HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-01, Page 4"0 A.. • . - •, PATOE.FOI,JB • The Lucknow Sentinel,-LucknOw, Ontario THURtS0AY, JUNE .1st, 1944 ,flales444.44.mlass4paworpolmo LISTEN 30 "Success" Self Polishing Liquid Wax & Paste‘Floor Wax On'Every—Friday Morning At 10.15 37 'Prizes Awarded Eat Broadcast • FROM CKNX. WI.NGHAM • For Saigt Al All Grocery and hardware Stdres varmeammussmit. SPECIAL this week BABY. CHICKS ON DISPLAY AT THE STORE Complete Line of CONCENTRATES for CATTLE, HOGS & POULTRY Also All PREPARED FEEDS •and Sanitary Products.. •OIL CAICE Lorne MacLennan 'Phone 77-w mosizmemilirosaliar=usiorogo6716" -ft/iiiehis 441, �Y allas PAY! FINLAYSON BROS. LUCKNOW CALLED TO AILSA CRAIG 'Rev:. John Pollock, formerly of -Whitechurch, who has been sup- plying at Ailsa Graig for the past two years has been extended a call by the congregations of Ansa Craig • and: Nairn Presbyterian churches; at a salary of $1,700. Mr. Pollock is clerk of the newly formed Presbytery of Huron - Maitland • ASHFIELD. CREWE. • Mrs. Jean (Treleaven) Dillion of .Detroit is visiting with .Mr. and' Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick and. other friends here. • ° , • • Mrs. Lawrence Tremaine left • Miss Maud MacKepzie and her ) friend Miss Edna Hawkins of De- troit tobk advantage of the mem- orial day week -end to visit with • relatives here. June—me- eting oft Mutat). branch of the Woman's Institute meets this Thursday at the home of Mrs. James 'Little. Roll' call, "Why I like to live on afarm . ..... •:.:•••• • .. ... 4 to!"" 11111b1111.4!...!!! on Wednesday for Toronto' after • , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tre- FOR SALE --Quantity of seed FOR SALE--7Child's steel crib in spending the past week with her leaven. She will also spend a. buckwheat, $1.00, a. bus: John R. perfect condition. Apply to Wm. few -days with Mr. and Mrs. Tre- Gilmore, R.A. 3, Lucknow, 'Phone S. 'Reid, Lucknow. 68-11 Dungannon. - ,,;;;Z:•—• • ▪ ..▪ .......... "• , • • 1 maine at Arthur: •• Mr and Clifford ,Crozieg„ and Joaie visited friends in London for a few. days. 0 Mr..anit.Mrs. Matt Shackleton are moving this- week to their new 'home at Dungannon whiCh they 'Ptirchasect, from Mt. lIow arcl Squires. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton. They will be greatly missed from this., community. • Mr. and Mrs.' Aubrey Higgins and Jack of Detroit palled on friends here on Sunday. They are spending a. few days with friends. at Mafeking and Lueknow. • Mrs. Vernon •Hunter, Joanne, Murray and Bobby spent the past' two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven. 11/4-.. and Mrs. Cecil Blake and • children, Mr. -Harold 'Blake spent Sunday in London with Mr. Wm. McConnell. who is a patient in 'Victoria Hospital. We are glad to know 'he isAmproving. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Emmons and Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clyne of Paranionnt vis- ited friends at Strathroy on Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curranancl children visited friends at Maf- eking on Sunday evening. ,. • Mrs. Bert Treleaven, Gwen- dolyn and Mrs. Jack Curran at- tended the trousseau tea at Mrs. ,Ewart_Taylor's:_on• Thursday ev- ening in honor of .her dank:PtCT Betty. • • • ' A nturiber from here attended the W.M.S. anniversary at Dtin- Subject' "What wornen"are doing gannon on Sunday morning when FURNITURE FOR: SALE End - table, • rocking • cha table, , etc 'Apply to Agnew, Lucknow. • • dres'sing. rs. Clair , . HAY WANTED. to ,'buy- for bal.' _trig. Pr ium paid foCgood qital.-- ),ty Cover and clover mixed: ,HARii, IRWIN, P.O. Box 124, Lucknow. " •INSURANCE Life, Fire, Weather and Car. .Get our fire rates on Village and farm •prdperties. John Farrish, R. 7, Lucknow, 'Phone Dungan- nan 82-r-0. „ AUCTION SALE of purebred 'Yorkshire swine at ••Sprticelavvri Farms, Con. 2, •Huron Twp. °,- on Friday, June lith at :2 o'clock. See bill's, terrrit cash: A draw will be made at the sale for .a pure- bred Gilt,, donated by the pro-. prietor, with proceeds donated td the 'Red Cross.. 'George MacDoni ald, Prop.; Donald B. Blue, Atm to aid the agricultural work". Little Lad Suffers Fractured Leg • Frank Scott, little son Of. Mr. and 1VIrs. Aoht. Scott of, the 10th Concession, while playing around a 7disc his father was working, •had his leg drawn, in among' the discs which, resulted in a badly fractured leg. He was taken to Goderich hospital where he was placed .in a cast. He was able to be brought home but he will be laid -up for some time. 1. ". ..... • . Huron -Federation of Agriculture - SECOND ANNUAL FIELD DAY and PICNIC AT. LION'S PARK Seaforth, June 14th Order of Program 10.00 A.M.—Huron-Perth Shorthorn Field Day and Judging • Competition. • 11.00 A.M.—Sports for the Children. 12.30 Noon—Picnic Lunch. , , - • 2.15 P.M.—SPEAKERS: HisExcellency, The Earl of Ath- lon, Governor-General of Canada. Mr. Roderick S. Kennedy, Editor -in -Chief of the Family Herald and Weekly Star.,' Educational Features. -• Live -Stock Parade; Labour Saving Devices; • Veterinary Clinic; Military Display; Canadian Canners Display; Home Canning,Fitm; Dominion Department of Agriculture Exhibit; Provincial Department of Agriculture (Poultry; Field Hus- bandry; Chemistry); Representative of the National Select- • ive Farm( Service. -i , I S7oryone N• 1 hrpvited, Load up the car vrith the fami4 and bring a basket Ulrich'. • Plan to meet your friends at Seaforth on June 14th. Cars -25C • Children Free • Adults -25c • Your Federation Merits Your Suppokt— Harry Sturdy ,• W. L. Whyte W.° J. Dale Manager Secretary President J. M. Stott Publicity Chairroa.n 7rf Ofinvir,tt;,` 1 Miss Caroline Wellwood, a re - 'turned missionary from China, was gtiest sPeaker. Buy Dungannon P Residence Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Shack- leton of Crewe have purchased the Dungannon residence of Howard -Squire. CARD OF THANKS .The brothers and sisters of the late Alex Pierce are deeply • grateful—and Wish- to • sincerely ,, • ' thank friends and neighbors for many:. kind acts and , ekpressions Of syrriPathY at the, time -of their bereaVernent.. • The family of the late V. N. Prest, wish to express their sin- cere appreciation for the assist- ance, arid,' kindness extended to themduring their sad bereave- ment,bY the citizens of Lucknow, Mr. • George Swan,, Sr., • and family wish to Sincerely thank •friends and ..neighbors for the many kind acts and expressions of sympathy tendered them in , their b,ereavement. • • • Graham Moffat of the R.C.A.F. stationed it Labrador, and Gor- don Ball of the R.C.A.F., Nassau, Bahamas, wish to thank • the Langside Red Cross. Unit for the lovely parcels recently received.• . Mrs. George Phillips takes this' opportunity•<„of expressing her apprecia,tion to her neighbors and friend s for the kindness while in Wingham hospital. • NOTICE. The • regular meeting of •the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will be held in .the Legion Rooms on Tuesday, June 6th. at 8.30 o'clock. New, menibers wel- Conted. TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE SEALED Tenders addressed to the• undersigned and endorse,a "Tender for Coal", wiltbe receiv- ed.until 3 p.m. (€.D.S.T.), Wed- nesday, June .7, 1944, for the sup- ply of coal and coke'for the Do. - minion Buildings through • out the •N ICE COURT OF REVISION ° A Court of Revision on the As- sment Roll of West Wawanosh Township will be held at the Township Hall on Tuesday, June 6th at 10 •a.m. • Durnin Phillips, Clerk NOTICE No, more trespassing on school property of S.S. No. 7 Ashfield on Sundays or week 'days. Bat must be returned at once, or fur- ther action will be taken. Earl Swan, Secretary. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a court to hear and determine ap- peals against the. Assessment Roll for.the Village of Lucknow for the year 1944,'will be held in the Municipal. Office, Lueknow, on Tuesday, 'June 6th, 1944 at eight o'clock p.m. JOS. AGNEW, Clerk. Prbvince of Ontario. COMING EVENTS DANCING AT PARAMOUNT • Every ....Friday evening.'Car- uthers' popular orchestra. Door psrize. • Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the, Purchasing Agent, Department of • Public r Works, Ottawa; arid the Super- vising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the • forms supplied by• the. Depart- rnent'and accordance with de- partmental specifications • and conditions attached thereto. Coal Dealers' license numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand' front any suc- cessful tenderer, before award- ing the order a 'security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable .to the'order of the. Honourable the Mintiter of Pub- lic Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount 'of the tender, or Bearer BOnds"of the Dominion • of Canada or ‘of the. Cahadian National ,Railway Company and. its constituent Coinpanies uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to prin- -eipa1 and interest by the Domin- ion of Canada, or the aforemen- tioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up Ad odd amount. Sueh security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil- ment of the contract. •' By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, • Secretary. COLLECTIONS . I• A Guelph Medical client writing us on March 20th says in part: "Thank you: very much indeed ter your yery effective services". That unsolicited compli- • ment speaks volumes, doesn't it. 1 .This "effective service", is • available to vou. Take ad- • vantage of it and send in your list' NOW. INSURANCE— • - „. SQVEREIGN LIFE CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free .Advise on all Insurance matters. No Obligation Enquiries Welcomed • PHILIFi S. STEWART 'PHONE 8, LUCKNOW North American Life A MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan District Representative Ripley, Ont. Phone 28-r-8. F. T. 'ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH • FROM • 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. IAT WM. SCHMID'S STORE • KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, ONT. Est. 1890—Busier to -day than ever. P. Stuart MacKenzie 'BARRISTER & SOLICITOR • Walkerton, Ontario. IN UICKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN THE LEGION BUILDING NORTH' CULROSS •A successful patriotic cetilting was held at, the home of the Misses. Ruth on Tuesday of last week. A .record crowd was in at- tendance and the hostesses treat- ed the quilters tO a lovely sup- per A bazaar it in the offing. • • , ';;;"". • funeral of the late Mrs: Wm. Hal- denby, Sr., at Kincardine. Mrs. Art Haldenby and Mrs. Dudley visited last week with • .the Wm. Haldenby's, Con. 14. °Word received from overseas from 4-LICpl. Herb Carter indi- cates the training for the invas- ion it quite'S6yere and .the boys are "hard as. nails": 4°•oatu- MlicKtni • • ,thitti:thr:iriftiiay... •