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The Lucknow Sentinel„ •Y.ucknoW, Ontario
` v o'LOUGHLIN I Lloyd Satind who has been J• W:.Joyint. of Lucknow and
*RS. y
'''Four.Weeks' illness following Richard Elliott of :Kinloss were
. terminated in ,
death on Sunday,. April 30th, of
Abigail O'Neil,: widow of the late
Bernard. O'Loughlin: .1V1 r s .
O'Loughlin was . born at • Kings-.
bridge, a; daughter of the late
MMr. and Mrs Thomas O'Neil,'
pioneer residents .of. this . com-
iiunity and . with the exception
of a few years spent in Detroit
prior to her marriage. she. was .a
lifelong; resident of Ashfield; .Of
a deeply .,religious disposition,
.she was most•faithful in the dis
charge ,of her duties to ° her
chiurch.,arid family and her .pass-
. ing is sincerely regretted by her
.many friends. Her husband pre-
deceased her twelve years. Two
daughters wind three . sons , were
born to Mr. and Mrs. O'Lough-
lin, Mrs, J. A. Adelmann, of De-
toit Wilfrid O'Loughlin, also of
in Winghann hospital the past
week, -had a 'serious operation,
performed on Thursday last. He
is making seine improvement to-
ward recovery we. are pleased to
report. '
Muriel . Blake enjoyed ,a a trip
out . to the farm honne •on Sat-
urday." ' . .
" Mrs. .• Robt. Johnston .whp has
been ill the past "two weeks at
the home of her daughter,.Mrs°'
C. Hallam,., is :improving' slowly:,:
Detroit; Leonard and. Matthew,
; at home, survive. To their great
sorrow their eldest daughter,
Mamie, passed away in January.
1919, as victim of influenza. Sur-'
viving also are ., two brothers,
ThomasJ. O'Neill of • Winnipeg
and William . O'Neill .of Kings-
' br•idge,', and three . grandchildren,
Mary, Theresa and Joseph Adel-
man, " Jr., of• Detroit. Mrs. O'-
Loughlin was • predeceased by
three .brothers and;: six sisters,
two of whom :were called to the
religious life, Rev. Father. M. D.
,O',Neill and Sister . M. Si. Felix.
'4 Mrs: O'Loughlin was a member.
of the League• of" the Sacred
Heart, the Altar Society . and
various organizations :of the
r, vera w 'c . ,w.as
• Mr;, and Mrs.'' Herb Curran `via.-
ited on, Sunday with' their laugh
ter;` Mrs: •'Lloyd 4upter` and Mr::
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpat-
rick .and, children of Toronto call-
ed on\ friends in this district last
week -pend:, . •
Mr. and Mrs: Thos.,, Anderson,
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. -An-"
derson visited on Sunday' with.
Mr. and Mrs.,' Chas, Hodgins. of 1111'.
• Rev. G. G. Howse occupied his
pulpit at Hackett's church •on
Sunday morning and ably con-
ducted sacramental servi:es. A
full choir assisted, •which • is•
-greatly appreciated. There was .a (g
good attendance despite sick9ess i.
church. The fu 1, • to h
very largely . attended, took place
from' her late residence to St.,
, Joseph'sM church, Kingsbridge, on
Tnesdair mgrriing; .-.: May -:.2;•-•-•-
` ;'"' 10.30 o'clock, with requiem. high.
Mass. sung. '.by 'Rev. --E. J. Me
Mahon of St. Augustine. Rev J.'
It., Quigley, P.P., in his .sermon'
paid fitting tribute .. to the de-
parted Prayers at: the graveside
were offered by Father Quigley.
The pallbearers Were D. A. -Mc-
Intyre,. i A. Grant; T. J. Lan
nan, Jas. M. Bowler, -3. C. Dalton:
and. Philip Hogan: Among those
attending"the funeral' from a dis-
tance were Mr. and, .M'rs.. Joseph
in Toronto the first of theweek
attending -the conference c5mun-
icipalities; The ' meeting • was
sponsored by the Provincial
Government . in interests of
planning and development, and
attracted • delegates from some
three hundred municipalities in
the province. • -
In the words of one speaker
of . protecting ow
the onlyway
democracy . is to strengthen the
Government close to the people.
—the municipal Government". •
r y
THTJ&SDAY, MAY llth, 1944
1,55 DONORS.attended the llth
Blood Clinic at Winghain.. Hor-
ace Aitchison • was, among those
who made their -sixth •donation.,
USE FINNS Dari -Min for;
Feed and . Robertson Egg Grader,. -
itis: ' it does the °job. MacLennan's
"in • several homes,, .
Mr.. Will Andrew had a Surge•
milker installed in . his .stables
this week which will prove to be
a great labor saver.:.
Church service will ' be at ala
o'clock at Blake's next . Sunday. I`
Mother's Day .program, will be
followed. We hope .for a _ full
attendance.; • r
PRC'SPECTS. of Tara having a
medical doctor locatethere are
Trot-.brigiA•v according;, Jo ad ce
from the Department of Health
-that- there are already ,400 Mun-
icipalities with inadequate med-
ical services.
Adelmann • ,af d family' and ' Mr.'
`Wilfrid . O'Loughlin of 'Detroit,
Mrs:, W H.• Costello and Dr. and
Mrs. Michael • Costello—of Low -
don, Mr. Wm. and 'Miss. Carrie
O'Neill of Goderich, Mrs. Joseph
Fitzpatrick and. Kenneth of'Clin-
ton. •
'PRODUCTION ME, -keeping in
Constant touch 'wi't'h
sources of raw materi-
• als, 'suppliers of parts,
government and mill
tail ,authorities.,
THE ARMED iORCES —with re-
sponsibility for training
and supply, for trdop
movements, for opera-
tions on land, air and
° • ocean battlefronts.
touch with every phase
of our production and
military program—with
foreign governments —
with, • national and international war
YOU—depending on your telephone
for quick; essential com-
munication at work and
at home.
artelephone lines can-
carry this wartime load only if we. all use
existing facilities sparingly, .and keep our . .
calls just as "short and business -like as we
Additional equi meiit is'severely limited by
material shortages; co=operation must take
the place of construction if. essential .cans
are to go through promptly.
ds c'vt
004r'y .r to !elms
There is no letting -up on the fighting fronts: Action in-
creases. day by :'day. But our men there are conscious of
. .
their' jobto carry They will finish on until victory is won.
the job, and we must help them. Our job is an easy one
compared to theirs. ;
_. Yes, we b ught bonds before, of course we did. The people
of Luckno nd community have done a. good, job on every
i h they have.: been , �aslle, on : _ rr� .. ,....
occasion on who • - they -have._ d to liu��: s•
We're: buying bonds again, Are we buying all the bon's we. .
can? Are you buying all you can? _ ,•
As long as the war lasts it is going to cost Canada money
to carry on: And from now on the fighting will extend to
new areas. The cost will mount higher:
This Is No Time
o Rest On -The Job
We can't be content with what we have done. We must
do more. We must keep on buying bonds until the war is
won.'Conikined operations call for all-out action from each
unit on the home front as well as on the . fighting fronts:
Lucknow must, go all-out to support the. 6th Victory Loan.
This community must do' its share. And this means that
each individual must help.
You can buy bonds with cash .: ... and you can buy bonds
on convenient deferred payments, with 4ix months ,
to pay for them.
Put Victory First.
y Victory Bands
(This advertisement inserted by Bruce County Victory Loan Committee)