HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-05-04, Page 4. • 1•4 • • • • PAGE FOIlit The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow,,1;:hitario SEE THE'* . Live Chick Display BUY WHAT YOU WANT , We are taking orders for CANE MOLASSES . until 'stock is sold. 'Order your SEED CORN Now. OIL CAKE, nut or meal, cwt. $2.65 COMPLETE LINE OF STOCK FEED Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 71-w LISTEN, TO "4$0.00000.91:: Self Polishing. Liquid Wax & Paste Floor Wax. On Every Friday Morning At 10.15 37 Prizes Awarded Each Broaidcast FROM CKNX WINGHAM For Sale At All Grocery and Hardware Stores WHITCHURCH Ninety Years Old 'Congratulations to. Mr. William Barbour . who, was 90 years, old Toronto visited him over the week -end.- • Mr, Robert Carrick and Miss Susie Carrick .wlib 'spent the winter Months in Lticknow to be on Monday; May ist and who is near .her 'work in the. factory quite healthy for his age. • His there, retur,ned home here last bothr, Wey. ROBert -Barbour of Wea. rerm . . • • ,,.• . . BE PREPARED FOR THE SPRING RUSH KEEP ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF • Chick Feeds — Poultry Feeds --711-log Feeds It will prove expensive for you to be out WE HAVE COMPLETE STOCKS OF Master, Roe, Pioneer Feeds SANITATION PRODUCTS Tried and proven remedies that will assist you to obtain maximum. results. Don't wait till trouble" starts ' —Use a Preventative. , OTLCAKE, 39 percent'Protein $2.50 cwt. FLOUR — Maple Leaf. Creamof the. West 98 lb. bag " $2.49 LAYING MASH -- Roe Thrift for hens out on range. Cwt. ,, $2.40 Re Seed.s Pasture Grasses are now unpbtainable this year. Our stocks of Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alsike, Sweet Clover (Yel- low and White) and Timothy are still complete. Alfalfa' is shad. Leave your order and we will .our best to''fill WE HAVE ESSEX • . Top. Crop •Hybrid Corn- BEWARE OF SOMETHING "JUST AS GOOD". This is the proven type. We have maturities for grain as well as ensilage. For ProteinGrow ,Your Soy Beans Mandarin and O.A.C. 211 ,1 Complete jtock of Mangel and Turnip Seed, " Bulk Garden Seeds and Onion Setts RAPE .SEED SUDAN- GRASS Seed Potatoes Certified COBBLERS, KATAHDIN, GREEN MOUNTAINS IFINLAYS014-: 11 1 THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1941 CREwE Miss Audrey Congrain who fin- ished her training at Clinton hos- pital was home .,for a few days before leaving for Clinton where she has accepted a position in Dr. Oakes- office as nurse, Mr. Dave McWhinney and Bert and --Mrs. Edna McWhinney spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake, Clinton; whose son Elwyne was home.on a short leave. - • Mr; and Mrs. Wilfred' Drennan, Lorainne and J. 'C. and Mr.ant Mrs. James Drennan Spent day •in anclerich With Mr: and Mrts. Mel itaynard. , , Mr.' arid ;Mrs.- Gordon PearsOn. and daughter Shirley of Clinton spent Sunday evehing with Mr. and MIS. Nelson Pearson.' Mrs. Bert Treleaven?-0.wenclo- lyri and Mrs. jack'CUrran visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Con- , • Mrs.' Raymond Finnigan, -Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and Mrs. Bert Treleaven attended the W. M. S. Presbterial at ClintOrvion Thurs- day. I' • A- number of friends & neigh - hors .gathered at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shackleton to honor Mrs-. Nels ,Pearson (nee Gloria: Congrarn) at a shower. During the evening Mrs. Benson 'Shackleton led the bride & groom to a table Which was prettily de- corated and.. Lith Curran recited a pciem when to the surprise of the bride .an, umbrella was re- vealed laden with gifts. Chester Finnigan read an, address and Tom Culbert on behalf JO the Y. P. IL presented them With a 'Ter -sugar a-nd ere-am.T1i groom On behalf of his wife then thanked the )'friends for their kindness and 'invited them to their riemi home. All sang Tor they are jolly good .fellows". Contests were then enjoyed and a dainty lurch was served. : HOLYROOD Mr. and Mrsy John Re,id, Mr. andMrs. Morris Reid, Mr. and, Mrs. 'James. Farrell 'visited re- cently at "Mr. Raynard Ackert's. Congratulations to Mr, & Mrs. [Ronald McInnis on their recent marriage. The HolyroOd Red Cross Unit is asked to donate refreshments for theblood clinic held inLuck- -now May 10th, Jam, marmalade, jelly, butter, cream, tea and cof- fee.„Please leave donatiori at Mrs. Almer Ackert's. -Mr:'Clifford Robb has purchas- ed 'a new tractor outfit and is busy with custom work. Mr. Alfred Ritchie has engag- ed with Mr. Denzil Statters for the summer. We welcome Mr, & MrS. Ritchie ankl. Billy • back fo our community., CULROSS CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith and Gertie visited Mrs. Geo. Bell re- cently: Mrs, Chas. Schumacher spent a few days •last week with her son Ed and Mrs. Schumacher of Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green, Mrs. Arthur Green, Ed. and Ross spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. •EarTe FrOdgins. •Mrs. Earle .1"lodgin's and Shir- • ley visited Mrs. Ben Logan of Ripllky one day last week. ' Mr. Billie Ross, R.C.A.F., spent last week -end; with his. parents, Mr. and MiS. John •Ross. .Mrs. C•has. HOdginS called on Mrs. Wes Boyle, who is riot keep- ing in very good health. ”""""1"="":. '' ''' ' "•;• ......z.atramisimis...•...........•••••tre• • • ••,• . a 7011. SALE,06i4othy.. and Red Clover seed. Ernest Gaunt, R. 1 Lticknow, 'Phone 12-64. FOR SALE—good clean yellow sweet clover. Allister Hughes, Holyrood. FOR SALE 2 colony houses7 Richard Kilpatrick, R, 7 Luck-. siow, 'Con: 8,- AStfield. FOR SALE=a.frame house suit- able -Thr bUilding' purpos'eS, Aj- ply at -Sentinel (*flee. • ' • FR- SALE—a niamberof • iterris of .becirborn furniture, .et;,„ ApPLY •at Sentinel Office. . • " FOR QUICK SALE -5 ,b,roOder houses. ,Howard Robinson, Luck - now. HELP WANTED--z-girl for gen- eral housework. Ap‘ply. to. Mrs. W. V. Johnston, Luckivw. GRASS FOR CATTLE—running Water, plenty -of shade. Apply to Herb Buckton at Maple Leaf Aircraft. • FOR SALE -seed oats and bar- ley, 1942 Opp. Apply to Albert Alton, R, 2, LinknOw, 'Phone 70-14 Dungarintiri BARGAINS IN _FURNITURE '& PIANOS at the Miidmay 'Finni- ture Store: TwO large showroorris filled with furniture of quality and beauty. SCHUETT &. SONS, Mildrnay. Free delivery ' 1 ATTENTION FARMERS! Any person interested in thr! sale of in -foal Mares, ,to he bred. in may or early June. 044. plcfasi: contact T. IV. Dur"nrin. .1. Dun- gannon, Pitone Dungan-- . non.. • • • • • o' • LOST—brown billfold containing sum of money, substantial re, ward. Kindly leave at- Sentinel Office. • , .• . NOTICE , Village-reSidents are required to properly dispose •of :,tin 'cans' and refuse, and not to depost same • on riYer barilp bask stteetS,.., „ • LucknoW!Sanita6; Inspector. • • HELP WANTED. CAPABLE...GIRL OR WOMAN: wanted for housework. Other woman comes in day and a half • to help with washing and clean- ing, , Thursday afternoon ' andevery, every, other week -end' off. Own bedrooin and bathroom. Wages , .fifty-five dollars month .and bon- us at end of year. Family of four adults; Apply .by letter, phone, or calPon Eleanor Mitchell,home of W. Mitchell, Princess Street, Kin- ; cardine,, Ontario. . , • "CARD OF THANKS1 , I wish to take this opportunity of since re 1 y• thanking 'Many. friends for messages of sympathy which Terry and I have received. • These kind thoughts do help much as such a time arid they . •• have been greatly •appreciated, Mrs. .T. F. Wilson. T"- z • b FOR SALE -3 cows in calf to freshen, 6 Milking ,cows, 3 young Calves. (These are all young cows from 3, to 6 :years pld)..4 yoring horses; one brood sow‘clue to far- row in May. Apply to Henry Hodgkinson, Lot 1, Cony 3, Huron Township', R. 6, Lucknow, Ont. EXECUTORS' AUCTION SALE . -OF VALUABLE FARM LAND Subject to Reserve Bid—on the Premises—At 2.30 On. FRIDAY; MAY 5th, 1944, • In the Township of Ashfield, County of Huron, All:that certain. parcel or tract of land being des- cribed -as the South Half of Lot Three (3) in Concession Thir- teen (13) of the Eastern Division of the said Township, .containing 100 acres more or less, and be- ing .' on the Twelfth Concession Road, 5 miles west of Lucknow. • .There is a two storey frame house and a large barn on foun- dation, with' !adequate water sup- ply from to wells on the prem- iies. TERMS: 10 percent CASH; bal- ance 'in 3.0 days. For further particulars apply to i Donald Blue, Auctioneer, Lucknow, Ontario ' or The' London & Western Trusts, Co: Ltd., , 353 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. 11 COLLECTIONS 1! A Guelph medical client 1 writing us on Mara" 20t says in part: "Thank .yoir ' very much indeed for your very effective services". That' unsolicited 'compli- . merit s.p eaks volumes, doesn't it. • This "effective !service", is available otfb it"andiriskenedla- in 1 your list NOW. KELLY " * AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGE*ILLE, ONT. Est. 1890—Busier to -day than ever. 4 'Any organization wishing to use the Library for cloak room purposes Must first secure per - Mission from a ,member- of the Library Board. There will be a Charge of $1.00. A responsibh party must be in chargen and 'the , Libi'ary roorn left - ingliod order'. A FULL LINE 01" • WALLPAPER! • PAINT, VARNISH. and ENAMEL • NOW IN sirc•CK. Order Your! -Wallpaper Now As Factory Stocks Are ' Becoming Scarce PHILIP S. STEWART PHONE 8 • LUCKNOW North American Life A MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan.• District Reprfsentative Ripley, Ont. Phone 28-r-8. F. T. ARMtTRONG • , OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY FROM 2 p.m. to fi O'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE P.'Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER. & SOLICITOR Walkerton,'Ontario., . IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN THE MOWN BUILDING •Ap • : •••5, . .44 • to.