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The Lucknow' Sentinel, Lqcknow, Ontario.
'The 'home of Mr. and Mrs
Thomas Hackett ...vf Ashfield was
the scene of a ,retty Easter wed-
ding on .Saturday, April 8, when
their 'only, daughter, Irlrna Gwen-
dolyn was, united in marriage to
Milford Gordon. Wall of Culross.
• The bride was attended by Miss
Ethel . Wall of Toronto, sister, . of
the groom. She.: wore'•.a floor -
length gown of pink net over sat-
-_-andi earr-iedr-pink: roses, . Mr.
Reith Hackett, brother of .the
bride attended .the- groom: The
brkde, ' given in marriage . by her
father, wore a floor -length gown
of..white slipper _satin and finger
veil., She carried American
beauty roses; The ceremony was
performed beneath an• arch of
evergreens, tulips and daffodils
by Rev, G. G. Howse. of Ashfield
in the presenee�_pf a small num:-
ber of guests.—Miss Betty Taylor,
ousin of the bride played the.
idal chorus and during the
signing of.. the register Mrs-.
Howse sang `,`O• Promise Me".
Aft a • wedding dinner the
happy.' couple left 'on a short
wedding,. trip to Toronto, Milton
and other points; the bride;..wear-
inma navy blue tailored suit with
tching accessories:
THURSDAY', APRIL 13th, 1944
At a recent ,meeting held in
Cargill the question of'Tewnship
Sehool Areas was {discussed,
.when J. M. Gagne, Public -School
Inspector for B •uce , East, Grey in
part and Huron inpart, was the
principal speaker . and outlined
the whoole'-scherne, with the re-
sult„ that a resolution was passed'
calling on Cir. Township- Council
to 'pass a by-law to form' a Twp.
Sehool Areea in- West Brant, ' wiTh
five. schools involved; ' maleing it
one.. area., The schools are Cargill,
Dunkeld,. Ellerigowan, 'Eden
Grove ,and Johnston's.Corners.
United Church. W. M. S.
The Afternoon Auxiliary of the •
W.M.S. met '' at thehome of Mrs.
Robt. Thompson. • "E'aster" was
the theme, of file, • opening. exer-
cises. After the •business meeting,
Mrs. R. Robertson took' charge of.
:the- ' progratin. Mrs. D.. C. Taylor
led in prayer., The `scripture les-
sen was read by Mrs:. T. Burris.
A, chapt r of the Study Book Was
reviewed by Mrs. Grants Mac•
tMarmid. Misses Margaret Rae
and Doris.' Taylor ...sang •a duet.'
Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy,
Billy and Jack Spent Sunday at
"Mrs. D. Kennedy's of - White•
and'Mrs. George Fisher &.
Mr. Alfred Patterson spent Satur-
dayevening. at Mr. Wm.' Evans of .
Easter' visitors at Mr.. John Mc-
Millan's •'•were Messrs: John and
Larry 'Griffin of Detroit; • Mr. and
Mrs. Miles . MacMillan and Mr.
Bill Chin of Lucknow.•'
• Mr, • and Mrs: • Pharis. ' Mathers•
Were guests' at .the Wali-IIackett•
wedding in •;.'ash€ielt1 on, Satiir-:
day. . • `. xr
. •Mr. .and Mrs.. L,a ;Churn 'visited
With Mrs; C i11es and • Jack on
. Miss Jean ,Forster• is spending
the, Easter holidays. at her home.
Mrs.. John. Kennedy' .of Toronto
visited with ,friends on the 2nd
Concession over the' week -end.:
John and Florence Huds9n o.f
Wingham are- holiaaying with
Mrs. Hudson and 'Gretta.•
Mrs. Ewart Taylor ..gave a . read-
ing. The
ead-ing..The meeting closed with a
hymn and' the' benediction by
Mrs: C. Decker.
Came Out 33 Years. Ago
Bert Ward tells us that it is 3.3
years ago this month- • that he
sailed for Canada from England.
It was on the 27th of April, 19'11,
tp be exact. Arriving in Canada
hie went straight to the, farm of
David `Stewart in Huron Town=
ship, -where he commenced work
on May 12th. Bert came to Luck.
now in 1918, and -incidentally, is
in his .25th year in the employ of
the Municipality.
For 'frayed tips . ofshoelaces,
cut • off. the thread, dip the end.
into .clear or light ' nail 'polish
and let ,dry. Metal . tips for shoe
laces are ::scarce: •
United Church Y.P.U.
The meeting opened with hymn
103 ,followed by a prayer by Rose
Howse. The scripture was react
by Fern Twamley. . Readings
were .,given by John Crispin and
Lorraine Drennan followed by •a
piano solo by Jean. A.11in. The
topic was ,taken by Miss Mac
Leod followed by a piano solo
by: Flora Andrew: Hymn .261 was
sung and the; meeting closed
With the Mizpah benediction.,
If you are single, and your income was . over $660.00—•
Or, if Married, and your income was over $1;200.00—
Or if you hadfax deducted. in 1943—you must file returns.
For inoome under $3;b00.00 use Form T.1 Special.
For income over. $3,000.00 use Form T.1 General.
You can, get income tax forms from -
1. Post Offices.
2. District Income Tax Offices.
Your early co-operation .is. requested, Over •2,000,000 -Canadians
will be filing income tax returns; You can help by 'getting your
forms now,_and: mailing them promptly.
'It is important that income tax returns be ;filed promptly: First,
these retu>ns must .be. filed to obtain credit for tax deductions:
Second, to claim any refund to which you maybe entitled. Third,
to establish the Savings Portion. of your tax, which will be paid' back
to you with'interest after the War. 0
Make your returns now, but not later than 30th of April
to avoid a penalty of 5% of your tax.
The unpaid balance of your 1943 tax may be paid any
time before 31st of August WITHOUT PENALTY. '
• To get a record of your 1943 earnings and taxi deductions, ask
'your employer fora copy of the "T.4 Slip" he filed with the'Govern-
ment Do this. It will save you time, and help prevent errors. •
COLIN C.1SO1i• i
oLu...c W Ateri Kai Re t.wse. r4 '
. Jepv1,•hLn,s,pr 'D/ lia,a,ot Rir}rnir O ryi kA -
C•ancid;;s-v. Sixth V'ictory Loan,
Campaign Will ,c,len -April 24th .
and will have an objective .of '
In the •rppr(i1'hinc campaig
inclivict•ua'.s will 'tow asked to roan
525,00.0,000 add "n.on-inditridual
investors" such as I i'surancu'and'
Industrial Companies, 1V1unicinal
and other Governmental . bodies,"
benevolent and other associations
will be askod for '$67 ,000,000. ..
The' House of Commons was
told in a Statement' read on be -
heli' of the • Minister of .Finance:•„
"Borrowing needs for the ,•con
finned 'prosecution .of the war re=
main. at a very .high level and.
the Minister of •Finance is con-
fident that once again Canadians
everywhere ' Will- show their. de-
termination to.:support their
fighting forces by ,a financial
achievement greater than on. any
previous occasion". 0
. The Fifth Victory Loan's total
subscription of $1„383,275,250'was
n all 'time record for the nation.
he , previous record Was'. set in
the 'Fourth' • Victory Loan when
$1;308,985,500', was borrowed.. • o
• •As, in the last loan .the new
bonds will be in two maturities:
3 percent bonds due June. lst,
1960 to be sold ata ata.prioe.a $100.
aril 0/4 percent bonds. due .March
1st;; 1948 ,at a price of $100.00. '
Huron. County's . quota in the
Sixth Victory Loan is •$2;900.000.'
which will be. 'broken down 'into
towns, villages and Townships as
Ashfield Township $100,000; W.
:Wawanosh Township 67,000; Col-
borne Township 64,000; Goderich,
town 425,000 East( Watwanosh
Township 67,000; Town of. Wing -
ham 187;000; Turnberry Township
74,000; Howick Township 220,000;
Morris Township 91,000.; Grey
Township 114,000; Brussels 'till-
age.. 7,4,000; Blyth village. 45,000;
Tuckersmith Tpwnship 98,000;
McKillop Township 98,000; Hul-
lett . Township .98,000; . 'Seaforth "
town, 163,000; Clinton town 176,-
1000; Stanley Township. 99,000:
Godericli Township 82,000; Hen -
sail . and Hay, E. 98,000; Zurich
and Hay W. . b8;000; Usborne
Township .97,000; Exeter 147,000;
Stephen East 64,000; Stephen
West 64,000.
Letitia Anderson Dowson
On April 6th Mrs. Letitia Dow -4
son passed away in Toronto at
the age of. 72. She had an illness
of four months. She was well
known in, her girlhood. days i'n
West Wawanosh . as Letitia And-
ersen, the youngest ;child of Al-
exander and Margaret Anderson,
who were pioneers . and 'blazed.
their way into the solid bush of
Huron County in 1855. Their
home was Lot 25, Con. 9, West
Wawanosh . and Letitia ,received
her . education at S.S. •No._.7 and
at Walkerton High School. The
funeral took' place April 8th to
Mont Pleasant cemetery.
Mrs. Dowson had an interesting
life. in 1'894 she ,went, to Johan
nesburg, South Africa to meet
her future husband, and was
married on . her arrival. In 1900
she returned with her three ehit-
dren,' remaining in .Wawanosh
until the Boer war was over..
when she returned. In 1913 the
family mored to 'Toronto where
her husband . was successful .in
'business until his death in 1931.
Since that time Mrs. Dowson
managed the business with suc-
cess until she retired a year ago.
She le,aves one son and four
grandchildren, • including ' Pte.
Eric Dowson with the 8th Army
in .1ta}y-- — °^