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h •4e,
THURSDAY, APRIL .13th, 1944
- . •
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Under Auspices Of The
Doug a nnon Agricultural
Fri Aptil 14
Music BY
Seldom has there been such,
excitement. in Amberley as there
was last Thursday when an air-
plane. landed- in the centre of the
hamlet. This is at least four :that
have, landed in the vicinity. 'The
plane Is a:total wreck but none
of the five. 'occupantswere
ouslY. hurt. One had to be taken
to the hospital. It .was :flying'o
low- it took the' hydro°. and, tele•-•
phone Wires. with ,it after alai
touching- the. 'rdof ....of , Walter
Brown's garage .ancl coming very
— , •• 4 '
pear- jarnes • Shieirs houSe..4 . •
•` The 'plane wad' an Anson bomb
er from Na. 33, Air Navigation
School, Mount Hope. First aid
Was, diven the.. crew .1.337. Dr. D. p.
Carpeneto before being taken to.
the R.A:F.Hospital at Pt. Albert.
Buzzing . wood and •making,
maple' syrup .Seerc4s'. td be • the.
order .of, the'day.'
Misses 'Catherine- MacKenzie.,
.Bertha• MacDonald and Marion
MacKenzie of Toronto and" Miss-
es. Frances and .BettY, Hat -ninon,
Patricia Sha*, Helen MacKenzie
and, Isobel MacDonalel,. students.
at the LucknoW.High School are
spending the Easter.- vacation at•
their •respective_horpes ' •
Easter Visitors in the cOmmun-• •
ity included Miss W. D. Ruther-
ford of Kirkland Lake, • Mrs.
Ramage of Paramount, Miss Nor:
• ma •Weatherhead of Stayner at
• their homes here; Mr. and Mrs.
Mel Brown of Waterloo With Mr.:
and Mrs. R. Woods; Miss Dorothy
• Webb and Miss Jeanette Boyce of
, Toronto with •Mr. and Mrs. Mc -
•'Kenzie Webb; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert McQuillin and Donald George
of Harnilton and Mr. and, Mrs.• :
Wm. Purdon With Mr. Win. and
Miss, Beatrice McQuillin.
Mr. •Johrc Camerion , and Mrs.
Douglas of Mitchell spent .a• few
days in New :York where their
sister, Mrs. Pickwoad is ill,
LAC. Russell Webb of the R.
C.A.F. who' has been in the hoS-.
• pital at Whitehorse,' Yukon, fol-
• loWing an injury to his knee has
been home on leave. '
•Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner and
Caryl and Mr. Fred Anderson of
Zion and Miss Kathleen Gardner.
of Toron-ta were recent, vitors
with Mrs. Helm and Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Woods. . •
qraaaaaaPaga.h.ffarP4._,P*a. ,..••••••••••••••••••••
Mr. Erie Evans of the R.C.A.F.
stationed at Toronto left for Tor-
onto on Friday after assisting
his parents to ,mo.Ve.to• their farm
Mr. Ralph Caskinette has pur-
chased a tractor.
Mr.:William Wraith received a
cahle.last week -end, from his son
George dt. •the ,R.C.A.F. that .he
had arrived Safely •overseas.- ',.•
Miss •Edith Evans of :. London,
spent ,the week -end at her; ho'n0.
F'jiere. •
• ,' Mr. .George f'flarknes-d held -a
ver' suceessfui...'sale
day. .eood •prices .were • realized
-0i. the livestock and iniplerrientS.
The • ladies -of the,. ,L angside -quilt- •
ing group , provided 'lunch cdn-
sisting Of pie, ,sanelVviches .and
doughnuts and .realized. the, sun
Of • $35.40 which will...greatly as-
sistin the buying of batting, and
flannelette for 'quilt linings.
Mr. JackTiffin :of Turnberry
visited on Thursday with .Mr.• and
Mrs_ VictOr Emerson. • • • ,
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harkness,
RoSs. and Barbara spent last week
• with, the forrher'!Si. parents Mr. &
Mrs. George Hakness :and as-
sisted them .prePare..fOr, their
• Miss Grace Richardson of Tees -
water 'spent Friday, at. her home.
The annual meeting of the -Wo-
men's Institute was heldr4n the
community hall on •Thursday af-
ternoon with the president, Mrs.
• .Gordon McPherson .in the chair.
The roll , call' was responded to,
with -d humorous story and the
paying of fees. The dee.-treas. re-
• poyt showed . a successful year
• • with $35.29. of a balance. The Red
Cross report was presented by ....
ivir. and Mrs. Clifford Crozier
Mr. Ivan. Rivett. a Hamilton
spent the Week -end at his horn
here lbefoiie going. sailing for the
surnmer. ' '
Mrs.. Raymond Finnigan and
• Mr.' and • Mrs. Joe Tiffin of
Whitechurch spent the week -end,
With Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott;- Mr.
and Mrs. 'George Fisher, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Conley, Mr. and Mrs.
Farish Moffat. and Miss Gertruct,
Brown • were Saturday evening
Louise .spent. Tuesday with hT.L. guests of Mr. • and Mrs. William_
aunt, Mrs. Dave Chamney, Bel- Evans.•
grave. • . Cutting Wood with the circular
Misses Frances & Lorena Croz- saw is the • order of the day in
ier of London and Colin of Crurn- this locality.
lin spent the holiday and week -7 The r ; -,res. L
oyterian W.M.S. will
end with . their inother,. Mre. L.,.
hold their , April . Meeting :on
afternoon at the home
. CoMfort ot Thursday
IS/Lr. arid Mrs. 13.en bf Mrs. John Rich,arcTsrin. 1 -
St., Catherines, are spending a few , •
clays with Mr; and Mrs. Cecil
Blake and Harold; •
Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and Mrs.
Bert Treleaven attended a show -
er for Miss Irlma Hackett at he,'
Tueqr1Pv evening.
•'Mr. Victor Whitley of Hamilton
called on some of his friends here
on Wednesday.' •• : •
Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,
Ronald and Gwendolyn visited.
on Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Huriter, Lucknow.
Mrs. Lorne Emmons & Muriel
visited a few days' ' with: her
mother, Mrs. Geo. Freeman, Lee -
burn. •
, Mrs. W. A. Miller, April 21 was
and Joanne •spent a day 'recently
° . . the date chosen for the Red: Cross .• .
with Mr. and Mrs: Roy Maize
- quilting:' Thanks for Chris' tmas .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran' and
parcels were received frorn Har- family spent Sunday at Mr. and
- i
Mrs. Herb .Ciirran!s. • - .• ..: . .
,Miss -,Lorraine Drennan visited
at her home -here• Qn Good ;Fri- .
day. • • . •
Mr. •and 'Mrs.• Wilfred Drennan
and J. C.' visited, on Sunday with.
his parents,' Mr. and; Mrs: Jim
ik Mrs. Ball; 3rd vice, Mrs: G. u
Mc- —
rennan. . 1
Pherson; • ,dec.-treas., Mrs. T. j . Mrs.'Bert Treleaven spent last
bILL DIEBEL of Kincardine
who has been employed for 25,
years in the •Coombe. Furniture
factory has. moved to Kitchener.
Shocking Story of Juveniles
On A 'Wartime Binge •
Juveniles un the loose! 'that
describes thousands of teen-age
girls:roatning the country, on the
'streets, in dance, halls, OA for
money, men and excitement. Read
“JuVeriiles on the Loose"; by
Genevieve • Parkhurst, famous
sociologist, starting in The :Am-
erican Weekly with,: this Sun-
daY's (April 16 issue) of The De-
Sunda Tithes
It's emitting
to Lucknow
•Under Auspices of the Agricultural Society
• The Three - Act Comedy
Drama That's Tops In Entertainment
Vas Smidse from Turni oze_
at 8.15 Sharp
Presented by the Ripley Dramatic Society
•ADULTS 50c • • • . • •CHILDREN 25c
MaciCenzie's Orchestra Admission 25c
:Mr: and Mrs. J. G.: Ritchie and
Children of Mitchell and Mr. and
Mrs. A. Wilson and Jimmy of
Lucknow Spent the: week -end
• with Mr. and' IVIrs, Robt. Ritchie.
• Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Helmand
family spent Thursday . with
friends in Clinton, and also at-,
tended the: Spring Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. john Campbell ot
:Belfast ,spent Sunday with
nd Mrs. *J. Hunter. ,
.Mr. Borden •Culbert returned
home after spending the past six
months in `TorontO. ••
Mr. Pat Gilmore arid John vis-
ited 1\11-.-- Peter MeNa Sun-
Miss M. Henderson. of Kinloss
is visiting With Miss Mary Mac-
Lean ,during the absence of her
brother Donald who is • a patient
in St: Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don at the present. Mr. MacLean
had misfortune of being
struck in the eye with, a nail.
• 'Miss Lorna ' Reid visited with
her sister • Mrs. Peter Cook on
Monday.' ,
Miss Kathleen Gibson of Clin-
ton is spending the Easter vaca-
tion at her home here.
Miss Frances Gilmore spent
the week -end at her home.
Mrs. Robt. Helm entertained
•LAURIER . .....
'Miss 'Catherine, MacKenzie of •1 '
Toronto is holidaying With' her ,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J.:Mac:-
Kenzie. • • ,• .
' Miss Marion MacDonald : of
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Alex And -
r and Bobby of Lucknow vis-
it d With Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas
M onald. ' • i
Mrs. Sam-McQui-1-1-in-of Toronto
dipent ithe • week -end with her
pdrents.• • - . '1' • '
Misses Beth MacDonald and
Marion MacKenzie of Toronto are
holidaying at their homes. ' '
Miss Isabel Hamilton of Lon-
don spent the wcek-end at her
home.. • . •
Mrs. Jack Bradley' spent
past week with her parents, Mr. ,
& Mrs. Joseph Hackett of Luck,
• Misses Lois and Lillian Mac-
Lean and. Miss M. Ferguson of
Kincardine spent the'holiday at I
their' homes.. •
The Women's Missionary- Soc-
iety of the Ashfield Presbyterian
church Will hold its April meet-
ing 'at thehome of Mrs. Alex
the ladies at a Red Cross rneet-;.• ' ing Thursday ,afternoon. Two
quilts were com
pleted , with 14
ladies in attendance. •
•, old Humphrey, Harold Irin.,and
AnguS McDonald. The 'report o.::
• , 'the nominating 'committee ,was•
•. received. and the .following' are
. the officers for •the. new year:
pres., Mrs. 'Archie Aitchison: 1st
' .. vice Mrs. Harold Gaunt; 2nd vice
Todd: 'assistant: M1.9 : J. Came ell;
pianist, Mrs. E. W. Rice; 'assist-
ant, Mrs. W. Rutherford; •distil
• rep.. .1VIrs. Rice: 'auclitorss,, 'Mrs.
working at. the ,foundry in God -
Stuart: Mrs. S. A. Todd; agricuL erich: • . .
.. . „•ture..8.c Canadian industries, Mr.;.. '.;
11/lisse,s • Annie :and Violet Cul-
.. . J. Cameron; citizensliTIS, 'Mrs. t...
bert, Sky. Harbor, visitedaf their
Woods:' historical research, Miss home here. .
. Mary Murray; home economics, ,
week''. with her parents; Mr. .and
Mrs. Joseph Haeleett of Lucknow.
Mr. Jack, Curran of here is
Mrs. McPherson; • social welfarts,••
Mrs. St4rt; publicity, Mrs. Mc:
Kenzie Webb; war work, Mrs. W.
• A. Milier. The- motto "Rone.wa-i
: • • not built i+ a day- w.as taken
4 • Mrs.' A. Aitchison'..Mrs, Rice f av-
• ored with: 'a .solo and Mrs. W. ,A
Miller read-, an article. on '"our
,• Allies, the Chinese", $1.00 was
•voted as • a membership of the
Tuberculosis. Association and .$10
to the Milk for Britain Fund, it
'was decided to invite Mrs. lien
• ' • .--dersonl_the president for
' '
Culross Declines To ray
Prain• Assessinent
. Culross Township has declined
to pay its assessment of less than
632..0C) on ..the . AckertIDrain in,
Kinloss. At their last meeting the'
CulrosS. Board passed 'the follow-
inv... motion: "That this Council
instruct the clerk to notify. Kin
loss Township that at preldent
they do notfeel like paying $31.136
cost. on Ackert t?rain.—Cai•t•ied",
r" ---,-
Mrs. Colwell spent the wepk-
fenet-a-t_hei home at Dungannor.
raa• htta*
w -.4.1t rag.
• Deliver Your Cream For EXTRA Year Around Profit.
This Additional Earning Will Pay Your Trips To Town
And Give You Additional Extra Money EVERY WEEK.
We Are iSlow Paying '2c Per Lb. Over Price Paid,
. If Shipped On A Truck.
t Pays To Deliver . . Deliver For Profit
We Still Cannot Buy New Cream Cans and Require The
• Additional Cans Not In Use Throughout the Country.
Please Return That Extra Can That Is Not Required For
Your Immediate, Cream Delivery Requirement: -
It IS Illegal To the A Cream Can For Any Other Purpose.
Silverwood Dah•les Ltd.
• . , '
. .
7 Al . . .
• .
1 • • . . "0