HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-18, Page 3•
THURSDAY, MAY 18th., 194
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Costs less than: lc.
per average baking
Mr. and Mrs. ,Patrick MacMil
lan and Margaret spent Mother's
Day with .Mr: and Mrs. Wangler
.of Walkerton.
Mrs: Charles Twamley of Lon-
don . was a week -end visitor .at
Mr. Wim : MacDonald''s. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes:Forster•and
Mr: and Mrs. R. E.' Forster anti
Nancy visited at Mr. Walter For-
ster's on Wednesday .evening.' •
Mrs. Bill Dawsonand Mrs. Ste-
wart Dawson of London were 51-
- so guests at Mr. Dawson's.
Mr: and .Mrs. Roy Hudson: and
family."of Wingham spent Satur-
day at Mrs. Hudson's.
Sunday Visitors • with • Mrs..
•Hudson and Gretta were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bennett and Miss
Mary Bennett of Listowel . and
Mrs. John ,Irwin, 'Mr, and* Mrs:
W. J. Irwin and . family:. 1
Miss' .Eunice .Purves • was home
for the week -end:
Mr. and , Mrs. Cecil Forster,
Jimmy and Grace::, Elizabeth of
Palmerston were Sunday visitors
at .Mr. Jaines' Forster's. Dr. Cow-
an and . Mrs. Cliff of Toronto al-
so spent Monday *at the Forster
home. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore arid
family. and Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Forster and Nancy spent Friday
evening . at Mr: ,George ' Fisher's.
Mr. Bruce Smith of Kincardine
spent 'a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller.
'Mr. and. Mrs. George Fisher &
• family visited . at the home . of
Mrs. John Carruthers, on Sunday.
Mr: and Mrs. Charles Cook of
Icknow ,spent Sunday with Mrs.
Gillies and Jack......- '
" Mrs. J:. Carruthers • and Lillian
spent Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs. R... E. Forster.
Mr; 'and Mrs. George Kennedy
and Billyy and•Jack visited at Mrs.
•'D. ; Kennedy's of Whitechurch on
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Dawson &
Donnie of Toronto were week-.
end visitors at Mr. Ed. Mc:Quil-.
lin's • and Mr. • J. Dawson's.- Mr.,
and Mrs. Alex Dawson, Mr. and
The people of this .' ornmunity
take this opportunity . to extend,
sincere w sympathy to' . Mrs. John
MacMillan . in.mourning the loss
o•f. her -brother, •..•Mr; -Angus 'Mor
rison:of 'Wirighaxn,
Tried Practical Exam
A. nurnber of 'Reserve Army of-
ficer candidates attended •pract-
ical promotional examinations. at
Listowelover the week -end, in-
cluding' J: C. McNab who tried
his captain's papers. Written ex-
aminations were held earlier in:
the spring which he passed suc-
cessfully.' •
Before you blame
your telepho'ne...
Engineers designed the •mouth-
piece of your telephone to give
best results. at one-quarter of an
inch from . the lips. When your
lips are farther away thanthis,.
your voice is transmitteless
strongly ... less clearly. •
Failure to remember .these
simple facts accounts for the
great majority of "trouble"
Help avoid needless' service
check-ups, and at the same time
let those you talk to hear .you
without strain. Just remember:
Talk clearly, normally, directly
into the telephone,, with your
lips just one-quarter of an inch
from the mouthpiece.
OdvAuyi1Jc s1'lUo2d�
/, �
Smoking while
you talk may
cause distorted
reception. It, also
preveats your
holding' the
• mouthpiece di.
reedyM front
of the lips.
0 .•you need m
reach across your
desk' as you talk,
' continue to hold
the telephone ,in
correct position,
close to the• .lips.
A wall set can't'
tome to you; stand
or .sir so that your'
tips are , directly
in fuont of : and
dose to the mouth-
piece. Don't "talk
across" • it,
For dear, noise -
free transmission.
always keep your
desk telephone.
upright "- not at
or near the hoc-
izontal position:
E. B. Jolliffe O tarso C. C. F.,
leader, addressed a public meet-
ing in Wingham on Saturday ev-
ening, which was preceded by a
radio address over CKNX, in
which Mr. Jolliffe outlined a 17 -
point program of "what C.C.F.
Governments • at Ottawa and
Qjieen's Park • will do for agricul-
ture" :'
1. Guarantee minimum prices
based on the cost of• production,
including a reasonable return for
the farmer's work.
.:.2-, .Help ' .farmers- , plan product
tion democratically to - meet
known `demand.
.3. „refinance farm mortgages at
a low rate of interest through
wise use • of public credit; pro
vide. loans to .farmers, especially
young 'farmers, approved by their
County Federatro i of Agriculture
and Agrieulrural Representative,
to help them establish them" -
selves on -the :land.
4. Remove unf r tarrif bur-
dens from the op rations of 'agri-
5: Extend Hydro to all 'rural
areas • and steadily level 'out H'v-
dro . costs.:? ^�
6. Reorganize ;farm marketing
boards with • farm representitives
named by the Federation of Ag-
riculture. '
7. Encourage producers' • • and
t consumers' co-operatives and ere-
' dit unions through an educational
programplus loans to approved
co-operative businesses.
8. Bring processing plants un-
der public or co-operative 'own-
erShip. to protect both farmer and
consumer. ,
9. Bring the farm, machinery.
industry under public or co-opt;
erative 'ownership. • '
10.. Assist the development of
coli •u'nity""ase"ofEarns i aaTin-
ery, either on a..co-operative. ,or.
township basis, ' • '- '
11. Insure against , unavoidable
crop failures.
12. Allow municipalities ' to set
up a Municipal Doctor System,
with financial assistance where
required, pending the introduc-
tion of an overall Health Plan,
13. Make grants. to County
Councils to establish coniprehen-
sive veterinary services.
14. Extend reforestation and
conservation projects in co-oper-
ation with County Councils.
15. Extend vocational 'and adult
education in rural areas,
16: Provide adequate scholar-
ships for, agricultural colleges.
17: Place O.A.C.' • and *other
a g r -i c u. t u 'r a I. colleges under
Boards, of Governors with direct
farm representatfon.
:(Intended for last week)
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd • Cline 'of
Paramount visited with his cous-
in, -Lorne *and. Mrs. • Emmons, on
Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. Kilpat-
rick arid children of Toronto
spent a pleasant weekend with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. : S. J.
Kilpatrick and other members .c
the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finni-
gan and Louise rwere guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Finnigan. in
London over 'the week -end.
Mrs. Wm. Crozier is' visiting
her daughters in London and
with Colin who has been in the
hospital at Crumlin: with a• heavy
cold. •
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,
Ronald .and Gwendolyn spent
Sunday evening at Herb Stothers
near Dungannon.
r. and, Mrs. Will Smith were
g . gists of Mr.' and Mrs. T. Ni:
Dutnin • on Sunday,
J. C. Drennan. Douglas Reid
and Gwendolyn. Treleaven atten-
ded the musical . festival at God-
erich on Wednesday when they
'a1-1 ;attained first class' honors.
Noma Sherwood who took part
on Thursday received a ^ bronze
medal donated by Mr. F. Arm-
strong: Congratulations' are due
these .young contestants. who ,lits
So , well, also to their teach�c
Mrs. Marvin DuFnif i Ind to their
music instructor,,,.' Miss Maria.
o - day, as always, `the `Sala~da''
lab. el is your guarantee of a
uniform blend of Jinequality teas.
It 'was with a distinct feeling-
•of shock .anct- . sadness , .that,this
Community 'learned of the 'death
in 'Saskatoon on Tuesday of last
week of Mrs. Bert Finley, a for=
mer resideint of this locality. The
funeral service, which was large-
ly attended', was conducted by
Rev. Gr :Howse on Monday p.m.
from the home ' of her brother,
Mr. Ernest Gardner with inter-
merit in Greenhill .cemetery. The
sympathy of the community is•
extended to herzhusband who has'
been so sadly • bereaved, twice
within-, the past two years and
also to the other .'bereaved rola..:
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hinton,
Misses Ina arid Irene of Oakville
spent the week -end with Zion
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner &
Yvonne of Wingham, Mr. Harold
Gardner. of: Hamilton spent the
week -end at Zion.
M•r. and Mrs. James Craig of
St. Augustine, Mrs. Cook; Mrs.
Jac1^Buchanan of Westfield, Mrs.
Govier and daughter, `'Mrs. Vin=
cent of Blyth; Mrs: '• Colwell of
Belgrave visited at 'the borne of
Mr._..,..and-:.a Mrs: ,,• E:.- -Gardner`- -on
Monday evening. •
Sunday Schoot' next Sunday
at 10.30 a.m. ,
Mr. and -Mrs: James Ruddick
and Miss Phyllis of Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Freeman, Lois
and Beryl •of Leeburn visited ••on
Sunday :.afternoon With Mr, and
Mrs. Will Gardner. Mrs. Freeman.
remained to. attend the funeral
of her' aunt, Mrs. R: E. :Finlay,
on Monday afternoon:
Schuett & Sons
"2 'large buildings `filled
with new furniture"
3 -piece .comb, VELOUR Ches-
terfield Suites, springfilled
throughout $119.00
18 others in stock
Large 6 -piece Kitchen. Suites,
leatherette seats • $59.00
12 others in stock
Large 3-pieee Waterfall Bed-
edroom Suites $74.00
14 Reconditioned Pianos and
bench $85.00 ul1
Large Axminster Broadloom
Rugs. •
Floorcovering, ' Paint,
Wallpaper, Sewing, Machines'
Marshall & Simmons '
Springfilled, ..Mattresses
Furniture .-Funeral Sgrvice
,.MILDMAY,.,,.;..MTFOREST, •• .. .
Mr. and . Mrs. Arnold Craig of
St. Augustine'were visitors . with
Mr. and Mrs. W. ••G. Hunter on:,,
Monday evening. •
Mrs. Mary, McAuley of Ripley
spent the week -end. with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ritchie: •
Mr. and Mr's. Jas. McKay of
Paisley were visitors :on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon:
• The need is desperate!
the critical shortage, not 'a
should be burned or thrown
Ybu can remedy' this critical
paper ,. shortage by saving
every scrap -of .:Waste 'x Paper,
gamely: wrapping paper—
store bags -- cardboard.—
cartons—corrugated •board --
old magazines and books= --
envelopes and ;letters—news-
papers. • These represent the
raw material •.for Making vit-
ally needed Paper containers.
- HOW TO DO 11'
Tie securely in separate
bundles: (The Little time you
take will save thousands of
man hours.) Then dispose Of
. To help Canada meet
scrap of wanted paper
away! . '
it through your local volun.'
tary Salvage Comniitte�e or
other War Voluntary Organ--
I�?ki_�zation, or sell it through any,
n'own trade-channe s,'your
pedlar, dealers or others. The
important thing is to get your
Waste Paper moving .to, .the
Do Your Part! Salvage every Scrap of Paper you can!