HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-13, Page 4The Locknow Sentel, Lwa Ontario adENEEWmarrimmosiroarmararmaionausorasamoarramoramonama 'The Difference CASH Money Makes SA 'nNGs:S, A'„ MUCH ASi• SICakt.1 Tw 'n Chi Sttar*..er, Ii"S" 44. Tao ort, P* :iltry C as• , 35%, SIVA P's A Ton .tan Hog . C'onc es trate, r - -$19.09 Ton on Hog Groavaer, • fa.7.0.4 Tm care haying Mab, I:% ,And We. Have.. It - On Hand, But Order Ahead •To Be Sure DIG:w IFIED CREDIT 'ON TON LOTS OR MORE Aliso Cod Liver Oil .0 neentratee . D; L500A,a,Cane Mol. ins; Seed - Uaorn P! try, Hog and: Catile Condit( rs; D Cat. l'o. And All Sanit tio> Products Pertaining To The Farm co Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w LI.STEN•'TO' Imes" Self Polishing ..Liquid . Wax &. Paste Floor Wax _• On Every. Friday Morning At 10.15 37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast MOM CKNX. WINGHAM For fi ale At Ai1 [Grocery and Hardware Stores Men,3O,4O,5O!i Want Winne Pep, Vim, Vigor? �try.(01ir ionic, ,T0140 •01,1010.,134m, Com tobos .Etnrm rr ffrot•v0V1010 pr,,r,pb r :2346 a ,: z ,r. 1t. artw 741) � 'n r107,Jrr 1r with 100111„. tir,st r„a•"a'••of W,as r '.wi low jr}ry cit -t t.s: ('.'.air 7."13,ra u t/l • Y• FINLAYSON 1�3ROS HOLYROOD Miss' Mar aret Moffat Of Sault, •• Ste.'. Marie is.'spending ;the holi- • LAIIGSIDE NORTH • • Mr' George Harkne;tis • had. • very succ;eisful .sale on Thursday. •Mr J. W. to of Toront spent the •-weee a,erad at .Mr:. F. G Mo.f= fat's. ..(iia ��t►.�rda�..�v'En�r'1�'�•'l�!'r':-';ancl. Mrs. Evans entertained Mr. and ,Mrs, .Bill `.Scott, Mins Gertrude Brown, n, Mr. and Mrs. Farish Mof- fat and • Gordon,' Mr: and Mips. George Fisher and Mr.: .Alfred' € attt rsr n: . Uisa� Edith Evans of London apent'the week -end at her .home Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harkness, Floes and • P,{arbara of Toronto ape:ri4 a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Har'k- FOR SALE -York sow and :ate. • 1 of II pigs three �,cekS rf� Airs y .► .:� B Stotiaers farrn :a. As -a- I' B SPI ":1_,1^.:1.a:,”; e'r. r r. Tak' iia - e, i'r itr.�" Powder' :te t star !the .air of-n`.#-genta r heart ,u. n 1 • ar aarair a y' .a.et . 51.E & $'i tYr all g TAYLOR'S DRUG G STOP> E. 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 13th, 1914 , F O SALE—Quantity. of sexed. oat.. 19.2 crop,. BAIRD . BIttOS., FOR S.-3<.LE•—T .a .genera pu_r- poae rnare-s. 4 & 5 yews: year Durham c- bxuIi:,C.12 Darliarn cows and: a; p . heifers; Ydr"rk i ire so v due tr, farrow` in Apri7a 2 pure- bred Y rksh re rccar : a cactil3ti:y, of -e•d rats ,(Catai r,'A:ar:,-, ca• , rsd ,::ter .194_3: crop.' A: rl.r ge t f * s alit pure a cis D.A!' -T. M-- • •KINNOX. Cors. 6. K'ri's_..:R. R. 3 alyr od.. ! Notice To• Creditors Creditors and . others hariaa claims against the Esta .e ,f Ed- mund Burke ,B,alfour. ,late of tr.e Village of Lucknow. Ontario_ D'actor of Medici,, are hereby required. to 'ler::d full' particulars of such • claims duly .;verified to the undersigned on or before the Thirtieth day of •April, A.D, 1944 after which 'date the Executor will proceed to distribute the as- sets —sets �f the said estate having re- gard only to claims' of which` not-. ice shall 'then have been receiv- ed... PL'RDOM & PURDOM Richmond Bldg., . '' • Landon, Ontario. • Solicitors for : the Executor herein': . Notice •To Credit' Ors• • ALL • persons haaaing , elairre against the. estate OfJrhn' 'Hod - 1 s ins late of •tlrt ' Ttiv.•n_snip of •-Kin • Mr•. and lYir•r. Richard Elliott Opent.Sunday at Mr. Thos. Robb's at A.mberley. • Mrs. .,Ackert • visited 'with. her daughter, Mr's. Will Stirling of 'Clinton on' Sunday. • 1Viri 1" haul. Ir{ariis' and Lorraine:. were recent visitors in Kincar- • dine 'at Mr., "Amos Palmer's. Mr; and .Mr -s. Gordon Jarraieson and MrN.'Jack Splan and Stewart of Goder•ich, Mr. Stewart Jamie - mire and Miss Pearl McKenzie. were Sunday 'visitors4at Mr. and. Mrs. 'FinWard 'Harris'. • Mr. and Mn.sHarol'd.Congrarn ;arid children »print Sunday' at Mris, 'J'hornar; Henxy'rs, t Mr, Weir tcke-n;swiJle t th d •14r.• Donald McKay were Sunday 'viii• • itor;, ',t McDonald McPherson Mr. ant, Miss. ;lddn Ecker?= ;:Wille -r w'e-re ,' cent vissitr,r5 .:.t "1Jt x Mur ,loch McPher»on':s, Edgar Ptidh•sarn, signal), -r• r,f ,St. flyw•srifhe, Quo ; Mr. Russel Rnir'; fte•rd' r Corner's were. visitors with• f✓ir• :and Mr:,..R:aynard AcY.ert r.n Tat -ad -ay tie•v and Max :Stewart of Luck- . neat visited in our burps Monday. Mra. Cox, • Mrs Frank Sr0t1. f;il! and • Bob, Mrs. Karl Boyle :arid Mar ylrn 'were recent. rat• visitor'.; . wrti: 'Mrs Will C;ra.hfatn. • Mr ,1.Loyd Ackert (,f ,'frit`ora•tc, was .1to nn,- .fcir= t1414..krc,iidx,y . __ .. Vlessis Jack Watson 'a.nrl, Bill Starling of •Clinton wr•re••visitr,r.: • •sit •M:;s. Aekerrt'r on Tue ad:,y • : Mrs • Reggie Broome •& Arts ,rarrtt, Wednesday after noon • at Ae•kr-t''s - . • • •.viii. , E. Hodgkin:ion over the days at her' home :here. - Mr., .and Mas. Graham .Pinkney of Toronto were. holiday ,visitors. With' her parents,., Mr. and' I r•s. Dan, Maclntyre. • ' Mr. and Mrs: Bob McQuillin and Donald George, Mrs. Roy .Finlayson and Elizabeth ..inn of :Hamilton and Mr. • B'rII MacKeri - zie of Dundas spent' the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm: MacKen zie. , . , Ma. Wm. Wraith received word on Friday that his son George of the R.C.A.F. had 'arrived safely ovrtrsea . - Mr. and Mrs, Archie MacKin- non were recent,vrisit•irs with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Macfntyre. • FOURTH' CONCESSION 9 . ' Mr. and Mrs. 'B.' Bain and Neil, and Mrs. Shillington and. daugh- ter of I ndon 8 Ont the rer end at Mr. John McLeod'.s hon,' ''Mr. Billie, McKen e of Dundas is spe-n•dingEaster at his hone:. Miss Anne Cruickshank of Thr - ht) - 'spr'rrt the- w alt=e rirl with Mir -Ss Anna Graham. . . South Kinloss; W. M. S. had a. very •succe>s.scal bazaar on .Satur- day laKt. • .Mr. Hugh Houston 'of 'the Ii. (:. A. F'., Quebec ap1•nt'thr weei•I-oral _with_mt. .,nd Mr•; Harvey 1lr,u!,- ton. •... _ _.• - Mr. and Mr's. Harr•ison; Con. 12 Mit on :spent Monday at the .}Dine ',f Alex, Pearce. • Mr. and Mrs C.- bixon ane'; ,t I)rirs!, of ()we.„ Sou ad visited with • f:SE 1''J.NN'S'f);rr) Min frar• M:a.t. •✓.rrk•r'nd. at s,. Trilii-•»-Hi tra•I-r- M:11 J_, irt.at.a.' • Mr' and Ma,. (:. McMurchy 'via- ,F'a•1rl and itole•rt',ir•r l;.rg ri 'Jf•! ifed Sunday with M r,. (raharn iu krirrw;w.. v.-----7.,_,stir,J. fariaiIy • :„.77. - Ios in the C*unty' of Bruce 'Farmer, who diced ern-rjr a'rr��ii't the '' seventh day of December. 1943.. are notified 'to send to J. H. Crawford, . Wingham,, Ontario,ori or ,before he 22nd da. y of , Apar•: 1944, full- particulars .of. thei- arlaairnsa in awaiting. Iinrnediat,ely .after • the said' 22nd 'day' 'of April •the-a,atets .of. the said testa.tr„: _will be • distributed' amongst the parties entitled thereto, 'having regard 'only .tri, claims cf which the executors : shall then have notice". • • DATED this twenty-ninth' day of Marcia, A.D.' 194.4., a J. ' H. CRAWFORD. Wingham.. Ontario. Solicitor for .the Executors. ,Notice To Creditors R. 3, latkekrraaa FOR SA'[..„ -1931 Hudson sedan. Apply to Jos. M.allough, Lu.c,k- nOW. t.1 FOR SA=LE—Durham twin calve.5' a;e •1 rr'd ER! Ca..RTEP, R. 5, Iaaclr"*ro -. :a 1 FOR SALE — Irnpry w ed Banner. d.Seed Oats -194.3 crop. test 36 Ibs., 51.00 a bus.. ! E;RNEST BLAKE, !Phone one Du,.ganraon 747-r-7. • • FOR. ?aSALE—Early Alaska Oats', suitable for seed 1942 crop. Or- land Richards. . R. '3, Lucknow, Phone Dur:Qanrron 68-2.• • GRASS FOR RENT= -100 acres, fresh seeded. • good spring water. Amply to' Calvin , MacKay, Holy - rood. FEED FRCVS S Poultry Tonic and Vitamin Builderss•-stops Canni-- 'baliim. 'MacLennan's, Feed and Robert ori• Egg .Grades, 'Lucknow. AUC`i-ION SALE of farrn stock and implements at N.H. ".Lot 6, Con. 14.' E_D. Ashfield.; 2 Miles West of • Lucknow. onr"-Tuesday, April 18th • at 1.30. See bills for list ' and terms. AIex :Stanley, Prop.:.: Donald P. Blue, A.uc. „CtII :; MASI•1 STARTER this year. Obt riahV:' at Fini:aa son Bros, Lucknow. J. Lorne V: F hh. pioneer- Feed Rep- resept•ative. •• SEED OATS FOR SALE — Good early. A.las''a. oats 'oath a 30' per cent mixtu c of'Barley;•alsrr.Ban,- n'e'r cots with a heavy mixture of Barley. price 31.00 per bus. Samples may he seen at Morri- son's I•iarriess. Shop. Lucknow. S. j MORRISON..R. 1. Lucknow. • All persons having claims• against _the Estate of Elizabeth Thompson, late.: of the -.Township Of .Kinloss in the County • af Bruce, :Widow, deceased, who died' on or, about the -eighth day• ,',f July A.D. 194.3 •are ".notified t -r %end to. A. D. McTavish, .Tees- viater,, Ontario on or before the I. 15th day of April A.D.'1944 full i particulars of their claims in writine. 'Imrrjediately after the said fifte th' day of April the asscts of •the said Testatrix vr�l1 he distributed among the parties Brit Jed .thereto, having only re- gard • tit clair»s of which the Ex• ecutor•s shall then have notice. Dated 'at Tae• water, Ontario. this 22nd day..ofMarch A.D. 1944: A. -H. McTAVISH. Solicitoir for the Executor, Notice ToCreditors All. persons having claims against the Estate of William -Thrones' Thompson - late of .this Township of. Kinloss in the Coun- ty of Hruce, Retired Farmer,. de- ceased, who died on. or about the fifths, day of 'January AD.•' 1943 are notifiedt<o send, tp A. H. Mc Ta vi•sh, • Teeswate:'r,• Ohhtario on 1'r l'o. ferrc. the 15th day of April A.D. 1944full par•ticular:s of theirT r_i;3i ns • in.�Writing. 1rri'rriediately after the said, 15th day of .Ap'r•i'i, the assets of the. Said Testator will b'e' distributed among .the psir'ties entitled thereto havia'g 'only regard to claims of which the erxc:cltors SYr k11 then have notic,;•: • • Dated at Tr•r, swater. Ontario. this 22nr day of March A.D. 1944: /. c'I'I;i/1SH. DO YOUR. birds ego Iame or par- alayzc:d..?' "Ke.€s s" strip them. Mac- Lennan's Feec1. & Robertson Egg Grader. 'Lucknow., , . AUCTION, SALE OF ,FARM fMPLEMENTS • Lot. 14, Con. .1,:• r, • mile east of Nile, Wednesday, April 19th at 2 p.m.:.14 disk out -throw Massey Harris cultivator,. 2 -section Cock- shutt drag cultivator, new teeth and shi9!eing;' 5 -section harrows, newly pointed & draw bar;. Mc- Cormick, Deering, fertilizer drill; McCormick Deering hay loader; dump .rake 'McCormick 6 ft. mower; Deering 7 ft. hinder (special): . McCormick Manure spreader: 2 -furrow J.H.C. tractor plow; Fordson tr4actr,r: wagon with extra set, low truck wheels. • FOR, SAi,F:. fi, Natalia owes, tat••: with hank i11t foot; also Glyn', gelding, Apply "GORDON •REIU. DunJ'au.non, Plana! li1-r•-12,•1)un. gannQn. •. ,CUSTOM. WORK allaying • rail-. 'chased a new t rac•tur wee r e pre• ,pared, to do cu1t(iin disc:irig ane cult'iva'ting. .'. ' MrsMll...L..AN IiROS•,, .Lucknow • • AUCTION • SA 10E of• cattle and. • • lirrrses al,...fa•b•m `uf -.Vernon tr-r, 'hall' mile east Of' Luckny've an Saturday; April 15th at torr„ o':clock. Sets la.i l l4 .fur'' Vernon- Heater, Prop.; Donitld.' B. • Blue, Pkuc.• • ARE YOUR laying birds pale and seoury? Use Finns Poultry Cora- ditiorwr• .and, Intestinal Cleanser.. MacLennan's Feed and 'Robertson • Egg Grader, Lucknow:. • ' A . FULL LINE Of' - WALLPAPER PAINT, VARNISH; and, ENAMEL N'OIY IN STOCK Order Your Wallpaper Now As Factory Stocks Ara Becoming' Scarce PHILIP S. STEWART 'PHONE ;•8 LUCKN01i-j Blue's Auctii n Sale Register FRL, APTtIL 14 -Oxford Sheen at farm of Wm. Cook, B uc o k - 1 • - watcr Highway, '4 miles nor,i1' of ' Goderich. ' SAT.; APRIL 15=Horses & cattle farrn of Vernon Hunter. 12 (mile east of ,Lucknow. ;TINES., APRIL 18•—Farm stock S,-; implements at farm of Alex Stanley, 2 miles west of Luck - now. WED., APRIL I9—Good im.ple- merits, including, tractor, at. farm of Lorne Pentland, one mile east of Nile, SAT., APRIL 29—Furniture at home of Mr. Malone, Quebec St., Goderich. ' See Bills For Listings DONALD B. BLUE, Ant North American Life A MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan, District Reprisentative Ripley, .Orta. Phone 28=r-8. newly set: wagon rack: 8 inch "Vessott'',grinder. good• as new. new ,plates. All implements it excellent repair(. Everything must be sold as farm is rented. •Term•; —Cash. W. L. PENTLAND, •Pro;,.' Donald, B. Blue, Auc. • It Ii COLLECTIONS • '.A Guelph medical client writing us on March 20th says .in part: "Thank you very. 'mitch indeed for your very effective s(:rvices...• That unsolicitr•di` cr,mpli- rnent,, speaks volumes. ' doesn't it. Ttiia "ef'fective--service''-, available to you: Take ad- vantage of. -.it and send in Your list. NOW. KELLY & 'AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORA,NC;EVILL>, ONT. E t. 1890 -.busier ha-rt-at;>� (,licatr,r ,foo the xccsutrar . r _. - F. t. ARMSTRONG OPTOiv ETRIs IN LUCIKNOW • EACH WEDNESDAY FROM 2 p.m. to 6 o'Vock AT WM. SCIIMID'S STORE P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER, & SOLICITOR ' Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW • Each Wednesday OFFICE IN . ' I THI L1 GIO:`f-B L INQ- -' e.