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THURSDAY, MAY 18th, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Qatari°
Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Whitby
have received word from their
.son Sidney, Who is overseas with
the Canadian 'Forces.
Jack Cooke of the Ag.A.r..ai
ouclOuc,' Nova Scotia, is spend -
a furlough •with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Cooke;
JackNichalson of Belfast, who
is :training at .Camp Borden,
( spent the week -end at his home.
Jack •donned the army uniform
about,twO months ago. •
'PO. Stuart Collyer, who is an
instructor at Jarvis, spent the
• latter part of the week here. On
his return he was accompanied
by Mrs: Collyer .and *Teddy and
• Thornmy Who take Up- resi-
dence there:
Experienced. Fire: Raid
George. A. Carier, a driver in
the 'Canadian Army overseas,
wat in the German fire raid .on
London on •February- 18th, ae-
.. cordi•ni to a letter recently: re-
ceived' by his 'mother, Mrs. Sim-
on Donaldson, Georg e said it was,
heartbreaking 'to gee people left
hornless and many of whom had
loved one killed in the raid. .
In Action In Italy • , •
:Ted Burt, son of Mr.. and Mrs.
Charles Burt of Kinlough, is see-
ing action in Italy with an 'artil-
• • .. ]ery unit. Ted,has been overseas
' for some three years. and has.
in ,Italy for everal months.
• In a recent letter to' his parents'
:4K-i-;-.----.,--.:°--°•.4te-said-he.Awas-out of the hilis"
on a rest leave but found life
»behind the lines very, quiet and
Was anxious to get :back . into
• • action again. •
Mrs. Don Cameron of New
• 'York is Spending a feW days, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Morrison: Mr. Morrison is' recov-
ering ;from an attack of pleurisy.
Mrs. Forsythe and Mrs. A. Tay-
lor and Eleanor of Toronto re-',
turned' there on Saturday. after
spending a few, days Y with their
.parents, Mr! and Mrs. J. B. Mor-
• rison. • •
, ° Miss Grace Richardson of
Teeswater spent the week -end at
her home here. • • •
Mr. and. Mrs. Wes]ey'» Tiffin
spent Saturday evening in List-
owel with, Mr. Thos. Henderson
and family. Andrew Henderson
was home on. • leave» and is now
• a Flt. -Sgt. at 'the age of 18.
We are glad to report that Mrs..
Russel Ritchie who underwent: a
. major oPeration in Wingharn
•. Hospital on Friday, last is doing_
as well as ct e expected.
and lVI.rs. George Tiffin and
Colleen spent Sunday with rela-
tives in Whitechurch.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnson
of East Wawanosh spent Sunday
With:Mr. and Mrs. Win.'Brown.
. Miss Edith Evans and „Mr: R.
Brown of London lispent Sunday
ith her parents, Mr. -and Mrs.
William Evans.
Mrs. John, Richardson & Mrs.
Johnson Conn attended the Pres-
byterian Presbyterial at South
Itiploss on Tuesday.
•Mrs. Ezra Scholtz of •White-
tiiiireh spent Sunday with Mr.
On » Friday evening the com-
munity gathered at the Forseteri
Hall,, Langside to do honor to
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, newly-
weds. » The evening was spent in,
dancing and card playing. After
the.hinch lour Mr. and Mrs. Tif-
fin were 'called to the platform
and an appropriate address" was
read by. Mr. Jarnieson---Pettipieee,
The gift was presented by Mr.
Wallace Conn. Joe replied on be:
half of himself and bride, .thank.1
Jog all for. their gift and their
kindness in remembering them in
this Way and assuring all •they
would still assist. them with.mus-
ie for socials when possible. All
then joined in singing For They
J OSE1E'- Joseph Din n, a well-known
farmer of Ashfield toWnship,
died in GoderiCh hospital on
Wednesday, May 10th „after a
nionth's •
Mr. Dineen, who., was in his
`late seventies,' had lately lived
retired, in 'Kingsbridge. He was
born and had » lived all his life
in. Ashfield and' had never mar-
ried. He was the. son of the late
Mr.. and Mrs. Daniel Dineen o
Ashfield;' and is survived by a.
sister, Mrs. Thornas. Joy, Leam-
ington; and two brother, Jo
and Patrick, Detroit. 'Another
sister; Miss Catharine Dineen,»
who lived with him,. died,: a year
ago.. He was a deVaut member
of » St. Joseph's Roinan Catholic
church at. Kingsbridge.
• The remains • rested at the
home of his niece, -Mrs. James
• Wallace, until Friday at 10.00 a.
m., When the ftineral service was
held at St. Joseph's church,
Kingsbridge with interment. in
the Kingsbridge Cemetery.
Mrs. Cornelius Q'Reilly of Ash-
field Township ; died Saturday in
AleNandra. Marine and General
Hospital, Goderich., .She Was -in
her 8lat year.
• Fornierly Mary Jane Murchi-
son, she was' born in Ashfield,
daughter of the.late Mr. and Mrs.
Murdock Murchison. She' liVed in
the township until 19.25 when she'
went tO Detroit to live , with 'her
• daughter, Mrs. Edward Redfern,
Last:December she vreturned to
Ashfield » and Was living with her
daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Frayne.
•. Surviving are ' two sons, Jos-
eph O'Reilly; Detroit; , Vietor,
Woodstock; tWO daughters, Mrs.
•Redfern and Mrs. Frayne, Wife of
•the reeve of Ashfield; two sisters,
John- Quinn, Boulder Dam, Col.
• The funeral was held from the
home 'of Mr. and 'Mrs.. Frayne on
Monday to St. JosePh's Church,
Kingsbridge, at '8.30 a.m. *Inter-
ment was in Kingsbridge Cem-
• A highly yespected resident of
Goderich, Mrs. Annie Hussey
• McCarthy, widow of Capt.' Pat-
rick McCarthy, well-known mar-
.iner •whose. death occurred about:
ten years ago, died ori 'Friday in
St. Joseph's Hospital, • London,...
where she had been a patient for
the past three Weeks.
A native of Ashfield township,
Mrs. McCarthy was the daughter
of' the late Patrick and Catharing
Brady Hussey, and had lived ,
most of her life in:GOderich. She
was a /member of 'St. Peter's
church. .•
- Surviving are two sons and -a
• daughter; Rev. Thomas McCarthy
of St. Peter's Seminary, London;
Capt. Frank McCarthy of tbe
Str. "Massey"; and Mise Helen
McCarthy, Goderich. The funeral,
took place. -fr-OM , St. Peter's
church on Monday. at 10 a.m. in
terment was made in Colborne
Roman Catholic cemetery.
Robertson-Joynt Group W.A.
The May meeting was. held on
Wednesdayi May 10 at the home
of Miss. Eva Greer with 22 in at-
.tendance. ' Hymn. 405 and group
. prayer opened the meeting fol-
lowed by, scripture, lesson read
by Mrs. J. Campbell. The pro-
gram consisted of 3 Short read-
ings by Mrs. G. Bower, followed
by a most interesting topic "The
will •of God" by Miss Mar3t Mac-
garet Rae sang "In Lilac time'!,
after which the closing hymn
was sung and prayer .15y the pre-
siding leader, Mrs. R. Rolertson.
A contest and social hour closed
the meeting. .
Germs From Other Worlds •
CausingOur Epidemics?
Scientists say hitch' - hiking
germs from far-off planets may
be responsible for devastating
plagues that periodically hit the
earth. Read; in The American
• Weekly with this Sunday's (May
21) issue of The. Detroit Sunday
Times, an amazing article, vivid-
ly illustrated, which sheds new
light on disease.. Get ,Sunday's
• Flowering plants and baskets
of flowers made a beautiful .set-
ting for the Mother's Day service
in the United ,church. on, Sunday
morning. Mr. Lorne Woods, the
Sunday School superintendent,
was in'Charge 'of the, worship
service the theme of which was
"Homes 'make a Nation". Mrs. E,
W. Rice read the story "A Cl
HOme and » a- New China".
Rev. J: A. Ward gave a short ad,
'dress in keeping with the theme
and Mrs: George Stuartand Mr's.
A.»hclrew • Gaunt 'contributed • a
suitable dna: • .•
Pilot Officer • Stuart Collyer
Was a recent visitor here and Qn
his. return to Jarvis on Saturday
he WaS accompanied by • Mrs.
Collyer, Teddy and Thommy who
have spent the past few weeks;
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E, J. Thom. •
Misses Mary ' and Elizabeth,
Salkeld of Goderich were recent
visitors with Mrs. Gordon.
13dr. Gordon ,Miller of Peta-
waWa and .Mrs. Miller. of Lon-
don are spending a furlough with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ches-
ter Taylor arid Mr, arid Mrs. W.
I. Miller. '
Miss Elizabeth Anderson, R.N.,
Montreal, Was a visitor, with her
parents, Mr: and Mrs. Archie An-
derson,: Lucknow and renewed
old :acquaintances, here' as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. » Jas: Cur-
•' Mr. Murray Taylor of tile Y.M.
C. A. canteen, Port Albert, is
spending a week's vacation at his
home here. '
• Gnr. Hugh » Rutherford of 0111 -
. The following pupils of A. E.
-Cook were competitors at the
Festival of music which was held;
at Goderich recently, Annie Mor-
ritt 'won the highest standing in:
the .'piano solo class .8 years and
under, Catherine -Liddle in the
piann solo class 10 years and un-
was- awarded • the , highest
,marks and .Dori s Ferguson . in the
open piano solo class• :was » given
.85. marks by the adjudicator,' Cy-
til'..liampshie,. which was 'the.
highest marks obtained e in the
. . .„
entire •piano section of the Fest-
iYai,. the test pieCe being Prelude -
arid .Fugue. No: 9- Bich.: • .
• Rev. Dr. W. 0. Rhoad of Ash-
• field Presbyterian Church, ac-
cornpanied by Mrs. Rhoad. and
their three children left last
• week » for Harrisburg, Pennsyl-
vania for weeks. Dr. Rhoad
is taking a postgraduate in theo-
logy and will receive the' degree
• of Pli.M.; Master of philosophy,
by Westminster College, Phila-
]ia was a week -end visitor with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Rutherford: »I.
•Mr. and Mrs: John Gardner &
Caryl of Zion spent Mother's Day
with Mrs. Helm and Mr. arid Mrs.
Lorne Woods. • Mrs. Helm re -
'turned home with them.
• Sunday School will be held
next Sunday at 11 a.m.' with
church at. 11.30.
All the ladies, are invited to
ithe Red Cross quilting on Friday
I afternoon.• •-
MacDiarinidAilendersork Group .
The May meeting of the Mac-
Diarmid-Henderson group was
held • at the home of Mrs, Thomas
Bilins• with Mrs. Mactliermid
1)residing. ' • The, meeting opened
with a hymn and group. prayer.
,Mrs: Thos. Alton. read. the scrip-
ture'lesspn. Mrs. Rae gave a very
interesting4ea.ding on the beaut-
iful hymn "The. Ninety and nine".
Mrs. 'McKay read orne poerris for
Mother's Day and ..Mrs. Hall and,
Mrs. :Eldon. Henderson - sang
duet "The ninety and pine".„Mrs.
RedverS"Johnston conducted a •
:very interesting _contest,
. was fesporided to by donating a..
piece of . handicraft which was
4,atey,,Sold. Hyton.andpraYer closi
ed. the .rneeting; • .- • .
United Church W. A. . ••
• The Andrew Haddock group . •
met at the home of- Mrs.' John.
Kilpatrick with 21 present, Final .• •
arrangements were made:for the. .,.
"Father and Sort". banquk to be '
'held' in the United Church, Fri-. . •
.. ,
day May ,19th. The prograrn con-
sisted of two readings by Mrs:
Howard Robinson "The joy of
giving" and" Buckingham Palace
goes - to war"; • *a vocal. solo by .•...
Breckles. and •.i piano.. solo •
-by' Mrs. Crispin. The, June Meet- ••
Mg. will be 'held .at. the home of
Mrs. George Andrew. • •
• • '•
• Returns From phicago
••A. C: Ramage returned » to the °
village on Saturday night after •
completing a three -months'
course in power electricity at the.
Coyne Electrical, Sehool in Chic-
ago and has resumed ,hjsl duties
at. the Maple Leaf 'Aircraft plant.
ley're TALK U
II—nt Dollar!
They speak of it glibly...butwhat (Ices it mean? I+ means that every pay -Jay if your
boss paid you in crisp new one -dollar bills each of them would buy only a
measly ten-centstworth egad& lol All those savings you've mode with ten dimes
to a dollarAf"\Illt* would shriek tothe size done That's inflation! So weVe lucky in -
. '
. •
'Canada that price ceilings and other antirintlationary measures have kept our
dollar value HIGH. In fact a dollar goes fUrther to-dciy... buys more goods
than the dollar of1910. ok at these prices, a pound °cocoa to•di
• 1018 1944
the it was then. The same quality towels nowtwere then. :Yes; we get 0'
• good cIaIIor worth today, And remember- vim protect yourdollarvolue wken yourefuni
to pay more than the ceiling price...denounce black markets ... hug Victory Bonds
.. pay off debts , end help keeep the cost of living down!
• • • ••-
• 11
1 .
I promise toygive my support to keeping the cost /
of living down. I will buy only -what I need. I
illrve: ti*Zeifink Vether buying Of sell-
ing goods or services. I will Pay off old debts,
save for the future, "invest in Victory Bonds and
• War Savings Certificates. • And I will support
taxes which help lower the cost of living.
to help reveal .the clangers that inflation represents for all the people of the 1%/ation.
. r. • •• --,77 •
' • • --
• )
. • '