HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-27, Page 8'...i.,,,,;•:,,,,...,,,i,
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The R4mbler.
My last article had made ref-
erence to the problem of winter
'travelling from the Canadian
mainland to the only island pro,
vinoe, Since writing that
article I again visited the island
when even more serious prob-:
•' lems •were encoii,ntered. One'lias
quite , a distinct 'remembrance of
the 'proble,ni, when, with some
One thiindred and. seventy
' enters yoti spend some seventeen
• • .hoUrs so near and,wet SO far rain,
land, 'caught in an ice field. Nat•
uraliy such transportation
•-...•,ities did not provide.for sleenitig
accomodation. Some were indeed
fortunate *lid landed on a ches-
terfield or easy 'Chair. • Some
, sought to • pass away the weary
hours by rolling the bones when
• high finance, did a shuttle action
• from one side Of the ring to the
other: Others found some ,corp-
, fort in periodical xplanations, as
to the progress of the boat thru
the trobuled 'waters. However
•• promised to tell 'you:,bf 01,more
• modern means of transportation
• and One which: will stand to the
fore in post-war years. One does
not 'need ,tivo guesses. to. know
that the air transport, will be a
very, big factor in our vast_ \ sys-
tem of intercommunication.
I had, the rare experience. one
afternoon of travelling in a plane
fully fitted for fighting. in. Can::
• ada's coastal waters as well as in
one of the planesdesigned for
the comforts of passenger travel..•
Instruthents of destruction make
strange travel companions. One
potentialites of such equipment
looks with respect to those who
knOw how to direct these forces
when the' occasion arisei. I was
• fortunate in getting this lift a-•
• long my journey since the pat15
_., of duty led in the same general
• 's -direction,. After a warrn-up And
• •the Pilot felt that everything was
in •readiness, down the strip for
the take off . and soon we were
• lifting into space: •No need to
worry over visibility on a day
like this since this was limited
only by distance, the circumferI
ence of which expanded a's ,we
gained altitude.
One thing -that has impressed
*me on the few ocacsions in which
it has:been my pleasure totravel
• aloft is the .accuracy attained' by
•the early map makers. In ,their
•- day the coast line •was' -explored
only by boat and yet their gen-
•eral conceptions were very 'close
• to the full perspective which only
is visible from a high'. altitude.,
We were . able to see the outline
•of the greater , part of the prov-
• inA •from around 3;000. feet.
• The firSt lap • ol my journey
• which if traversed by train and.
ferry Would have required ap
- proximately eight hours took 30
minutes by plane.
• Having come to the mainland
•• and to one'of the' heavy timbered
areas' of Eastern Canada it was
interesting to watch for the vari-
ous little saw mill •settlements
with their smoke curling sky-
wards in the bright sunshine. •
' The next lap of my journey
was naturally under more COm-.
• fortable conditions since it was
ase gr -plarie,tof sim
t sign to 'the T.C.A. The passenger
list although) not heavy was of
• 'some significance: There vas a
vice marshal, a wing command-
er, a group captain, squadro-n
leader. a pilot officer, W02. and
myself. I don't suppose the rank-
ing had any bearing on the fileas-
. ure derived fon the trip. This
I do know,it was indeed gratify,
ing to see familiar scenes from
a different perspective and to
• know that it was possible to tra-
• vel., over ground that had prey-.
iottsly required 'the greater ;Dart
of a day, in three-quarters of an'
• hour. Yes air _fraxklAs__.hpre
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Deliver Your Cream For EXTRA Year Around Profit.
• This Additional Earning Will Pay Your Trips To Town
And Give You Additional Extra Money EVERY WEEK.
We Are Now Paying 2c Per Lb. Over Price Paid,
$hipped- Truck.
Pays To 1Deliver . . Deliver for Profit
We "Still Cannor Buy New Cream Cans and Require The
Additional Cans Not In Use Throughout the Country.
• Please Return That Extra Can That Is Not Required For
Your Immediate Cream Delivery Requirement.
It Is Illegal To Use A Cream Can For Any Other Purpose.
Silverwood Dairies Ltd..
stay and with all its weaknesses
still' holds the record as being
the safest mode oftransportation
[per Mile travelled.'So start plan-
ning now for that air .trip 'you
hope to make when the •war
• over.
The school• teacher wps telling
his class a Bible story:
"Elijah built an altar and piled
:wood on it"; he,said, "then he Gut
up the bullock in pieces and laid
them- On' top. Next, •he ordered
the people to fill barrels with
water , and pour it on the altar.
Now can anyone tell' me why all
this was poured over the bullock
on the altar?".
Up spoke a'''bright- boy frorn
the back.of the class. •
• "To make lots of gravy".
; : . . • ,•.:• • .. • .. . • "
„ •::-• •
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•4••••••:•.:4/ •••• •
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E Steel Products
• GUELPH STREET •finited Factor,e A:SO' at
Montreal and Toronto
. _
Makers of. E.S.N Steel-trussBarris- Statite Jainriewav_Pouitry E.,q,uipraconj_
• ..7..w4.4.14,,r-4-.44.-.74,4,7,-,444-4-4,-
I. •
THURSDAY, APRIL. 27th, 104 .
Dungannon Branch
Red Cross Donations
Dungannon Branch of the Red
Cross Society made an excellent
• showing In the recent campaign, •
raising a total of pprox im a t e ly
-$2600. Of this amount $514.75 wa
• received fi-om 'Port Albert air• ,
port. A similar amount was, sent •
from Port Albert to the Goder- •
ich BrariCh, although •the air port
is not included • in, the Goderich
• area. • •• . .
The Dungannon Branch also
i•deived a Count Y grant of $600.
By a :house-to-house canvas ap-• ,
proxirn,atelY $1400 -was raised to:
• well exceed the, original objee-
• tive of $875.00.
Mrs: Otto Popp's* collections:
Arthur Thompson .25; Mary J.
Robb .50; George Rivett Rivett .50; Mr -i,
•• •
Chas. Fowler .50; Mrs. Margaret
McIntyre ,50; Rev. H. J. Vicker-
son 1.00; Leslie Scholtz
Wm. McClure 1.00;: Mrs. Rebecca
StOthers 1.00; Mrs. Amy Orser
• 1.00; Mrs. Honor. Moss 1.00; K.'N.:
• Dawson 1,00; Mrs. R. Henderson
1.00; Mrs. Elilabeth' Robb 1.00;
Mrs. James Stonehouse 1,00; Mrs.
Wm. Andrews 1:00; 'Thos. Woods
1.00; Mrs. Frank Jones 1.00•; W.
A. Orser 1:06; .Walter Dickin-
son 1,00; JOhn MacIntYre' 1.00; -
Otto Popp 1.00; HoWard- Squires •
2.00; Mrs.. David Sproul 2.00; Mrs.
Bert, Maize 2.00; ThOmas Dickson
:2.00; •Ellen ;Durnin 100; Laura
•Sting& 2,004 .Mrs. W. A: Orset-
2.00;- Mrs. Lorne Ivers 2.00; Dav-
id S. Errington 2.00;, Mrs. Gep,
Hamilton 2.00; • Thomas Rivett
100; Mrs. Mary Currie 2.00; John
2.00; James Davidson .390; Chas.
Alton,4.00; Mrs. 'Wm. Sp'roul 500;
•Mr8. R. Moore! 5.00;Mrsi J. G.', •
Montgomery 5.00i. Herb Finnigan' ,
5.00; Mrs.' •Harvey Bryans 8.00;
E117abeth 'Elliott 10.00; Robert •
Durnin• 10.00: Flora. DUrnin 1,5:00:
Masonic Lodge; Carlow. 5.00;-*
Kintail Wornerls Institute'
$25.00. • • •
• Everett •Finhigan collections:
•Nelsen Culbert $1.00; :Jack Er-
rington 1.00; Thos. McCann 1.00;
Fred, MOss 1.00;c1Jas, Gibson 1.00;
Hugh King 1.00; Harvey Andrews
1.00; JOS. Carroll 2.00; Mrs. Cald,
Well 2.00; Rayniond Leddy 2.00;
•Th(*.y9ung 2.00; Wilfred Kina-
flan .2.00; Alphonsus Boyle .2.00;
Thos. MacLean 2.00; Olivia Cul-
bert 2.00; Minnie JOnes. 2.00;;Kit-
chener Finnigan 2.00; Jack Chis-
holm 2.50; Mrs: Thos. Leddy. and
family 3.00; Riehard. Finnigan
5.00; Edgar Carr 5.00; Everett
Finnigan 5.00. Total -$48.'00,
• , itoss McNee and Thos. bickson:
Howard. Sproul .50;.*Graham Mc-
Nee 1.00; Orland Bore 1.00; Rus:
;Sell Brindley 1.00; George Wilson
2.00'; WM. Campbell 2.00; Thos.
P. Dickson 2.01P, David Nevins
•2.00: :Wm. 'Caldwell 2.00; James'
Sproul 8'..00; Ross & Charlie M
5.00; Carman Farrier 5.00.
Total.L-$:?,6,50. •
Mrs. ,J. M. Reed's collections:
John Curran $1.00:i.Thos. Stoth-
ers 1.00: WS. Thos. McWhinney
L00; Mrs, Wrn. JOhriston 100:
James Finnigan 1.00; Samtiel
Roach LK B. J. Bellinger 1.00:
1.00:. Mrs. Ellen Shackleton 1.00: '
Girvin Reed' 2,00; Roderick Mc-
Donald 2.00;' Mrs, John McGee
2.00; Cnra Finnigan -2.00; Mrs.
Jarnes Agar 2.00; John Blake
2.00; Donald FoWl, r 2.00; Miss
Melinda Black 3O0;1y1rsMelvi
Rad 5:00'; ;Mrs. Cecil Treleaven
Jacob Reed 5.00:' F,toberI
Stothr-rs 5.00: James MeWhinney
5 0(: (.;:rirge Irwin 5.00. Total -
57.00 •
• •. . •
,. , '....
FEED' FINN'S' Poultry Tonle and ... '
„ .
Vitami•n 13uilders-st0ps , Canni-
12,a.listn._:. Maep Feed -arra:('. --..
v• t D. )1.: v tpun.-_,gg._ lad • -4e4c4103Ar,