HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-04, Page 10, • 04-41-‘tik • 4 , •-•, A • . • PAGE TEN ' The LucknoW Sentinel, bucknow, Ontario _ Wise'Buys in • CURTAINS 'and DRAPERY: SHEER BEAUTY ON YOUR WINDOWS SUNNIVVEB CELANESE "VOILE, in soft champagne shade, plenty of width for fullness on wide, windOws, hemmed eady to hang: 21/4 yard long. Pair $4.50 SPIC & SPAN COTTAGE SETS—Use thein to brighten Hp the kitchen or bath room. Colors and Ivory. Pair „ $1-50, $1.65, $2.25 • t 4 PUFFYDOT CURTAINS—Big puffy dots with frill made, of good quality marquisette in fine weave. Ivory and oy- ster shades. Pair - DRAPERY, in homespun, chintz, glazed chintz, sateens, damask, monks cloth, shadow cloth. 65c, & up :0111,01aat04'.; ENGAGEMENTS ,. • Mr. and 'Mrs.' D. A. MacDonald of Lochalsh, announce the en- . • gagement of their youngest dau- • ghter, Elizabeth, to •Dr. John Donald Forde of Hamilton, the marriage to take place •at St. Giles Church, Hainilton, on May • 27th.. at '4.00 o'clock. • Week End Shopping Suggestions iiiiiT •-4(2 lb." 20c Plinkento, Canadian & Spread GOLD MEDAL TEN •,Orauge Pekoe, 1/2 lb 40c ° (2coupons) GOLD MEDAI. COFFEE Invigorathig, 1 lb. 45c (1 coupon) IVORY SOAP . ' For lOvelier. 'Hands II, ,Med. 7c ' Large lic AYLMER PICKLED, BEETS 16 ,oz, jar, • 25c 111 DO QUICK YEAST 4 packages 15e Keeps without refrigeration Kennel -King DOG BISCUITS 3 lbs. 25c A1 concentrated food for all breeds, containing wholesome ingredients and all known vit- ,arnins inose ,needed by your dog. Its Victory Garden Time - Get your seeds at Thompson's. Eines* selected varieties MaiKenzie's, Rennies and Steele -Briggs THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER -FIRE COMPANY ELECTS OFFICERS THURSDAY, MAY 4t, 1944 FORCES SHOW US UP I -N BOND BUYING Nearing the middle of the sec- ond week of Canada's Sixth Vic- tory Loan, sorrie Bruce County centres are showing their heels to neighboring municipalities and -decidedly putting victory first, but the majority have gtill a long way to go if • the county', objee- tive of $2,600,000 :is to be met. • Bruce's minimum objective of $2,600,000 is -the Same as the ob,. jective- for victory bonds :given -the 'anacliari ,arrny'' in 'Italy., In addition 'to 'going through the -mud' and filth arid. putting their lives in danger daily tb keep Canada free, it took the ,..Cana, dians just 9 days to purchase $000,000 worth of Canada's Sixth Victory Loan bonds. And their 'returns are far from com- plete. • In 6 days of this cainpaign, the people of Bruce County have Pur purchased • $764,550 or about 29 per ,cent of the minimum object- ive. These men, many of them making .only $1.50 per day, are At .the regular meeting of the doing far better than 'Bruce, as Lucknow Fire Company on Mon- far as victory bond purchases are day evening, the election of of, concerned, Nor it there any, ficers was held resulting as fol- question as t� which is doing the I lows: Captain, W. A. Solomon; most to help win the war • lst ,Lieut., Harry Nixon; 2nd, • Surely, if they are ready to Lieut., Dave Milne; Sec., L.. C.4 give, their lives, Bruce' people can lend their money to give the soldiers all the equipment they need to 'defeat the enemy. • Commencing on Friday, ,May 5th between 6.05 and 6:15 there will be daily messages over CKNX which every citizen of cPWAYh2I i• Thompson; Treasurer, K. C. Mur - die; Branchrnen, Jim Campbell, Cameron MacDonald, K. C. Mur - die, ; J. L. MacMillan; Hydrant man, R. T. Douglas; Jeinernen, R. J. Moore, L. C. Thompson. • Jim Campbell was installed at 4114s meeting -as., a, ew member.. of the Company; •; • BORN McKENZIE--•-Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward C. McKenzie (nee Emma McDonagh) announce the arrival of Douglas James, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on on April 25, 1944, a brother for Gary. THOMPSON—In Kincardine hos- pital op Thursday, April 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Thompson, Holyrood, a daughter; Marjorie Gail. • Broke Bone In _Eogt • , Alan McKim turned his ankle last Friday evening cauSipg a cracked bone in his foot.. He Is having a walking cast applied to enable him to move about. The mishap occurred during a .square dance at 'a young people's house party .at Mr. and • Mrs,. Noble Johnston's. TOMATO PLANT BEARING Wilfred Black has a tomato ,plfint that is bearing fruit and is quite a novelty, Out of curi- osity, . Wilfred lifted a seedling • plant from their garden. late '..zi the fall and transplanted it to a flower pot. During the winter the plant grevewell indoors and blossomed this spring. Four tom- atoes have already developed to la fair size, three of which have .4.1. ripened. LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH •Anniversary Services • Sunday, May. 7 GUEST • SPEAKER; Morning and evening, Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth. GUEST SOLOIST at both Services, Cameron Geddes. • You are cordially invited to attend. UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW Rev. 3. W. Stewatt, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 7th 11 a.m.--" m and Grace". Story: "The Cheat". • Junior Church. 3 p.m.= -Sunday School.' Evening Service Withdrawn • Because of Anniversary Services in the Presbyterian Church, SEPOY THEATRE Friday, Sat'day, Monday Did' you ever wonder how, on earth poor King_ Solomon managed to house, let alone get along with so many moth- • ers-in-law? Solomon lived in'Jerusalem, Joel lives in Wash- ington, but the 'problem is the same. The, towns are overrun with women and not enough men (the reptiles) to keep the peace. And home is a place o hang your guests especially if they stay over night. Anyhow, It Will Be • "The More The Merrier Starring Jean Arthur, Joel McRae, Chas. Coburn At the Sepoy this week -end -- Its Hilarious Also i`TRAVELOGUE" - r Friday,, Saturday, Monday — May 12, 3, 15 ALL- STAR CAST. IN "FOREVER AND A DAY" And we repeat—This is a peach of a show. -CO1VIING • "FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO" Presbyterian Guild The Guild meeting on Monday evening' opened by singing Psalm 96, followed by the Lord's Pray- er repeated in unison. The Scrip- ture lesson was -read by Allan Stewart and the Bible study was taken by Betty Hamilton. After singing hyrnn 5951 Marion Mac- Donald exPlained, the :Catechism -qiiestioh:-Mairdie-FisheflaVe- the • topic and this was followed by a solo by 'Allan Stewart. A con- test was • conducted by Marion MacDonald, hymn 663 was sung and the meeting closed with Prayer by Rev. C. H. MacDonald. Presbyterian Mission Mild The regular meeting of the Mission Band war held in the church on Monday afternoon. Af- ter the • call to worship hymn 721 was sung -followed by a respon- sive scripture reading and: pray- :er. Recitations were given by Bobby •Mowbray, Betty Conley, Betty Durnin and .Shirley Mar- shall. Musical numbers included a two part song by the senior girls and a chorus by the, prim7 ary children. The Band divided .ts -for study, , Miss M. MacDougall ,,taking-charge4074 , eniOrs-and-,, Mrs. G. Fishee-the Juniors:At? ' ter- the closing hymn the Lord's prayer was repeated in unfson. Aboard the "Lady Nelson" on its most •recent arrival at Hali- fax was LiCpl. Albert Colwell, son of Mr. arid 1Mrs. George Col. - well of Kinloss, with whom he , .has been spending a couple of Weeks. /MEL • Siintasts campers THE IDEAL SUMMER SHOE BUILT FOR WEAR I We have. a Complete Stock for Men,\. Boys, Misses and Children. • Solve Your Child's Footwear Problems By Buying Sisman Scampers. ROVI,rel; cs Son vr • • . ' Pillow Cottons, Sheeting, Factory Cottons White Cottons, Linoleum Rugs The Store With The Stock „ • . . •