HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-11, Page 4• •ii•• •• F14, „ • • •-•••••,,t„,:...,- • •' PAGn FOUR • The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario 411111E1 SEE THE live ''Chick Display BUY WHAT YOU WANT We are.takini orders for CANE MOLASSES until stock is sold. • Order your SEEDCORN Now. OIL CAKE, nut or meal, &rt. " $2.65 COMPLETE LINE OF STOCK FEED Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w LISTEN TO . . , 6 9 uccess' . - Self 'Polishing Liquid Wax & Paste Floor Wax On Evbry , Friday Morning At 10.15 '. '37 Prizes Awarded :Each Broadcast' . • FROM CKNX WING1-1AM • . For Sale At All Grocery and : Hardware Stores r ' h. • • Presbyterian W. M. S.. • • The May meeting•of the W. NI, • .: S. of the Presbyterian church was held. at the home of Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, The president, • • Mrs. Mowbray, presided and read the • Scripture leposn. The theme of the meeting "WaS"'"Faith" and the Bible Study was 'prepared is • ....4.111=4:4,1;441,44-4 4 TIII1BS1DAY',, MAY llth, 1941 WHITECHURCH. Wm. Barbour celebrated his. 90th birthday on Monday of. last week with Mr. Harry Mc- Clenaghan of Belgrave. Miss Louise Martin of Kincar• dine spent the week -end With. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. • Pte.. Cecil • • FrOorne " of near Kingston spent the week - . end with Mrs. Froome here. Mr. and. „Mrs. George McClen- aghan made a trip .to Guelph on Saturday arid viskteel .with. their ' :daughter, •_ Miss Mildred Medlenaghan: Who is a.: risurse-in-: training at the, General hOspital. Messrs. Zack Gillies and -James ,Orr .visitear on Sunday with Mr. Harris 'Purdon of :neat St. -Hel- ens who is sick. Mother's Day will .be 'held in, the Presbyterian church on Sun- day and a special service will be held :when the unveiling of the new Memorial 'will be held in honor of our soldiers. We are sorry to • reportMr, James Morrison and Mrs. Herb Pettipieee are both sick and ,un- der the doctor's care. • MARRIED — On WednesdaY, May 3rd, Miss. Marion Wallace,• • daughter of Mrs.. ThOinas'Wallage: and the late, Mr. Wallace of neat Wingliam was united in marriage to Mr. Joseph Tiffin, eldest son of Mr. •and 'Mrs. Orville Tiffin of this' community. Rev. W. A. Bee....rOft of "Wingharn officiated.. • The- marriage took place at the honie: They left for a honeymoon trio to Toronto and other points. We wish therh a' • long and happy wedded life. • Mrs. Gilchrist, mother of Mrs. ROT. John • Pollock :formerly of this community, •passed away at the home of Mrs: Pollockat Ailsa _Iasi Wednesday, jp, her., 014. year. .She lived here for- a few years at the Manse. The funeral was held on Saturday at the.horne bf • her daughter, Mrs.. Fry, of Wingham; with interment ' in Wingharn cencreter37. We extend • sympathy to the bereaved. FOR Clover seed, . Ernet Gaunt, R. 1 s • ' ' - .., SALE—ilirnothy and Red I.- ''' .. , NOTICE • .' • • LUcknow, Phone 12.64.- „ • .. .. ' • • ., CORN-040WERS • ..• . .. • • • ' OF: HURON -COUNTY . .• . • FOR, SALE -a frame houSe •suit-rr •.• Corn: borer clea.up• " regula- tions• . . are in• force in this county , in. 1944. It is particularlY-import Ttant that all. corn growers...cern-• .pletelY dispose of .their corn .'.. refuse .either by -.plOnghing 'under ... ' of by ' biirriing, before May 27, a , .1944.. This :clean-u1S particular- ' • ., .1.y • important ..this, year since. a ,, •• considerable Ancrease' • df • ccq-n:.•• • ' • borer occurred in 4943.• ' ' • . ' . . ' R. L. REED,' .. , • • Corn: Borer Inspector, able for building •purposes, Ap- ply at Sentinel Office. ,FOR QUICK :SALE -5, brooder hOuSes. Howard' Robinson, Luek-, no),Nr. • • . FOR SALEL•Cosy Horne Onebec cook stove, in good Condition; also a round, oak extension table. Apply to Mrs. Robert Button. FOR SALE --Irish Cobbler pot- atoes grown from certified seed.: George Kennedy, Phone 43-r-11, Lucknow. ARE YOU.R.laying birds pale and scoury? Use Finn's Poultry Con- ditioner and Intestinal Cleanser, •MacLerinan's Feed: and 'Robert- son' Egg Grader, Lucknow; by Mrs. Huston. Mrs, Purvis gave areading followed by the topic by Mrs. Mullin. Prayer was of- • fered by Mrs. 1VracCallitin and Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Smith sang a duet. The current events were given by Miss .MacLeod "and the meeting -closedby repeating the Lord's prayer.. • . ' • ' , BE PREPARED FOR THE SPRING RUSH , ..‘ KEEP ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY .OF • Chick Feeds — • Poultry Feeds —• Hog Feeds It will prove" expensive for you to be out WE HAVE COMPLETE 'STOCKS OF Master, Roe,: Pioneer Feeds • • SANITATION PRODUCTS • Tried and -proven remedies that will -assist you to obtain maximum results., Don't wait till' trouble starts • . -4Jse a preventative. OILCAKE, 39 percent Protein • $2.50 cwt. FLOUR — Maple Leaf Cream of the West ; 98 lb. bag •„ $2.49 • LAYING MASH — Roe..Thrift for hens out on range: Cwt. , •_L. $2.40 Seeds Pasture Grasses are now unobtainable this year. Our stocks. of .Red Clover; Mainmoth,Cloyer, Alsike, Sweet Clover (Yel- • low and White) and Timothy are still complete. . • Alfalfa is short. Leave your order and we will do our • 'best to fill it. WE HAVEESSEX • . . • Top Crop Hybrid Corn BEWARE OF SOMETHING "JUST AS GOOD”: This is the proven type. We have maturities for grain ' as well as ensilage. • For Protein, Grow Your Own Soy Beans. Mandarin and 0.A.C. 211 • Complete stock of Mangel and Turnip Seed, Bulk Garden Seeds and Onion Setts • RAPE. SEED, • — — SUDAN GRASS ( Seed Potatoes Certified COBBLERS, KATAHDIN, GREEN 'MOUNTAINS 'WIN THE fight for I freedom from indigestion with Wilder's Stomach, Powder. .Pleasant• and tt.asteless,, giAsArnmecliate relief. Also in tablet form .50c and $1.00 at TAYLOR'S, DRUG: STORE. AUCTION SALE of household., effects of the Arn-istrong .Estate. Durham Road, one mile east of Kinloss, cn Tuesday, May ,10th at 1.30. See bill. 'Terms cash: Well. Henclerson,.AuC. Mr. 1 and Mrs,' Clarence Cox moved on Monday of this week to their new home near -Auburn, but he will come back to chop on Wednesdays. ' We are ,sorry to lose them from our village.-• Mrs. Andrew Fox Who has spent the winter rnOn'ths with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Patten Of St. Georges, is expected to re- turn to her hOme here this week. .The W. M. S. of the Presby- terian: church quilted two qUilts . in the basement of the church last Wednesday for missionary purposes. . CARD OF THANISS'... Cpl: Melvin. Hackett wishes to . • thank 'a11 the ladies •of flackett'S, ••W.M:S. and Abe' Red .• Cross •, for their parcel. It ,,was •very much • appreciated. . • •• • CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank the Lucknow Fire ,CorripanY for thq • lovely pens which we recently receiyed and which we : value Frank and•John K7'MacKenzie. • 411111M11.111"174%lailt.. ash Paid • for HIDES, TALLOW & WOOL Wool Bought For •H. M. JACKSON Of Seaforth Governinent graded. N. H. ItEDLEY BUTCHER... 'Phone 41. -Lucknow Mr: Peter Kennedy, Mrs. Day T • id Kennedy and Miss ., Annie Kennedy visited last Friday with Mrs. James Purifs of near Luck- I now. : . • ' ' I Miss Eva Wilson who has beenl visiting with her aunt and Uncle:* Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean, was Called home last Wednesday ow- ing to the serious illness of her ,father, Mr. Wilson of Guelph'. • The Women's Institute met. in the hall last Tuesday with a fair attendance. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz sang a solo accompanied. by Mrs. Garnet Farrier arid Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs.k W. R. Farrier , gave a piano duet.. Miss Annie Kennedy gave the, topic on `Sup- per dishes'. The' slate .of officers for the corning year was elected. • Hon. president, Mrs. L. drain; 'president, Mrs. Cecil' Falconer: 1st vice pres., Mrs. Ezra Scholtz; •-2nd--yice-pres,-, Mrs.-Castiok; sec retary-treasurer, Mrs. Jas: Val-, ' coner; branch- directors, Mrs. L. • Grain. Mrs. G. Farrier, Mrs. 3. EIJI-chill, Mrs. S. F. McLean, Mr. ;lag. McInnes, Mrs. E. 'Wellwood, Mrs. G. McClenaghan; press re- potrers, Mrs: J. D. Beecroft, Mrs. O G. Fisher and Miss Annie Ken- nedy;' pianists, Mrs. E. Scholtz, Mrs. G. Farrier; auditors Mrs. A. Coultes, Mrs. G. Fisher: flower and fruit, 0 Mrs. E. Wellwood;- nrograrnme, Mi'. J. Falconer, Mrs: J. Wilson. Mt 's R. Pollock, Mrs. M. Ross, Mr: D. Craig, Mrs. W. J.• Coulter, Mr. Fislter., Mrs. Farrier; district tii:,„ am. Mrs. L. Grain ': standing committee—cit- izenship. Mr. T. Moore: agricul- telyr and Canadian industries, . „ COLLECTIONS A Guelph medical client • writing us on March, 29th ays in part: "Thank you ry-much indeed for your very 'effective services". That unseliciteci. compli- ment s p ea k•s volumes, doesn't it. • • , • This "effective service", is available to you. Take ad- vantage of it andsend in your list •NOW. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection SperialistS • ORANGEVILLE, ONT. Est. 1890—Busier to -day than ever. A FULL LINE 014' .WALI,PAPER. • I' PAINT, VARNISH' and ENAMEL „ NOW IN STOCK • As Factory Stocks Are BeComing Scarce PHILIP S.. STEWART 'PHONE 8 _ LUCKNOW North. AMerican Life A. MUTUAL conrANY Grant MacLennan DiStrict 'Representative Ripley, Ont. •Phone 28-r-8. F. T. 'ARMSTRONG ' OPTOMETRIST • INLLUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY • ' 0 ' FROM 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock , 1 I . ' • AT WM. SCHIVII,D'S STORE I ' . _______ —.-..1 4. P. Stuart Mackenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR • Walkerton, Ontario. LUCKNOW Each Wednesday • OFFICE IN THE LEGION BUILDING Mrs. A. McQuillin; .historical re- search; Miss G. Richardson; home economics, Mrs. W. R: ,Farrier; war work, Mrs. q. Gillespie, soc- ial welfare, 'Mrs:. A. Walters; publicity, Mrs. J. Burchilll Meet-. ings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at 2.15 p.m. ..:LiOUNDARY EAST • Recent visitors. at Mr. Wm. M:acDonale's were Mr. and Mrs. 'Wells of Dungannon. Mr. and -Mrs. Mahood, Miss Scott and Mrs, Meek of Kincardine. Miss Mary 'Jane', Irwin is a.4- sisting 'Mit, Wm. MacDonald for , A a f1w.eeks.k . ---nit, .d Nlit..Wm. Purdon of Eas: '1'..*„-, anosh spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQpillin,. Mr. and Mrs..- George Fisher• visited at Mr. Wrn. Evans on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Forster and Nancy have returned home after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and•lVirs. James Forster. We are glad to report Mrs. Forster abli, to be around again. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQUillin, Ivan, and Barry and Mr: John McQuillin spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnston Bluevale. :• • • P'•