HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-18, Page 3• THURSDAY, MAY 18th., 194 The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario PAGE THREE FOR SUPERIOR RKII RESULTS Costs less than: lc. per average baking BOUNDARY . ]EAST • MADE IN CANADA. Mr. and Mrs. ,Patrick MacMil lan and Margaret spent Mother's Day with .Mr: and Mrs. Wangler .of Walkerton. Mrs: Charles Twamley of Lon- don . was a week -end visitor .at Mr. Wim : MacDonald''s. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes:Forster•and Mr: and Mrs. R. E.' Forster anti Nancy visited at Mr. Walter For- ster's on Wednesday .evening.' • Mrs. Bill Dawsonand Mrs. Ste- wart Dawson of London were 51- - so guests at Mr. Dawson's. Mr: and .Mrs. Roy Hudson: and family."of Wingham spent Satur- day at Mrs. Hudson's. Sunday Visitors • with • Mrs.. •Hudson and Gretta were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett and Miss Mary Bennett of Listowel . and Mrs. John ,Irwin, 'Mr, and* Mrs: W. J. Irwin and . family:. 1 Miss' .Eunice .Purves • was home for the week -end: Mr. and , Mrs. Cecil Forster, Jimmy and Grace::, Elizabeth of Palmerston were Sunday visitors at .Mr. Jaines' Forster's. Dr. Cow- an and . Mrs. Cliff of Toronto al- so spent Monday *at the Forster home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore arid family. and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Forster and Nancy spent Friday evening . at Mr: ,George ' Fisher's. Mr. Bruce Smith of Kincardine spent 'a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. 'Mr. and. Mrs. George Fisher & • family visited . at the home . of Mrs. John Carruthers, on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Charles Cook of Icknow ,spent Sunday with Mrs. Gillies and Jack......- ' " Mrs. J:. Carruthers • and Lillian spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R... E. Forster. Mr; 'and Mrs. George Kennedy and Billyy and•Jack visited at Mrs. •'D. ; Kennedy's of Whitechurch on Sunday, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Dawson & Donnie of Toronto were week-. end visitors at Mr. Ed. Mc:Quil-. lin's • and Mr. • J. Dawson's.- Mr., and Mrs. Alex Dawson, Mr. and The people of this .' ornmunity take this opportunity . to extend, sincere w sympathy to' . Mrs. John MacMillan . in.mourning the loss o•f. her -brother, •..•Mr; -Angus 'Mor rison:of 'Wirighaxn, Tried Practical Exam A. nurnber of 'Reserve Army of- ficer candidates attended •pract- ical promotional examinations. at Listowelover the week -end, in- cluding' J: C. McNab who tried his captain's papers. Written ex- aminations were held earlier in: the spring which he passed suc- cessfully.' • Before you blame your telepho'ne... .\0$ Engineers designed the •mouth- piece of your telephone to give best results. at one-quarter of an inch from . the lips. When your lips are farther away thanthis,. your voice is transmitteless strongly ... less clearly. • Failure to remember .these simple facts accounts for the great majority of "trouble" reports. Help avoid needless' service check-ups, and at the same time let those you talk to hear .you without strain. Just remember: Talk clearly, normally, directly into the telephone,, with your lips just one-quarter of an inch from the mouthpiece. OdvAuyi1Jc s1'lUo2d� /, � Smoking while you talk may cause distorted reception. It, also preveats your holding' the • mouthpiece di. reedyM front of the lips. 0 .•you need m reach across your desk' as you talk, ' continue to hold the telephone ,in correct position, close to the• .lips. '1 A wall set can't' tome to you; stand or .sir so that your' tips are , directly in fuont of : and dose to the mouth- piece. Don't "talk across" • it, For dear, noise - free transmission. always keep your desk telephone. upright "- not at or near the hoc- izontal position: a. 9 OIJT•LINES C.C.F. ' FARM .POLICY E. B. Jolliffe O tarso C. C. F., leader, addressed a public meet- ing in Wingham on Saturday ev- ening, which was preceded by a radio address over CKNX, in which Mr. Jolliffe outlined a 17 - point program of "what C.C.F. Governments • at Ottawa and Qjieen's Park • will do for agricul- ture" :' 1. Guarantee minimum prices based on the cost of• production, including a reasonable return for the farmer's work. .:.2-, .Help ' .farmers- , plan product tion democratically to - meet known `demand. .3. „refinance farm mortgages at a low rate of interest through wise use • of public credit; pro vide. loans to .farmers, especially young 'farmers, approved by their County Federatro i of Agriculture and Agrieulrural Representative, to help them establish them" - selves on -the :land. 4. Remove unf r tarrif bur- dens from the op rations of 'agri- culture. 5: Extend Hydro to all 'rural areas • and steadily level 'out H'v- dro . costs.:? ^� 6. Reorganize ;farm marketing boards with • farm representitives named by the Federation of Ag- riculture. ' 7. Encourage producers' • • and t consumers' co-operatives and ere- ' dit unions through an educational programplus loans to approved co-operative businesses. 8. Bring processing plants un- der public or co-operative 'own- erShip. to protect both farmer and consumer. , 9. Bring the farm, machinery. industry under public or co-opt; erative 'ownership. • ' 10.. Assist the development of coli •u'nity""ase"ofEarns i aaTin- ery, either on a..co-operative. ,or. township basis, ' • '- ' 11. Insure against , unavoidable crop failures. 12. Allow municipalities ' to set up a Municipal Doctor System, with financial assistance where required, pending the introduc- tion of an overall Health Plan, 13. Make grants. to County Councils to establish coniprehen- sive veterinary services. 14. Extend reforestation and conservation projects in co-oper- ation with County Councils. 15. Extend vocational 'and adult education in rural areas, 16: Provide adequate scholar- ships for, agricultural colleges. 17: Place O.A.C.' • and *other a g r -i c u. t u 'r a I. colleges under Boards, of Governors with direct farm representatfon. CREWE • :(Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd • Cline 'of Paramount visited with his cous- in, -Lorne *and. Mrs. • Emmons, on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. Kilpat- rick arid children of Toronto spent a pleasant weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. : S. J. Kilpatrick and other members .c the family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finni- gan and Louise rwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Finnigan. in London over 'the week -end. Mrs. Wm. Crozier is' visiting her daughters in London and with Colin who has been in the hospital at Crumlin: with a• heavy cold. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven, Ronald .and Gwendolyn spent Sunday evening at Herb Stothers near Dungannon. r. and, Mrs. Will Smith were g . gists of Mr.' and Mrs. T. Ni: Dutnin • on Sunday, J. C. Drennan. Douglas Reid and Gwendolyn. Treleaven atten- ded the musical . festival at God- erich on Wednesday when they 'a1-1 ;attained first class' honors. Noma Sherwood who took part on Thursday received a ^ bronze medal donated by Mr. F. Arm- strong: Congratulations' are due these .young contestants. who ,lits So , well, also to their teach�c Mrs. Marvin DuFnif i Ind to their music instructor,,,.' Miss Maria. 7'Zri o - day, as always, `the `Sala~da'' lab. el is your guarantee of a uniform blend of Jinequality teas. ZION It 'was with a distinct feeling- •of shock .anct- . sadness , .that,this Community 'learned of the 'death in 'Saskatoon on Tuesday of last week of Mrs. Bert Finley, a for= mer resideint of this locality. The funeral service, which was large- ly attended', was conducted by Rev. Gr :Howse on Monday p.m. from the home ' of her brother, Mr. Ernest Gardner with inter- merit in Greenhill .cemetery. The sympathy of the community is• extended to herzhusband who has' been so sadly • bereaved, twice within-, the past two years and also to the other .'bereaved rola..: tives. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hinton, Misses Ina arid Irene of Oakville spent the week -end with Zion Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner & Yvonne of Wingham, Mr. Harold Gardner. of: Hamilton spent the week -end at Zion. M•r. and Mrs. James Craig of St. Augustine, Mrs. Cook; Mrs. Jac1^Buchanan of Westfield, Mrs. Govier and daughter, `'Mrs. Vin= cent of Blyth; Mrs: '• Colwell of Belgrave visited at 'the borne of Mr._..,..and-:.a Mrs: ,,• E:.- -Gardner`- -on Monday evening. • Sunday Schoot' next Sunday at 10.30 a.m. , Mr. and -Mrs: James Ruddick and Miss Phyllis of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freeman, Lois and Beryl •of Leeburn visited ••on Sunday :.afternoon With Mr, and Mrs. Will Gardner. Mrs. Freeman. remained to. attend the funeral of her' aunt, Mrs. R: E. :Finlay, on Monday afternoon: Schuett & Sons MILDMAY FURNITURE STORE . "2 'large buildings `filled with new furniture" 3 -piece .comb, VELOUR Ches- terfield Suites, springfilled throughout $119.00 18 others in stock Large 6 -piece Kitchen. Suites, leatherette seats • $59.00 12 others in stock Large 3-pieee Waterfall Bed- room edroom Suites $74.00 14 Reconditioned Pianos and bench $85.00 ul1 Large Axminster Broadloom Rugs. • Floorcovering, ' Paint, Wallpaper, Sewing, Machines' Marshall & Simmons ' Springfilled, ..Mattresses J. F. SCHUETT & SONS Furniture .-Funeral Sgrvice ,.MILDMAY,.,,.;..MTFOREST, •• .. . imeamo Mr. and . Mrs. Arnold Craig of St. Augustine'were visitors . with Mr. and Mrs. W. ••G. Hunter on:,, Monday evening. • Mrs. Mary, McAuley of Ripley spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie: • Mr. and Mr's. Jas. McKay of Paisley were visitors :on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon: TONS OF WASTE PAPER ARE HEEDED EVERY MONTH FOR MAKING06111%41 WAR MATERMI . • The need is desperate! the critical shortage, not 'a should be burned or thrown WHAT' IS WANTED Ybu can remedy' this critical paper ,. shortage by saving every scrap -of .:Waste 'x Paper, gamely: wrapping paper— store bags -- cardboard.— cartons—corrugated •board -- old magazines and books= -- envelopes and ;letters—news- papers. • These represent the raw material •.for Making vit- ally needed Paper containers. - HOW TO DO 11' Tie securely in separate bundles: (The Little time you take will save thousands of man hours.) Then dispose Of . To help Canada meet scrap of wanted paper away! . ' it through your local volun.' tary Salvage Comniitte�e or other War Voluntary Organ-- I�?ki_�zation, or sell it through any, n'own trade-channe s,'your pedlar, dealers or others. The important thing is to get your Waste Paper moving .to, .the Do Your Part! Salvage every Scrap of Paper you can! DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVERS 11