HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT • The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario WEDNESDAY, MAY ' 24th, 1944 fake Care 4t Your .Nu,Back 'YOU'RE LUCKY if you• own a Nu -Back. - , You know its comfort and support. Look after it, "wash it often in bubbly suds, mild soap and warm • water, , • SQUEEZE THE SUDS gently through the' garment. Don't, rub:,Brush the soiled spots' with a soft brush. Give it two - or three baths in fresh, ,glean water to rinse well. ' -VEAL-PRAM-R,WRING-your-corsel1ette-or-you--will dam— age the -finerubber threads. Squeeze it rolled in a, thick towel on, • a flat surface. ,Unroll at once and` smooth out the garters and Shoulder 'Straps.. Hang, on the line. ; STRAIGHTEN & STRETCH IT and'pull into shape. Whew• almost dry press the fabric "parts' •with; 'a•', warm iron. Al-. Ways remember heat -hurts .rubber, YOUR NU -BACK IS A PRIZE POSSESSION. leton BORN I Masons :Attended,' Divine _i Worship: Sunday: Evening Members of Old ,Light Lodge, j. - MOORE—At .\ Wingham General. ,Hospital, on .Tuesday, May. 16th, to Mr. arid Mrs. Millan . Moore,. I h, iteehurch, a daughter, Muriel Catherine. , LEDDY-.At Wingham ' 'General Hospital, on Thursday, . May 11th; to ' Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Leddy, R, 2, Auburn, a daughter. ",'fINTOiI—AtWingham General Hospital, on Saturday, May 13th, to ' .Mr. .and ."Mrs. Wm.. ,Rintoul, R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter., SitT� Canada's Housesoldiers From Thompsons This is "Mrs: Consumer Week", when the retailers. of Canada pay' tribute to the wo- men shopper's -1)f the Dorninion who are doing .their part in keeping our wartime economy on an :even keel. We, . at Thoml3son's, say " thanks to you, our customers for buy- ing only 'what you really need ...FOR : refusing to, tolerate Black' Markets ...° FOR • pat= iince with ' inexperienced' help ..'FOR observing wartime restilictions . on deliveries... . and FOR,•;,,cheerfully accepting othergoods, when • shortages exist. •� We are 'doingour best , in' the face of wartime conditions to fulfill .our aim '• .of. Quality, Service, Cleanliness & Prices, that .please.. •With your cont tinued support and co-opera- tion ' now and until. Victory is won, we- may then turn' to the Peaceti'hi when you can again enjoy the best in �Sfiop- ping at • THOMPS0N'S, 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER ASF. &,,A.M. and visitors, attend- ed Divine Worship in the 'Pres byterian church .on Sunday even' ing, when Rey. C. H. MacDonald delivered a mostimpressive' ser- mon,. • : • Mr° MacDonald took as his theme, . "What mean ye by these stories", from the 6th and 7th verses of the 4th / Chapter of Jos- hhua..The stones referred to-'' in' this text were used. ' as al cairn so that succeeding generations might. kngviw -and. -commemorate the; deliverance of the Children of` Israel -- ... ,.. ,a Mr. MacDonald used his text to emphasize the importance of giving straightforward and con- sidered answers to the questions which our , children ask, and to ever: bear in mind that they may learn even more from the lives we live than: fromour answers. Speaking•. directly to the: mem- bers of the Order, 'the • speaker pointed .out that the children .had a right to : ask, and to be answer- ed, the meaning of the symbols we wear. .The man who wears the Masonic, apron,. should ;live a Iife of, purity,, a four-square life, straight and upright..' A square. ,can only be made onits shortest line. Too often it might be •a small square ' if made' on that '.line 'which represents• our spiritual life, he said. ' Everytime God gives' us' an . op portunity, there is also a corres- ponding -ilia.' The battle .of the Kingdom of :God is not yet won. The moral . conflict is gigantic that ,. "coiifrorits,• •-• the Christian Church. ]3 it it will be. won, and there Will be those who will have to confess they took no part in' it.. The choir was heard in 'an an- them, with Miss Kathryn Agnew. taking the solo part. Guexsolo- ist was LAC. Stevens .kAl= bert. • TO HOLD PRAYER SERVICE DAY OF INVASION. It has .been,,decided to 'hold a community prayer• Service iri the LuCkllow Pf esbyter .an Church on the day of invasion. This service will commence 'at `,8 o'clock in the evening. • OBITUARY MRS; R. E. }INLAY The zuneral of the ,late Mrs. R. E. Finlay, of Saskatoon, form- erly Eva Gardner of Ashfield,• which took place from the .home of Mr. and Mrs Ernest Gardner of Zion"to Greenhill, cemetery op. Monday, May 15th, was largely attended and. the. floral tributes from both Western and. Eastern sympathizers bore silent ,eyidence. Of , the loss;both friends .and ac quaintances . sustained. in Mrs. Finl'ay's passing. 0 For several years Miss "Finlay: had 'been • in failing health and when nearly two years ago, while Visiting' in' and around: ,Lucknow, she received.` the 'sad .news that her only son Meterological Fit =