The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-24, Page 6c AGE SIX ..MOR -POWER Super-Bujlt. Batteries A . Type For Every Car : Quality.' At The:, Right Price. `CANADIAN TIRE CORP.', ASSOCIATE STORE Campbell's Garage Wingham, . 'Phone 184 ASHFIELD .. BORN—In Goderich Hospital, 'on May `19th to Mr. and Mrs., J. E: Collinson, Kintail, `a daughter, Mary Lou.. Mrs. Frank Hamilton spent the week -end' .with her -sister, . Mrs.. Roy MacKenzie in'Ripley. Mrs. Neil • MacKenzie ' was a week -end visitor in. Toronto. , Miss • Muriel Farrish, R.N. of Ilarnilton who is now a ••Red • Cross nurse was at'her home over the week -end. ' . • • The May . meeting of the Pres- byterian W. M. S. was' postponed :•-�,-#�orn�as�-R�edi:e'sd�. ;day,' of this week on account of, the Presbyterial meeting in .South Kinloss church. The. meeting is - at the. home of Mrs. Fred :Mc-' •Grregor. • e The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario" WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th,, 194I C.C.F. RALLY H ELD ST, ;HELEN'S rs. T. F... Wilson' and Terry were week -end visitors with Mrs. Wilson and Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes Wilsgri at Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs :Wilson Woods and children and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dougherty of Guelph were week -end guests of Mrs. R. J: Woods! - Mrs Hornell, president of the Lucknow Red' Cross will be, the special, speaker at the Women's: Institute . meeting to be 'held in ha-, community—halo an . 'ThurS- day, June 1st at 2.30. A special invitation is extended't.p 'a11 the ladies . of the .community. Roll call, ' "One thing in my' .house I would like to get rid of". • Mt. and Mrs, Colin MacDonald, Messrs.: Norman ,`and Gordon' MacDonald attended the funeral of Mrs. MacDonald's brother, Mr. i. •John Durnin at Morriston. on Tuesday. Mr. Durnin was the elder son ofL.the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Du'rnin and was a former resident -of this commun- ity. AT WI.NGHAM • (Contributed) (Too late for Last Week) 'On Saturday last Mr. E B, Jolliffe, M.L A,.. • and 'Mr. B E. Leavens,, . M.L.A., addressed a :meeting held in the Wingham Town Hall. Mr. A. W. Hamilton. of Lucknow was chairman, Mr, Leavens was' the first •speaker and outlined •in.:brief the history and development of the -Co--eperati,ve :- G iminpnvirg4itlr" Federation, He .stated • that it is;, the;. fastest ' growing peoples' movement in the world.. When touching; npon:.farm pro.. blems,. Mr: Leavens pointed • . out. that Canada; Packers had made. a steady:.and substantial• profit. during the' .years of the depres-- sion,, at a time When. farme were 'losing their lands and farm He said that the C.C.F, propos to "place the control of the pge ing houses . in the hands . of t people, 'Which ''would .give high prices to the. producer, and low costs to the consumers, He. sal 'We will over-tCanada Pac ers so ' fast it: will ,make ,the izzy','.'(Loud• applause). ' rs s. es - he er er d k- in LANGSIDE • , d Mr: and ' Mrs,..'Harry"Hayes: of Mr. Leavens told how the C. C. F, was responsible,for the intro-- Detroit spent Saturday with, Mrs. IR. Tiffin and IVir. and Mrs. F. Tiffin. Mr. and 'Mrs. .• Joe' Tiffin •, of Whitechurch. spent a few days last week with Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Tiffin. : . Mr. and ,Mts. Clark Johnson of 'East Wawanosh spent Sunday with 'the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm., Brown,, A Red Cross quilting was held last. Thursday'. at the.. home of Mrs. John Richardson. ' , Mr: Tom Purdon of the West ,spent, =4as-t wee -1 with. Rte -an J. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mrs. Don Cameron of Detroit returned' to Toronto on Wednes- day after visiting with her par-• ,entsv Mr , and, Mrs.. J. 43: ' Morri-' The people of' this . community son: • were shocked to learn of the very + Mrs. R Stewart spent a few sudden -death of 'Miss. Mary. Mae r. Sys last week ' at the -home of Leod of Kintail. To the surviv= Mr. Joe' Laidlaw :assisting nurs- ing inetnbers of the' family 'we i,ing her. grandmother, Mrs.', Wan. extend sincer..ermpathy: Martin. - PRODUCT: N MEN—keeping in constant touch with 4t,,. sources 'of raw materi- als, suppliers • of . parts, government' and mili- tary authorities. THE ARMED. FORCES—with re- sponsibility for training and 'supply, for' troop mo, ements, .for opera- tions on land, air, .and • ocean battlefronts. • GOVERNMENT, OFF.ICIALS— touch 'with every phase of our production and military program} -with foreign governilieuts — ' with national and international war agencies. ` YOl'f-depending one, your telephone for quick, essential com- munication at work and at.. home. Ofeettelephone..iiries-can carry this wartime load only if weall use existing facilities sparingly, and keep our calls just as short and business -like as we can. Additional;cequipiiient :is severely limited by :. materatt'shor"tages;' co-operation must take ,the- place. of construction if essential calla -asre_. to: go through.. girc►tu p1,1 &ar ofro tee Setoe'Civcwc4s !Gi`ee1S is /e•t4ffs. duction• of the old 'age pension in Canada. ' He compared its small 'figure, however, with ,the adequate', pension and services given to old : people in New Zeal- and. The recent increase of $8.0.0 per month to pensioners, given to meet the higher Cost of livitig, was greatly. offset '•by they dis= continuance of free drugs, Mr:. Leavens .observed. He asked +,if Canadians did riot • owe 'a greater debt to these' old people, who have sent their children and grandchildren to the battlefields. Mr. Jolli, ffe spppe p t o ageof criticism 'levelled at the r C.C.F. President 'Roosevelt, he stated,' was elected:to .office des pite the fact that. 9,5 per cent of the U. S.press was ' solidly a- gainst him, In Canada, only two newspapers arefavorable to the C.C.F. part', said. Mr. Jolliffe, but the C.0:F..coritinues. to grow. Huron electors. were., advised to watch the coming election to, be held iri Saskatchewan' on .Jung All. M.P.P°s of .the C.C.F. party, I' Mr, Jolliffe toldhis audience, re - port :back to their constituents. Iconcerning the. proceedings in the legislature: As. there is no C.C.F. repr. esentativ'e for Huron 'a`s ;yet, he' .5d til :he was pleased to give an account Of 'the recent session himself. He mentioned that 88 bills were passed,involving a great deal of petty. < business. "When' .people have such big problems","fie said, "weshould. concentrate on those problems". As a lawyer; he suspected peo- ple that change, 'their name often • and .questioned, the Co'nservative� Party's reason for doing so. He Quoted '•a definition of the new nanre. "Progressive" before the election and Conservative after". "It- is time for a change", Mr. Jolliffe continued and he showed how a continuance of the old methods of conduct amongst the peoples of the world can .only lead to another war.. He , spoke of the folly of .isolationism be- tween nations. to. • illustrate' the. 'folly of individual isolationism "If we want real security".. he said; -"there' must . be unity and co-operation. Security can be won only in a co-operative society, a_ co-operative commonwealth". PORP ELGIN'S quota iri the 6th `Victory T. *.vas:41.25,000-- 'Plies Stevens -Kepner Co., its execu- tives, office staff and employees, subscribeda total of $61,200 or, 49 per cent of the town's .obje=t- ive. , Mistress: "This food tastes ter- rible gid you salt it?' , iV"ew CiiokT"`` (es rri, but II never used that brand before. It was called Epsom Salts". H. H. MITCHELL, Who fQr• 43 years has conducted ,the draying and cartage business in Ripley, has disposed of his interests to Hamilton ' McKinnon: ATTENTION irks -on Display Come in and see them; take your re, luirements home with you or leave .your . order for next week or June'delivery. For'the convenience °of the fa �_, r: ';'. tric : we.. have place chicks in a modern ,battery breeder at • •LORNE. MacLENNAN'S Lucknp*•,':Ont; or send . your order direct to: :.r Lakeview Poultry. Farm and Hatchery, WEIN BROS., EXETER, ONT. dinspent a few days with, Ms is Ethel. Haldenby.. . Friencriaroin' here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. 'Wm. Hal- denby on Saturday afternoon at Kincardine. ' - KINLOUGH I WHITECHURCH Miss Edna Jackson of Kincar = a,1BORN=Iri Wingharn' Hospital, on May 15th to. Mr. and Mrs..' Ross McRae (nee Mabel Walters) a' son k 1, The annive-rsary services ` will ! be , held in the , Presbyterian 1 church next Sunday, May • 28th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. when Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth will be the guest speaker. Miss Dorothy Walters` of Lon- don spent ent the week-endwith her parens,. Mr. and ,Mrs. . Albert Walters. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Congram (nee Muriel McBride) who were 'married ori Saturday. • `- The Girls'. W.; A. meeting will be held. next Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss .Irlma Hod- gins. Mrs: M. Pierson, • of Millarton visited recently. with Mr. & Mr_:. Mrs. Herb Graham "is' confined to her bed. Her many .friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. an.d ` Mrs 1J., Cassidy and Janet° spent Sunday at the Gra- ham home.. . The :home of Mrs. Frank John- stone was the scene:'of a . happy .gathering on Friday . evening when friends gathered to honor Miss Muriel McBride ata mis- cellaneous shower. The living room was prettily decorated with Pink • and white streamers and white wedding bells,•also a lovely three storey wedding cake: Miss Beth Johnstone • was chairlady and' ushered the bride ..,to her place of honor to the- strains 'of the wedding march played by FOURTH CONCESSION Mr:.and .Mrs. George Jacques o Preston •spent ' a '.day lastweek with Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. Mow f Mr. and Mrs. ' Jantzi of Milver ton spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Kennedy < and her brother,. Mr: -George Fisher and. Mrs, .Fish- er. -. P'te. Charlie Moore who has been.` stationed in the West is spending a few`''' holidays at the home of his parents, ' •Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore.. We 'are. glad to report Mr: John Gillespie and Mr. Hector McKay, who were very ill,. to be improv- ing,. also Mrs. Wm. Martin who was seriously iii, at the home of her brother, Mr. Joe Laidlaw. I Miss; Edna. Boyle. The following program . was given: reading by Mrs. Wm, Eadie; duet by . Mrs. Alf Haldenby. and --Miss May Boyle; reading by Miss Veronica Murray; contest by. Mrs. Charlie Hodgins; solo by' Miss Mildred Pinnell; trio, Misses Shirley Hod-, gins, Eleanor Murray and Helen Johnston. Miss.: Veronica Murray then read an n address to the bride expressing . the good wishes • of those present and little Lois Johnstone and. Marilyn Boyle, dressed 'asminiatur'e bride and groom, ' brought in many lovely and useful gifts. Miss Vei't3nica. Murray read the attached verses and Misses Jean Johnstone and Eileen Russ assisted in' opening the gifts. Muriel thanked the. ladies for their, kindness • to her • • The May meeting of the Farm Women's Organization was ' held at the dome of Mrs. D. McIntyre. Mrs. MacDonald presided .and the meeting ^opened with singing "0 Canada" . arid' .the`' repeating, of the Lord's .grayer in unison.. Sev- eral letters from boys,. overseas. - were read thanking the ladies for boxes. they received; After community singing the roll call was replied to by a . penny .or each letter of your name. Duringg the business a quilt was discuss. - ed tb be trade for the Fall Fair. A splendid programme .followed, which included instrumentals by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Conley; Rev. Dann took the topid, "Life' is a m.+ garden, what are you planting", after which he contributed a solo and invited them to her home. , accompanied. by Mrs. Philip;.Mrs, All joined in singing "For 'she's' L. MacLeod read a paper from a Cjolly good fellow"." A. dainty headquarters.' Mr. Harvey "Mac - lunch was served. Dougall was present and gave a Mr. and . Mrs. Jack • Hill and splendid talk 'on the north coon -LI Shirley spent the week -end ith wtry' frgrnwhich. he. had recently Mr. and Mrs. V. Hill, . Harriston. returned. Miss Liil.ian C rrtith- Mrham-of-Ann-At- era presided at the 'organ. A vote • bor, Michigan, i5': spending his• of thanks was tendered Mrs Mc vacation with his parents here. Mrs. WrrL Haldenby returned to her home after visiting with relatives: here. . Miss . Mary MacKay of Glamis spent the week -end with Miss Ellen McBride. • ---Thiere'.wii•1 be no service in the Presbyterian .church 'next Sun- day owing to , the South Kinloss. Anniversary services. The regular monthly Meeting of the W.M.S. was held at thc norrie of Miss Margaret Robert- son on Wednesday Last. ' T . June meeting of .the W,,. rrir:r,'s 'Institute will he at the • • Intyre and Mrs..Collyer. for 'their hospitality.. God Save the King _ was sung. Lunch was served and a pleasant half hour spent. Mrs. G. Lockhart •will be hostess for the June meeting.' • home of Mrs. Richard ,Elliott. Convener, Mrs. C. Hodgins; as- sistant. Mrs. P., A. Murray; topic, agriculture; motto, homes are to ' live in,not look at; roll call; a nev;' vegetable in' my garden; lunch committee, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Chas, Congram, • Mrs. Ernest' .' Ackert. •