HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-11, Page 2PAGE TWO SE,xr;;c �•, The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL- -LUCKNOW, EN.INEL•LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Established 1873 . Published Each Thursday 1' orning Subscription Rate =-- $2.00 A Yrr In Advance To United States $2,50 ' ' ' Single Copies 5c 'Member of The C.W.N. A. L. C. Thompson, Publisher andel 'Proprietor! v THURSDAY, MAY 11th, ,194 . E` D 1'T OR I A Ls I. .. cooked -uL� .... MOTHER'S DAY, .. : ' • And saw, the face'wof God ., Sunday is Mother's .Day; ' 'a . daywhen Dear : Lord, when Victory comes, • mother love, devotion and sacrifice. is•'recog- •When the guns :are silent; nixedby thought, word and deed, as on .no Andthe bombs stop falling, • other occasion lestit be at Christmastide. And the seas.: -ire '• clean and fresh and safe; - This day must bring pride and joy to' 'When . the dying shall scream no -more; many -a mother's heart, as her family and loved • ones honor and bless her -as every good. mother so richly deserves. The • evidence of such devotion is all she .desires . as recompense for the days and years of toil and care and •'Give us the strength to keep our pledge f that motherhood demands of her, and' ' To make a better world .. . Sweating in the desert and the jungles; Wheeling 'through the clouds; Drawing their , deadly beads Under' the choppy waves 'Of a -dozen sena This was war. . Bitter and' uncorripromising;.' Gloves off and no holds barred; : Kill or be killed;. Exterminate, stamp out and -smash forever m The 'threat.. to: Freedom.:, • This was the dark,•hard road: io Victory. I' ,. A thought,' ' When Victory. comes . . 'what then?. 111 • Arid the starving are ,fed; And the soft green • moss Covers the'tragic scars of ' ruined cities . • Then dear: God, .make us .worthy y, of Victor. sacrY ice . which stile . so' cheerfully gives. Mother's. Day is an • old, old , custom, al- though it isgenerally regarded • as having originated ' during' the 20th ccentury. - True;' the present century , has commercializedthis day aggression to .a large, extent, but . individually it is .obser_ , While the beasts of Swallowed the little people one by one; A world that ' lived divided, : ' Where ' everyone locked• his "door against his neighbour, Where the 'mad were strong,. Arid the wise were weak . . Not the: world we've known, The world of power against power, • -• The World of breadlines and bitterness, A world that would not let a man work, A world that watched unmoved, ved with all sincerity, and' affords an Oppor- tunity for an expression of family devotion .to the one to whom we owe s� • much:. With our nation at .'war,. 'Mother's . Day to some will bring deep sorrow through' bereave- ment. In many homes there will be the lonli-' .- Give tis the. strength to take Victory, .. Hess of separation from loved ones. Where': Quietly and with gentle hands; • there. has been .bbereavement, there will be • Ari_dL:moud a -great new friendship ,.. .. • Memories. Where there is separation there will ' To take l like a garden; ,. ,----14a;:prayerg.:.,c2rk,:- ;a??3'.,n�lips for the „reunion• o 'loved Ones ere another yeas; rolls nit, . •1"i;ipp�irrg•• -the•-•••weeds u. sr, But it 'Will be Mother's Day, and her. name ;will bererered in spite of death' or distance. That is the way they would want it • From the rich; , black earth, Burning 'theminthe fires of ;Truth, So that never again , Will there ' be :a. Hitler or a Mussolini; A , IHirnmler or a "Goebbels; '' CAN WE DO LESS?, Never again a blitzkreig; ' Bruce and Huron . C'ounty Victory Loan Never again the bitter treachery '' officials are not happy about the resuitsgof.ttie Of. .pearl Harbor; first two weeks. of the campaign. During that : Or the tragedy of Coventry; time Duron had raised only slightly over 50 Or blood.': running in the dills of Bataan: per cent of its objective and Bruce 58 per. cent. God give us strength This week -;-the final week—imposes a.tre- To set our 'own .house in order mendoustask on'those ; charged with the suc- To open ":our doors in fri-endship, t.55, of the campaigns in• these two. counties, To set all .men 'free; and which• have had enviable records'in past Soaps. • They must ,not fail this' time, but the on -as is on eiery citizen of Bruce and Huron County, . to invest ' every last dollar he or she can spare. See your Victory Loan salesman at once, and no matter ho v 'small the 'amount, invest all To live, not alone, With the door locked, 'And the windows barred, Watching . through the shutters, The bitter strugglesof the little- people. ' This time;. dear God, Let every nation take its rightful - place; • you can, Do it now, the time is short:.. In;. the world of men, •_. Canada's _Armed ,Forces have 'set the ex- � Free and ' untrammelled ample for us. Not •only are they fighting our ' Bpnds of friendship but not' chains of bondage; battles; . but in the Fifth Loan purchased,--° $37,506,000 worth of bonds, • oversubscribing their' original objective by 65 per. cent. Their response' in the ' present loan promises to sur- 'And the rain of wisdom pass their previous record. The evidence. of ' Wash .the slums of the earth,. this is contained in a recent letter from a Into vague mernorie's. Let the strong be wise, And the weak,.; protected, I1.et the, sun light the darkest street, Lucknow boy in ...Italy T to says: "Another `Victory Loan is underway here.' In the first three hours our 'unit' reached 239 per cent of its objective” • • - ' Let the wheat ' grow, And the fruits ripen, • And dear Lord, let them be eaten, Not left to rot or burned or buried If we at home "Put Victory First", can we — While men .starve 'for want of them. do less? • Give us strength and wisdom, Truth, ruth, honesty and faith; While unloading salvage on Monday night, - Maintain our .anger against aggression, humility .. one of the boys had a, lense in his glasses • And give .us before' you, Dear Lord. broken. The comparison may be superficial, but the value of the lense ,represents . about Give' us the power and the purpose To make children . laugh; To give work to the men who fought for us;. And comfort to the women who suffered';. 'And peace to the aged . , Hope to the devastated, And release, to the enslaved,,' Food to the hungry, And strength to the weak.. Let this hilltop be the world, Soft green and eternally at peace, With the leaves drinking life From the Sun; ' And the long blue horizon Dusted with. smoke Of a million peaceful hearths, ' And, thebreeze vibrant and bright - With . the laughter and . song Of a million voices. Dear . Lord of heaven 'and earth, . ---Give---tis-these-strengths When Victory comes -.- . Guide l Ili to peace; - Forever and ever, two tons of salvage glass. * ,* • •*: PRAYER FOR • VICTORY By' Major Dick Diespecker Canadian Army. I stood upon a hill in the fall of • the year,, A lovely hill, soft and still green With the breath of summer.. ' And the stip, readied long' golden fingers Into the valley floor, . ' And lighted the .autumn -painted trees With the fires `of God. -. This . was peace. , tut over the ridge there was rio peace, Over the,ridge was war ... : Ghastly and bloody; The quick anti the dead, ' Whirling in a mad blasting conflict : . Ripping • the skies' • _ • And the ear' lr - And the churning sea . And our men were there, They • were fighting• and dying; TH RSDAY, MAY 11th, 1944 .&-; Local and General Le'r Mrs. J. H. Hall • was. a recent visitor in London with Mrs. Key- ser.. . Miss Doris Ritchie of • Strat- ford Gerierai' Hospital' :spent the week -end at her home.: Mrs. Margaret ,Paterson has re- turned . to -hey. ,home . here •after spending the winter in. Goderich. With Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pati erson, , Miss Islay Campbell returned this week from' . visiting her sis- ter Audrey. at Kitchener' and with friends, ? at Hillsburg .and Fergus. • ' • .Sunday ' visitors with friends Here were Mrs. J. A.`"Robertson of Mount Forest, Mrs Cameron Geddes..of •Mitchell, Mr.and Mrs. Roy Lightfoot`' and •Mr:' and Mrs_ Eaton of Port .Elgin. �Arrien.. • The May meeting of the - Wo- - men's Institute • will be held in the Town Hall, Friday; May t at 2.30. ,„.12° ..- Brought• :TO Wingham • Mr,'s. 3.- R. • McNab who has been in London since suffering a hip fracture; was brought , to. Wingham Hospital.. , last . Mrs.' • McNab_ is :Ma -king ta. favor-, , able • recovery from:' the fracture .and • is "able; • to move around 4 little, with •the aid, of crutches. Condition isni. proving • Lloyd Saunders., : son • oil° Mrs. George, Saunders,; of Ash.- field, sh-field, who has been seriously ill with peritonitis, • ' underwent • , a. major operation in . Wingham General Hospital i:ast Thursday • 'afternoon and since then.. his coridi-t-ion • - has .: shown` ' gradual improvement. COUNCIL MINUTES •TOWNSHIP. OF KINLOSS. Council met. April 17th,' 1944,• as ' per adjournment, Ali .menti: hers present. ' The minutes of the meeting of March 20th as .read were approv- ed and signed. ' Funeral expenses 'of the late Robt..:MeGillvary were paid to the amount of $54.19. The -Board went on record as being wholeheartedly in support of the 6th Victory Loan and Urg- ed all ratepayers in • the 'Muni- cipality 'to ,support the loan to the utmost -of-their ability.., a.,..The...4cierk....:. was, instructed to reply to Robertson ` &'•Robertson re Black Creek extension .repair at KinlougIL.ond also to reply to sessment •roll of 1944. Cheques issued -F.' G., Moffat, .insurance on hall, `$7.20; Muni- - - 'cipal World, supplies, 2.03; Win. ' J. 'Davison, .funeral ' expenses, i e.• late Robt. McGillvary,' 54:19: Highway, cheques.'--- Pay',' roll ' No. 4, $158.37;: J. W. Henderson; 20.80. J. R. LANE, Clerk. FEED •FINN'S Poultry Tonic and Vitamin Builders --stops canni- balism. MacLennan's . Feed and Robertson Egg Grader, Lucknow. 7Out- Of This,. World - - - In Reno" . • BY hlez Robb .-"7"iie �a3'tasYe'"story^�rflife lrb- rty and the pursuit. of alimony. in America's dizzy divorce:. capi- Culross Council'ire' collection of 'tat Read, in the" American accumulated • costs on Ackert Weekly with this,' Sunday's (.May , •• Drain.. . ' .. . 14) 'issue of The :Detroit .Sunday Council then adjourned 'to meet again, on Monday the .29th .`day .of May at the usual time -arid place for general ..business,' and at .2 - o'clock • in ,the afternoon as Times, Inez Robb's absorbing story of. the amazing 'antics of Reno's :divorce seekers, who are never too young or . too old to try their luck' with love again. a Court of Revision on •the as- Get The Detroit Sunday Times. PUBLIC MEETING Re Hydro Rates WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWN HALL Thursday, May 18 AT 8.00 -P.M. _ Present at .the . meeting will be Messrs.: T. C. ` - James- and D. Flannery of the Hydro Electric Power Commission. Members of the ,Business Men's Association,. power users, and all citizens of the Village •interested in the -matter . of hydro rates are urged to:. attend:, • - Let's Put Bruce over the top We are still some distance from our objective in the. Sixth Victory Loan in Bruce County. The time- is, short. Act now! Put Bruce over the Top. a OUR BOYS IN UNIFORM ARE COUNTING ON US—LET US NOT FAIL THEM. Warden .`Shewfe r