HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-18, Page 1.g7,11*,,g...,A.-vrttAkoe.iim,/,,....., • •
• 4 , — 7V..:117-1,17'74171,7'..
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$2.00 A Tear—In Advance; 50e Extra to U. S. A.
• - •
LUCKNOW,. (wimp" Tupnspitv, MAY 18th, 1944
• . •
• The non -jury sittings of the
• Suprerne Court .opened in' Waik-
• - erton on Monday afternoon, pre-
sided over by the Honorable Mr.
• Justice Kelly. Several cases are
• listed- and the Court will ' prob-
ably be in session all week.
• Pita •case on the docket;.' and
of Particular "'peal interelst,
• the action 'to set aside the will
of the late Alexander MacKenzie
of the Second Concession, Kin-
, loss, and which was made by him
• in Aril of 1942.
• The heirs ' who • seek to upset
• the will, claim that the -deceased'
was not of testamentary capacity
at the time the will was made.
• The total estate has an approx-
. imate value of upwards to $100,-
• 000.00, a large portion of which
was left as an • endowment fund
for the benefit of •graduates of
'the • Lucknow. High School, who
showed aptittide and the desire
, • to. further their edileation.
• For this piirpose students
could borrow on the earnings of
this endowment fund, to be later
paid back .without. interest. The
' pringipal sum could not be'bor-
roWed frorn, and would continue
intact Perpetually.
•Besides bequesreade to a
:number of heirs, t1 South Kin-
loss and LucknowPresbyterian
churches benefited .by the terms
of the •
Counsel for - the -Plaintiffs is -sOn; - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. vitally concerned in this, matter,
• Campbell 'GraPt... '142Wallsertoni,.. 54.D1P.171,01:.Theln.Pgen;...Lleyd Wm.
'VFW P. Stuart MaeKenzie of John drahani; son of 1V1r.' and
•Walkerton and Frank Donnelly Mrs. Wm. Graham. Eleanor Irene
of Goderich 'acting' Tor the de- McNay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
,fendarits. Kelso McNay; Ernest John Ack••
BAPTISM HELD ON Had Narrow Escape Froin
An. appropriate Mother's Dy
service was.. held in the United,
Church on Sunday morning, with
theSunday School attending the
,service in ••a body, and with a
•Ming people's 'Choir „composed of
members of. the Sunday School':
Rey. J. W: Stewart'was assisted
in -••cenducting the 'service ,by.
Messrs. • W. L. MacKenzie. S.
Morrison and Harvey • Treleaven.
Ushers were Mrs. Gordon Taylor,
Mrs. K. C. Murdie, Mrs. J. H.
Hall and Mrs. Ewart Taylor. •
. In • appreciation of What .we •in
Canada; .owe to the faithfulness
and • loving cdre of • our mothers,
four young' ladies took part in
"An •Act of Appreciation". They
were Wilda •Irwin, representing
an Indian Mother; Jean. Trelea-
ven, the pioneer , mother; Mary.
Johnston, , the New. Canadian
mother,- arid 'Ruth Dahmer, • the
modern mother.
In his story "A Christian. Home
and a New China", Rev. Stewart
paid a fitting tribute to Madarne
Chiang Xai-Shelc and, her Chris
tain mother, Madame ,K. T.
Soong. •
• A feature of this "Family 'Day
in the Church", was A baptismal
service conducted by the pastor,
when the fellowing.children were
baptized: Richard Thomas • Rich-
ards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orland
Richards; Patricia Jean. Thomp-
Being Gored By Bull
Mr. John -McQuillin had a nar'-
• - • . • .
In failing, health for a time,
but seriously ill for only two
days, the death of Mrs. Thomas'
Reid occurred. at ,her home in
Lucknow late Saturday - after -
•noon, She was in her 85th year,
• • Mrs.. Reid was formeilY Mar-
garet Ann '1Viiller;. and. ,y1ras born'
In Rochester; New York in 1890.
She was a daughter of the late
Mr. and lylrs. W. H. Miller, early
residents of this village. where
. • .
e • 7
•row .escape last Friday when at- The Bruce County Sixth Viet- '
tacked by a young bull which he ory Loan bulletin issued on Mon- •
was leading from ' the wateringday afternoon showed County
trough to the stable': - subscriptions within. $2,300 of
' Tile animal ' attafted . „him, reaching the. three thillion,. dollar . . '.. , •
throwing .him. to the ground, but mark. This represented $1153 per '
by the use .of the, bull stick Mr., cent of the original objectife of. ,
McQuillin was able to, ward off , $2,600,000. The , number of sales 1, • ., ,
tliec, first few attempts to gore totalled 7.340. ... . • ' -
him. Just as Mr:: McQiiilliris
strength failed him his son Fred
come •to the rescue to °find his,
,father pinned to •the ground. For-
timately the anfiriars horns had
Orders were being received up • •
to four o'clock y.esterday after -
non, following which the final
and complete standing of all
municipalities will be issued.
Mr. Miller engaged in - the ear,
• Walkerton7headed the county
not penetrated his chest, although liege Making .business.
with 179 per cent of its quota
he : suffered cheSt bruises and a Mr. and Mrs. Reid were rnar_, •
and there were few municipalit- ", *
but below the knee, caused by hied in Lucknow on _December les which had net reached their
the tramping; of .the bull.
15th 1880, Mr. ,Reid having first objective Monday's results shomr-
• •come to this village as a baker
•ed • Luek w having raised
To Discuss Hydro Rates some ten years previous, and in $101,150, representing 106 per
. which' business he continuously
engaged until his death in Jan- cent of the objective; Kinloss,
At Meeting To-Nighf •
$65,000, 100 per 'cent; Huron, •
uary of 1939. In .December 1930, $192i900, 103 per cent; CUlross,
0 .
79,650, 123 per Cent.
A. public meeting is being held Mt: and Mrs. Reid observed their $go, -.., •
in the ToWii Hall tonight (Thurs-
.. g o 1 d e n wedding anniversary au 105' per eent;„ Ripley' .:
day) at . 8 p.m. to discuss the when they Were ' honored by $
$35350 .119 per cent.; Teeswater,
1 9
matter of bydro, rates in Luck -
Mrs. Reid has lived a long en- West '‘Vawanosh
In attendance at the meeting .
was actively, engaged in ,the din.- Huron County also went °Yet •
D. Flannery of the Hydro Elec.,'
ies of • her home so long as the top with total subscriptions
strength permitted. on Saturday night .of $3,225,000. •
tric Power Conirniision of Ont -
alio: , She was a faithful member of Final figures have not been „ re-
This meeting has been arcing '
the Lucknow Presbyterian church leased at time of writing. •
to church work including the W., went the 'distinction of leading
To West Wawanosh Township
ed by the Village. Council in an
effort to obtain . -lower • hydro and for many years was :devoted
rates for Lncknow. Every hydro
M. S. and the Guild, of which she the County with sales of $84,600,
Was one of the organizers of ttiis representing 125 per cent of the • 1
user in the village should • be
Young People's Society. Mrs. objeCtive.. Salesmen were Dur -
in the Women's Institute for a ,
worker Mir' Phillip?* and TOM- Webstet::-"-- --7,
v Ashfield too, went over the
and ... should .evidencethis ....cerve ,..
Reid '' was also an-aetlie`
Cern by being menet . at the • • . " •
ineetipg tonight. 7 - -,
number of yearS,•and. after it top, raising slightly,i
•in excess of
many old friends.
ergetic and indttstrious life and High In Huron -Co.
will be Messrs. T. C. James and
First witnesses were Called' on ert,,son of Mr. and Mrs. Raynard
Monday afternoon, and the hear- Ackert and Mary Elizabeth Allin,
• • ing was expected to continue well-
• into the week.
Executori of the estate are G.
• H. Smith 'and D. H. Carruthers,
• the former being also a bene-
•' ficiary Under the terms of the
Dr..Charles -Endicott, secretary
• of ,the Missionary and Mainten-
ance department of the United
Church, was the guest speaker
• at the evening service here on
Sunday, when he delivered a
very fine sermon. Miss Margaret
Rae was soloist.
Dr. Endicott spoke in Kincar-
dine in the morning.
To Hold Emergency
Nursing Course Here'
• Plans have been made to hold-
• an emergency nursing course in
• Lucknow, with 'Weekly classes to
commence very :shortly. It will -
be a thirteen Week? conrse, open,
to all women in the village and
district from "18 to 80"fr.
, It was decided' to hold the
' course at a meeting last Wed-
nesday following the Blood. Don-
or Clinic. Mrs. Campbell, Red.
Cross representative for einer-
gency nursing, outlined the plan
to the Clinic, exeeutivezand nur-
• The course will be conducted
• by local nurses, and will prOvide
a wealth of information and in-
struction that Will prove inval-
uable in case of emergencies or
epidemics, such as the 'fiuepi-
demic at the close of the Iast
•'It is expected that there wili1
• be "a large class enroll for this
course; further details of which
, will soon be announced. •
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen•B, Stoth-'
ers of Arthur, announce the mar-
riage of their second daughter,
, Mary Elizabeth,. to Pilot Officer
•Richard C. Passmore, 1. C. A. F.,
• youngeF Sion of Mr. and Mrs. NV:
• Passmore of Arthur, on Sat -
E, Meth 'officiating, „
GOING TO SASKATCHEWAN was founded' the meetings were $100,060,
freqttently, • held at -the Reid
Lloyd Ackert; • son of Mr, and far°111 of 4.t The
Sons' and The .Lticicridw Branch a the
Mrs. Reid is survived, by a I TO HOLD DANCE ON 24th
daughters •Mrs Neil MacLeod Canadian VegionnrsVoii.SOring a
(May) of Duparquet,- Que,; John dance in the Town Hall on Wed-
• has concluded his first year sttict2.
Clyde of LuckneW. Surviv- Mac erizie's orchestra. •
spending two weeks at his home
before- leaving ,on - May • 29th for of Sierra Madre; CalifOrnia, six
a mission field at Nipawan, Sask.;
igranclehildren and one great
;where he will spend.the summer.
-grandchild. Her grandson Clyde
is with the Royal Canadian Regi -
NEXT WEDNESDAY IS inent in Italy and hiS grand -
'A• CIVIC !HOLIDAY • , Mother's one wish was that she
would b'e spared to see him re -
Next Wednesday, „ May 24th, turn safely.
Allin.• •Mrs., Ernest' Ackert of HolyrOod, ' •
of Lohdon and Ida Fern,William nesdky, May 24th, to music by,
As next Wednesday is a Civic
Holiday in Lucknow it will be
necessary that all copy for pdb-
lication in The' Sentinel be re-
ceived by Monday afternoon.'
this reminder -to please attend
ies as a student rninisthr, and is
ing also is a brother Wm..Miller
.•-- • .
I , your Sentinel subscription '
paid in advance. If not We issue
John McKinnon, Chief of the will be observed in Lucknow' as
Calgary Fire Department, suf-
fered severe burns to his face
and hands in a recent tire in that
city. •.
Mr. Mckinnon, three other
firemen- and a sixteen year old
boy all suffered burns when an
explosion took. place while they
were fighting a barn fire..
• Jelin- is a brother_o_tan____T._
McKinnon of Concession 6, Kin-
.• .
Holdfmg, Father -Son Banquet.
The Andreiv-Haddock group of
the . Women's Association a. the
United Church is sponsoring a
father and son banquet in the
Church on' Friday evening which
many dads and lads are anticipa-
ting.--, • •
•- 1
Sells Kinloss Farm
Mr. Reg. McBride 'has 'sold his
farm on Con.cession. 10, Kinloss,
to John Robb and is holding
clearing auction sale, next Thurs-
Masonic Church Parade •
, Members of Old Light Lodge
and visitors' will assemble at' the.
Lodge Rooms on 'Sunday even-
ing to attend Divine Service in
t h e Lucicnow Presbyterian
Church at seven o'clock. . •
Paul Garnet Henderson, son of
LICpI. Garnet Henderson and
Mrs. Henderson aorrnerly Eve-
lyn Taylor), was baptized at Pine
River Church on Sunday morn-
ing, with Rev. J. C. Nicholson of-
fieiating. The child's great grand-
mother, Mrs. RaChel Mills, atten-
ded the .christening., L[Cpl. Hen-
vost Corps.
• •
a Civic holiday. Places of busi-
ness will remain open on Tues-
day , evening preceding the holi-
day, and will dispense with the
regular Thursday afternoon half -
holiday. ' • •-••'
A softball practice will be heilid
in -the Cffleckmian Park on Friday
night at seven. o'clock. Anyone
interested in playing the game,
old and ybung, isrequested to
turn out. • • •
It is planned ,te ,organize a
team here, and , anexhibition
game is. to be played in Mount
Forest on May 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stinson,
Nestleturf, Ontario, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
.elder daughter, Marion Laverne,
Donalti Joseph MacKinnon,
son of Mr. Dan T. MacKinnon
and the late Mrs. MacKinnon,
•Holyrood, Ontario. The wedding
to take place early 'in June.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ewart Taylor,.
•LuCknow,• announce the engage-
ment of their odaughter; Betty
Gwendolyn,16 Mr. John Aylmer
Ackert, only son of 1V1,rs. Aylnier
Ackert and the late Mr. Ackert
of Holyrood. '1e marriage to
take plaee early in June,
The engagement is announced
of ..Muriel, younger daughter of
• Mr. Reginald McBride and the
late Mrs, McHride of. 1,Iolyrood.,
to Clifford Charles, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles (ongrarn alao
of gni,
A private funeral serviee_ was
held at her late ,residence* or
Tuesday afternoon .conducted..by
Rev. C. H. MacDonald. Interment
was in Greenhill Cemetery. Pall-
bearers were Wm. Hornell, Tem-
ple Clark, Stuart E. Robertsorip'
Russell Middleton, W. W. Hill
and James ' '-
Relatives from . a Jistarice.
tiidThg the funeral were Mr: and
1V1rs$--Carl Sehribner, •DetrOit;
and Mrs. Jos. Carson, London;.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Wray,
London and Miss Norma Robin-
son, Fergus: •*
• •
The death 'of George S. Rob-
ertson, ..aic esteemed resident '• of
this district for upwards to 70
years; passed away at his home
in Lucknow on Monday., May 8th.
'He was in his 90th year.
Taken ill with the 'flu and
:pneumonia last December, Mr..
'Robertson made ,a ,favorable re-
covery, but. failed to regain •his
strength and was confined to
bed during the winter. His death
Carrie suddenly however as his•
condition was only regarded as
serious for 'about a day preceding
his *passing.
Mr.,i Robertson was a son of
Thomas •Robertson and Isabella.
Shivas, natives of Aberdeen,
Scotland, who first settled at Tor-
onto upon coming, to Canada. A
• small pox epidemic decided them Donald Thompson between' acts
of the play, "A Pair of Country
'Kids", presented by the Walton
Dramatic Society. The- play was
welrattended, and there was also
.a fairly good crowd at the dance
• which folloiged to music by the
Wilbee Orchestra. ^, •
•After all expenses were paid s'
t� the, matter at an early date.
Newsprint rationing now limits
the.volume of paperwe may use,
and sooner or later we will 'have
to commence a . protess of elim-
inating those farthest, in arrears,
in order to remain within our
St. Helens W. I.• Won •
Ticket Selling Prize
---,Ay--anci4clanee last --Wed-
nesday, sponsored by. the Luck- ,
now Agricultural Society, the
•'draw was made for a shearling
ewe, donated by 'John Fattish, •
president of the Society.
• Tickets were sold by various
Rea Cross war work units in the
Community, each oneretaining
the proceeds of their sales. To.
the three highest selling units,
prizes of $5.00, 0i00 and $2.00
were awarded by the Agricul-
tural Soeiety. '
First prize went to St. Helens'
.Wornen's Institute which sold 189
tickets; second prize to Kintail
Women's Institute with 188 tick-
ets and third prize to the Luck -
now. Work, Room _Committee with
179 sales. A total of 1260 tickets
was sold by all units. '
The sheep was ,won by Mrs,.
Robert Johnston. of R.R. 7, Luck -
now. Mrs. Johnston is about 80
years of age, and at the tithe of
the draw was ill with pneumonia
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Chas. Hallam of Ashfield.
' •The ltickY ticket was drawn `by
to move to.near London where.
George was born on January 20,
1885, He was the oldest and last
surviVilig member of a family
of three brothers and two sisters.
His parents moved to • near
Clinton, where his father was
•killed in a barn raising accident
Wood e ISM -911..Pasi4stri whei.e the' cliataic2t.ez.s4dSkttWfvw, „,--1-rrortr4:
take plate Itialtlay. ontirnied 0111: -page S) . 1 the good. -- . ; • •