HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-27, Page 1• • -.r $2.00 A Year—, In Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. Senh LUCKN.OW, ONTARIO, • THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1944 • 1 TEN PAGES LOAN NEXT BLOOD CLINIC SET FOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th START I'N.RRlJE', The llth Red Cr s Bl' :d Bruce is now on • its way.', t 52,600,000 objective in the Sixt' Victory .' Loan: • As the loan opened Monday there were two subscription which indicated'a determination "to' put .victory , first,:•as Brut cogpty Subscribed. 00,000, ah in • crease of $5;000 'over its last pur' chase of victory bonds. The Far- mers' Central Insurance Company "of Walkerton subscribed .$25,000. This ; Bruce county company now has •$160,000 in warVloan and. vic- tory bonds. . J. F., Scruton, 'president of H. J. Heinz Company will be , the speaker at a •. meeting of Bruce County .manufacturers in Port Elgin on April 28, while many of the plants have aireeady' been visited by Captain T... L.. Tor- rance of Wingham, recently re- turned 'from the Italian front. Industrial: plant employees '• in, Bruce are being: -,asked • to pur- chase $120,000 in' bonds and in- • dications 'point to this objective being Met. o s oo o Donor • Clinic will be held fn h Lucknow on Wednesday, May 10, ` 'Donors are urgently needed and your :pre`sence at this clinic •is s requested,' d.. �_,_,_ • e. • More facts about Bruce ,and the dictory loan are being aired • from .district radio stations_ At 12.45 noon station CFOS, Owen Sound carries the voices • of Ral h Pequegnatf ; pct : E1 r� Robert McVittie of Southamp- ton, W. P„ Krug of Chesley and C. G. Walker • of Wiarton, while .+ station CKNX, Wingharn, has other, speakers listed, ' including Campbell . Grant, ' of. Walkerton, chairman for -Bruce countyfor the vietory. loan.• Though the loan drive is .only a few days old and the response has been good,. it is still, some distance to the. $2,60`0;000 mark ,which fnust be raised in Brucii County. •You can help bymeeting the canvasser, on his first -call. This will eliminate tedious and diffi- cult call backs and speed com- pletion of' the loan •campaign in which 1 all , must "Put Victory First". • as. ATTENDING CONVENTION yr. .and Mrs. George Burgess of town have been visiting for the past. week in Toronto. .The first of this ,week Mr. , Burgess attended the Proyineial -conve- tion , of the Canadian Legion, gion -is a delegate from. the local •branch. Early Delivery . . Fairview' Dairy commenced - 'early • morning delivery on. Stn—' r day, with the milk wagon" start- ing out at 5 a.m. • c • I' e • • ATTENDED N ' MEETING • A pre -loan meeting of Victory Loan e salesmn and others charg- ed with . the: salesmen of at- taining the Bruce County. object- ive was 'held ' in Kincardine'., on Thursday evening, • In attendance from this district were Messrs. G. H. Smith, Geo... Haldenby, Rhys Pollock, V. . N. Prest ' and J. W. Joynt. j RAIN DILAYS SEEDING Week -end rains have :soaked the ground and delayed, seeding operations, . which 'otherwise would' have been . in full swing this week. As this is written on Tuesday, the sky, is still overcast, with little .prospect of )much work. being . done this week:• . Told Of Prison Camp Plans For Christmas, FLT:''LIEUT. DONALD MacKAV Who was reported missiing ;late in February; ,: is now a' prisoner - of war according . to word received by his parents .at • Kintail last week _ • • -.–cut Courtesy ,Signal -Star. MRS.. ALEX MORTON P'ASSES :AT, GUELPH The .'death occurred at. Guelph on ..Saturday after a. length;,; ill= 1 ness of Mrs. Alex Morton. She Was in her 82nd. year. ._.__.' '.Mrs -..1\4o ten viae_. •ferererly Mary McDougall; a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc:- Dougall, c-Dou all, former: Lucknow resi amts. • The funeral was held at Guelph on Tuesday, and was"attended by •Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie. received a letter last 'Thursday from her son WO. Alex MacKenzie, D. F. M., written in a German prison campon Decelii ber :"12th, 'and des- cribing their, plans for observin this •day; of days:. The vagari of the mail service are illustrate the fact that' some time ag Mrs. MacKenzie. received'.al Tette from Alex written on Decernbe 31st ' after the: festivities were over. -• Last Thursday's letter 'read a follows: . Dear Family: . , g1 Mr. Jarnes Forster • and Mr. an c' jMrs. Walter Forster ,froth ' this d 1 ccremunitv., Ails. Forster, who o [has. teen ill with pneumonia was r unable to atttnd. r • Surviving besides her husband are one daughter, Mrs. Dave Cal- lander and a son Mark of s . Guelph; also two sisters, 'Mrs. ' James 'Forster of West Wawa- nidi, 'Mrs: Annie Brown 'of. Van- ]• couver and a ,brother • Tom of -. Saskatoon. •A •daughter Laura. predeceasedher mother three years ago.' . Well it . won't be ' long , til Christmas and I am looking for ward to . the day.• First of all I will be getting a Red Cross par- cel with a Christmas pudding and boy, that • is something. We have decorated the hut as best •we could with odds and "ends, even to a Christmas' tree. Several of the lads are putting on a play which promises to :be good. We ,have ,our own orchestra' with in-:' striirrients supplied ..by the Y. M. C. A., through • Geneva, , and ! it could easily •compete with the best orchestra back home. A letter from home would make •everything complete, ' but eally, I don't expect any from ou 'till 'January. Your first par - el will be 'a welcome sight and am not kidding. Send cigarettes. hocolatc and any food you can. I hope you enjoy your ,Christ mas and my thoughts will be with you. Do , not _worry about me as I am .O,K.• and my health is good. . Lorre -tio -every-bodry; Ale-x.a! On Friday Mrs. MacKenzie re- ceived another letter from Alex, in. which he acknowledged re- ceipt of his first letter.from home since being taken prisoner on September 1st. He had met and form. ed a close 'friendship with Jimmie ---Graham "or Schiin aciica., County Warden To Speak.,, . .William Shewfelt; warden of: 73ruce. Couety,' will speak• in sup- port of the Sixth Victory Loan over CKNX on Saturday evening from 7.30 to 8:00 o'clock.' RIPLEY PLAY DREW •' LARGE. 'CROWD HERL' The ., very interesting play, 'Silas'Srnidge from Turnip :3itld;e', was presented .to a lar e audience .in .Lucknow- last- .Vett? rt r<3 night.. by. the Ripley 'Dramatic Society. ' This play has been rnal'iing a big hit whs.rever• presented and 'va•s equally well received herd, although it was nearing nrtuni•ght before. tlic filial. eurfain. ' ' A dance followed the. play `, ith ° r iusic by MacKerizie's Orclme;;tra. iL . .. . . . P �r�:zl l .. The .Lucknow•Agi�irtrtttxrr'ail.,-'eri :t: '': who was, well acquainted with A'ce's sister' -in-law, Mrs. • Tom MacKenzie and her family. Season "Opens Sattirda,y Fishermen are giving their paraphenalia a, going over these paraphernalia a going over these `F...of-the ': c. 'sig .t .,;.,, .. : Y.., • s'.`l.r n.t, ..p..chlcd �t�ut �<ars� on onSaturday of this; week. PASSED AWAY MONDAY Mr. James 11. Reid, a resident of the ,Paramount conimunity, passed away on Monday. He was 77, years 'of age, and had been' ill ,for some time. The funeral service will: be held at his late residence, Bound- ary .West, on Friday, Apimil '23tnr at 2.30' with internient in Cretin-' hill .Cemetery. BORN :WEBSTER —• To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. C. Webster at Victoria Hospital; Landon. on Thursday. April 20. 1944. the gift of a son (Douglas .Clarke). TYSON—At Geraldton on. Thur•. -- day, April 20th, 1944, to Mr. and - Mrs. A. E. Tyson (formerly•Vera LEGION AUXILIARY TO HOLD.FI•RST; MEETING' The first meeting of •the newly orgarjiZed,.Ladies' Auxiliary.: of the Canadian Legion will be held, in the. • Legion "Rooms ° next Tues- day;, -luta 'grid 'at 8.30. The Ai xi- • iliary will meet regularly on the first Tuesday of each month. ESCAPES 'INJURY. IN FALL . DOWNSTAIRS Mrs. Roderick McCharles • of town' . mira.culously escaped sev- ere injuries early last-weekk, when she tumbled down the stairs 'at her' home, Mrs. Me - .Charles suffered a. weak spell at ',the head of the stairs and tumbled down the entire flight: In spite of her 85 years she suf- fered tl.only ' 'a slight . cut and bruises. • The McCharles;_family has had there than its share of trouble' of late. Duncan' has been confided to bed for several weeks with. phlebitis: Irnprovement isslow and it is expected he will be con- fined to his home for 'a • consider- able time ' yet. OBITUARY • MRS. JOHN MacRAE The Lochalsh community was saddened by the death of Mrs. MacRae who'•passed away Tues- day,. April 18th, after an . illness of several months. 'She was i her, 72nd year. -Mrs, .. MacRae • we's former Jessie Allan MacKenzie, .a daugh er of . the, late John 1VIacKeezi and Mary Fletcher.' She Was bor in- West Wawanosh township near Whitechurch but her mothei• died when she was.a child . and she'. grew up. in Lochalsh at thm home". of her aunt, Mrs. Allan Mackenzie. When a young woman she trained as ' a rwrso in.. the Frances E. Willard Hos pital in Chicago.and after gradu atien practised her 'prpfession in Indianapolis. Because of her skil as ' a nurse she 'wasp frequentl; :called to homes of neighbors in the Lochalsh district. KINTAIL AIRMAN IS WAR PRISONER • Mr. and Mrs. •John. MacKay of Kintail:' were advised last • week that their.,,, son, Flight -Lieutenant • •Donald. Kehzie MacKay; •D.F:C.,' is" a "pi''isorier-Of •war in Germany.:, This ` information, was 'received. ' after, ' two Months o€' anxious 'veiling, since Donald was • re -c - ported missing on a bombing ,mission over enemy. territory, on February 20th. _ First advisement of theirson's safety was received' late last Wednesday night through the In- ternational Red Cross, and this' was followed within a ' few hours by, a message from Ottawa: Donald . is '291 years of age: Shortly `before his last flight' he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cress for "skill, fortitude ' ' and devotion to duty", and had previously , beert 'honored' by 'be- ing included in' the King's ' New Year honors list: • RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT ..,OF. PENS The . Lubkriow• Fire Company. . P has received during the past week a .shipment of: twenty-one 'en- graved n-graved fountainens for distri= ''ifthi1 to. 1_ =i "riren ar irVeinieh on active service. ' 'This is the, first shipment of pens: that has been available for several months. In the meantime the list of n those' in uniform .continues to • grove', and'the Fire Company will ti, appreciate "being, aidVised -of all' _ those who have net. yet received e a pen. n TO' HOLD CHECKER TPURNAMENT TONIGHT ' Checker players ' from town and district' will match their wits at' a competition to lie held toe night (Thursday) ; in' Jolrn$ton's Restaurant. Sides will be 'cap- tained by F. D. MacLennan and . 1 Joseph: Agnew.. • • • ' `, • Proceeds of the • competition ' ,will be donated to the Red -Cross. 'In .1901 she Married John Mac- Rae of Lochalsh and lived on the MacRae ,farm; until' her death. Her Christian devotion and high ideals 'won her the respect of the entire cornmimity. She was a life member of the Women's •Miss- ionary Society of Ashfield. Pres- byterian Church and was always ready to help .with the work of the church. the W.M,S. .and th Sunday School. . Mrs. ?vlarRac' is Gurvived by her husband. John :41acRaie: four dhildren..lan, Strathrciy: Duncan, Uxbridge: J.im, Toronto: and Jc�s- sit, (Mrs. W. A. Fenetyl. Bra:t- don: one sister. Anna,. Toront,, and • three brothers, Rey.. and • 1.c, ...-_Sask�rtchewan.- and Keir. eth in California: ' The funeral service was con- victed Friday. April 21st, in Ash-. field Presbyterian'. Church •by ev. Dr. W. ' O. 'Rhoad . assisted y Rev, Wm. Matheson and Re,>. olaert 1VIcConnell olid ��.as it,- ended. by many friends• Pall carers were neighbors, R, . A. :rant. Dunean'Cameron. Hende:•s inkwell, Donald B. MaeKe'n'ie. (meld R: 11;tchc�nzie and ".Olin.';•' Woods) a son, -David 4rdrrruird'- - - A • n BUSINESS •MEN TO MEET; • A meeting of the Lucknow f Business Men's Association' is to R ,be held in_ the Town Hall to- b R C 13 Joke. On Us Last week we referred to "sii- vrroxl" copil cars that resembled a `dinte he ing in cireulailiolr. V6't since learn that they are not ''sil- vcr:ed".,lju_t tla-at it_is_i.lae--ra ttrra4- api,rtla�rarte•e • t"rf 'slit ire w"''issu•e'' et United 'S'tates. pennies. ', nmorro'v night, Friday, April 28. at g o'cletlt` sharp, at ‘Fiich all members are requested to bre present. • FIRST DAY'S LOAN SALES WERE GOOD .The Sixth Victory Loan care- • e paign., got Off. to.'ari 'encouraginr start • in Lucknow on Monday, with G:. H. Smith reporting sale.," in' excess. of $7000. for tile' first day..The objective is •$95,000. Th-' quota for Kinloss Township is S65,000: .Presbyterian Guild . . . The meeting Monday evening , was presided , over 'by the 2nd'' vire president. 'Mary- McQuaid;'. After the opening • hymn • the Lord's prayer was.. repeated in.: rtn't'i`sirr" Il"orothy'Itrelntosh read".— the scripture-hlesson and the Bibl study on Paul's missionary jour- ney was given by Mary McQuaig. •Readings were given by' Elaine• Little and' Betty Hamilton. The .topic on the Reformation in Eng- land. ng- land_ was taken by_ Bett __Mac__... .Donald. The Cat,,chism .ctuestio:i was discussed by Miss M. Mae Dougall. Joe Agnew. conducted ` Bihle' quiz. Following a sing sone, Miss Mary McLeod closed‘.tm,: meetingWith prayer. :`•.1;,rC:har les. Flower l7c•a;rct•ti \V( young rnen, many of whom a boys she' had taught' in her` day Schciol - iJui zt�i �1 hey -low' •reniernhc, ti e2�i'�tlr «ill a'nir-InnTririnartil friend. and Christian neighbor. a We are all in •favor cif a pad •.', .vkt a pp-Ii,e37.4. • c etat .. i, ow,,an•d •then.- – t.. event �.. P'i you going _far.. • 'I