HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-11, Page 1,Or,I.VORWAR01.0.14
$2.00 A Year—In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. •
. Anniversary services,• marking
the 54th anniversary Of the op-
ening and dedication of the Pres-.
ent church,. were held in the
• Lucknow Presbyterian •Church
• Pk Sunday,. with ,iarge congrega-
tions in attendance. at both ser -
Vices. • , •
. Rev. Hugh Jack, B.A., of Sea -
forth was the. guest speaker 'at
both • services wiAlsotHame,ron
Geddes: the guest sOloist. As well
there was special music by the
ch oir. •
Evening services, at South
, Kinloss Presbyterian Church and
the •United Church were With-
clraWn with Rev. • Herbert F.
Dann and Rev. J. W. Stewart as-
sisting att- the • anniversary 'set.;
In welcoming 'the congrega-
. tion,•Rev. Jaek said it was'a good
thing •to get together 'on these
MRS. R. E. FINLAY PASSED 1 Local Minister Is
The depth of Mrs. R. E. Finlay,
,.field, ,occurred in. Saskatoon on
-TuesdaY. The funeral serve
neld '.at the ;home: of Ernest.
• Gardner, Con. 12, Ashfield, on
Monday, May 15th.•at 2.30 yvith•:•
interment in Greenhill •Cemetery.
Presbytery Moderator
1y EvaGardnerof Ash- • At meeting M Nyingham on
• TUpsday afterrioon., the ,neWly
formed - Presbytery of Huron:,
Maitland of the Presbyterian
Aurch came into being.',Rev. c:
H. lVfacEionald of LuCknow was•
named "Moderator.. • "Rev. John
Pollock of Ailsa' Coig is Clerk,
of Seaforth is the treasurer.
Rev. C. S. Oake of Knox church
Stratford, and Moderator 'of the
Synod of Hamilton addressed
Presbytery, the establishment of
which was first marked by a
communion setvice. Conducted by
Rev. MacDonakl.
Wednesday, May `24th, will be
observed as „ a:civic . holiday in
Lucknow, according' to a procla-
rijation (being issued by Reeve J,
'W. Joynt, at the request of the
tuoknoW Business 1VIen's
ation. •
• •
, -
CONSIDER VICTORY :GARDEN' of 'Presbytery and Mr. Mullins 0*-ERSEA.S
It knight be well to take par-
ticular care in planting your gar-
den this year,for we've heard it
proposed that the Agricultural
Society sponsor a "Victory -Gr-
den" competition' this year, open
to • village gardeners. Tentative
Suggestions call for the judging
of •-the garden plot, as well as
a display of produce at the. Fair.
• ,Nothing definite on the sub-
ject yet, but it looks as if the
propOsal may be adopted.
occasions. • The unity of spirit .
overleaps all barriers Of race or
• religion. We are all one-in:Jesus-••. IN MEDICINE
Christ and it is well to remem-
ber this in these days of inter- Robert Bruce Gammie, Ariss,
national Strifehe said.. Ontario, is one of the thirty-four
• students graduating on May 17th
Rev. Jack chose as his text,
: " from the University of Western
Mica 6, 8He hath sheweth
Ontario as ,Doctors of Medicine.
thee, 0 man, what is good; and .
what doth the Lord require •of Robert attended Elora , High
thee, but to do justly, and; to School and Guelph Collegiate. He
love m cy, and to walk humbly will be 24 years old on May 30th
.With th Gcscrp,•• •. and is the elder son of Mr. and
• The m ssage in that text was
to IsraeLbut it is_
• •• • • a message to •ifie
hilay; Rev. Jack Said. We pray for
• • lasting peace but if it. is to ever
• :be a reality it 'must be based on
justice--,juStice to the victor; and
the 'vanquished, to the strong
, and the-, weak. But mercy
• play a part. It 'must be- justice
4. empereil .,with mercy." rritist
deal with ourfellowmen some-
what similiar to how God deals
with us. We must too, Yvalr hum-
ls an abominationto the Lord,
the speaker said.
The golden rule is the Christ-
lan rule of justi It means put-
• ting ourselves in the other fel-
:oyes place. Righteous living is.
the externals of' religion and un-
less our religion is 'an everyday
• busine;s it is of no value to our -1.
• selves or in t1Te sight of God.
The religion that counts is that
Which touches every part of our
life, every thought, .every deed,
every day. • : •
• • MEN'S 'and BOYS' Underwear,
• work sox, etc: The Store with the
• bly with our Master, fo pride
Mr. George S. Robertson, one
of the -Village's oldest residents,
passed away at his home here
late Monday evening! He was 89
years of age and had been in
failing health for a time. •
The funeral service was held
at his late residenceon Wednes-
dayl afternoon -with• interment in
Greenhill Cemetery..
. 'An obituary will appear in' our
next issue.• , ••
LIST.11AS 126 NAMES' • '
The overseas mailing list of
those -in Uniform from Lucknow
and district has been revised this
past Week:,,The list now contains
120 names, but we doubt very
much that it is complete.
This list, coveting - the- village
and the rural area served by
Lucknow arid Holyrood rural
routes,. is used by local -organi-
zations which send .periodie ship-
ments of cigarettes overseas.
The list is revised :and printed
periodically and made available
at no charge to these. organiza-
tions. Please let Us have all
changes of .addresses -and the
names of new arrivals 'overseas,
and if "your boy" • is not re-!
ceiving cigarettes •let us have his
name. It iS only by the Co-operd-
don of the folks at home that
'omisSions and • errors • can be
avoided. ,
Mrs? Bruce Garnmie, Pilkington ON WEDNESDAY
ToWnship;• •
RESUMED TODAY at the llth. Clinic held here yes- .m Huron• TawnShiPthere .is a
•hen which is doing some fancy
• ' • terday rriorning. This nuinber 'lettering on the eggs she lays.
has only once been exceeded, at had -f t letter V
• . , •
• In . the Sixth Victory Loan,
J3ruce, County is making an ex-
cellent showing, and as at Mon
: -
.day. night stood-- in 16th place a-
mong g units the' Province. . •
But softie municipalities are
lagging, and if residents 'of these
municipalities respond, Sufficient:-
ly„..to, reach or exceed their -ob-
jectives, the County as a -whole
should finish up well to the top
in the Province.• "
-Southampton, Walkerton, Tees -
water and Ripley are over the
top now and are still ,going
strong. Southampton has raised
'121 per cent;of its objective,
-Walkerton. 120, Teeswater 107
and Ripley 104: In the rural mun-
icipalities Greenock ' is leading
with 97 per cent
• But- what about LUcknow,, Kin-
loss, Huron and •Culross. Wed-
nesday morning figureS at Walk-
• erton show Lucknow as. having
subscribed only $50„400 53"per-
• cent; • Kinloss $35,800, 55 per
cent; Huron $62,400, 62 per cent;
and Culross $35;400, 42 per cent.
And there's only three days
left. Don't let' Bruce down. •
Lagging. In Huron
• Figures` released at headquart-
ers in Goderich on Wednesday '
•• morning show. HurOn County as .
ha'ving ,attained only 60.3, per
cent of 'its objectiVe.
Sales of $1,845,300: have, been'
• reported, • leaving a„ total • of,
$1;2-14;700-46-- three•-•
days,ror daily,average faf S404,-
900. It's, a big' task, but Huron.
hasn't:failed yet.. But in compar-
ison with the last loan the Conn-
tY is down ,at the same date more
• than $600,000.
Ashfield returns on Wednes-
farni of James Beaton -
There i4ire-1.07-1CrOod- dbriOrf
The municipal garbage collec-
tion ,system is being resumed for
the stimmer" and early • fall
months. The first collection is
being, made'today -(Thursday)::
As before; the north side collec-
tion. will be -held each Thursday
and the southside' eachFriday
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Beaton
wish to announce the engage-.
ment of their daughter, 1Viurdena
Jean; to George ' Tyndall Robin-
son, R.C.A.F., son, of Rob-
inson and the • late •Mr. Tyndall
Robinson. 'The wedding will take
place in the chapel of, St. Col-
umba Church, Toronto, on May
27th. •
- Lower hydro rates are consid-
• ered past due in Lucknow, and
in this connection a special meet--
ing. of the Village Council was
held on' Friday night to which
members of the Business Men's
As i ti n and ' power users
pob.. One egga Pei feet
the 8th Clinic held early in embossed on the end of the shell
ruary with an attendance 'of 109. and a cou,ple of . days later the
Yesterday there were 32 wo- '
Men% donors : fol-
Mrs: Myrtle Stewart, Dr. Jas.
Little, Miss Ma'rgaret Salkeld,
Chas: Shaddick, Merian Avery,
Gordon Fisher,. Morgan Hender-
son, Mts. Apnetta Thompson,tWil-
liam Humphrey, Vernon Htinter,
Wesley HuSton, Miss -Mildred Rit-
chie, John McFarlane, Harvey
• Honston, James Smith,: Wm. A.
• Schmid, George Cowan, Ottd 11
Popp, Mrs. Amber M. Popp, Miss
Mildred Anderson, Harvey Tre-
leaven, John McKenzie, . Miss
Louise Windsor, Mrs. Eva 'Bleck,.
Arthur Cann; Carmen Anderson,
Jas. H. 'Cochrane, John Cameron,
Harry Lavis, Mrs. Mary LayiS,
Miss Helen Tbornrison, Louis
Hogan, Ernest Ackert, George E.
Lockhart, Allan Grant, Raynard
Ackerti, Mrs.1Mary A. Button, Unique in local Masonic circles
Clifford Johnston, Clyde •Reid, was "Professional night" held at
Mrs. Florence McKenzie, Harold; Old. Light Lodge On Thursday
J. Gaunt, Mrs. Hazgl Mrs. evening, with •visiting brothers
Annie Gaunt, - Mrs. Elizabeth in attendance from 'Kincardine,
Durriin, I3ert .McLean, Kenneth Port Elgin, Tiverton, Teeswater,
S. Purvis, 'Allan ''Graham, Miss
Cargill,' Walkerton; Wingham &
A -•Graliarn William Stanley
Mrs. Olive Irwin, Mrs. Janet D. Officers conferring the degree,
were all professional men from
Mrs. Christine R. Miller, Gordon Lucknow and district lodges,' in
Allan A, Miller, Gordon 'eluding Rev. J. W.' Stewart, W.
Wall. Alex McKenzie, • Jas. A.
.w.t Stanley Hall, Wingham, S.
Aitchison, Alvin Robb. Rev: j' Rev. R. 'N. Stewart. Tees -
W. Donaldson, Miss Myrtle A. Vater, J.W.; Rev. 0. E. Gallagher,
Finnigan, Edward Finnigan, Miss Witighan-i, S.D.; Rev. C. H. Mac-
Donald; Chap.; Dr. James Little,
LG.; Rev. W. Strapp. Bervie, .J.
D.; and Chas. Fotheringham, Pt.
Elgin; Re -v. P-11. Streeter, tlyth:
K. McLean, Wingham; J. 11.
Crawford, Wingham. '
A' social time followed in filt.
banquet hall. . Among :visiting
brothers who ipcike briefly were
Rei'7.' Streeter, Rev. MacLeati and
Messrs. P. Stuart McKenzie, Har-
ry Alton, E. D. Cameron ' and
Chas.' Fotheringham. 'uAs one
speaker •remarked, it was the
biggest 'thing in Masonry he,had
.ever seen. Undoubtedly it was
an outstanding night. .
Safe crackers and car thieves
were at work in Lucknow ;dur-
ing the early hours of Sunday
morning. They smashed into the.
safe at Silverwoods Creamery,
and stole Eddy Gaunt's car.
• A sledge hammer and two
crowbars, which they obtained
at the C.N.R. section house, wertt
used . to smash the safe at the
Creamery. The .loot was almost
• nil for their trouble, but they
, tnigbt. easily have burned the•:
place down.
/.• hey apparently lacked a light
• with which to work and ta avoid
turning on the hydro, set a fire
of papers on the floor in' front
of the safe, surrounding it, with
office desks tb shield the light.
The ashes indiCated there had
been 'no Care taken to•tramp out
the fire.. '
Eddy Gaunt's car was stolen
from behind Johnston's Restaur-
ant on Main St. It had been lock-
ed. That 'same night car markers
were stolen fror& a car in Wing -
ham. No trace e the Gaunt car
was reported- Up to Tuesday.
'Provincial Officer /1/IcClevis is
working on the case. -
It will be five years•in Sep
logrnber since' :the SilvetwOodi
Creamery was. brOken Int7S and
the safe blown open.. • -
socia o
were invited, •-• '
A thorough discussion of ' the
matter ensued. Reeve Joynt stat-
ed that a- reduction in rates was
Currently -being authorized, but
felt that •a more substantial re-
duction was warranted.
It was pointed out that power'
users are paying about two -
'thirds of the cost of hydro which Christine Finnigan, Mrs. Olive
:Culbert, Russell Alton, Mrs:
Evelyn Henderson, Wrn. Hunter,
Ewart Taylor, .Donald McKenzie,
Albert Alton, Kitchener Pini
gan, Wm. Wareing,' Melvin, Mor-
rison, Howard Blake, Mrs. Laura
Blake, Donald 1VICIrityre„ • Ken-
neth Mowbray, John McDonagh,
Mrs. Alice Stetvart, MiSs Phyllis
K. Blake, 1%./...s., --Margaret Stew-
art, Lorne M. Farrish, Ronald'
Forster, Lloyd Robb, Harvey D.
Andersons Lloyd 1VieDatgall, Mrs.
Theresa treckles, Gordon Ross,
'Allan McLean, 'Fred C. Ember -
lin, Wm. Kinahan, Ray:Dalton,
‘11ar,yey Alton, Durnin‘ Phillips,
Mrs: Catherine Andrew, Sidney
Gardner, Jas, W. • Errington,Rug-
;letter P apPeared. Of. course the•
Wai the Ar for victory
:0; but We -haven't yet. been
tie. to strike Ori anything plaus-
able for the letter P. • • x
RATHWELL—In Wingham 'Gen-
eral • Hospital. on Wednesday
May 3rd; to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Rathwell, a son; Thomas. Arnold
STERLING—In•Clinton Public-
lic4it4P on Saturday. April 29th
to Mr. and Mrs: William Stirling
of Goderich Township (nee
Gwen Ackert), a son.
nna Blyth.
McPherson, Mrs. Viola Stanley,
• now represents an annual bill1of
some $18;000; and that the high
power -•rate is a definite •indus7
trial handicap to local industries!
If was agreed that a concerted
effort should be made in seeking
more substantial • reductions in
iajtes. ••
• Plans previously made by
Council to have. a Hydro official
visit Lucknow have now been
changed. When Reeve Jbynt was
in Toronto the first of the week
he arranged to have Messrs. T.
C. James and .D. Flannery of the
• H.E.P.C., attend a :meeting in
• Lucknow on Thursday evening.
'May 18th at '8 o'clock. This is
a public meeting to be held in
the !Town Hall at which mem- sell Irwin, Johnston D. MeLe'od,
Bob Stothers, John B. Ritchie,
11,dbt. Irwin, Richard Elliott, IVIiss
Betty, McDonald, Miss Isabel Mc- ,
inanmatk, 6i ;wilt -.for the. McIntyre .of• .kinloss and of Mrs. - -.1dnalcli, Donald Tholln.Pg0, J6. irl:'g
Russian' Telief.,, • • - ;S1V-- Mackenzie „of tuckijow„
bers of the 13usiness Men's. As• -
sociation, the power users and
:Citizens generally- who -age inter-
_stiddro, .ates", are invited
to attend.
Made Quilt For Russian Aid
The ladies of the 9th Conces-
• sion West Wawanosh met at the
hoMe of Mrs.'Albert Taylor for
the April Red Cross work meet -
day were $57,000. The objective
is . $100,000. •West Wawanosh,
stands at $45,960 with a quota of
.$67,000. ' . • '
Commencing__ his as
Grand Superintendent of Huron
District No. 6. Royal Arch Mas-
• ons. Rev. J. W. Stewart ,paid his
first officialj visit to St, Mary's
Lodge on Mbnday night. Heyas
accompanied by Messrs: W:J.
Davison.• A. E. McKim and W.
A.. Porteous., •"" ••• •
Knocked Ott At Play'
While playing at the ToWn
Hall on Tuesday evening, Jimmie
McMillan and' Morley Chin had
•a "h -on!' c011ision that knock-
ed Jimmie out. He did not fully
regain .consciousness for a couple.
of hours, and is: being confined
to his bed and kept under ob-
servation for a couple of days.
Mr. John MacIfityre of Winni-
peg has completed fifty years
membership, in_ the, Masonic Or-
der, having been initiated at
Temple 49 in McGregor, Mani-
toba on August 30th, 1893:
Now, in this same Temple fifty
years later, Mr. MaeIntyre has
been honored with,the presenta-
tion of the IVIaSonic tjewel by the
Grand Master of Manitoba.
Special interest was added, to
this occasion by the presence of
Mr. Wm., ,Chirn, a past. master,
who received Mr. Maclntyre's -
• application for memberShip and
was present at his initiation. Mr.
Cairn now ninety-one years of
Mr. MacIntyre-is enjoying fair
,health and his many friends in. ,
and around LuCknbw, where he
spent .his boyhood 'days, ,congrat,
alat6.hirn on this memorable oc-
Mr. MacIntYlse is a brother- of
Messrs. Donald, Archie and Wm.
• ,
N'iorbstooteA.A.0- •
•••'•'• '19.4' _.,w,.-•_