HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-01, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 1st, 1044 • • e The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • PA FIVE. 1Lyceum Theatre wiNdHam • Thursday, Friday, Saturday' JUNE 1, 2, 3, •PRESTON FOSTER WILLIAM BENDIX LLOYD „NOLAN. * in' * • "QuadalcanalDiary" A story of the U. S. Marini Corps• from the best -Seller by Richard Tregaskis. Also "Short Subjects". Matinee Sat. afternoon -A 2.30 •Monday,4Tuesday, Wednesday JUNE .51'. Of 7 BETTE •DAVIS' HOPICIINS "Old Acquaintance" The story of two Women whose friendship stems from xhildhood association, rather than, any compatibility of character of interests. Also "Short Subjects" ,..aedomar"4 KINLOUGH • Mr. and 1VIrs. Alex Percy and family spent. Sunday with •Mr. and Mrs Neil McKay, Glamis. A number from here attended the anniversary services at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Mr,' and Mrs. Wm. Pinnell. and Mildred spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Wes Young, Langside. .Mrs. Arthur Haldenby return- ed to Toronto after visiting a few days with relatives here. Miss Evelyn McLean of L.on- don spent the Week -end with her ,ineth!er, Mrs: W,•J. McLean. • •Mrs:; Wm., Holland 'and Jack ,and 'Mrs.° Oran Tout .ef,,.Kincar- dirie spent Sunday With' M . and Mrs. Bob McLean.". Mrs: Melvin Johnstone of List- fund for the future: benefit ef owel is' visiting with her par- boys who should graduate from ents, Mt. and.Mrs. H. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Percy and Billy, Mrs. Wm. Percy, 1VIr, and Mrs. Perry Hod•gins and Sharon IW ILL JUDGEMENT IS RESERVER • The .hearing of the action to set aside the Will' of the late Mr. Alexander MacKenzie of Kinloss, was •concluded last Tuesday after- no*On. Mr. Justice Kelly, who pre - Sided, reserved judgement. The case was reported by the Walkerton Herald -Times as fol- lows: "The first case on the list "was the action brought up by a grOup of nepheWs and nieces. of .the late ,Alexander„: MacKenzie of Luck- nOw to set aside his last will and testancidit dated in March of 1942 by, the terms of which approki-• mately $80,000 was tp be set..ud in the - form of Ail enclowirient the LtiCknow High School. The deceased was a bachelor who had lived all his life about Lucknow and who - had accumulated an es - spent Sunday With Mr. arid Mrs. tate .of .$110,000, The. will and .Geo. Percy 'and 'Mrs. Jane • Percy and also with' Mr: and Mrs. Allan •Robertson, Tiverton., . • Mr,. and Mis. -John Barr .and family • visited Sunday, with' Mr. and Is/frs; John Purvis, -Con. 2: Mr.- and' Mrs: J. Eckenswiliet are a few days with. ,their son. 'Edgar and ‚Mrs. Ecken- swilier at Clifford. • • . " . • Mrs. Honderick, and her . sons of , Baden. Spent. t Week -end - with Mr.. and MrS. Hedgim., . • Miss. Irlma Hodgins \entertain,. the Girls'. W. A. ,at. her home on Saturday last. •• ..• Van TEMURCIFT— The United Cl-atrch annivers- ary on June llth will ,be con,' . ducted by Rev. Mr. Sinclair df- • Blyth at 11 ash'. and 7.3Q 'p.m., , There will be no service in the • Pfesbyterian church for 3 Sun- • • days. June 4th is Calvin anniver- sary and June .18th Langside an- - niversary. — . - d • ' Mrs. George Naylor is assisting at the homd of Mr. H.Pettipiece , • ; where Mrs.' Pettipiece has been • very ill for some time. We hope to hear of ae improvement soon. , Miss Eileen McClenaghan of London spent the week -end . at her .home here. ., '. • Mrs. Joe Holmes of Clinton is spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. R. Lai,dlaw. • Succes$ful anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian •church on Sunday with a good turnout at b th services when Rev. Hugh J k of Seaforth gave • two very inspiring and" helpful sermons. The Music by the choir and those who helped,' was much appreciated. ' , Mr: and Ws. Russet Gaunt at- ' tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. •JOhn Wilson in Wingham last Thursday. • Does your ' label read 1944? Amiamairmm NOTICE The .Annual Meeting of the Huron - Bruce Liberal Association , will. be held in the TOWN HALL,,,WINGHAM • at 2 p.m., on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 • ..,.. for the election of officers, 'general business .& appoiril7 ing delegates to the con- vention in Tarorto �n June 26th. . Murda Mathesot eres. J. R. MeNab. Sec. This poem was ;composed hy Mr. Tom- Bradley ofIrkinlough, in his8Qth year; '' VICTORY • When, our vi2tory comes the war -771X-rill 'Pease,- •,-,----.,- *ell, _make the Germans sue' far peace, - We'll cause the rising..sun to set, The Japs we'll make cry, pay' , and fret The treacherous Tojo we'llbring to ground, When our victory comes in the last round. Was -Former. Ashfield -"Fe -ac -her Henry Horton, a retired school teacher, died on Tuesday of last week at •his home in Hensel]. in. his 89th year. 'He, at -one .tinw taught school in Ashfield. .probate thereof issued . . the Surrogate Court here in July of 1943 was- being attacked - on, the grounds that.thedeceasecl did not. have sufficient' testarrietitary cap- acity."at the. time of 'making •the. will to cornpreheedthe...nature and quality' of the act:of:making a. will or -apprecieting the:nature of his, estate. For those 'attacking the will a'. total. of ; 15 witnesses were Called Consisting. of neigh:. bours.Most137- who gave evidence to the .effect .that for the last. few years of his' life he • had last' his. memory ' to the f•extent •that Ire' .becomin'g lost..i.ri the immed- iate vicinity 'of his own•home and :•.., • wandering about .at . night and 'not feedin-g or .clothing himself' nroperly...He had 'been taken to the Gtieip.h Homewood' Sanitar- ium -as. a,„,da.4tiant4n,,,Eehr,94r.x.'. 1943 at .whiPh.tirrie he was found. totally incapable mentally Dr. Rangh .Of ..that h:ospital 'evidenee to the effect that b ,and gay frern.the examination he -made . the • deceased..at, the time of • his -adrnission that he considered he. would be totally incapable of do- any business' .. or having • any,: memory at thetime of making th__ will. in March of 1942. ," "By • the will Mr.:, George.' T. Smith of Lucknow - and David T. Carruthers *- of ..Kinloss ,Towitship Were. made executOs. and' they had' aSsisted the deceased in mak- ing hiS" will • at his- •requeSt and that he had left his - estate' as.•he did • because'of his . fear .of cession - duties that would be, ley-. ied and that they advisedpitn if. it was left in., -such an endowment fund the GeVerriment would not get any of It was admitted that at the time the deceased was not able to give- a.liSt of his -nep- hews and nieces and- 'that this information; had to- . obtained, from other relatives who lived, in -the diStrict• and that in the draw, ing of the: will some of the nep- hews had .been: left out. The in- structions for • the will Were gien by .the.. executors rather .than by the deceased to •Mrl. P. S..Mac-• Kenzie who • was then, going . to Lucknow one day a Week and -that the solicitor had 'not had.'ari opportunity of seeing the deceas7. ed in regard to the. at any tine ,that it was drawn • or at the time it was later ..executed. Mr. V. N. Prest, the bank. manager at Lucknow ' and Mr. T. W. Smith, a local garageman, had . been the witnesses. Dr. _ W. V. Johnston of Lucknow was taken Out bythe executors to examine the testator about ten days after the ,making of the will and he testified that • PURPLE GROVE A large crowl of Red Cross members met- 'at' .th--: .home of Mrs. J. H. Collins Thursday af- ternoon. A quilt was .completact followed by a general meeting 'Which was conducted by the President, Mrs. John Emerson. Mrs. • Harvey Thompson was at the piano. Mrs. C. Dore read a portion of. scripture. The roll c111 was • answered with a favorite hymn and payment of fees. Let- ters of thanks were read from Mrs. J. .Needham, -Mrs. .M. Fair, MI -S. D. McCosh and from 'boys in the service, Joe Morgan, •Al- bert Needham; Russell Stanley,. Kenne-th and Clifford .Scott. Do- nations • from the following friends were: Mrs. Bert McLean $1.00; Mrs. W. McKay df Ripley $2.00; Miss Minnie Fair $5.00. Meetings will be held in the 'basement of the church during the glimmer months,The sum of $10:00 was donated to the fund fpr the, Corvette Kincadine. The' National Anthem wasting. An excellent lunch was served by the hostess. A vote of thanks was -tendered .,Mrs. CollTns for her, hospitality. .• Wall's /Feed Store • NEXT SAWMILL OFFI E, LUCKNOW Full Line PURINA Chows and • SANITATION PRODUCTS Hog. ,Contracts & turkey .dOntracts, Available Free 'Deliveri on Orders ctf ,One Ton 'or Over' . . ORDERS TAKEN FOR DAY-OLD CHICKS R Cobb, Manager the will . aside were •Campbell Grant and J. J.. W. Freeborn, and for . those seeking to -.uphold the will were • Frank Donnelly • of.. Goderich and P S. MacKenzie and N. R. Robertson. of 'Walk-, ertan"!. • , • BRUCE COUNTY SECOND IN BUTTER PRODUCTION, While showing a reductionin, preduction of butter, in common with all ,other parts .of the, prov- ince, Bruce County remains up at the top of the list of producers during the first four •Months ef the current year, according to .ithe *report of the Ontario Departmeht 'iTi7Reraill-ttiten-ariM6er: Bruc County stands second to the lead- ing county, Perth, .with a produc- tion of 1,211,031 pounds during the ' r month period. Bruce County prodUctiOri for the first four months last year 'totalled in liTs opi-nron life—testator had then understood it but he adrnit- Miss Emma Thompson of Kih- ted that he had just read it over eardine is. visiting her brother, and had not' questioned the old Mr. George Thompson. gentleman. Dr. Robert Armour lytr. and Mr. Morley Pettiplace of Riverdale spent' a day re- cently at Mr. Ben Scott's. thrmber-froni•-here---a-tterided. the sale at Mr. Reg-Mel3ride's last Thursday. ' • M.r. and Mrs. Sam Emerson and Hilda and Mrs. Milton Walsh spent Thursday in Stratford. Mr. James Robertson, Margar't and Donaldvisited at Mr. Ken- neth Robertson's On Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson vis- ited at IVtr.-Isaic Nixon's at Bel-: •,, Of Toronto also gave evidence to the effect that in his opinion the testator had known the contents -o-4he 3,v ill-although-lle-:admitted- that he had never had an Oppor- tunity of seeing him and only based his evidence on the prior evidence given at. the trial. Sev- enteen witnesses in all .were call- ed or% behalf of those seeking to up-Tiold the Will. The evidenee and the surruriing up of the case took . all last week anal until. Tuesday aftereoen' of this week, liosez:seckirig to set fou PARAMOUNT Mr. and Mrs. OliverlilcCharles motored to London to visit with . Mrs. McCharles father who's, has been operated on in Victoria hos:. pital, London: • , Mrs. Edwin Smith and daugh- ter of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert HamiltOn. Women's 'InStitute; Pax. - mount, met at the home of Mrs. Orland Richards with Mrs. R.,: Reid presiding. •It was moved that the /943 officers remain for the coming year. The next meet- ing will ,be held at the home of Mrs. R. Hamilton. a I Want, Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor?, Try Ostrex 11119iirligugg&V II& V rriC1T/ ve"tI.Tiort.rd3...?.•e• or 5t°r. lants;iron re4ults. Cd first pakkage. mat'kerif retunasigg ted 1,327,711... , . • • At all druggists. Start taking Ostrex Tablets terdtit • • tn•-•:*•,41..• • ,.••••,••—• The familiar Martin-Senour sign is the one to look for when painr-planvare pending. It is the sign that says , "the 400% P& -e Paint is sold here". Paititrof quality — • beauty and with staying -power that endures longer! 'When you vant these qualities in °paint products —Inaket sure and see the dealer whose sign reads . . . Martin- Senour. His experience and friendly advice backed by the highest 'quality products will assure you of complete • satisfaction in your painting plans! 44,44 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY RAE 8 PORTEOUS ptioNE4ucKNow • e • •