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$2.00 A Year --In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO,
THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1944
At a two hour meeting on
Thursday evening The Clansmen
planned 'numerous activities that:
will keep t'e Club busy for some
time . to, come. • _ •
Reeve J. W. •Joynt and Rev. C.
H. MacDonald: of the Soldiers'
Homecoming; Committee attend
ed the Meeting, and requested'
the Club to lend its support to-
wards: raising funds to permit a
presentation ' ' being made each
Village • member of the Armed
-Forces on their return from over-
The Club approved• a motion
that the 'Clansmen:endeavour to
raise $1.000.00 for. this purpose
and .:petitioned . the Central Com-
mittee to .approach -all civic or
ganiiatioris 'requesting,each to
set a' financial objectie to con -1
tribute to the -fund and that the.
I•Village Council giveleadership
in this matter by striking a one
Mill levy On the 1944 tax rate
for this purpose..
In. 'response to a request• made
by Messrs. • J. R. McNab • and' G.
gi.' Sin th, .The .Clansmen accept.-
ccept-ed the responsibility ofobtaining
blood donors for the Red .Cross
'clinic.' Thecommittee appointed 1
in this connection was Wes .HUS -
ton, 'Gordon . `Fisher, J. L. MC -
Millen and Harvey Treleaven.
George Cook, Gordon Taylor
and W S.. , Reid were 'named a
committee ' to sponsor a softball
team to compete _ in a district
league. •
The report of the dance was
reeeivcd; ' to music by Frankie,
Bank's orchestra, showing . net
proceeds, of ,$107.65.
A previously 'named • commit
tee was authorized to consider
renting, the LO.O.F.; ,Hall in the
Johnstone block. '
W. ,A. Porteous,A. C. Agnew.
and Kon Mowbray were appoint
ed , to. arrange for•. the Club's :an 1
` rual social evening.
Friday, 'May 5th was, set as.
salvag.e •collection night.
The annual • meeting of the
Lucknow Bowling Club was held
Last Thursday evening with the
retiring president, 11. R. Allin,
in the chair.
The election of officers result-
ed as follows:.I President; W.
Miller; lst Vice Pres., Wes Hus-
ton; Sec.-Treas., W. C: Finlayson
'Committee appointmenia • were:
Grounds -Wm. Schmid, Gordon
Fisher, Dr. W. V. - Johnston;
'Tournament—Gordon Taylor, E.
H. Agnew, .wellington McCoy, W..,
C.. Finlayson; Membership—E.
H. Agnew, W. C. Finlayson; .Mon=
,day night jitneys—Jaynes Smith,
Harvey Treleaven, Jack Render-
son arid George • Hassel.
Fees. remain unchanged at $5.00
for. old 'members , and $3.00 for
new members. The committee
plans a thorough canvas with a
view to building up a strong act-
ive membership.
It -was the decision -of the meet-
ing to hold the annual meeting
in the Fall during the .last week
of 'September,' and also to . join
' the Provincial Lawh Bowling
The Club commences • the year
with a favorable financial bal-
ance and authorized the Grounds.
Committee to proceed with • nee-
• essary wok on the • greens and
t� purcha e rieeded equipnfent.`1,
At the annual convention of
the Grand Chapter, • Royal Arch
Masons, held -in London last
Week,. Alex. .....,_W.., Stew.art.. _. of
Lucknow was elected -Grand Sup-
erintenden1 tiaf Huron • Distiict
Number Six, which •extends : from
St. Marys to. Southampton. Rev,
:Stewart.„ is also the, Worshipful
Master of Old Light Lodge,
Lucknow. • •
Among` those attending the
Convention from' Lucknow, be-
sides the newly,. elected• superin-
tendent, were W. A. Porteous,
Allister. Hughes; ,T. J. Salkeld.
and Virden Mowbray.
The Work Room Committee of
the Red Cross requests that all
completed . work ,be, brought in
by Wednesday next, May 10th.
NOW, OVER $4700:'
Total -donations to the Luck -
now and Vicinity Branch of the
Red Cross Society now stand at
4718:72. Donations not previous-
ly acknowledged aim Donald •
Had Thumb Nail Removed
Thompson, R. 5, $1:00; Afternoon
Grandson of Mrs. Thdrnas Reid.
of Lucknow,who is one of
twenty-two , Canadians . recently
cited for acts of heroism on. the
Italian 'front. Clyde °,.has been,
awarded the 'Military Medal. He'
shot it out with enemy machine
gunners destroying two nests
and putting a third out of action.-
Bridge Club '.$20.00. Wm. Buckingham. of Ashfield
is. suffering from blood poisoning
in is thumb that required the.
The 11th Red Cross 'Blood
Donor ;Clinic willbe held in
.rer o 'al 'of -tyre-naiY.".br- tre-Sd' y.
13th 'Power B•iII Wipes
_ ..Lucknow _:next Wednesday,..: Out I il�Ited11ESS
May 10th ' A large attendance
atthis clinic is urgently" re-
quested. —�
Mrs. James T. Lyons has ;•e-
ceived word from her Cousin,
Mr. William E. Andrew Of Low-
ry, Minnesota, informing her of
the death of . his two sisters, Mrs.
Iver M. Engebretson and :Mrs.
John Henderson.
Mrs: Engebretson, formerly
Sarah Jane Andrew and Mrs.
Henderson, forrnerly Mary Ann.
Andrew, were daughters of the
late Job and Jane- Andrew.
. •Mrs. Engebretson, whose home
was •at Lowry, :Minn., was -sixty
years of .' age: 'She /lad suffered'
from arthritis for twenty years.
Her death occurred 'ori•.April lst,
just two weeks after the passing
of Mrs. Henderson, which' ' occur-
red at Holmfield, Manitoba on
March 15th. Mrs.,; Henderson was
in her 68th. year•:. , •
Of the Andersonfamily a bro-
ther and 'two sisters survive,
William E. of ,Lowry, Alice G.
Andrew, of :Virginia, Minn.,• and
1Vfirs. Ralph L. Baumbach (Nel-
lie), of Los Angeles.
. Figures'- compiled up to Wed-
nesday noon at Victory Loan
Headquarters at Walkerton show
2,880 sales -in—Bruce County for
a total of $1,020,850. This is .only
39 ,per cent of the objective with
the loan period approximately at
the"half»-way point.
.Lucknpw reports 30 sales to-
talling $21,800, or •23 per cent of
the, quota;' I(inloss; 49 sales,
$19,900, 31 'per. cent; Huron 89.
sales, $39,100, 39; per cent; Cul-
ross,. 64 sales, $14,350, 17 per cent.;
Ripley : $sates, . , 11, per
At the• regular • meeting of the'
Village Council'•,on `Tuesday night
the 13th Power. Bill was present -
cd •`revealing: a credit to the local
commission of $2419:43 This •more
than wipes out the indebtedness
.to the .1:I, E. P. C. in connection
with rebuilding of the local sys-
tem, by over $100. •
Reeve Joynt was delegated to
attend ,a meeting of mayors, war-
dens and reeves to be held •in
Toronto on Monday for the Pur
pose of discussing' procedure for
co-ordinatng .and guiding the
Provincial program of .planning
and development. The conven-
tion is being held under auspices
of .the. Provincial Government.
Received Resolution
A resolution was received from
the Business Men's Ago -6019n
requesting immediate action . 'in
seeking lower power, rates.
Mr: Joynt said he was "mine -
what surprised" upon receipt of
this petition. This Codicil has
been doing its utmost .to solve
the rate problem in the interests
of all concerned he said. In ,put-
ting the, system in A-1 shape to
give efficient ,service, ''a lieay.y
expense ' had been incurred, and
'it. is .only • now _they have been
in a position . to seek rate. reduc-
tion's, the Reeve pointed out. You
can't accomplish much while 'you,
owe there a lot of money, he
.added. •
Mr. Joynt said he had never
favored rebates, but rather the
building up of a substantial sur-
plus and had this been .done, the
local ,commission Would be in a
better position to seek reductions.
Personallyhe had.. been work-
ing hard for lower rates, and was.
now able to announce a new
scale, but which he was not sat=
isfied with. "I feel : we are en-
titled .to a much better rate than
has been given", he said.
Council approved thecalling
of a Business Men's meeting, in-
cludrrg all power users t6
ss.•..te question. ....
A number of checker .enthus-
iasts from the village and coin
mnity held• _a ,checker coinpeti-
ti at Johnston's • Restaurant last
hursday, evening: The attend-
nce was not what .was expected
due'to the busy season, 'but those'
who took part enjoyed a pleas
ant evening at .the silent :game:.
'A number from here -plan' 46.
'engage the Teeswater players in
the Culio'ss village in the near
Mrs. Wm: MacPherson of town
received word recently of the
death of her brother, John Webb;•
which occurred; in Duluth on Apr.
15th. He was 88 years of 'age:
Mr. Webb was one of .a . family
of eight children of the late John
and Sarah Webb. He was born
at Milton, : but moved • to Conces_
Sion 12, West Wawanosh with his
parents, where he grew •to
For 55. years •he,had bee a res-
ident of Duluthandbefo e his
retirerrient was a captain w' h the:
United States engineer St f in
that city, He was a membe ofL..
Pirst Presbyterian Church d
Palestine. Masonic, Lodge..
• His wife,; . formerly :ry.
Stuart, prede ed him, as •did,
,hii only: son' : Wilt who: pa sed
away two years ago. ,
He is survived by one;daugh
ter, Miss Florence Webb of
and :one sister, Mrs. Mac
Pherson (Isabel') of Lucknow.
Maple Leaf Employees
Exceed Loan . Objective
In the Sixth Victory •Loan •eri
ployees of • the Maple Leaf Air
craft ' Corporation plant have
gene well 'over' the atop.
With an original objective of
$7,000, .subscriptions up to Tues-
day .had
ues-day.had totalled $9,500 or 136
• per cent of the quota.. Thispl:aii±.
considerably• exceeded its quota
in . the 'Fifth Loan also. '
Buys . Village ` Residence
Mr. ` Mike Hogan of Ashfield
has bought the village residence
of Mr. W, J. Todd, which is ten-
anted by .Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy
Black. •.
To Make Sheep. Da*
At 'Play :And Dance
Lucknow Agricultural 'Society
is holding a play and dance in
the Town Hall next •Wednesday
night, May '10th, at which a draw
.will be made to decide the win-
ner of an Oxford;.shearling ewe.'
Tickets on this prize are being
sold by, the various 'Red. Cross
units in . the ' community, with
each unit retainingtheir gross
sales for -war work purposes. The
.sheep. is being donated by. John
Farrish, president of the Aj i-
cu1•t.ciral Society: The winner lias
the choice of a • $10.00 cash prize,
In' addition the Society is of-
fering cash prizes of $5.00, $3.00
and $2:00 to the unit selling the
most draw„ tickets. a '
The draw will be made during
the presentation of the three -act
.comedy, "A Pair of Country
Kids". Thisris a two-hour show
staged by the Walton • t ramatic
Society which has held 15 prev-
ious performances. '
For the dance that follows
use will be aul5plfe" .y e.
cc: :orchestra. ....a .
At a meeting on Friday night..
the Lucknow Business Men's As
sociation voted'' in favor, on con-
tinuing . the 'custom of remaining
•open of • Wednesday nights ;.dur-
ing the "summer". months.
Some' discussion resulted ovef
the.inorithevvhich this open. night
would lie observed, and finally
it was decided to include the
months of: M'ay, June, July and.
August, effective last night.
-The meeting favored. .contin-
uing the observance of the -half -
holiday. the year round',.. with the •
exception of 'Christmas' week.
The matter of daily business.
hourswas discussed. and :the con -
census of opinion •seemed to be
that the present "established"
hours should •be'. observed: Also,
that preferable.. closing hours on
Wednesday and Saturday nights
would be ten andeleven o'clock
respectively.. -
However, ' •Until more - definite.
ipformation is available concern-
ing the Provincial . Government's
48-hour 'week legislation is avail-
able,,;. the "hour" question was
more or Iess left ing abeyance.
In this regard no action was
taken on the proposal,' which' was
favored, of having business hour
cards printed for posting in each
place of bu$iness.
A..lev�c of.$1,00,,is atobe•-collect-•-
ed from : each business place to
replenish the Association's deple-
ted treasury. Canvassers are A.
E. McKim, Wm, Porteous; R. H.
Thompson and .J. ,R. •McNab:
Mr. McNab sought to retire
from . the office ' of president of
the Association but when all
other nominees declined to let
their ' • name- stand, Mr...' McNab
was prevailed upon to accept the
office for another term. Robert
Rae was . elected secretary -treas-
urer. '
The meeting approved a res-
olution to be submitted to • the'
Village Council seeking a reduc-
tion in hydro • rates, it, being
pointed out 'the consumption of
hydro had increased about four
fold since the system was estab-
lished over twenty years ago, -and
that increased„ consumption was.
what the H.E.P.C. requires: to
justify rate reductions.
• A ' grass fire on SaturdaycLt
noon, at the •rear of the -residence
of Miss Cummings and Alex An-
drew 'spread rapidly, and threat-
ened buildings on the properties.
A hose line was laid to bring the
fire under, control. . '
The' first salvage collection of
the season will be conducted .by
-the.-Clansr:Ynen t morrow , Tri
Friday May 5th, commencing at
seven o'clock sharp.
Paper, •rags, metal, rubber tires
or tubes and glass will be collect
ed. Note that only tires and tubes.
are saleable rubber 'articles. It is
requested -that • all salvage be
plaped'at the `curb for convenient
In, case of rain the dcollection
will be „made on Monday even-
The salvage depot is at John-
ston's Feed Barn, where salvage
may be delivered at any time.
The emphasis. at the•present time
ave every
scrap of