HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-27, Page 4• • - PAGE FOUR 7. •gr,"77, raT,17 .14...M7P4 The Lucknow SP.Ptinet, Lucknow, Ontario THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1941 SEE THE Live Chick Display BUY WHAT YOU WANT We are taking orders for CANEMOLAS SES -_. until stock is sold. Order your SEED CORN Now OIL CAKE, nut or meal, cwt. ___ __ _ $2.65 COMPLETE LINE OF STOCK FEED - Orders taken for all, BUILDING MATERIALS, Delivered In Lucknow Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 71-w acses osammommetdiew Asir • • •LISTEN TO . Success" Self Polishing Liquid Wax & Paste Floor Wax On Every Friday Morning At 10.15 37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast FROM CKNX WINGHAM ( For Sale At All Grocery and Hardware. Stores ST. HELEN'S in the 1Wingham Hospital Where he underwent an -operation on, :his knee.. ° Mrs. Gordon, Mr. ar.d Mrs. T: J. Salkeld and Mr. W. T. TO were at, Goderich on Saturday • The May meeting o!the Wo. - men's institute Will, be 'held in. the eoramunity hall on Thursday,: May '.4th when MTS. Henderson, the district president, \Oil be the .gnest' speaker. , Mr. Frank Todd is -a patient for the funeral Qf their eetisin, Miss Alice'Andrews': BE PREPARED FOR THE SPRING RUSH KEEP ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY 'OF • Chick Feeds -- Poultry Feeds — Hog Feeds It will prove expensive for you to be out WE HAVE COMPLETE STOCKS OF Master, Roe, Pioneer Feeds ALSO . . . SANITATION PRODUCTS Tried, and proven remedies that will assist you to obtain maximum results. Don't wait till trouble starts —Use a preventative. • Re Seeds Pasture Grasses are..now unobtainable this' year. Our stocks of Red Clover, Mammoth Clov'd, Alsike, Sweet'Clover . _ low and White) and.,Timothy are still coniplete. Alfalfa is short. Leave, .your order and we will do our '• best . to fill it. • ) • WE HAVE ESSEX Top 'Crop 'llybrid Corn - BEWARE OF SOMETHING "JUST AS GOOD". This "is the proven type. We have maturities for grain as well as ensilage. For Protein, Grow Your Own Soy Beans Mandarin and O,A.C. 21,1 Complete stock of Mangel and Turnip Seed; Bulk' Garden Seeds and Onion Setts Seed Potatoes • Certified COBBLERS, KATAHDIN, GREEN MOUNTAINS FEED, SEEDS and GROCERIES, • KINLOUPH LAC. Mervyn Cameron and Mrs.. Cameron .of Exeter spent a feW days with their parents here and in Huron. • Mrs. Ada Hodgins returued to Detioit on Saturday after spend- ing the past month with relatives here. • . Mrs., Wesley Guest•,,entertairted :the .on Wednesday last at her hcgr1Q. - AC Gip R C. A. F., spent the week -end at hit: -home here before,.reperting for ,duty on• the East Coast. and baby Bobby of W;ridter are spending a few 41aYs-„with Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Pinnell.' • .Mr. Elmer ArrnstrOng, of St. Catherines visited during in week with Mr. and Mrs. James • Hodgins. • Miss Evelyn McLean of Lon- don spent Suny with her Mother, Mrs. W. .1. McLean. •''Mrs.. Perry Hodgins and infant daughter returned • home. from Kincardine hospital.• Mrs. Milton Walsh is entertain- ing the Girls and Sr. W.; Ai at her home on .Saturday afternoon. There will be a shower of art- ieles - for the bale. The Women's Institute will meet' on Thursday next at, the' hOme of Mrs. Ernest' Ackert. C.onyener, Mrs. Alex Percy, -Mrs. Wm.. • Graharn;, topic,' Mother's. Day; debate, aRetaIved ithat,mar•- ried women ' cannot successfully •engage in a business • career and: be -a successful. • homemaker; •lunch committee, Mrs, • Ackert, Mrs.. Howard Harris and Mrs. R. Elliott. •• Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wal.1 mov- ed on Tuesday from the home Of the late Mrs. E. ;T. Haldenby to Lucknow where they will reside. •Mr. Wall is employed at the Air- craft plant: Mi.:. and Mrs. A. E. 'Harden , Mr. -land Mr. An4Gt-al-tan•- lted Saturday with the fofirier's sister, Mrs Jane Percy at Tiver- ton.' Mrs.. Percy, a fernier'. resi dent of Kinlough, celebrated .her 91st. :birthday on Sunday last. Her mant, friends here wish her manyhappy returns of the day.. Kenneth Hodgkinson is able to be out again after an attack of measles. • •• • . • • FOR ,SALE.7-Baby pram, good as new. Apply at Sentinel 9ffice. FOR RENT -100 -acre grass.farm, well watered. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Valad, Holyrood. FOR SALE—Timothy and -Red Clover seed: Ernest 'Gaunt, R. 1 Lticknow,' 'Phone 12-04. , I . FOR, SALE --Timothy seed; and barn 40x60 ft:. WM. EAD1E, HolYrood, Phone ,24-9' FOR SALE—cAtity, of Timothy Apply to Wm. McQuillin, R. 1, Lucknow, 'Phone 4 -on -42. , FOR SALE ,--- GoOd clean Red Clover seed. Walter Alton, R. 7, -. Lucknow, Phone Q7 -r-15, Dung- ! annon. • . USE, FINN'S Dari -Min for Mast- itis:. it does the job. MacLennan's Feed and Robertson Egg Grader, 'Lucknow. FOR SALE -2 'ptirebred Here ford Wills, 8 & 13 months ola. Apply to Tom flackett, ton, 12, Ashfield. • FOR SALE -- black Percheron mare, 9 years, abobt 1500 lbs.,' sound and perfectly quiet. Apply to Wm. Ritchie,. R. 3, Lucknow. WANTEDL-around 30 head of Cattle to grass for seasori. Plenty 6f spring water. :Apply to -Thos. Glasgow, .R. 2, Lucknow: ZION:. • • -• . • - • Mr. Russel Ritchie, one of the crewe. of "the- "Royalton". which Was docked . in Goderich for. a couple Of days, spent a day with Zion friends. • • Mr. Edgar Ritchie has'been laid up with an infection in 'his h and... • • . Mr. anet-Mrs. W. G. Hunter and Marlene,.Mr.. and Mrs. Sid Gard- ner .and. Mrs. W. T. Gardner vis- ited with ;Mr and Mrs. Joseph. Freeman of Colborne. Mrs. W. T. Gardner remained ••tes spend a* 'few days with Mr. and .Mrs. Freeman. • I •• • We are glad to Welcome. •Mr: & Mrs. Ralph Nixon back home again • after spending the ,winter with Mr. and Mrs. lames Mc- Kay, Paisley. • ' Miss Louise Windsor of Luck - now, .Miss Eunice Reed, Rapid City, • Messrs. Nelson Webster and Richard Reed of Windsor spent Sunday with Mr.,and •Mrs. Sid Gardner and Mr. and MN. Will Gardner. , • . We' are pleased to note in- provernent in • those on ;the sick list. Mrs. Edgar Ritchie. who has been Confinecho bed for the past 'month from pleurisy 'and the af- ter. effects is able to' he up again, Mr. Samuel Reed whO has. been in bed :for same time. With a bronchial condition is wimp' 'better. Mr. Ernst Gardner Who I • has been confined to' the how.t.e 'most of the winter is able. to Ce out again. Mrs. George I -Note! is., still notas, Weqas her friehr.s would..like tier. to "&.. • I. 4 , FOR SALE—seed oats and, bar- ley, 1942 crop:', Apply to .Albert R, 2,,,Lucknow, 'Phone. 70-44",DungannOn. „ FOR SALE—Quantity of seed barley, -Apply to JIM. NELSON, R. 7,;Lucknow, 'Phone 67,2, Dtin- gannon: FOR-SAILE--PIAllets 84040 Wks -- Rocks, Leghorns or Hybrids. George- Alton, - R. 2, Lucknow, Phone 70;-r-9, Dungannon', BARGAINS IN ,PURNITTIRE:- & PIANOS at • the Mildmay Furni- ture Store. Two large sherrooms filled with furniture of quality and beauty. SCHUTT & SONS, Mildrna; Free delivery. ATTENTION FARMERS! Any person interested in the sale of in -foal Mares, to be bred in May or "earlYlune, 1944, please contact T. M. Durnin, R. 1, bun- gannon, Phdne 814-7 Dungan- non NOTICE • Notice is.hereby' given ink ball playing on village streets is for- bidden. • W. J. Douglas, Constable.' Village of Lucknow. •WAR NERVES, long hours. hur- ried meals, bring indigestion, acid stomach. digestive ailments. Get relief with pleasant, .tasteless Wilder's Stomach Powder. 50c & $1 at TAYLOR'S D11110 STORE.. DO YOUR birds go lame or par- alyzed? • "Kew's" stop ;them.. Mac- Lennan's Feeo & Roberton Egg Grader. Lucknow. • .COLITECTIONS „A Guelph .metlical client' writing -us on March 20th says in Part'. "Thank you very much indeed for your very effective services". That unsolicited.compli- ment s p .volumes, • "doesn't it.; , • This' "effective service", is • aitailable to ;you. Take ad- vantage of it ,and sendin your list NOW. KELLY &. AIKEN The Collettion Specialists ORANGEVILLE,'.ONT. Est. 189D—Busier' to -day - • than ever,, • • " FOR SALE -'-quantity of Pota- toes,. Green Mountains and Cob - tiler. • Certified 'seed iast year. Call after 5 o'elock.,'Herb Miller, •Luckribw.. FOR SA.' LE—guantity, • of seed • 7 grain; 'Victory' Oats .and mixed Barley and, Alaska Oats, 1i142 crop. Apply to Robert Marcell -is, Kinlough. • CARD OF THANKS • • The family of the late Anna, Lees Richardson wish to express. their heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindness to their sister during , her sicknett. They also ,with to thank'everyonefor their friendly words and kindly acts at the time •\ of their bereavement, particularly :Rev. C. H. MacDonald, those who loaned cars, also the Fire Co, the • Rebeltabs, the Presbyterian W. M. S. and all others for floral tributes. 1 CARD OF. THANKS. • -f>te.--Wittiarrr J.. t i to thank the Members of- Kali.- sl-wa Club for, the nice boi of cookies and socks which he has' received O.K. , • , B127669, Pte. W. J: StimsOri, • • •••B Company,...P.T.C.LJ,.2, • - . CARD OF THANKS John MaeRaf.: and family of. 'Lochalsh t wish ;.to thank 'friends and neighbors for their kindness and syMpathy during the illness and death•of Mrs. MacRae. A FULL LINE 01.' WALLPAPER PAINT, VARNISH' and ENAMEL • NOW, IN STOCK Order Your Walipaper Now As Factory Stocks Are Becoming Scarce PHILIP S. STEWART 'PHONE 8 • LUCKNOW • • North American 'Life A MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan District Representative Ripley, Ont.. Phone 28-r-8. a F. ar..ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIVIts N LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY FROM ••• 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock • AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE • • P'. Stuart MacKenzie, BARRISTER & SOLICITOR; Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN THE LEGION BUILDING , 4. 1'. v