The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-13, Page 6THURSt AY, APEIL 13th, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
1Lyceum Theatre
Thursday, Friday, Sa rday
:,APRIL 13, 14, 1.5
*' int em
THE . 1:04111.11G,
Slapstick comedy` in the' JJe
E. Brown manner.
Also ' `Short Subjects"
Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
APRIL, 47, 181 19
An all -Star musical revue:
Also "Short Subject"
Dungannon Branch.
Red Cross .Donations
A partial,= list • of contributions
to the Dungannon Branch, of the
Red Cross is as fpllo s:
Harvey Alton's , collections:.
Everett I Errington; $1.00; .Ernest
• Durnin 1.00; Isaac Ferguson 1.00;
Jas: Fluker 2.00; Benson Mole
.2.00; Victor Errington 3.00; Jim
Sherwood 3.00; Gordon Smyth.
• 4.00 Harvey •Alton. 5.0.0; Herb
Alton 5:00; WM. Petrie '5.00; Wr•:..
. Caesar 5.00 Miss Vivian Tiffin
5.00; . Albert Johnston 5.00; Gor-
ley Ferguson 5.00; Jas. Wilson
5.0b;' John Finnigan 5.00; Wallace
Wilson 5.00; W. J. Robb 5.00;
. Ethel McPherson 5.00; Thomas
Webster 10.00;' Brown Smythe
10i00; Wrn. Cranston 10.00. Total
$10.7•.00. ,
Wm: J. Reid's collections: Er-
vin:Zinn $1.00; John Meyers 1.00;
Beth McConne11. L00; Mrs. T. H.
Culbert 11.00; Tom. Culbert Jr.
1.00; Ronald Treleaven 1.00; G.
O. Durnin 2.00.; Mrs, John Rivett
2.50; Bert Finnigan 3.00; John
Malloch 3.00; Raymond Finnigan
3.00; •Clifford Crozier 4.00; Bert
Reid 4.00; Mrs. Charlotte Reid
4.00; Richard' McWhinney 5.00;
Blake Bros: 5.00; Wilfred Dren-
' nan 5.00; Benson Shackleton 5.00;
Wm. and Lorne Hasty 5.00; S. J.
Kilpatrick. 5.00;",Lorne. Emmons
5.00; T. M. Durnin 5.00; Wm.. J.
Reid 10.00. Total $8150.
Lorne Hasty's collections: Chas.
E. Hallam $1.00; Robt. E.' Irwin
1.00; Russel Irwin 1.00; Howard
Blake 2.00; Geo. • Saunders) 2:00;
Herrman Phillips 2.00; Livingstone
•Menai-y • 2.00; Hugh 1Vlenary 2.00;
Peter Glazier 2.00; Norman
Shackleton 2.00; . Henry Horton
3.00; Richard Kilpatrick • 3.00;
Thos. Anderson Sr. 5.00; Thomas
Anderson Jr. 5.00; Harvey An-
derson '5.00; Thos. Blake 5.00;
Ernest Blake 5.00; Thomas Glenn
5.00; Herb Curran 5.00; •Wm. 'Ir-
win 5.00; Elmer Phillips 5.00;
George Twaml.ey 5.00; Milton
Kilpatrick 5.00,; Elmer Johnston
5:00; Cecil and Mrs. Johnston
10.00; Wm. Andrew 10:00. Total
$103.00. •
Eldon Culbert's collections:.
Lloyd .McWhinney 25c; • Wm.
Stothers 50c; Warner MacIntyre
50c; Howard .Johnston $1.00; El-
l-mer`Black; 1.00; Herb Pentland
1.00; George Rutlidge. 1.00; herb
Stothers 1.00; Victor Black 1.00;
•Dave McGratton 1.00; Mrs. Wr)1.
Plunkett 1.00; Jim Johnston 1.50;
Eldon Culbert 2.00; Wrn. Menary
2•:00, . F -at -1-M ee 2.00 Floyd
.:,": ter►- ::�wr-:?:::!�•� ::''.•'-'•':<::?r•!r
T -NO . you • remember the "Change of. Adedress" form which'.
711.-0 you filled out W,heit you,movedyour,civilian home? After
i ' that'was filed at your locar Post Office, every letter sent to your
old.address be redirected to the 'new one, and that went
, •meq . until . yo%ur correspondent•
s were familiar with: your .newlocation. .. • 1 ..
Probably you didn't move very often, but each, time you
did,Ithe Post Office gave redirectory service. Arid if you will
think`about•that for ynoment, you will begin to see what a'`•
stupendous task confronts the Canadian Postal. Corps in han-
dling the military mails,. when thousands :of- men are 'being
moved .almost daily!
Yet, in spite of the need of tracing men from reinforcement
units to their locations on fighting fronts in spite of the
need of tracing them through hospitalization . or while
on leave ':..'when their .unit is moved , . in spite' of delays
in air Mail service caused byadverse flying conditions .:.. of
delays in. surface .transportation caused 'by enemy action ,
in spite of every war• hazard, you :T can think of .. your Post
Office and the Canadian Postal Corps delivered 31,500,00(
letters, • to : men ' overseas in 1943!
It is inevitable that, in tracing men who havebeen moved,,
or ;wounded, some delays occur. It is; inevitable that , enemy
action holds up deli' ery •in'soin'e cases. But everything that
human ingenuity, and effort can do to give you a service -that
means speedier delivery .of the tetters .your men.are waiting
for, is being well and tho ipughly done, and will lie done. New
methods of speeding mail' deliveries are -being putiiito effect,
new possibilities are being studied: Think of your own friends
who have been posted to: new locations overseas, and realize.
the task of tracing them when their mail arrives at their former'.
address ! •
You can help your. Post .Officeand the Canadian Postal.
Corps to give eveti better service if you will take a moment to
make sure that your mail is correctly prepared. Do these simple
1. ;Always be sure each letter or 'parcel (properly packed) is
fully and correctly addressed.
2. Use light -weight paper for reg. uIar Air Mail, or use the Armed
Forces. Air Letter Fortns., Airgraph letters 'take a . little longer ,H
because they.must. be processed' in Canada and. overseas.
3. T,o men in hospital;'mark your letter "In Hospital", if you are ..
advised t� this effect. ,
4. Never putinto parcels perishable; food, or any substance that
can be .damaged by extremes. of temperature.
4,n f
, Q •, - .' 9f
CA Nnor
Issuecl'by the authority of
Hodge 2.00; Joe Hamilton 2.00;.
iiLarry Girvin 2,•00; Arthur Elliott
• Robt. Bere 2.00; Lorne
Johnston 3.00; `Mrs. 'Roy Girvin
5.00; Dave lVIcDerinid 5.00; An-'
'gus McDermid 5.00; Prank Pent-
land 5.00; Isaac Currie 5.00; Mary;
Currie 5.00; Mrs. Annie Culbert'
5.00; John A. and Mrs. Johnston
6.00; Mrs. Bert McWhinney 6.00.
Total $76.75: . • •
Mra. Sam Treleaven • $5:00.-
Jolin Bennett , collections, R. 1,
Port Albert: Wm., N.'Brown, 50c:
Mrs. Frank Willis, $1.00; H. R.
Bennett 1.00; Carman Hayden.
1.00; Mrs. Harold Tigert 1.00;
Mrs. Harvey Silib 1.00; Victor
Hoy 1.00; A'rthur_'Stewart 2.00;,
A. ' B. l rovrin 2.00; Wm. Draaper
3.00; Mrs. John Fielder 5:00
John Bennett 5.00; Total $23.50,
Leslie Pen- t-ln-nfl-•errliectio,n:c, R•
1, PortAlbert: ' Len .McIllwain
$1.00; Trelfred Nixon 1.01; Mrs.
Jean Feagan 1.00; Richard Mc-
Intyre 2.00; Mrs. • Dari McPhee
2.09; Harry, Watso_ti 2:00; Miss
Allen 5.00; Thos. McPhee -10:00;
Total $24..00. .
Walter Pettman collections, B.
6, Goderich•: Carman Feagan 50c;
Harold Melllwain $1.00; Chester
McPhee' 1..00; Mrs. Rachel .Mc -
'Cann 1.00; Rofis Taylor 2.00; Mrs.
John Feagan 2.00: Robt. Duras
2.00; Ross McPhee 2,00: K'ei
Feagan 2.00; Y. P. U. Nile Unn-
ited 'chirnt/ch 2,00; Walter Pettman
5,00;• -.Mrs. John.McPlice 5.00; Nile
Victory T.c,r u'e 10.-00; Total
$35.50. ' w
Torrence Hunter and Andrew
Bogie eollrctibns, ft,
'°3, Goderich:
Cannan Ken: 50c: Meyers
1.00; • Alban Schram 1.00; Edith
-Horton LL1.•00, • .. in o cry 1,00;
Clara. Fulford 1.00; George:Fre -
man 1.00; Locke ,Cook 1:00: R.
Ashton' 1.00: James Chisholm SI.
Lloyd Brindley 1.00; Wm.
1.00; I. Chisholm 1.00; Wilfr-c!'
Smith 1:00; Sara Chis•'holin 1 (1i1
James •Horton 2.00; R.. Bogies 2::4),-11-
Wrn..Cook 2.00; M. Shaw
Ben Chisholm 3.00; A Bogie 3.'1";
J. Hunter 4:00; War Woi.-kers 5 0"
Roy. Linklater• 5.00; Tc rrrr+;,
Hunter 5.00; A friend 10.00:
01 $58.50.
.....,. 0
iIi.•obert Bern,u a collecticrrs•,
Port Albert: Rod Bogie .Jif): (c,,
don Jewel .50; Clifford Brinrl,l •
.75; Elizabeth Foster. .75: •' J:,t,
Foster '1.00; Mrs. George
1.00; Frank 'Hawkins ,1,00:‘ w c
E. Hawkins 1.00; Agnes
1.00; • Dan ' Leddy 1.00;. Will ';;
Stewart 1.00; Thomas, C'hk17v,'1 •
1.00; Mrs.„Alex Watson 1.00; Jnhn
1.00: Bert 'gie 1.00; .Mrs. A.
Mugford 1.00; Harvey Fishet;, $1.;•
Mrs, Ernest Bogie 1.00; • Mary
'Bogie 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. Abner
,))orris 1.00;.. Mrs, ' .1m....McCann.
.1.00; L.c slic+ Johnstone 1.00; Lucy
rSpi•agge 01,00; .Mrs. Ruth Hayden
1.+10:• N•Ir•w, Ellen Potter 1.00; Mrs.
(2 :in;in I;r•inclli",y 1.00: Mrs. - Jack
hniLhi• 1.00; Allan Watson 1.00;
1•.+•n C'hristaaw .1.00; Win. Kerr
.1.40: C'•lnrence •Dustow 1:00 Mrs.
W..,Mc•hnit;ht 1.00; John R. Mc-
- x'-11 trmev l ,ilii; Edgar -Dougherty
1,0: Mrs.''Jones 1.00 Ma•s,
T), 1.o • tIarrison .1.00; Harold
J,,17rr .inn+ 1.04: Henry Mathews
1..0R; A. Kin)w try 1.00; L. ' A.
-i'. +rt•1„ncl 2.00; Clifford- E.'• Mc.
`.. i l • 2.00:' Frank Wilson 2.00;
E.'•Vosrer .2.00: O, Brooks
, lfn}�t, L1bgie'2,00;• • Frank
ll i.:iiu, • it flu: Isaac Tahh-.10 00; To-