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THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lcknow, Ontario
Lyceum Theatre.
Thurs. Fri., Sat. Apr. 27, 28, 2
kivroot O RIFFS!
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Also "Short Subjects"
Matinee Saturday "afternoon at 2.30 .p.m.
Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, May 1, 1,
Bette Davis Paul Lucas
" W ateh• `On The :Ririe"
A story revealing the stout heart of a man
who sacrifices self, and family in the urgency
of his impulse to fight Fascism to the death.
Also -`Short Subjects"
United, church •Evg. Aux....
The. Evening • Auxiliary W.M.S..
met at the •.home of Mrs. Harold
Treleaven with 1UJrs: Ta-ylo pr.e.-
siding, and •18•. present. The,'meet-
.ng •opened with a hymn and. the
Lord's prayer in unison. A por-
tion of the 18th.. Chapter of. Mat-
thew was read -by Mrs. Alex
Andrew. At the. •conclusion of
• business Mrs. C.. Thompson tool;
•.eharge of the • program. Mrs:. D.
R:. McLean sang. a solo and Miss
Mary MacLeod gave an interest-
ing, talk on the background and
..life history of the' Generalissimo
and Madame.Chiang Kai Shek.
Shealso spoe of the importance
of *Easter.. Miss, Sharpe. played a
piano solo and a hymn and 'the
• •Mizpah• benediction 'closed the
- -
Mr. Glen Emerson of Stratford
Normal is• practise . teaching on
the, 10th Concession. •
Mrs. Ben Scott spent the week -
.end with relatives at Tivverton.
Mrs. Jack Emerson attended
the Whitley. and 1VIeGreor wed-
ding in Hamilton. last Saturday...
N1r Armstrong of Teeswater
visited_ at the home of his darn=
ghter,. Mrs. Ira Leeson,., recently.
eMr. Calvin Robertson • is 'bit z-
ing wood around. Kinlough. - -
Mr •James •Polleck of .t r•arlt-.
ford is renewing old. a(etuu�'nt
,ances. round the Greve. •
1Yfr.• and Mrs:'''Clattd Dore and
Mrs.;John Collin "spent a:. day. i s
gently irr Toronto. '
• Mr: and Mrs.' f Kennetir•<hob.-
ertson visited - Mr....•'Russell 'Col
lies 'on Sunday. •
Mrs. Stinson has returned, to
'het home in Ripley.. .
• • Mr., Andrew' Emerson spent
;Sunday with his ion John. :•
Assisted . .:Clinic
A .number of nurses from this
district assisted at the first blood
clinic ' .held recently at Ripley
The --complete - nursing staff a
this clinic, included: Mrs. Allister
Hughes Mrs: Walter MacKenzie:
Mrs. Alex Sutherland, Mrs. Cal-
vert Finlay, Mrs: William Farrell,
Miss Marybelle , Douglas, Mrs •
Donald McKenzie, Mrs. Bert Wal;
den, Mrs. Allan ' McAtiley, Mrs:
D. .D; Carpen.eto, Mrs. Wilfred
Hackett, Mrs. Sam ,McKenzie.
Mrs. R. Robinson,' Mrs. Ralph
THE ' FORMATION was 'recently'
'completed at Toronto of a prov-
ince -wide association of junior.
farmer organizations, linking to-
gether the farm men. and .women
in Ontario.
By A. •M.- Nicholson, M. 1'.
When the history of this war of milk • a week for healthy
is written, the deeds of ' daring. adults, an egg every two months,
of the.., army, navy and air. force and small quantities of ,butter
and bacon. .
The men, women and children
of Britain havz been defending
our freedom. We cannot 'do less
than our best in tier support of
,this loan, . , •
R. O. A. F, headquarters have
sent me today4thotographs of a
young lad, ,from my constituency,
FO. Gelmon, of Prebceville. Sask,
has been • stationed inn Ceylon,
where he is operating a flying
Catilino. Recently he landed on:
rough water to. rescue the crew
of a ship that Was sinking as
result .of arli attack by a Japan-
ese submaa}}ze.
If FO. Gelnwn 'could speak in
support .of the'.Sixth Victor:.y Loan.
d ive, every one *of his hearers
would strain every effort td do
better than ever before in order
that they -might not. let .down
those who fight for us . by land;
by sea, .and, by air.'
If you can bray a bond and have
not been eanvassed, -See your
local canvasser.
will receive. prominent, space.
While theirs is the most 'danger-
•ous . and More' spectacular . part.
war cocild net be waged success-
fully without industrious ;work-.
_ ers on farms, in' mine, ' factory
and other civilian 'services. Twice
each year all our people are ask-
ed .to 'take an important ..part in
achieving victory by supporting
.- the Victory Loans. It is hoped
that every 'Canadian. will accept
"Put Victory First" as his own
Ottawa 'audiences who heard
this 'week Miss Florence 11:I;Iors-
burgh, M.P. of Dundee, Scotland,
were impressed by how little •we
'have felt the impact of .war com-
pared with people in Great Bri-
tain. As she described those long
,cold nights in 'the winter of 1940-
'41 when people shivered in the
air-raid shelters, we knew how
• fortunate, we. have 'been. Our peo-
ple who compain about wartime
shortages would' de, well td' live
on British rations of a'..half a pint
..iitiros,ti v!
Lorne B. Reid of Maple r Lea
Holstein farm, Ripley, .''reports
that' there has beena brisk de-,
mand for :sons ofw
College" Vie
Governor • and recent sales have
been made to; Walter Walden_;
Ripley; J. D. Gale, Guelph; Frank
L. Young, Goderich; , R. A'. Cot. -
trill, Kincardine; *Roy McBride,
Zurich; •Hugh T. Munroe; Thor-
old and Renlie Bros:, Kem.pt-
rs Rich Prune 'Biscuits
Magic's 4 tbsin : shortertia%'
flair uk c. ,,111k`.
4t'' sifted'
• • 6tste2Chlrteirrs,as
ins r
•ley ts�m. f. le wheat flour -egion' 3 desired
Add ..
1 Slit'
tithe �l first three tngredient(;ut, in
whole together N lemon rind. make
wheat Noun. Add milk to make
�vhol shorta ug until mixed inctrshick spread.
h- d chopped runrellr ill.
'�oft�ciQµra drained csug� o�oll afo'r t ell ,
.le w' well-doh-0d
ncbrown pieces;
rand on end in odeI to
grease -emu muffin Pans .Bake, In Makes 'moderate
mode to
greased 75°F 0 about 30. m' a baking
poen l3 ¢ Per. average Costs less tMp° '
Mr. Nelson Webster and Dick
Reed.' visited this past Week with'
1-elatives 'around town. They are
both employed at .Ford 'Motor Co.
of Windsor ' and the ..st'rike., th.ccre
gave therm a few. holidays.
Mrs Richard- McQu'illin visited
last. Wednesday with her sister,
Mrs. Agnes Stephenson and, other
relatives at. Varma. .
Mrs. W. D. Reed of Auburn vis -
ileo it11'"'Nil and Mrs. V( ."'"G.'
.Reed the first of the week;
MP. and Mrs. Ross McMillan,
Mary .and '.Hugh Allan visited on
Sunday with .Miss Mary McKen-
zie. �.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Avery
of town have Movedto the Bovlf•
ker hoose here. • j.
Mr. Nelson Webster, Mr. and
Mrs. • W. G.. Reed, Eunice and
Dick called on Mr:' and Mrs. Ben
Brown 'Sunday :afternoon.
ad &at to rite
1f you are without the ready cash to buy T `ictory Bonds, we
shall be glad to arrange .purchase for.•ybti through our,
time -loan plan. Victory Bonds should be kept safe: For
YOr per $100 per 'year,.ntinimuni charge 256 we will
place your bonds in our vaults for safekeeping.11111.111111111111111111.11111