HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-13, Page 3TIITURSDAY, APRIL 13th, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
s tspn.
/ salt :•
2tb rTs. safiaocpwater
1/2 cup chopped nuts, any kind[ins2 cups sifted Boar 4 tbspng•8horshortening fi
4 tsPn .tc Baking Powder p e
Mr( stt1►nfiTedients,Gutd
shortsift ening,
milk to maketof t
e lightly floored boa8;prin-
on ion
with %cup.nuts. Roll r roll.Cucli slices. t in,
gesa waterand pour
welt -
ed layer
Tmaunsdedia g biliwell-
tctiown. Bake in hot -oven
(425eabout 35 minutes.Turnnut
YMakes 10
IN •.
Council met on March 20, 1944
as per adjournment. All :members
present. The minutesof the Feb-
ruary meeting were approved
and signed. 1
'David H. .Carruthers was apt
pointed Live Stock valuator in
place of Derzil Statters who de-
clined the appointment.
Jack Ackert was appointed
pound keeper in place of Clifford
Johnston tubo :declined the apt
pointmeni. ,
A grant of $10.00 was given to
the, Sick °,Children's. Hospital, To-
Tire sheep claim of "Thos:' Har-
ris .wa§ ordered,., paid as.•per,va1-..
uator's report.
.The gravel .contract., for the
year 1944 was let to: Mr. Claude,
Smith of London at a .flat rate
of 59c per yard laid down on the
roads under Road Supt. ,super-
vision.' ,l,
The clerk was instructed to
write •, the Township of Culross
r� their share of 'accumulated
cots Ackert Drain. I
The . collector's tirne for the re-
turn of the Roll' was extended
to April. 1, 1944.•
The treasurer's bond was re-
newed .with . -Mr. H. C. McLean
of Wingham.
Council then adjourned to
meet again on Monday, April -17,
1944 at the usual time anti place.
Cheques issued: Dr. J. A, Mac-
Donald, Ripley, dental work, $26;
Thos. Harris, Weep claim, 65.00;
Mark :Johnston, inspection above;
3.50;• J. R. Lane, hydro at hall,
4.05; A. E. Thompson, caretaking,
2.25; H. C. McLean, premium
treas. bond. 8.00; .Miss Jean Weir;
typing 3•copies, auditor's report,:
3.40; Alex'McKenzie; expenses
Good Roads :convention, ' 15.00;
Sick Childrens Hospital, 'grant,
10.00 Mrs. Geo. Colwell, stamps;
4.00;: .1.: .R. Lane, postage; 4.00.
Highway cheques: ,Pay roll , No.
3, $83.28; Joe Scott, snow ploty
ing, 52.50; Mrs. Geo. Colwell,
stamps, 4,00. •
J. R. LANE; Clerk.
• Grandpa: "I 'miss the old cus-
pidor since it's gone".
Grandma: "You missed it be-
fore and that's why it's gone"
Thoughts of Spring and paint -minded people .everywhere are
"suddenly aware of the familiar Martin-Senour sign (although it's
there all the year 'round) because Spring is the usual and accepted
time to repaint for fresh beauty and protection !
And-thissign is a sure sign of an enduring paint because Martin
Senour is 100% pure ! .
Whenever you see the sign Yof Martin-Senour, there will be found the
paint of endurance and longer lasting beauty. ' It is the sign which in
one breath welcomes' Spring and the chance to beautify as well as
to do the patriotic job of protecting Property!
�O o
Red . Cross Total
Approaches $4,700.00
Total contributions to the
Lucknow and Vicinity Branch of
the Red Cross in th current
campaign have reached a total
of $4692.72 up to Tuesday night.
,An additional list of contribu :
tions' is acknowledged as follows:
Wm. Humphrey $5.00; Brown
Harper 1.00;• Catherine Campbell
1,00; Ielen Harper • 1:00; W. J.
Humphrey Sr.: 2:00.; .Eorae Woods
5410; Mrs. John Hc1-im .2;00; ,Hugh
MacDonald 1.00; Donald Mac-
' Donald 1.90; , .Colin MacDonald
'2.00;. Mrs. Wm: • Balls 1.00; Stan-
ley Todd 2.00; Robinson Woods
1.00, Frank and; Tom Todd 6:00;'
Dtirnin Phillips 5.00; 'McKinley.
Ramage .50; Wm. McCrostie 5.'60;
G. A. Webb 2.00; ,Wm. :Ruther-
ford •1.00; E. W, Rice 2.00;. Wal-
lace Miller 5.00; Mrs:. T. F. Wil-
son 5.00; Beatrice McQuillin $15.;
John Aitchison 2:00; Gordon Mc-
Pherson 2.00; Andrew Gaunt $10.;
Mrs. James Gaunt 2.00; Wm. For-
ster 2.00; Jim Curran 1.00; Win.
McQuillin' 5.00; J. D Anderson
2.00; James •McQuillin 1.00; Mc-
Kenzie Webb.3.00; Archie Aitch-
ison 5.00; ' Fred. Webb 2.00; L.
Hunter 1.00; George Swan 2.00;
Gordon Struthers 1.00; Earl
Gaunt • 2.00; ` Ernest Gaunt 1.00;
Lewis • Weatherhead '1.00; .Eldon
Miller 1.00; Ed,Thom 1.00; James
Lyons 3.00; Wesley Ritchie 2.00;
Wm: Ritchie 1.00; Edgar • Ritchie
2:00; Thomas Hackett 1.00; Jacob
Hunter 1.00; Wm. O. Hunter.2.00;
George Gibson 2.00; • Chas. M.c-
Donagh 2:00; Jack McDonagl:
1.00;• Albert Helm d.00; Robert
Helm 1.00; Peter Cook 2.00; Mar,-
..$1101, Gibson 2.00;.:.. Leslie.. -Ritchie
1.00; Gordon Ritchie 1.00;; Ro'bt:
Ritchie 2.00; AndrewRitchie $1.;
Wm. Helm 1.00; Mrs. Jas. Mac-
Donald 2.00;. Oliver McCharles
5.00; Oliver Barkwell 10.00; H.
Ensign 5•.00; John McRae 10.00;
Duncan Cameron 10.00; ,James.
Cameron 7.00; A. J McKenzie
5.00; Roy McKenzie 5.00; 11 A.
McLennan 5;.00; Frank McLen-
nan 10.00; D-uncan A. Finlayson
5.00; Edna Bark'ivell 10.00; An-
drew Barkwell 10.00; Lloyd Mc
Donald 2.00; Mrs. Alice Robb $5.;
McKay family 5.00; Mary Mac:::
Kenzie 1.00; Jim Graham .25;
Mrs, Phemie McInnes 2.00; Arch-
ie McIntyre 10.00; Frank Gleason
1.00; D. A. MacDonald 5.00; Mrs.
Thos. Henry 3.00; Clarence Ir-
win 2.00; Mrs. John Irwin 5.00;
Wm. John Irwin 5.00; -Harold
Campbell _1.00; Mrs. A. C. Ham-
ilton 2.00; Adam McQueen 4.00;
Mrs. Dorothy Crozier 2.00; Mrs.
John McDougall 1.00; Joseph
England 1.25; Chas. Thomson
1.00; Richard McQuillin Jr. 2.00;
Donald McDonald' 2.00; Jim Eng -
land 1.00; Richard McQuillin Sr.
•2.00; tarn. G. Reed 2:00; Duncan
McIntyre 2.00; Stanley Drennan
5.00; Gordon Drennan 5.00; Chas.
Stewart. 2.00; Wm. Johnston 1.00;
Jack Cathcart 5.00; Minnie Cath-
cart 5.00; Rod McGregor 5.00:
Fred McGregor 2.00; Fred Vas -
sella 1.00; Hugh McMurchy 1:00;
Mrs. W. L. Francey 5.00; rEIwood
Drennan X5.00; Earl Howse 5.00;
Hugh MacKenzie 10.00; Norman
O'Connor 5.00; A. C. Thomson
.75; Mabel, J. Hoard, 1.00; Colin
McGregor 3.00; Mrs. Colin Mc-
Gregor 2.00;' Wm. • Berry 1.00;
Duncan Allan 1.00; Dan McDon-
ald 5.00; Harry McDonald 3.00;
Jack McKay 5:00; David McKen-
zie 4.00; Beverley McKenzie 1.00:
Mrs. Roderick McKenzie 2.00;
Wm. 'H. Scott 5.00; Calvin Rob-
ertson 2.00; John Emerson., 2.00;
Milton Walsh 1.00; 'H: A. Gra
ham •1.00;• Tom McFarlane 1.00;
Bert McLean 2.00; Malcolm fam-,
ily 10.00; John R. Lane 25.00;
Russell Bushell 1'.00; John Bush-
ell 2.00; Chas. Burt 2.00; Mrs.
Peter .MacDonald 1:00; Mrs: Ger-
'trude Bushell 1.50; Mrs.' W.
$reekles •.85; Wesley :Gues, 'LOO;
Hugh Lane and. Mrs. Kaake L00;
amour fr flavour since 1892 ----
the `Salads' name assures you
o f a uniform blend of quality testes.
Mrs,. Annie 'Johnston spent a
few day'slast •week with Mr, •.and
Mrs.; Cecil Johnston and Mr. 'and
Mrs. Elmer Johnston:
Mrs. M. J. Blake who spent
the winter in Lu,cknow return-
ed home.
Easter visitors in this district
were Mrs. Harold Hackett, Miss
Nellie Cranston of Fergus, Mrs.
Bertram Curran of London, Mr.
and . Mrs. Chas. Pearce. of Brant-
ford, Mr. and. Mrs. Percy, Blun-
dell ' and Melvin of Goderich,.
Margaret Phillips of Holyrood.
Mr. Harvey'.Kilpatrick and his
bridehave come to reside on the
Agar farm near Belfast, which
he purchased 'recently. We ex-
tend congratulations to the new-
Mrs. Rich Kilpatrick ~_iurned
borne at the ' end of ,pie week,
after a 'few days stay at the home
of her parenrts . in Goderich.
Mr.. Jamb- Finnigan of Dun-
gannon, Mr. rid Mrs. Harxey.
Finnigan of. Detroit visited with
Mr. arid. Mrs. Harvey Anderson
on •Mond
ay evening.
Tena Hodgins 5.00; Robert Mc-
Lean ..50; Harold Percy 3.00; Wil=
lis Lapp 2.00; John Barr 1.00; Al-
ex Percy . 5.00; James ,Hodgins
5.00; James Hodge 1.00; Wesley
Thompson 1.00;, John Blackwell
1.00; Archie McFarlan 2.00; Sim-
on Bradley .50; Wm. 1\&cFarlan
.25; Gordon Hodgkinson 1.00;
Donald McFar=lan 1.00; ' :Noble
Guest 1,00. •
Names .I.O.O.F. 'Officers
Of . Seventy Year# : Ago
• It', was. a .matter for regret
vr+hen Lucknow Lodge of Oddfel-
lows,. I.O,O.;F. No. 112 surrender-
ed 'its charter and ceased to func-
tion as a lodge at the end of
Mr. John Elliott of . London
was • its senior member,' having
joined the lodge in December'
1878, when he was' teacher of
the public 'school at Belfast. He
at once transferred to a London
lodge where he is. honored as one
of the • oldest Oddfellows in the
'city, of London.
We have obtained .from Mr.
Elliott :the roll of the original
Lucknow lodge after it was or-
ganized in 1873. What a list of
good old names it contains!
Jas. Somerville, Noble Grand;
George Douglas, .'trice Grand; A.
D. Kennelly, secretary; William
Grassick, treasurer; J. S. Tenn-
ant, warden; T. A. Smylie, cora-.
d.uctor; Wm. Miller, chaplain;
subordinate, officers, Thomas
Douglas, Joseph' Armstrong,.
Mark - Burgess,. Thomas -Reid,
Henry Gledhill; G. W. Berry,, C.
C. Denoon;. Robert Lees.
Other members: S. :Li. Cox, W.
J. • Hayward, Arch McCorvie, D.
G. Wilson, G. A. Neely, Alec
' Dawson, Thos. Fletcher, George
M. Hardy, John ,Peart,. P. G. Mur-
doch, David Rutherford, Norman
McDonald, Robert Paxton, Don-
ald Campbell, Michael Robert..
son, . John' McGregor. Robert R.. -
( Hay, Thomas Hoey.
w- To All Employers: .
All Unemployment =Insurance Books for the
year ending March 31st, 1944, must be ex-'
changed for new books.
Kindly communicate immediately with the
nearest Employment and Selective Service
Office if you have nor already exchanged your.
employees' books.
` • There are severe penalties for
failing to make Unemployment
Insurance Contributions for
your insured employee's and
for failure to renew the Insur-
ance Books as required.
To 411 Employees: '
If you are an insured, person protect your
benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance
Book .ha5, been exchanged:
,Minister ..,f Libour
f hIM13ljSiinft .
PE -8-44
t i