HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-13, Page 14t •
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$2.0.0 A Year—Ii
Advance; 50e Extra! tO U. S. A•
LOCAL DOCTOR tMrs. Hassall Heads
ADDRESSED CLUB Legion Auxiliary
]Dr. W. V. Johnston. of Luck-
. h9Vtr was the guest speaker at the
regular ennnthly meeting of the
'Windham C.C.F. Club, held. last
V,Vedneselay , in .the _Orange 'Hall
• at Wingliarn.
He said that T.B. couldbe
Wiped; out it -leder -Jade in ,two gen-
• erations if the, medical profession
• had all factors under control. The
factors include slums, under-
' .nouriehnient, unemployment and
either social evils. He went on to
say that,at the pres6nt time doe,•
• tors . are unable. to .use , all the
. knowledge they possess because
of the,foregoing conditions which
•• they 'alone cannot control, •and
• as a result people Who cannot
:afford to pay ;for: medical .aeten-
: , •tion either do not seek it at .11*
or else leave. it until it is tdo' late:
Dr. Johnston advocated a system
of periodical medical 'examine -
tions of all 'Canadian -citizens, al-
• though this can only: be accom-
• plished .by legislation Or when
socialized medicine is, instituted
Speaking of preventive medi-
cine • Dr:: Johnston stated that of.
all the money .spent on medical
• services in Ontario only 9 .percent:
• is used for preventive purposes,
while in lluseia the figure is qo.-
lect by Canatitans;1-16 ,said, shows
up inthe,, high. percentage of vol-
unteers rejected from the errieed,
• services on medical grounds.
The health plan of :.Henry
Kaiser for his employees - was•
...outlined. By the company paying.
frotri •820 to S25 per person per
year; it js able tp maintain a
fully: equipped and most up -to-
• date hospital. •Employees and
their • wives • and children are
t looked' after there, and Henry
Kaiser finds thai'.it pays to keep
• people well—they • Make better
. . ships faster. The •health plan of
the I3eVeridge Report works out
at about .the Sante cost and:ini
.passing, Dr. Johnston mentioned
that 'the Beveridge Report, was
• evolved largely because wages
are so: i6dequate for the, main-
tenance of large and healthy
families. 1 Cana a the. health
, insurance he e Would cost
Canadians abut $26 per person
• per year for those whbse income
• is in excess of $1,400, All child-
- ren will be entitled to 'medical
• service without cost. Inassessing
a farmer' who does not • keep
• books, his- income would be com-
e puted•from the value of his.farm.
• Dr. Johnston • mentjoned the
Russian system of health, provid-
ing pensions, at •55 to 60 years of
"ke . age and compulsory holidays for
' all. workers. Free passes on the
railroads are available, should
they wish to travel, or the time
may be spent, gratis, at a rest
• home equipped with all the facil-
ities of .a summer resort. He also
_ touched upon the social legisla,-
tive measures in New Zealand,
whicheare at a very high stand-
ard. In Canada, he said, social-
ism is here in the form of un-
. employment insurance, old .age
•"pensions, Hydro and similar pub-
lic projects. "So why should peo-
' pe he frightened of socialism"?'
Dr. ,Johnston asked. "In this light
• socialism is the highest form of
• A • very successful inaugural
meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary
of the -Canadian Legion:Was held'
in the Legion rooms on Monday
• Mrs. R. J. Pegg of Toronto,
the proyincial President was. pee -
pent to outline ,t„he• airkis • ered4re-
quirements of the. Auxiliary and
with , the required number of
charter inembers assured, the or-
ganization Of the local branch
was proceeded with and eighteen
members initiated. Others have
signified their intention to join.
• The fbllowing officers were el-
ected: president, Mrs: Hassell;
lst vice, Mrs. •Geo.Burgesse.2nd
vice, Mrs. Geo. Dickinson; sec.,
Mrs: A. Hughes; 'treasurer, Mrs.
R. J. Johnstone; • standard bear-
et, Mrs. John Campbell; execut-
ive, Mrs. C. Cooke; Mrs. IL mil-
ler, MrS.,S. J. PYmm, Mre.
Stimson, Mrs: Thos. •MacDonald;
auditors, Mrs. P. A. Murray, Miss
Cora MacQuaig; sick, Mrs.
Johnstone; entertainment, Mrs.
S. J. Pymm; war work, Mrs.
Philip. e °
• After the officers were -install-
ed and positions taken Mrs.\ Pegg.
• proceeded ' to instruct -the Mem-
bers on the procedure Of their
Meetings. The.meetings areto be
herd* the •fieit•: Tuesday in the
-inentheire- theeLegionellalle -
Mrs. Pegg was ;introduced by
Mr. P» A. Murray' of ' •Kinloss,
president of the .local br4ncle' of
The Legion,
Mrs. Harvey .• E. Kilpatrick..
formerly Miss Gladys Cornish o:D
I . .
aeis ainia, teas the guest
•of • honor last week at. a number
of • .showers • tendered her ;by'
friends in. that city. prior to her
marriage. on Saturday.••e• •
• • •
• In listing those , who assisted
in issuing the fourth ration bool.e
thenames of Misses" Helen Ham-
ilton and Jean Osborne were
Held Successful Sale
• M. Johnston held a.SUCC6SS-
• . • ful clearing sale of his dairy
herd and young cattle on Filday.
• The of the ten cowi- iierit to
• lYfrildmay and, VVinghara-dairies,
• Paid Official Visit ,
To Old Light Lodge
' There was a large „attendance
at the Lmeeting
egular of Old
Light Lodge, • A.F. & A.M. on
•ThUreday night to greet, district
Deputy Grand Master R. D. Phil-
ip of Blyth on his official visit
Visiting members were present
for the occasion from Kincardine
Teeswater and Blyth.
The \District Deputy was wel-
comed by-Wor. Bro. Rev. J. W.
Stewart, Worshipful Master, and
was extended the honors of the
Order. During the meeting the
District Deputy' gave a splendid
address on **Immortality" and
also klidhly commended the „Mas-
ter and Officers for the very 'ef-
ficient Manner in which they
cOrderred the E.A. degree.
A social hour was later .erijoy-
ed•in the banquet hall,' with Rev.
Stewart acting as toastmaster. He
proposed the. toast to The King
-which was responderrto -by sing-
ing the National Anthem. The
toast to Grand Lodge was pro-
posed 'by Robert Fisher of Ham-
ilton and responded to ,by
Philip. Donald Blue proposed the
toast to The Visitors, with replies
• by Earl Hodgins of Teeswater
Lodge and We M. `Arnold of Kin-
cardine, 'The toast. to the.._candi-
-date, ifaS- PT4Osed by Mae-
:Kenziete '
Over the week -end the condi-
tion; of • Mrs, Lorne MacLennan
• was quite grave, but early in the
We* reports froin Toronto were
somewhat more encouraging.' . • •
-Mrs. MacLennan underwent a
serione:, 9peration •ten dayS.v ago
and coneplications of phlebitis
and • pneumonia added •to the
criticelnesseOf her conditiOn.
Attended Scobie Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Joynt; were
guests at the Scobie -.McGrath
wedding in St. Catherines Cath-
olic Church on. Monday morning;
when Wm. Mitchell Scobie, R. C.
A. F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Scobie and Miss Doris Anita MP -
Grath were enited in marribge.
"Bill" •received his wings recent-
ly at Portage La Prairie and ex-
peets to go ,Overseas shortly, •
Mrs. J. R. McNab who suffered
a fractured hip on Tue-sday of
last week, underwent an opera-
tion in St. Joseph's Hospital,
•London on Friday, When' a pin
was inserted to reduce the frac-
• Mrs.: McNab carne through the
ordeal quite well and is resting
as comforta.bly as can be expect-,
e .
FINLAYSON—In Goderich HOs-
pital on Saturday, April 8th, 'to.
Mr. and Mrs.' Clark 'Finlaysnri. a
daughter:- • • • .
.HENRY.—In --Winglearn General
Hospitaleore Monday, April 3rd, with the' aic1.-o-r- a-- eane :ande is.
To :Present Popular •EASTERTIDE. IN
The popular comedy, - drama,
'Silas Srnidge from Turnip Ridge'
will be presented in the Town
Hall, Lucknow, next Wednesday,
by :the Ripley' Dramatic-Spcietye
It is a •three-hbur performanee
and will start promptly at 8,15.
This play has been presented
twice in Ripley 'and once -in 'Kin%
cardine to audience'S totalling
1,100 .people, - and it is to be
again presented in Ripley by pep-
ular demand. This alone is:: evi-
dence that the play, has not been
over -rated, and is claimed to be
an outstanding • performance
staged by an all star cast under
the'direction of W. A. Eifert: The
admission which is being charged
for all performances 'is 50 cents
for adults and 25 cents for child -
A dance will foilOw the plaY
With musiC by MacKenzie's or-
The play is being presented
here under the splonsorship of the
Agricultural. Society:
• While in London last week ,Mr.
J, R. McNab called on _Sam 'Chin
who -has been a patient at Byron
Sanitarium for about two years.
Sam is working diligently at
High School subjects and in re-
cent examinations obtained 96
Marks in Modern Histery and 81
in Latin. •••
Sam Lias mdh. obitri.ea tb "t1c:
hospital due to a hip infect -ion
but is now able to move about
to Mr. :and Mrs. George 1-,Ieniy,
R. R. 7. Lucknow, a daughter.
Wanda Mavis.
HACKETT—In Wingham Gener-
al Hospital on Friday, April 7th.
to Mr. and Mrs: Alex Hackett,
R. 7, Lucknow,- a sOhe %Wayne
LAPP—On March 29th, 1944, to
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lap, R. 1,
Holyrood; a daughter.
HASLAN—In Wingham General
Hospital on Tuesday, April:. 4th,
1944. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Has--
Ian, R 2, Lucknow„ a daughter.
At a • meeting of the Arena
teommittee on Saturday night it
• was decide ti to pay to the Muni-
cipality the unpaid balance of the
, 1943 Arena Debenture in the a-
moynt of $267.53.. This ie to •be
paid but of the current season's
revenue. In addition, ' operating
and maintenance accounts of over
$700.00 were passed at this meet-
ing. •
Wellington McCoy's efforts in
so successfully promoting Juven-
ile hockey were- reeognized -by
voting him on honorarium of
$50.00. . •
By meeting the unpaid balance
of the 1943 debenture, the prom-
ise when the by-law was voted
on. that the Arena Would not
cost the ratepayers a cent in de-
benture levies -le "being fulfilled.
This has been carried out to the
letter with the exception of the
1942 debenture when the Arena
profits were almost nil and the,
Municipality paid $217.53 on the
d e be n ture which annually
amountsto .$492.52.
Receipt § dUring the season a-
• rnounted-to 4nore---than--$2;400-o-f-
. wINich, more than. $2100 was de-
rived ;from, frOckeiee -
"Sp ec i a 1 devotiens fittingly.
marked the • Eastertide in local
• churches with large congrega-
tions attending Worship, especial-
ly at the Morning services. - °
On •Good Friday a three-hour
,eleVationel'erviee, based on ethe
'Seven Words -from the dross, was .•
held in St. Peter's :Anglican
Church. In this the Rector', Rev.
John Donaldson was assisted
• by Rev. J. W. Stewart, Rev. Robt.
McConnell, Rev. J. A: Ward, Rev.
C. H. MacDonald, Rev. Herbert
F. Dann and Rev. J. H. Vicker-
On -Sunday morning a , Holy
commenion, service was held at
8, a.m. in Si. Peter's,as well .as
the regular eleven o'clock ger-
•• ',Large Class Received
• In the 'United Church on Sun-
day returning a reception service
of neW. members was .conducted
bY: the pastor and the Sairament
of the Lord's Supper observed.
The class of twerity-seYerreneve,
members • took; their plaee before
the pulpit to be received by Rv
Stewart and the Board of Elders.
These incieded: Mrs. Geo, Joynt,
Ellen Armstrong, Geo. E. Bower,
Mrs. Geo, E. Bower, 'MIS. W. G.
AernstrOng; Mr. Allin Durriin,
Helen thernin, ,Feene eTwaneley;
Shirley 'Culbert; Jean Treleaven,
Margaret Treleaven, Jean Tay-
lor, Bernice Shaddick, Ruth Dah-
mer, Mary L. Johnston*, Helen
Webster, Mee Webstfre Joy JOhn-
sTOte Eileen Elliott, 'EliWood•
iiott,Har1d Elliott, LOrne Eadie,'
Wilfred. Black, Bill Allin George
Crispin, John Crispin, Murray
'n•taking such 'favorable -proerese Henelersone •
, Visiting Soloists.
In the Presbyterian Church,
C.. H. MacDonald delivered
appropriate Easter sermons . at.
both services. In the morning -he.
chbse. as his text St. Luke•24, 28:
"He 'Made' As Though He Would -• ,•
Have ..Gone Further" arid in the
evening his •te5r.t was John 20, 24:
"Thomas Called Didyenue Was,.•
Not With Them When 'Jesus
Came" by .whieh Mr. MacDonald .
Illustrated what we mi E.s if we're
not with God's 'people When 'He
• 'comes.' • •
• ,Special anthems were render-
ed by the Choir and at the morn-
ing service solos were rendered
; by • Miss • Helen MacDonald of ;
Toronto. and by Lloyu Stewart
of Stratford, ' e_
• that rre,expects td be able to yo-
• tum home, this summer. •
Mr. and Mrs. WilSon• Armstrong
of Nobleton spent the week -end
with Mr. .and Mrs. William Arne -
strong. Wilson was formerly
• b. mployed•at Humbcrstone,
but is now in charge iof the farm
• cf the fathenelaw at Nobleten,
25 miles north of Toronto.
Icintail W. L Honors
Girls In Service
. Kiantaii Women's. Institute held
their anneal meeting Thursday.
April 6th at the . home of Mrs
John Cowan. There. was'a Wen:
did attendance .and : the roll call
an Easter thought was well ree
sPOndect • to. Mrs. Neil • J..' Mae -
Kenzie presided for the election
of effrcers with the following of-
ficers elected: president, Mr.
Fred MacGregor; ist vice.. Mrs.
Russ Bissett; 2nd 'vice, Mrs. Wil-
fred Farrish; sec.-treas., Mrs.
Wm. Johnstone.; prOgraM com-
mittee, Mrs. Bissett, Mrs. Bullen,
Mrs. N., J. MacKenzie; District
director, Mrs, R. Scott. At the
clpse of...the...meeting. two of _the„
girls . who have left for service
in the armed forces were pres-
ented withleather kit,bags. Miss
Muriel Famish Wholeaves to.
serve in the Royal Canadian
Medical Corps (R.C.A.M.C,)•aS a
nursing sister and • Miss Jean
Sandy e who •is stationed at Wood-
stock serving as a corporal on
the '.W.A.C. 'office staff. The
National Anthem brought the•
meeting to. a close after which
a dainty lunch was served.
Routes Change
11,uri 14ail ' delivery service
froth • T,ucknow__±,Post._
ireverted to the afternOon •ori all
Mr.• Donald MacLean of Up -
cession 12, Ashfield, has been a
patient in St. 'Joseph's Hospital,
London, for more than two
weeks since suffering a. severe
eye injury, that leaves little hope
of the sight being saved.
The nail flew , up as Donald
went to h-ammer it -into a board, -
and struck the eye with sufficient •
force to become imbedded in the
eptic. He was taken to London
for treatrhent, where his sister
Sarah from • Chicago has been
visiting him.
Sil•verwoods • Dairies Limited,
Lucknow, are now; paying two '
cents a pound on cream deliver-
ed .to the plant, over that paid
if shipped by truck.
Cream truck mileage has been
cut this season, and the two cents
a Waled is' a wOrthwhile ind-u-ce-
rnent to prAte-ce.rs to deliver the
routes,,. . erea1ratr4.,—, _