HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-27, Page 10,;.:,,,,,,,,;.',-) • ,. '-',-,•,- . - volwvoiliirrillift""------777,7.,,,,,,,,,,....,,:j..i,.)...i,. .,iii4;:,;.;.....;:. :i:,:i.i.:...if..:,,:ii..ii.iir,:i, 7-: -..:-.-4-7. • . ' . - ----- --: -.!...T;.,-::,i'i4. • . t i . . . . . . . . • PAGE TEN The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow Co, Tune Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 30, 1944 Full information from agents Canadian National. Railways Victory Specials HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce Outstanding valite: .2 tins 25e PICKLES—Sour Mixed Large Bottle • 25c SUCCESS WAX Paste, Lb. Liquid, pint 33c 55c RUSSELLS TABLE SYRUP Quart Bottle 43c 1 Coupon Bilk SODA BISCUITS Fresh, Tasty. Lb. 15e JAVEX BLEACH •Bottle Return All Empties For Liberal. Refund 15c KELLOGG'S FAMILY SPECIAL 1 Pckg. Branflakes 1 Pck . All Wheat 1 Pc Corn Flakes LL FOR 25c Certified SEED POTATOES HAVE ARRIVED Katandin Ilt° Green Mountains SHOP with CONFIDENCE AT '• THOMPSON'S •'PHONE 82 DELIVER- 1111M91071.11.1111aliffmaill ,1 Ontario • THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1944 Amminimmim NOTICE A Meeting of The Lucknow Business Men's Association Will be held in the TOWN HALL LUCKNOW riday, Apr. at '8 o!clock sharp Your Attendance Is Requested J. 'R. MclVab, Pres.; R. Rae, Sec. Your.Have To Heal ' Their SOuls Too Market Assured For Bonds After The. War—Ilsley At 1 a recent Meeting in Kitch- ener,theminister of Finance, the Hon. J. L. Ilsley made the fol- lowing statement: "At ,this point V should like to say a word about the post-war market for Victory Bonds them- selves, because investors are nat- urally interested in the liquidity of their securities and the price they can expect to get for them. In the normal course of events there will be some who will -swish to sell their bonds after the war, and indeed one of the reasons we give for •buyng bonds now is that they will provide funds .for purchases or investments after the war. It, will be of greatest • importance that we maintain, in- deed assure, a' ready and stable market for all these millions of bonds that we have sold. We have now the monetary and financial machinery and we have develop- ed the methods for accomplishing this' and we will therefore • be able to deal with any. situation which' mar develop in a way which will keep faith- with the Millions of small investors who° are' supporting the savings pr - gram in this national emergency. "If there are ariy,who fear that bond prices will fail as they did, after_ thelast war, let me say that this could happen only if we were to permit interest rates to rise. Can there possibly be any justification for allowing interest rates to rise after the war? Hie-, er rates would Only he Justified if when the war shortages are over, expenditures .on capital de- V6-lopment and consumer outlays should . become so large as to place a real, strain on our Pro ductive capacity. Everyone knows that there will be no such strain and that the problem. of Government will be to make use of the enormous productive cap- acity that • has been developed during the war and thereby pre- •.The problemg of our soldierS whO lOse arms and legs in battle Igo fat- beyond physical healing and artificial limbs, and that's I why 10,000 men like ll'illy Gib- ison are needed to give new life to spirits shattered by War. Read more about this in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Apr. 30) issue of The, Ittroit Sunday ,, Times. i vent uniemployment. •• , • "I agree with the Governor of the Bank of Canada,who stated in hi nual report this year that h could see no, prospect of a strain on our productive capacitY- arising in a form which wdu call for a policy of raising inter est rates. '.• "I may add that official an- nouncementg in both Britain -and the United States have similarly' indicated that the policy of the Governments of these tw coun- tries is to avoid higher interest rates after the war. These -de- clared policies, coupled with .the mechanisms of • control • which have been developed and the un- derlying •economic situation, should be sufficient assurance that bond prices will r•emain firm after the war". •• UNITED CliUliCH LUCKNOW, Rev. J. W•. Stewart, B.A., B.D. •Pastor • SUNDAY, APRIL 30 11 a.m.—Second Sermon on • the Doctrines of the United „Church. Story: "Words and Words". • ,Junior Church. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m,—"The Lost Cain". EPOY THEATRE IF day, Sat'day, Monday You h ard.this story over The Lux Radio Theatre last Mon- day evening. Remember how- Charles Laughton thrilled you with Ms portrayal of the timid school teacher, suddenly fired • t� niagnificent courage by the brutal German occupation of his beloved village. • This is wonderful pictnre. You'll remember -these in- -. spiring seenes-fori a long, long-time, It's Charles Laughton • • Maureen O'Hara - with George Saunders in ",This Land Is Mine" On the Same Prograrnme, "Heart Burn", Edgar Kennedy as the henpecked husband who fakes a hear attack to get some attention—with disastrous results. - Also Travelogue in Technicolor • NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY,- MONDAY - The famous comedy about overcrowded wartime Washington Jean Arthur • Joel McCrae, Charles Coburn in •, "•THE MORE THE MERRIER" •SHORT SUBJECTS Friday, Saturday, Monday May 7th, 8 • All Star Cast in the Peachy Story • "FOREVER AND A DAY" h, 10th 1 0 GUIDE. NEWS • Patrol' leaders took roll call outside for the first time since winter. Because Mary, was ill, there was no one to keep the rest of the Guides busy while Mar- garet taught Needlewoman's Badge, so she decided to take the Guides marching. The ;march led the girls to the outskirts of our fait'. 'Village_ where some of the more ' eager, ammumammotomisir' Guides got ahead of the rest. The march ended by • 'following the leader' at about nine o'clock. Be- cause it wag late and the Guides rather tired,,,Margaret dismissed them immediately. Jockey (who has just won the Kentucky berby): `.`I just kept whispering in my horse's ear a little poem I .made, up --"Roses are red, Violets are blue, horses what lose are made into glue"., GOOD iWORK SHOES are essential • To Get The Utmost , IN WEAR AND FOOT COMFORT We Carry Such Famous Brands As • "GRES", "VALENTINE & MARTIN" "WILLIAMS" and "SISMA14" Work Shoes, As Well as Other Leading Makes with Goodyear • Welted Soles and Built -in -Arches. • \ Made :Strong From High Quality Leather • To Give Lasting Service. • 1111111111111111k Alb $.0-0041s in S eaters &• Spring .Win dbreakers • for men boys, women' arid children The Store lith The Stock •