HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-01, Page 8• tPAGE EIGHT- ' The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, -Ontario THURSDAY, JUNE lst, 1944 • §S ART WOMEN ARE PICKING OUT, Gingham and Seersucker in Smart Plaids FOR THE HOT DAYS .AHEAD ZEPHYR GINGHAM in soft tones, brown, • • deep blue, nile green and. red plaids. 9$c SEERSUCKER. The crinkle that won't wrinkle. Fashionable' seersucker plaid in red, blue, brown, black and ,white. Yard ..... 89c REPP STRIPE,. blue and 'white, makes ideal play suits or dirndle 'skirts. Yard 39c WHITE FLETTE—A nice quality, 27 inches wide:" Yard 19c COTTON "BROADCLOTH ti Good quality in shades of rose, green and red. 3.6 inches wide ' " 25c S'OCKEES-Infants, childrren'sand ladies cotton and :rayon'. We advise buy, early as possible as sockees ; will be hard to get •later. White & colors. 15c & trP INFANTS SOCKEES--Longer lengths. White, blue & pink: Size 4-5'/z 25e enplet:ori. 8t Co A wedding ring is like .a .tourn- iquet: it stops your circulation. Warm Weather Shopping Suggestions SPECIAL! AYLMER GRAPEFRUIT Jar 33c Delicious for fruit & salads LEES MUFFIN FLOUR gag 15c MAZOLA..: SALAD OIL Y' lb. tin 30c Del -Monte GRAPEFRUIT .JUICE Large can 35c For Tempting SUMMER DESSERTS Serve light, easy -to -digest Puddings and Custards Harr -y Homes CUSTARDS' 2 oz. pckg. 6 for 25c 1 lb. tin 25c Homes PUDDINGS 3 packages 25e 'B'scotch, Choc., Cdr., V'an., Rasp. Club House PUDDINGS 4 packages , 25c 1 Ib. tin 25c Tapioca, Choc., B'scotch, Van. JUNKET POWDERS 2 packages 25c Lemon, Orange, Van', 'Choc L Rasp.; Maple MANHATTEN. DESSERTS Each lye JELLO PUDDINGS Each 10c Include a variety of • choice, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables m -your week -end order from THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER !Pupils Of Local Teacher Did Well At Festival At the third annual Goderich festival of music for Huron Co: held during the first week of May, the following entries 'made from schools supervised': by Miss Marion MacDonald won awards. A bronze medal donated and presented by F. T. Armstrong was awarded. to Norma Sherwood of 'Crewe . for girls' •vocal solo, 8 years and under. A silver medal donated by the Goderich Salt Company'' .was, presented by Bruce Tennant to. Emily Wilson of San- ford, for girls' vocal solo 11 years and under. A shield .was present- ed (for annual competition) to Ni 6 Colborne' for two-part school chorus, rural schools, bq W. F. Saunders for the 'Goderich- Lions . Club. Prizes of $5.00 War Savings Certificates were donat- ed and presented lby W. C. At- fridge to Marietta Stingel of nttngannon for . girls vocal solo .14 years and under, and to Jack Eedy of Dungannon for boys vo- cal solo 14 years and under. The following Were also final- ists in their respective classes: Mildred Mildred . Quaid, Merle Quaid, June Rutledge, James Clarence Drennan; duet, Marietta . Stingel and Gwen Finnigan; double trio, Sanford; unison chorus, Dung- annon and girls chorus, No. .8, Ashfield and No. 6, Colborne. Another winner from this dis- trict was Miss Sally MacDonald of Kintail who earned a silver medal by, taking highest marks in the piano solo class' 15' years and . under. All competitors were thanked for their sportsmanlike attitude, and the teachers for their co-op- eration. NOTED6 COUPLE COU l }� ., TO VISIT HURON COUNTY „His Excellency, The Earl Of Athlone, Governor - General of Canada Accompanied by -Prin- cess Alice,. to Attend Huron Federation • of Agriculture 2nd Annual Field Day and 'Picnic. The officials of the Huron Fed- eration of Agriculture in charge bf the arrangements for the Fed- eration's Second annual ' Field, Day and Picnw,'. have been as- sured of a record attendance at the, Lion's Park,- Seaforth, on Wednesday, June 14th. - The most" notable attraction for • the day • will be 'the presence of His Excellency` The 'Earl :of Ath-, lone, Governor-General of Can- ada and . Her Royal Highness, Princess Alice. They will arrive in Seaforth-. `at 12.45 p.m. where a bkanquet is being tendered -them' at First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth at which. time Mayor J. J .fluff will officially welcome Their Excellencies. His Royal Highness .will ''reply to the wel- come. On account of limited ac- commodation, it was ' found. nec- essary to lirnit invitations, which it must be admitted was difficult Ito do. However, those who, are receiving invitations are the fol- lowing: the Executive of Huron County Federation of Agriculture and their wives; presidents of Township Federation Units and their wives; mayors oftowns. within County and their wives; presidents of the Lions' Clubs and their , wives; presidents of Red Cross Charity Units 'of the Co.; school inspectors; Zone comman- der of Canadian Legion; • His Honour, W the Judge;. • and those Presbyterian Y. W. A. The Presbyterian Y.W.A. held their May meeting at• the home of Mrs. Yovan. Mrs. Little pre- sided. The Bible study was given from the Book of Judges by Miss Marian 'MacDougall. Mrs. Philip Stewart gave the topic which was followed by a reading by Miss Maudie Fisher. The report of the Presbyterial wasgiven by Miss. K. MacDougall. • Hymn 587 was sung and Miss Jean . Lyons closed the meeting with prayer. holding other , responsible posi- tions in they County. . 'Their -Excellencies ' wifl• •»arrive at Lion's Park at 2 p.m.'•and will. -inspect the Guard of Hon fdr, Military District:No._ 1 at .15 p. m. His Excellency will a 'dress the gathering at 2.30. Mr. R. S. Kennedy,.' editor-in-chief of . the Family ,Herald and -Weekly Star will address the gathering on ‘his observations during :his recent trip through the British Isles. At 3.15-3.30 p.m: there will be a livestock ' parade of Shorthorn cattle.. of the Huron -Perth Short- horn Club who are holding their _annual field. day and . judging competitionon the grounds: This competition commences at 10 a.m. From 3.30-4.00 p.rn. Their Ex- cellencies will receive the farm- ers and their wives In• .corres- UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor • SUNDAY, JUNE 4th, 1944, 10 a.i.-Sunday School: 11 a.m.--"The Church". Story: "Raising the Stone". Junior Church. - 7 p.m.—"Decision". e<• • • PRE heatre ENTS. •• . Friday, Sat'day, Monday TWO SHOWS. EACH NIGHT --7.30 .& 9.30 JOE E. '..BROWN In Shut My Big Mot With Adele, Mari, Victor. ° Tory Cartoon; "The Dufliconscious Mind"; Screen Snapshots, Travelogue "pondance with: the Federation executive • they have intimated that they wish to meet as many of . the farmers and their wives as possible. From 4.00-415" p.m. His Excel- lency and Her Royal, Highness wi11 :.attend the first part of the military display from Military District No:,1. under the command of Brigadier McDonald. Approx- imately 200 men from Camp Ip- perwash will demonstrate the. modern weapons being ,used ,bv Canada's. Active Army, From 4.15-5.00 p.m. there will be a tourof the labor saving dem vices, exhibits and 'livestock. ASHFIELD STOCK TO .TEXAS W. A. Culbert & Sons, Dung- an'j on, recentlyshipped by ex-, press to a rancher, Roger Gillis, 'at Del Rio, Texas, a nine-inonths- old bull weighing 850 lbs. He was ,Maple Emblem Champion -16th, sired by Brownwood Champion; "his dam sire was Resolution Moneybags, 'the 3200-1b. bull sup." posedly . the largest bull in Ont- ario. Messrs. Culbert & Sons are constantly, •receiving enquiries from New York, Quebec and many. other parts of Canada re- garding Stock carryingthe blood of Resolution Moneyba'gs. OBITUARY VINCENT, NORMAN PREST Attended by many friends,,im-' pressrve funeral services for Vin- cent Norman Prest a member of a pioneer Stamford family and Manager of . the "Bank of Mon- treal at 'Lucknow, were held on . Saturday afternoon, May 20th, at St. John's Church; Stamford.; Rev. A. H. Walker Officiated and interment took, place in the family plot in the 'churchcern- etery. Prior to the service at the church, a private service was. 'held at 'the family home "Wood- lands", Stamford., A. E. K. Cowles, local manager of the Bank of Montreal was pre. - sent -'and represented; W. T. A. 3VlacFayden of Toronto, assistant general 4nanager of the Bank of Montreal. . In silent, tribute to the. high esteem in which he was held, here and in Lucknow, the room in which the casket lay was fill- ed: with flowers. The bearers were four school- mates, Hope':Ross; Plummer. Den- nis, Allan Emmett, William Allan and two. nephews, . Bernard and Sidney Mewb'urn.—Niagara Falls , Review.. Casuals, Sandals, Sling Pumps Will Keep Your Feet Cool And Comfortable A combination of colors to match your summer costume, in laced or pump 'style, open toe and bade with wedge heels'. See our Window for most styles. CLEARING' SALE of. Women's. White Shoes, Broken Sizes. S. C.Rathwell soon New Congoleum lugs New Smyrna Rugs. and Mats New. Feltol Rugs New Table Oilcloth Squares The --The Store With The Stock E MARKET.E STORE, Lucknow I131.LAS +a, .v'