HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-04-06, Page 5• •• . 'IrBRIRSDAY, APRIL 6th, - JOH • The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • • .PGE TRIRE1B "Men May Come and Men May Go" AN individual appointedas your executor may die, may be ill, absent, -too busy to give ':the necessary attentioi to.,the ad- , ministration of your estata- He may lack , the necessary exPerience. You are assured .of personal interest and .. prompt,- economical and business -like at- tention to- your estate everY business day • in the year if you appoint—. ST ERL G TRUSTS - CORPORATION , Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years in Business BOUNDARY EAST Mr. Roy Hudsori of Wingharri spent Thursday with Mrs. Hud- son and Gretta. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.* ,Irwin, Ruby and Marnie vii• - ited at Mrs. Hudson's on Satur- • day. . Mr. Miles MacMillan spent the week -end in 'London. , Mr. and Mrs. A: E.--olorster and Nancy spent.a few days last week • with. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Forster. Miss Gail MacMillan of Luck now visited with Patsy MacMil-, lan onMonday. • Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Evans, pbt, and Teddy of Langside and Eric Evans of R.C.A.E. at.' Toronto, and Mr: and Mrs. 11. E. Forster and Nancy were Sunday visitors at George Fisher's. •"Mr5:-John-Purvet" `Ws • "hOttes). for a Red Cross quilting for the ladies west of No. 9 on Friday afternocin. ' Mr. and Mrs. McIllwraith -vis- ited at.Mr, George Kennedy's on •• Friday evening The Jolly Workers held, a pro-' • gressive euchre and bridge in .the Institute hall at Whitechurch on Monday evening which turned out •a huge success., There were fFurteen tables of euchre and 4 LANGSIDE. NORTH • 'On Tubsdak evening a number of friends and neighbors gather- ed 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Harkness to present them before they leave. for their new home in Teeswater. •Farish Mof- fat read the following address and Jim Richardson and dor • Emmerson prisented thi „with, a rocking chair and ta e. • Langside: March 2§, 1944 .Mr. and Mrs. George Ifarkness‘ Dear 'Friends: • It is with a feeling of, regret when. we learned of your. decision, to -move. As. resiclenti of • this community your kind :and genial dispositions • have won you many friends and '.'irkade you popular,' with both old and young. We willmiss your geriel'ous Co- • operation ,in 11 ,our endeavours. You have always, offered your services, generously in the 'Red Cross. • • On the approach of your de- parturefrom our midst we could• not let this opportunity pass -without expressing our sincere wishes. •• We hope that you will not en- tirely desert us but Willcome back freguently to. our gather- ings. We ask' you to accept these gifts and may they be a remem- brance of your Langside friends. • Signed onbehalf of , Your friends and neighbors, Jim Rich- ardson;• Farish Moffat, Victor Emmerscrn • . • George expressed thanks for the gifts and all joined in singing "Ter they are jolly good fel- • lows". • • ' • A number from here attended Ithe bridge and euchre on Monday ''evening in the 'Whitechurch hall Winners for the bridge were •Mrs.; Bill Scott .and Mr. Farish Moffat. Consolation prizes : went •to Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mr. Geo: • Mr. and Mrs. Evans and fam- -ily of Deleware moved last week to their new home here: We wel,.) come them to, our community. Mrs'. Len Conley and infant daughter returned borne froin Wingham hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Ivan Conley is spending the week with them. •' . a bridge. . Winners were Mrs. • Robert.Purdon and Mr. Ernest Casemore for. euchre; pm. till 'Seott 'and. Mr. Fairish Mbffat,.for, . .• . :Jridge..,ConsOlation prizes *ere. won by'l Mrs. Dawson, Jack' 'MacMillan, Mrs. Ted Collyer- and George Fisher resp'ectively, With George Kennedy as chairman a hort.PrOgrain followed: ..a. �larin- et solo by Garnet :karrier; a duet: "pippin' .,Thicler a Thraw" by .Billjo Fisher :and Raymond. • LaidlaW; chairman'saddress;'vio lin- duet by Ed a,ncl.,'Evan'McQuilL • lin; ,a:Chcirut: "There's a Hole in., the.13ottoln of the .Sea"- by a group, of men and a, skit, "Teach- -111g School" ,by Yvonne 'and..LavL ergne. MacMillan. Mrs. .Pat Mac-, Millan : donated- •cOmfortet by Dutch -Option. with George Fisher:ncting•as.auc, tioncer. Mrs. Robert Puidon was the .lucky bidder. , Proceeds a - Mounted to -$32.85 to he. Used. for .patriotic: purposes: Lunch, was ,serVed and the evening . .was brought. to: a close with the 'Nat- ional anthem. We wish to :thank' ail'1,vho took -part, also 'Mrs. •Har- old Dawson of Toronto who don- • ated one dollar to the fund. re- cently. 4.13 Thoughts of Spring dnd paint/minded people everywhere - are "suddenly" aware of the fcimiliar Martin-Senour sign (although ,it's there all the year 'round) because ,Spring is the usual and accepted time to repaint for fresh beauty and protection! And this sign is, a sore sign of an enduring paint ,because Martin- Senour is 100% pure! Wheneve'i you see the sign of Martin-Senour, there will be found the paint of endurance and longer lasting beauty. It is the sign which in one breath welcomes Spring and the chance to beautify as well as to do. the patriotic job of protecting property'l DUNGANNON MERIELEY=SWAN In Belmore parsonage, on Sat- urday evening, April lst at 7 p. ,m. the marriage of Reta Eileen, eldett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Swan, Belmore, and Mr. Ernest Francis - Merkley,. eldest son of .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merk- ley, Belmore, took place.' The bride „looked lovely in a two- piece powder blue street length dress and her: sister, Winnifred Swan as bridesmaid, wore a be- coming printed- white and 'red silk jersey d•ress: The groom was supported by 'Mr. Stuart Mac- Donald of Ripley. After .the cere- • rnoriythey returned* to the 'home of the bride's parents where a wedding dinner was served the immediate relatives. The oc- casion 'was also. the •e'elebration of the bride's parents' silver wed)- dirigi MISS EDITH STOTHERS Death of Miss Edith Stothers, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Stothers of Dungannon, occurred • at Whitby, Ontario, in her...49th year. The remains were brought to Goderich and rested at the BrOPhey Funeral • Horne until Wednesday, when a private .fun- eral Was held with intern -lent in Dungannon cemetery. I The. Dungannon school was closed on Wednesday at non on account of the prevalence of scar- let fever and measles. The atten- dance in the Juriior'jroorn wa only four out,' of. thirty-five pup- ils. 7 . Chas. Alton held, a SuctessfUl auction sale of househ.old akcts on Saturday last. The sale wa,„S NterY attenclegt; • a, • 16) ) uality counts most --for: that rich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use.. Pr ZION • ;mr.••Iceith Ritchie motored Thorold and spent the week end\ with Ziori friends. •• Mis Christena Ailactennai of•Lucknow spent the week -end with Miss IVIarion,Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Sydriey Gardne spent Sunday afternoon with Mr: and Mrs. Frank. Johnston, Hdly- rood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson IrWin, Mr 'Palmer Irwin of Belfast visited Mr. and Mrs. Rialard Gardner on Sunda k last. — • • .•Mr. -Chas.. Anderson accompan ' led Rev: Howe ' to Lucan , and Clandeboye n SW'. lay Where ' Mr. Howse took sei?:,es therp1,1 Hazel Webster of Luck-. now called on frienls at orae day last week. . • Some of the ladies' met at Mrs. Wesley Ritchie's on Friday and packed the boxes for overseas: . . . . DO. YOUR Calves scour? Red . Blood Quickly -Table-6 will stop them. MacLennan's Feed and Robertson Egg Grader, Lucknow. MAGIC'S ., ORANGE MARMALADE BISCUITS • 2 cups sifted flour • 1,egg V2 tspn. salt •• 3)),‘ cup milk 4.tbspns. shortening h cuorange p marmalade 4 tspns. Magic Baking Powder Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in short- ening until mixed. Beat egg slightly in measuring cup; add milk and marmalade • to make' 34 cup and add to Brat mixture. Roll out about 1/2 -inch thick; cut with floured biscuit cutter. Top each with' a • little marmalade; bake in bot oven (425°F.) • about 13 minutes. , Makes 14. • ' RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT • INSURANCE BOOKS zis- To 411 Employers: All' Unemployment Insurance Books for the , • year ending •March 31st, 1944, must be ex- changed for nevv.books. • . Kindly communicate immediatelk„ with the • ..hearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees'. books. There are severe penalties for , • failing to make Unemployment ril insuranee Contributions for ' . your. insured employees and for failure to renew the Ins,r- ance Books as.required., T® All Employees: 1. • If youare an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book.has been exchanged. • UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION' HON. HUMPHREY MITCHELL. 4 . Mittisiee 04 Labour 11.0UIS J. TROTTIER R. J. TALLON • ALLAN M. MITCHELL Com miss ners • :;2.• •:,•••,., • • • ,t7tV