The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-13, Page 10, PAGE TEN ... ,.......1..,:,:1M7,1,1;,.2);...',,,,:,,,,,r.tr.:',',:tA.,,,.. . . The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario Time to start Sewing For Summer There's lots to be doney you intend -to make your own and family wash dresses for Summer, and of course you ' do intend to save labour and machinery as much as you can. gernernber the sewing machine is one machine to help victory. With our good quality •prints and Simplicity Pattents, you will turn out -garments second to none, PRETTY •FAST COLOR PRINTS in new designs. 36" wide. Yard 19c&- •30c NEW, HOiJSE DRESSES. for the busy woman, fast colors. Sizes 14-20, 36-44. $1.59 NEWS FOR"KNITTERS. New Thistlebloom yarn. A range of shades and black. 1 Oz.balls. " 20e •, SOCKS ---Men's Socks in Spring weight. Smart fancy der *signs. Size' 10%, 11 & 11½. 'Pair 55c empleton Fire Alarm Last Week A fire . alarm was turned in Wednesday morning because • of a bad chimney fire at the home • Of Mr. and Mrs.. Wellington isTixim. The chininey was ddfed- s.klye and threatened to ignite the roof. , Your Week -End .SHOPP010.!.:' REVIEW and 'RATION: GUIDE JUNKET POWDERS For delicious Rennet Custards 2 packages ' 25c MAPLE LEAF CHEESE It spreads and slices '/2 ib. package 19c 'HEINZ BEFSTEAK. SAUCE Adds zest to any meal 8 oz. bottle .28c PURE CASTILE SOAP 4 bari • 25c National BULK SOAP CHIPS 5 lbs. , 45c .Catelli's - SPLENDOR MACARONI Special!' 3 Ibs. 4 13c. • Aylmer Infant's Foods, Now For Sale At' Thompson's Give your child the best.- -Aylmer -- Canada's finest Fruits and Vegetables spec- ially prepared for babieS. RATION COUPONS Now Valid All Coupons Mow Valid in Ration, Book No,:' 3 Now Valid in' Ration Book No. 4--SUgar 30, 31; Preserves 17, 18. THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER LOAN QUOTA IS SET FOR BRUCE An objective of $2.600,000 has been. Set 'as the minimum to be, raised in Bruce county• in the sixth victorY'' loan but there is every reason to expect the peo ple of the county will "Put Vic tory First" to the extent o $3,000,000. Here. are l�nie .of the reasons In the .last victory loan the objective of $2600,000 was met though 'only one person in t.,ATii purchased victory bonds. - Today- bank deposits in the county are higher than they were at the time of the fifth loan indicating' that the people of Bruce are well able to 'Tut Vic- tory First" through bond pur- chases. Allocations to municipalities in the county are being' made and. will be substantially the same as in the fifth loan, though there will be a few adjustrnents. The exact objective will be announ- ced by county loan headquarters soon. f. BRIDE -ELECT HONORED ,AT ZION (ZION" NEWS) THURSDAY, APRIL 13th, 1944 In honor of Miss Irlma Hack- ett, bride -elect of last week, her - friends and, nctighbors' gathered at her horde on Tuesday evening and held a miscellanedus shower. While Mrs. Wesley Ritchie play- ed "Here Comes The Bride", Irf- ma was ushered into the living .roorn by Miss Ada .Webster, and Mrs. W. G. -Hunter.- Miss Elsie Ritchie "read the address and Misses Freda Hunter and Jean Ritchie .earried' 4 heavily. ladqn basket of, pretty and useful gaes. Other 'friends assisted:in opening the ' gifts after which-' thanked all present for 'their kindness in remembering her. All joined in singing "For, She's A Jolly Good Fellow". The follow- ing program was enjoyed: read- ings by Misses Rose Howse, El- sie Ritchie and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland; duets, Misses Freda Hunter, and Jean Ritchie, Lor- raine Drennan and Doris Taylor;' contests conducted by Mrs. Jack McDonagh, Misses Ada Webster and Elsie Ritchie; solo, Miss:, Louise Windsor and an instru- mental by Miss Lorraine Dren- nan. Irlma' invited,all present to see her trousseau and lundh was served to conclude a pleasant ev- ening. . The address was as follows: R. . , Lucknow, April 4th, 1944. , pear Irlma: • We your friends and neighbors of, Zion Community have gather -I ed here tonight to honor you on your aPpriiaching marriage. We would like to take this opportun- ity of extending to your our'best wishes for a long,' happy and . • prosperous married life. We' have always known you and found you always Cheerful and helpf 1 in the work in the cominunit Althougli your work has taken you from our midst lately, it has by no means sever- ed our friendship. We realize that we shall lose your help in our neighborhood but what is our loss is someone else's gain and that you may be spared long to en- joy your new-found happiness is our sincerest wish.. As a token of our friendship; we ask you to pleaseaccept these • Loan salesmen in previous drives' sometimes encountered the objection that too much money'is used for promotion, ad- vertisin,g and other phases of the campaign. Just how true this is I can best be shown by figures' compiled since the first- loan' drive was held in 'Canada. EX- actly 84 cents out of each $100.00 is needed, for all purposes. The rest, $99.16 goes into the domin- ion treasury. The sixth victory loan will of- ficially opsn in Bruce on Mon- day, Aprif 24th. Be ready to "Put Victory Fist", Mr. and Mrs. H. VanCamp have moved into the residence pur- chased frOm Herb Miller on North Havelock St CLINTON TAX • RATE has been struck t 46 mills, two mills •low- er than last year. UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 16 11 a.m.—"Only Second Best". Story—"Always Doing 'Your Best" . Junior Church 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—"Saved from Fire" • 31;71.. , SEPO1 THEATRE Tonight, Aped 13 The Great Musical Comedy Hit "Star Spangled Rytlini" Over '5(1' Top Stars. Your Favourites are sure to Be In It. Bing Crosby,' Fred MacMurray, Bob Hope, Ray Milland, Dorothy Lamour„ Rochester To Name A Very Few. We Know You'll Enjoy This. Show. e Ito • Friday Satuiclay Only LUM and ABNER? in "TWO WEEKS TO LIVE" NEXT WEEK 1.... A Thrilling Western, "TEXAS MANHUNT" gifts, each one carrying the good Wishes of a friend. • Signed on behalf of the people Of Zion Community, Beryl Hun- ter, Elsie Ritchie, Easter visitor's' in the commun- ity Miss Ada Webster of Lucknow and Miss Noreen Cobb of Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardner; Miss Kathleen -Gard- ner of Toronto ;With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardner; Miss Ellen 'Andrew of Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Andrew; Miss Lorna Reed with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed; Mr. Harold Gardner of Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gard- ner; MiSs Beth and Jean Johnston of Kincardine with Mr. and Mrs. Sid •Gardner and Mrs. C. Ritchie; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and baby Patricia Elaine df Fin:. gal, Mrs. Laidlaw of Whitechurch with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter.; Miss. Violet Ritchie of Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie; Mr. and Mrs. Angus l'McAuley, Mr. and- Mrs, Roy Anderson of Toronto, Mr. Fred Ritchie and. 'Mrs. Mary McAuley of Ripley , with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie. • We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall (nee Miss Irlma Hackett). whose -mar• riage hook place on Saturday. SYMPATHY is extended to James Kinkead and Mrs. Kin- kead of Goderich in the death of their son Billie in his 4th year. Billi,e's deatfi occurred in Lon- don after a 17: -day illness with strepsepticaemia. Besides th parents, •a younger 'brother Ro - ert also survives "AIR STEP" THE SHE ,WITH THE MAGIC SOLE • New Spring Patterns Just "Arrived .1 Pumps & Ties, in Kid and Suede Leathers Sized from 5-91/.2'in AA, A, B, C Widths „ PERFECT FITTING, PERFECT COMFORT For Those Tired Aching Feet We Carry "HEALTH SPOTS", "HEEL HUGGERS" and "Gracie" Arch Shoes In 1VIedium and Low Weis in Soft Kid Leather in Widths from AA to EE. S. C. Ratitwell is Son NewrTSt��ks of. Sheets'. aiul..Shetings„ Factory Cottons, White. •Cottons, Shirtings, Flannelettes ' _ The Store With' The Stock HE MARKET STORE, Lucknow r ' • k, • ',..;,lattatt,Repc