HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-11, Page 3" •
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THURSDAY, MAY nth, 144
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
cuPs sifted Ilour ' • , 2 eggs, WelUbeaten
3 tsrtsagic flaking.1 cuP
powder • .2 tbspos. shortersitigi
tsPit. salt-.
. sugar 2 Asp's. shredded •
' tsp. allspice apple
tbsPnadd eggs,
Sift together dry ingredients;
rnelted shortening and apple; tnix
all together keriekly..7),Bak.e in well -
greased innan 'pans' in. bot oi.en
about 26 minutes, Makes 12
Meeting in Wingham Town Hall
• • Saturday Night, May 13th, 9 p.m.,
SPEAKERS: E. B. Jolliffe, ,M.P.P.
and B. E. Leavens, m.p.p.
All are welcome - - - Please tome early
Mr. Jolliffe also speaks at 7.30 over CKNX
Auspices Wingham C.C.F. Club -
H. Niergarth, President, Wingham
. • .
Miss Evelyn Little of Lucknow
_spent the Week -end with Miss
Ethel Haldenby:
• Miepjea'n JohriStOlie ?if
• card and ' Miss. Mable john-.
stone of. .Lucknow spent •the
Week -end with their parents, Mr.
arid Mks. Frank Johnstone.
Mr. and. Mrs. Karl Boyle and
Marilyn spent 4 few days with
relatives in • Londori. •
• Little Helen Schumacher of
Culross spent the, week-endwith
her grandparents; Mr. and Mrs.
.*Wm. Wall.
• Mrs. W. J. -McLean, • Mr. 'and
• Mrs. B. 'E. McLean, Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Graham: attended the fun -
'r1 of the .late Mr: Alex Mac-
Kenzie at Embro on Wednesdgi.
•. • Mrs: Chestel. Ernmerion and.
little , son are .visiting with hr
•Parents, Mr..and Mrs, Jolin John-
stone. •:
Mr.. • and Mrs. Howard Mc-
Guire,Oliyer visited Sunday
evening with relatives • in the
••• Mt. and Mrs. Jack -Shaurnacher
• Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Wall on Sunday evening.
• The .Wpmen's Institute met on
Thursday last at the lierne of
Mrs. Ernest Aekert. Mrs. Thos
Hodgins presided.. The meeting
•opened with the Ode and Lord's
•. prayer repeated in unison. Min-
utes of the previous meeting
were read and. approved.- Busi-
. . . •
Mrs.• Chas Fowler returned
last week itrorn Wingharn Ilospi-..
tal considerably .impro-ved after.
suffering with mastoid trouble: . •
Mr. Thos.' R-oVett is moving;
this. week to his farm between
.Shepardton sand Port Albert..
I• Mrs. W. R. Andrews •entertain-
ed..the Ladies --Quild of•St..P•aurs---
Anglican..church•at''her home on
Friday afternoon of last week.
.Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Stewart of
Ashfield, who are retiring from
.their farin,.• rripved, to th.eir vill-
age. residence the . beginning of
last. Week': Their daughterlass:
-.• .
Margaret Stewart, • . Toront.O ,..• is
lister, IInterment . •• ivas made
home with them forDungannon cemetery Besides
her sl*rt time..
her fainify.• she is survived. by' six
. . ••
ness was dealt with. .Mrs:, Tom
Hodgins,-- Mrs.Tom ' Harris and
Mrs. Roy Graham were dele-
gates chosen to attend, the district
annual_rneeting to be held_ !June'
5th at Teeswater. $1 'Werth..of
Jaek Reid and Kenneth McAl- •"THE TAPPING . TABLE"
Sarriething after "Ithe prrncIpa
of the defunct Ouija board, is.the
tapping table which is now tbe.• '
rage focally and :is "anawerine •
ma.nYand, varied' qtietsionSibeing -
put, to it. •.
A light end' table • seems to be_
fairored . for the .rierforma.nee,
with one, two or more persons
laying their harids lightly on it.
•After the table is "warmed trp",
the front leg's rise off the floor
in response • to such coaxings as
"up table, rise table". Then thfl.
questions begin,.. with the table
responding with an up arid down
motion, to those questions that •
can be • answered by •counting.
Garden Arigades ' • - • • little ' grandchildren. Friends
TwoGal•clen Brigades Were
from, a distance. who' attended
' :
the funeral were' Mrs. Jos. Wil-
argariized may 1st in . the Dung -
son, clinton; Mrs. Lionel Allen,
annon district. • Group 1, kcal
leader: Joyce Rivett, President, Guelph, ; Mr. David Kirkland,
Fort Erie and other friends from
Doreen Petrie; sec.-treas., June
Glenn; other members are Eileen
Luckiwrneetiand of the W,10. ofwTeeswater.
ng '
Currie, MargaretBlack and Jean' • The
Free. Group 2, local leader, Shir-
Erskine Presbyterian church will
ley Sherwood; • pres., Donanne
be held at the home of Mrs: Will
Smith on :Friday . afternoon (-)i
Caesar, sec.-treas., -Gwendolyn
Treleaven; . otherthis week, May 12th.
' members are'•
Grace Cook, Marietta Stingel & • • 1 •.
Isabelle Erriiigtort The meetings APRIL WAS6NORMAI,; MONTH
were held in S.S. No: 6 Ashfield '
•.For instance,. one performance
and at the home of Mrs. Bert, . April was On its good behay- We witnessed "revealed" that the . . •
Treleaven. Miss Flora ‘Durnin,
'our the weather ' observer tell-
CountY, Home Economics coach, L , , b war would be over in ten Months.'
outlined • : the Garden.Brigade month. Rainfall totalled approX't
s,• and was quite a normal
It may be ridiculous, but
work and discussed garden -cul- imatety one .inch. Snowfall was • •
ture. The girls have as ;their ski- light, totalling about 8 inches,: • :. , .
gan, Gardens for Health, Health.
. which' was . only half of the .a:- Name Omitted.
far Strength and Strength' rar .
Victory, Each member will .pl nt.
a garden with twenty varieties
a mount of snow.in 'April of 1943. ' From the Dungannon list of
Temperatures for the past month Red Cross donations the name of
were average with considerable Mrs. Sam Treleaven was 'omi
sunshine. ted: Her donation was $5.00.
of vegetable seeds-. and ten of
flower seeds. They will meet a-
aiii in the summer holidays to
study •the cooking and value of
vegetables:, • canning tomatoes,
storage of vegetables) -Congratu-
War Savings stamps were given %tains Lgirls •on.;planning.-to.make
to two new babies in the InSti- the towardcentributir the war
tute, Sharon June Hodgins and 'effOrt. .
John Ernest_ Ackert. It was de-: . Fit Sgt Thornton tectY,IWind-
cided to sell tickets on the lamb sor is enjoying a furlotigh. with
donated by Mr. John Farrish. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. L.
The proceeds to ,be used for war Eedy.'
wOrk. Committee in chSige of a
Mother's Day will be observed
dance in the near future in aid in the • evening at :the. 'grated
of the Institute ar Mrs. A5•1fli`2r 'church at 7.30 p.m. ori Sunday,
Ackert ^and Miss Grace MacKin-
May 14thMrsRi;thard McWhin,;.
non. A- rummage sale will be ney will'
. .
held at the next meeting at the be the speaker for the
occasion and a Mothers" choir
home of Mrs. Richard Elliott. willassist with the music: The ,
The 'following program was giv- local churches of Dungannon are
-n, reoding Ow Mother's Day by invited also sister' eluirehes; Pt..
Mrs. • Perry Hodgins, piano duet, -Albert and Crevve. • °
Mrs. Wm. Grahafh and' Eileen
LAC.' Kenneth Hodges '& Mrs.
Elliott: The • National anthem
•:. Hedges; St. Catharines; spent a'
closed the meeting and : lunch
few days last week -end with rel -
was served by the.. hostess and
ati. here. : •' • . '•
committee in charge. ves
'• Mrs.. Wes. Thompson, Helen &
Jean were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and M. Roy Graham. '
and- ,,family of -Tiverton' visited
Sunday with the latter!cs parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. Eldon Eckenswil-
Phone Mana
. •
-ger 111 • '
• W. J. Lane of Ripley, manager
of the., Central Telephone - office.
ter the past. tWenty ,years, has
been confined. to his home 'due
to illness'„ ' .
:Mr. and Mrs„ Angus McArthur
, , • , , •
Lucknow Bowling Club
W. 1. Miller, Pres. • Wes -Huston, Vice -Pres.
. • W. C.„,Finlayson, Sec:-Ti:eaS• '
1 .
, Membership Invited .
: FEES: , .-
. NEW MEMBERS • $3.00' -
OLD MEMBERS • - $5.00
- Bowls Not Required
W. C. Finlayson Howard Agnew
” • 4.
rrr.1716Ver:447P4:141t A
Miss Lucille Eedy spent the
• week -end with her aunt- kunele,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F.I1/41ickel, Strat-
fird. •
A belayed citizen of. this com-
munity • passed peacefully away
after a lengthy illness, Mrs. Wm.
Wilson, on the 6th Con. of West
-Wawanosh ;- - She -as- formerlYMary Kirkland, ,a daughter of
the late Sarnuel •Kirkland and
Elizabeth McKague, born at
Teeswater. July 19th. 1870. She
was one among a family of eight, -
six brothers and one) „sister.•She
is survived by a brother, Mr: Da-
• vid. Kirkland, Fort Erie: Her hus-
band, the late Wm. Wilson. pass-
ed away 'thirteen years ago, be-
ing .a son of the late James Wil-
son and Isabella Shearer. They
had lived'all their married life
on the farm of her son, Mr. Wal-
lace Wilson and her late home:
• She won for herself 'nem; friends
•with. her kindly disposition and
will be sadly missed by them
and her family of two Sons and
two daughters. Mrs. W. J. Reed
(Jean), A:shfield; Elizabeth. Mrs.
Ernest Post of Normanclale, Jas„
Wallace. West. Wawanosh.
She was a faithful member of
Dungannon Erskine .Presbyterian
-Muratand the funeral service
was held on Monday afternoon.
May 1st at .2 p.m. fibril her late
home. Many friends ,attended to
nay final tribute and her pastor.
-Rev. t. H. MacDonaql, wa4 in
'charge of 9f serviee. •T•he pall-
bearers W e David MeAlliste;',
Mason McAllister. -Gordon
land, Gordon Stobo, Thos. Web-
ster and n Pin nigarr. The—
flower bearers were Douglas &
This Week To Reach Lucknow's Quota of.
11 We Ask For Victory We Music
BUY BONDS To Our Limit
••• •
will YOU
will YOU
Come On Lucknow
etb S
"4"-- 14111115:11.1111,