelon of Wingham were week -end Vis- itors. with Mr. Alfred Patterson. Now that the Invasion . of Europe is on our hOpes and pray- , ers aremith the armed forces for. -Streingiff aiiiTsucC'esi in the great trial which: lies head of them. Donates To Smokes Fund "An English Lass" has made another contribution to the over4 seas smokes )fund, a check for $2.00, having- been recently re- ceived for this purpose, "wishing • them a11 the best of good luck" a• .1.. ,.•