HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-01, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 1st, 1944 WITH THE TROOPS Pte. W. D. Reed of Debett Camp, N. S., is spending his ,fur- -lough 'at Auburn and with his parents here. . PO. Tel. Bob Thompson of H.M.C. S. ' Walla.ceburg arrived home' Tuesday to spend a 28 -day furlough with his' parents, : Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson. '1Home''.On Furlough. AB. Harold Ritchie of. the H.M.C.S. Sherbrooke arrived in 1 London a few days ago to com- mence a twenty-eight day fur- lough. Donald Johnstone of the R. C. A� F., son of Mf. and Mrs. R. J. Johnstone has .been posted from Bagotville, Que., .to . Greenwood, Nova Scotia. Donald has been at Bagotville for upwards of two years. . Charles 1VicQuillin of St.. Helens# • who is attached to the Canadian hospital' ship "Lady Nelson", ar- rived in Halifax last ' Tuesday when the ship docked bringing home more: sick and disabled members of the armed forces. Wounded In.. Italy Mr. .and Mrs. George Lawlor of Auburn • have received word that the son, Pte. Wilbert Lawlor; had been slightly wounded . on May Flth in Italy: He was also wounded" on January ' 18th but made rapid recovery and was back at the front when. he .was wounded the second time. He "his with the Royal Canadian Regi ment. Instructor At Aylmer George Brophy, of St.. Augus-� tine, has received word that his: sots, WO. Joseph. Brophy; is. novi , instructor at ,Aylmer. 'Joseph re- cently returned .. from England. He has seven operationals, three of. them 'over.,, Germany, to his credit. .He 'was. in . two crashes, one after a bombing trip over Germany. He is the only surviv- ing member of ' the crew. WO. Brophy spent several months in hospitals in England with 'a frac- tured legand other injuries.' Hail Goes Through That the Postal service makes every , effort to . get the mail through, ,was indicated in a let- ter received from Doug Clark in Italy. An air letter to -Doug •was in a fire somewhere enroute, and the edges of the letter were burn- ed and . charred. Nevertheless • portions ' of 'the letter .were still readable, and it was enclosed In a special envelope and forwarded, 'to its destination. Doug in turn sent it back home for his pdrents to see. The letter also contained something else 'of interest—the flashing for the tunic of members Of the 1st Division of the Eighth Army. Honor Ashfield Airman Sgt. W. Allan Petrie, elder son NI Sgt. Mr. and Mrs. W. J., Petrie, con- cession 7, Ashfield, who graduat- ed recently as an , air gunner at No. 9 Bombing and .Gunnery School, Mont Joli, Quebec, Was the guest of honor at ,a neighbor- hood . gathering at the home of his, parents on Friday evening. About 70 friends and neighbors were present. A pleasant •even-, ing was enjoyed playing ball and other games, and lunch wasser- ved. At a suitable time in the • evening's proceedings Sgt. Petrie was called to the centre and Miss Annette Stewart, a recent honor graduate of Toronto 'University, read a congratulatory address and Wilfred Pentland presented him with a well filled purse at a tok- en of the 'esteem inwhich he is held. The recipient, who is only 18 year of ° age, thanked all those present for, the gift. PORT ELGIN has a ' tax rate of 47 mills after deducting the sub- sidy' of two . mills. • • • o • The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • ' ' PAGE SEVEN Examinati.dn Dates Announced The dates for the High' .School Entrance examinations and the annual Departmental examina- tions have been announced. The Entrance is to , be tried on June 28th and 29th, with English Lit= erature and Mathematics the 1st day and English Composition, Grammar and S ellirrg on the second day. The t'Departmentals commence oh June 20th &'with English Composition and Alge- bra..'On the 21st, there is English Literature and Geometry, On the, 22nd, History and Physics. On the 23rd, French Authiars, French Literature and French. Composi- tion. On 'the 26th .Botany and, Trigonometry; On the 27th, Latin Authors and Latin Composition, and on the 28th •Zoology. and Chemistry.' Additional Locals Miss Marion Graham spent the week -.end ' at eMr. and Mrs. Dan MacIntyre's. Mrs. George Phillips who ' was a patient in Wingham Hospital for three weeks; is convalescing' at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Foran .and Mr. Foran of Lucknow. Jack Mowbray has been visit= ing with his parents, Air. and; Mrs. Alex ;Mowbray sitace Com- pleting his first year in medicfne at Toronto University'. Mrs.:. Thomas Little returned :to. her home at Barri„. the first ,of the . week, after spending the past week at the home of Mr. W. J. Little. Mr. Little returned a few days earlier. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Johnston spent last° week • in Toronto. 'Dur- ing his absence Dr. Q. L.- Mac- Donald had charge of the doctor's practice, and ' will• remain :here for a time to assist Dr. Johnston. Mrs. Oscar Casernore of Strat-. ford attended .the funeral of Mrs. W. J. Little last .Wednesday: Her mother, Mrs. •Robert lylacCallui , was not,enjoying ' Sufficient y good health to accompany her. . A very small country boy was in ..New York' 'for the first. -time. Taking • an elevator to the top of a skyscraper, the .child _ and his father had shot up .30' stories at. breath -taking_ speed, ,when_ the little lad asked, timidly: "Daddy, does God know we're coming?" Ripley Veterinary. Dies Wm. J. Keleher, 53, -a . former veterinary surgeon at 'Ripley, died in Toronto on Friday. He was .'.born at Teeswater. 'Surviv- ing'are his wife, a .sister and two brothers. A Scotsman who had a ,,bottle of Scotch, 'on his hip slipped on the icy pavement and.' fell. On rising -he felt something wet run ming, down his leg. n tibpe it's blood",he said. A school teacher' tells about a little 1poy whose ..coat' was - so ^, difficult to fasten that• she went to his assista`"bee. 'As she. tugged at the` hook, she -said:- . said:- ' "Dict your' mother ' honk' this coat for you?" a "No", was. the astounding.. re- ply, "shebought it". ' 1 1 - _Respecting � ctoz ivy, the stele o- , .....urther: rests .l F Spirituous Liquors the Province osf Ontario r IT has become necessary to reduce again the amount of spirits which can rbe purchas d by individual permit holders'in the Province of Ontario. This is something over which the Liquor Control Board of Ontario has no discretionary authority. Under P.C. 11374. the Dominion 'Govern- ment limited the amount of spirits which ,could be obtained for sale in the Province of Ontario to 70 percent of _ the amount obtained from - November 1st, 1941,' to October 31-st,. 1942. That means that by the order of the Dominion. Government there, became available in Ontario,, • - for annual sale 1,15 3,594 gallons of proof spirits. I -Itis a problem in simple' arithmetic. All that the Board can do is to adjust the quantity available :to holders of permits so that the total amount procurable forsale under the Dominion Government Order P.C41374 can be distributed throughout the,whole year. Due to the increase in the number of permits, and the extent to , which : the permitholders are purchasing spirits each month, it nog►' becomes necessary to reduce the amount which can be purchased by individual 'permit holders or there will be no spirits available for sale during the closing 'months of the present year. The following . table shows 'in simpleform exactly what bas been taking place: Number of Permits ciutstanding at month end Monthly ration Aggregate to fill.;._. monthly .ration January, 1943 January, 1944 March, 1944 155,295 1,227,459 1,282,938 160 oz. 26. oz. 26 oz. 198,702 proof gals. 139,623 proof gals: 145,934 proof gals: • ;' A recent survey .of the sales for the present year and ,the amount still available under the limits imposed by the Dominion Government make it necessary to limit purchases on the following basis as of the first of June. I , FROM THE (FIRST OF JUNE UNTIL THE END. OF' THE PRESENT OPERATING YEAR EACH PERMIT HOLDER WILL BE PERM( 1-1'Eli TO PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE (25 or 26 ounce) OF SPIRITS EVERY TWO MONTHS OR TWO HALF -BOTTLES, WHEN, AVAILABLE. JUNE 1, 1944 LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO Victor T. Goggin CHIEF COMMISSIONEk •