The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-08, Page 1nti hel
$2.00 A Year—In Advance; 50e Extra to If. S. A.
D -Day, the long awaited mom-
ent for the invasion of Europe,
'became a 'reality in the early
hours of Tuesday, June 6th,
when the greatest, armada ever
assembled crossed to •LeHavre on
the Normandy Coast of France,
'while "overhead -thousands :upon
thousands of first line planes
blasted enemy positions and cov-
ered the landing of ..our cour-
ageous Canadian, British and
American boys, steeled iri : heart
and' limb for this great crusade
of liberation. .
The realization •that this 'bloody
life and death Struggle was un-
derway, had a most sobering af-
fect on ' this community, which no
doubt was universal. Even young.
children . became much concerned'
about invasion, progress, and in.
• their school rooms they observed.
the solemnity of the occasion:
On Tuesday evening a large
congregation attended a pre -ar-
ranged prayer service in. the
Presbyterian church.,Clergymen
taking part were Rev. C. H.Mac-
D.. ald, Rev. J. W. Donaldson,
Re Herbert F. Dann and Rev.
Robe McConnell.. ,
Memb s o the Lucknow. Leg-
ion the La. 'es.:Auxiliary and the
-Village Council attended the ser -
Nice in a body. A . choir repres-
entative . of village . churches oc-
cupied the choir loft.
It• was a servicemarked by
sincere, simple, and solemn pray-
er and suplication. The service
was impressively opened by Rev.
-Dann Dann who' called on the audience
to pauke , a few moments to think
rev,ereril4f and lovingly of those,
-who .by.sea, by land and in the,
air have laid down their lives
for King and Country, and • those
who at that very moment might
also be paying the supreme sac-
rifice. Their sacrifices will ever
inspire us to labor on, Rev..Dann
said, to the end that those who
,survive and need our aid .may
be assured . of assistance, and,
that the country in which, . we
live and for which they died,
may ever be worthy of the•'sac-
rifice they made. ,•
Rev. Mace,pnald spoke briefly,
stating !that the attendance at
this service evidenced Our belief
in the -power of prayer. 'But let
us pray without ceasing for our
boys and .uphold them in . prayer
before the throne, of God.
Mr. MacDonald stressed. the
fact that ,prayer meetings are
held: welt by week, yet.
few attend. Let us not grow
weary of intercession, he plead-
ed, .let us remember them • in
- prayer today, • tomorrow • and
every day. '
Proceeds of the recent 'checker
tournament amounting to $8.00
have been donated to the Luck
now Red Cross. • The following
players made donations totalling',
• $13.00: N. IL Hedley, Jack.-, Bow-
ers, Stuart Robertson, F. D. Mc-
Lennan; Sam Sliierwood, ¢ Walter
Oakes, Garfield MacDonaId, Jack
MacDonald, Wm. McDonald, Rev.
Robert McConnell, Ross McMil-
lan, " Jim Shiells and Joe Agnew.
Expenses. were, Sentinel $1.00,
and Johnston's Restaurant $4.00.
Loeal players had planned • to;�
make a trip to Teeswater' this
spring, but 'this has• been .post-
polled for the time being.
Misses Maudie Fisher and
Mary Struthers are visiting this
week in :Hamilton and on Wed-
nesday attended the 'graduation
ea':ercises of Hamilton General
Hospital. Among the graduates
was Miss Mary Fisher; • daughter
of Mr: and Mrs.' Robert Fisher:
Mary will conclude her training
in `September.
Bowling 'Membership
Shows Big . Increase
• A .membership drive by , the
Toucknow Bowling Clubhas been
underway during the week, ,with
very good results. The member
ship now stands at some fifty
members; which far exceeds the
usual nurnber.
The membership committee is
E. H. Agnew and W. C. Finlay-
son. But it .isn't case of just
getting, new members. To get
them ' actively engaged, in the
sport, a round . robin competition
is to be played by, local rinks
which will take in the entire
membership. This series will run
about 11 weeks, with each rink
playing a game a week, . The
Draw is to be made within a few
days, 'so the series can get under-
way without delay.
Andrew Gaunt of West Wawa -
nosh, who specializes, in purebred
Shorthorn cattle, . had twelve
heifers' entered at an auction sale
at the Keys Farrn at Varna on
Friday, and which sold well
averaging about .$198,00.
Earl; in the spring Andy had
two animalsentered in the Strat-
trat-ford. Consignment Sale, where a
heifer calf brought $300 ' and a
bull calf $205:; Andy had this
pair in the show'' ring last fall.
Meeting as a Court of Revision
on the Assessment Roll on Tues.-
ues=day night, the Village Council
received' three appeals. In all
three cases the assessment was
ON 1.14.S. STAFF
' At their ,regular meeting on
Tuesday" . night the • Lucknow
Hoard of gducation engaged Mr.
P. W. Hoag of Melbourne as a
•anember of the High School staff,
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Miss Dorothy
Sharpe, •who has been on the
staff for the past term.
Mr. Hoag has a B.A. degree
from McMaster. University , and
during the, current term has been
teahing -in Melbourne Continua-
tion' School He comes highly . re-
commended by his Inspector
Mr. Hoag is not married, `3ie
is a musician, and.' is particularly
interested in band work. He has
also coached hockey and base-
ball teams.
A general increase in . salaries
of $100 each has been granted‘•by
-the- Board, • with-on-1y...the- one
change in personnel. The• 1944-45
High 'School and Public School
staffs. will include Miss F. E.
McLean, principal; Mr. D: R. Me-
Lean, 'Miss Jean Osborne, Mr. P.
W. Hoag; John D, Ross, Public
School principal 'Mrs. J. "A. Cris-
pin, Miss .jlelen Hamilton and
amiss Marion McDougall.,
The Sentinel availing list
was revised up to Saturday
noon, and 'subscribers who
have ' made subscription pay-
menta during, recent ,'weeks
are requested to' check, their
address label to 'see. if proper
credit has been given.:
As subscriptions < expire,
we ask subscribers to renew
promptly as newsprint rat-
ioningmakes it necessary to
keep our subscription list on
a paid -in -advance basis. '
Subscriptions in arrears
more than a year must be
'.paid ;by July 15th.
Received Honor Standing
Results of : the annual, examin.
ations in the :Faculty of Medicine,
University .of Toronto, . list Jack
Mowbray, s'on , of Mr. and . Mrs.
Alex Mowbray of town, as hav-
ing. passed his first year with
NEW HOSE, Stockings, Socks,
Sockees. The Store . with • the
Miss Murdena. Beaton . was
completely taken by surprise at
a miscellaneous pre -,nuptial
shower held in Toronto in' herd
honor at the hoMe of Mrs. Geo.
Rawston when she • received
many lovely . and useful gifts.
The Ladies . Bowling Club; re-,
cently held their reorganization
meeting when the following of
Dick Chin,- a native of China
and a young .college graduate,
visited here '.ori Sunday with his
cousin, Charlie Chip. ,puck is one
of three .Chinese youths sent to
.Americato' •observe . various
phases of . •American. 'life• , and
methods. He was at ;Washington
for, six months and, since April
ist has., been at Southampton
malIing a4 study of plywood oper-
Want Players For
Town League Softball
Age or ability doesn't matter.
If you want to have a lot of fun,
and help take off that bulging
waist line (if you have ''over, en-
ter your name now with W.
(Bill) Reid. '•
What for? : Oh, softball of
course! Plans are ' being made to
organize a town league. The
school and the Maple Leaf Air=
craft are sure bets for a couple
of teams, but there ought to be
enough "strays" about town for
a couple .more squads Enter your
name now.
The death of Thomas Agnew,.
a former residentof Lucknow,
occurred suddenly in London on
Saturday. He ' was in his 67th
year. The funeral service was
held at the Evans funeral home,
Lendop,, on _Monday •with .inter-
ment in Mount Pleasant Cem-
Mr. Agnew was born in Tees-
ficers and ' committees were I water, but lived in this cern-
omnamed: Hon. Pres., -Mrs. Davidi munity for a .number of years
Huston; Pres., Mrs. Wesley Hus- before going to , London 24 years
ton; Vice ,Pres., Mrs. J. W. Stew
art; Sec.-Treas., Mrs, A. W. Ham-
ilton; Gaines Com., Mrs: C. Ste-
ward, Mrs. T. Clark; Lunch Corn.,
Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. C. Cooke,
Miss ,Maudie Fisher. •
Weekly jitneys are to be held
each Friday afternoon, commenc-
ing this week at 2:30 o'clock.
Lucknow and District Twelfth
Blood Donor Clinic • will be:. held
here next " Wednesday morning,
June.14th. Attendance figures ,at
most clinics throughout the area
have all been . on the upswing of
late, and It is hoped to set a rec-
ord here next week.
At the last clinic in Lucknow
there were 107 donors; -,just 'three
short of surpassing the record of
There will be no clinics held
iri Ontario during the month 'of
July, so .there will not be. Ian -
other call, after next week, on
local donors until some time in
Warrant Officer T. J. Howard,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert How-
ard of Ashfield, has been award --
ed the Distinguished „Flying
Cross, according to an announce-
ment on Saturday by the R. C.
` WO. Howard was included i�i.
a list of thirty:eight decorations.
to members of the air force• ser-,
ving overseas for distinguished
service and brewery in ai''r battles
Over Europe and the Far.. East.
He is survived by . his .wife,
Catherine; six sons, Tom, John,
and. Roy of London; Wm., over-
seas; Harvey . with the R.C.A.F.
at Calgary and Harry of Wind-
sor; and two daughters, Mrs. M.
Niergart and Mrs. M. ' Holman of
London. One brother also sur-
vives, Rev. J. A. Agnew of Lon=
don. -
At the regular meeting of the
Lucknow Fire "Company on Mon-
day night, the need for a sep-
arate and exclusive fire hall Was
voiced. '
The old monument building
adjoining the Orange Hall was
regarded as a suitable location,
and, the,opinion prevailed that
the building couldbe repaired at
not too . greata cost to make a
satisfactory 'fire hall. A commit-
tee was appointed to investigate
the matter.
The Town Hall basement has
sever be
er location"for the fire hall. The
approach to it is often snow
.blocked in winter time, and as
(well . it is a public building that
leaves fire equipment ,too readily
available for purposes otherthan
fire fighting. '
Prior" to ''Mbr day night's meet=
ing, members of • the Company
made .a tour of the town, to open
and inspect all fire hydrants.
Answer Fire Cali
A fire alarm at the supper
hour on Monday was due to a
chimney fire at the home of Mrs.
Wm. 'MacKenzie. No dariiage re-
At a meeting held at Mrs. Win...
Hornell's home.. on 'Monday even-
ing . plans .were laid for holding
a home nursing course 'in Luck-
uck-now.--Those,wishing to enroll for
this course may 'do so by ;calling
at; the Bell Telephone Office, be-
tween 8 and 10 o'clock.,on‘:Wed-
nesday evening, June 14th, or
Saturday evening, June 17th., •
Ladies in • • the St. Helens dit,
trict, mayenroll at Miller's Store
on : Tuesday, June 13th or Thurs-
day, June 15th between 8.30 and
10.30 p.m.
This home nursing course ' is
designed to provide an auxiliary
group capable.. of giving nursing
aid in their own homes or in :the
homes of neighbors ;or.. in event
of emergencies or epidemics.
Any woman, or girl over ' 18
years, who is willing to take the
required preparation is 'eligible.
Instruction will be given by doc-
tor, dentist, dietitian and grad
"nate nurses. .The fee's $1.00 per -
Person for the course, ' which in -
eludes a nursing _manual.
The home nursing , course in-
cludes. some 21 lectures, • with
classes held one evening each
week. The course will -=be con -
'ducted locally in the Lucknow
High.. School;. and will commence.
at an- early date.
Those attending Monday night's
organization meeting were Mrs.- •
Hornell, Mrs. W. S. Reid, Mrs.
IHarold Aplin, Miss Lena Robin -
son, Mrs. Walter MacKenzie, .Mrs;
L. C. `'Thompson, Mrs. J. A. Ward,
Mrs. George Stewart and Mrs. T.
F. Wilson.
Miss Blanche 'MacDougall of
Kinloss' was a member of the
graduatingclass of Wo Men's Col-
lege Hospital School of Nursing,
who received their diplomas in
Convocation Hall on May 26th.
Among those attendind the grad-
uation exercises , were . her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Rod McDou-
gall and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd "Mc-
Believe it or not, the tempera-
ture soared to 87 degrees on
Monday, but with "a stiff breeze
blowing, the heat *Was not so
noticeable. But through the night
the mercury:dropped sharply and
on Tuesday folks were shivering.
Official weather records show
May rainfall as 1.53 inches, less
than half the amount of rain in
May of 1943, Which totalled 3.30
inches. The maximum tempera-
ture for May was 84, ,with the
low 28.' .A year 'ago the rnaxi-
mum and minimum was 78 and
24 degrees. ,
'kith morning axidr./afternoon
Sessions , commencing at t*ivo
o'clock a Sunday School conven-
tion will be held inn Lucknow
United Church •on Friday of this
The convention is for Sunday
School teachers, officers and
everyo#ie , interested in Sunday
School `work, with all .denomina
tions co-operating. r
Rev. E. R. McLean of Toronto
will address the convention both
afternoon and evening ry