HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-03-30, Page 8lAdi Blom' The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1944 Buy Our EasterAloves at TEMPLETONS In Spite Of Scarcity We' Have Been Able To Secure for Your A Good Assortment of Gloves. We Invite You to Come in and See Them. FABRIC GLOBES -98c pr. to $1.49 pr. COMBINATION, KID & "FABRIC -$L25 & $1.50 pr. FIGTEK OR HID, GLOVES --$2.98 \pair. PRINTED HANKIES ''flatter the pocket o f your new 'Spring Suit, 'Spring flower prints are; gay and colorful and Tadd .lust ,a touch of color that's smart in the pocket of your suit. ; , 15e. ,The . Mainstay. of .a Man's Easter Outfit, FORSYTH TIES- A nice `.assortment of ties; in . patterns and colorings ; to match or contrast with your Easter Suit. These ties make pleasing Easter Gifts. ... $1.0.0 leton co. PORT ALBERT CREW MADE CRASH LANDING- Due t• o : icing Conditions the crew of.an Anson trainer from' Fort Albert made a' Brash landing near Orangeville last week_ Three of the crew received in- juries,;, one ;of them suffering''a *broken leg. ompson' ,i�cines 'DOUBLE CREAM 'CUSTARD' 11b. tin r 25e Cowan's' • PERFECTION COCOA, 1 .lb tiff. .........,.............. 25e Bowes .. IBAKING' PO : ER . ] ]lb tin. 25c Woodbury's. , TOILET SOAP. 3 bars° 25c Brex WHEATGERM'CEREAL Package • • ,25c SEA-LECT 1V. tJSSELS For delicious soup' .... can. 25c Horne's ' New -Style, FLAVOURINGS t Bottle 25c Does not bake.out, colors as it flavors. Ideal for candy, ice cream; desserts,. sauces, etc. Assorted flavours. Quaker -,VACATION OFFER .22 Cornflakes . 1 Puffed Weat 1 Iced Drink. Spoon free _ ALL FOR 2 5 c - Kellog FAMILY SPECIAL 1 Branflakes , 1 Ali • ' Wheat. 1. Cornflakes free ALL FOR •2 5 c Newlyweds Presented By Ashfield 'Friends , A pleasant social evening was spent in the Blake Hall on Fri- day, March 24th when, after a short program, Mr. act' Mrs," Bertram G. Curare were Present- ed witli an occasional • chair. The presentation was made by Clif- ford Kilpatrick and the following address . read by: Harvey Ander- son. Blake Corinmunity, March 24th,1944. Dear Bertram and Willa:: We have gathered here tonight to honor you on -,your recent marriage and to bid,- you . fare- well on your departure -t& a new residence. WeMope .the; time is' not :.far distant` when we can welcome you. back. We shall miss; Willa in the Young `People's Soc-. iety as a convener of the Social :Group and are grateful forthe assistance you have given while in office. , To yqu Bertram, we hope for nothing but the best. It .. is . our 'sincere h'epe that you will like your new surroundings i you should have. to o: to. :.distant points an we . willbe . looking RED CROSS DONATIONS. (Continued from Page One) • Dgnald 2:00; Mrs. A. A. J.Simp- son 5.00; Daniel McLean' 2.00; Kenneth Cameron 5:0Q; Austin • Solomon , 5.00; ' Clark'Finlayson 17..50; Wm: - McDonald 2.00; Neil` McDonald.:2;00;. :Chas, Webster 10.00; Sam -Alton 5.00; A. J. 'Clark 5.00; �. C. McNab 15.00; Silver- wood Dairies .25.00; Wellingion Webster .5.00; ` Mrs. „Minnie Shier 5'.:00; C. D:- : McAlpine .19.00; Jas. :H. McIntosh 5:00; Mrs. Alex Gil- lies 5.00; J. F. Dawson; 5.0.0;.0Mrs. ;Wesley Hudsp�, '5.00; . John S. Purves ' 1..00; Lawrence McLeod.. 2r00�_„ Mrsr Frani 1VIiller ;50; Mrs.. Pat McMillan 2.75; -John McMil- lan "1090; Pharis, Mather's 5;00 Leslie ,Alton 5.00; Wm. Stewart 5.00; Lena . Robinson 5.00; Mrs. Edna Robinson 2:00; Harvey Tre- • leaven 5.00; Mrs. Higgins . 3.00; Wm. Ketchabaw 5:00; Jim, Ket- chabaw 2.00; . James Murray 1.00; Grant • McDiarmia' 15.00; Al, Ir - Win 2.00; Edward .*Gilmore 1.00; D. A. McDonald 5.00.; Tom Mac-. •Donald ,10.00; Wm. Ross .10.00; Local Couple' Honored d' f Donald Blue 5:00; Robert Shills 5:00 James Shiells 10 OQ Earl g ; ; Earl On Tenth Anniversary 1 k' Gibson"'2.00; Alex' McDonald' $104 for the time to. come, which :we, D. A. McLean 10,00,; Ewen Mc Mr. and Mrs. Wellington NixonLean 5.00;, Wm. Hornell 60.00; T. celebrated their tenth . wedding ;earnestly hope will not- be. long, ' when- you can return to your J. ' $alkeld. ' 10.00, Edgar Holly- anniversary on March, 21st and. rnan 35.00 Ada and Hazel -Web- native soil: • To ' you ' both we all were : pleasantly surprised" when (ster "5.00; Fred Emberl7n 1:.00'; a few friends and neighbors loin. in wishing' You a long and! ' Hackett ` Red Cross 10..0p; Misses dropped in, for the eveningand "happy ' wedded, life.. As a slight i token of remembrance' 'of' your S. and 'L. Treleaven 10.00; Mrs. all down to a .tasty •supper. ' friends in' Ashfield we '.ask" you Jas. Burns 3:00; Miss F. E. Mc- The table was centred. with the to' accept ,this :chair and as you Lean 20.00; ` Mary Salkeld 5.00: wedding cake made by Mrs: Robert Reid 2:0.0; Eldon Hender- use it we hope. your thoughts will Cole 'and, decorated with 10 pink return to this district. We extend son. 3.00; Albert, Cook 2. I0, Warn. caAfter suppper the.remainder of congratulations and wish you 'Kempton 2.0.0; Jack . Henderson •the evening was spent playing cards. Mr. And `Mrs :Nixon. were presented with several .pieces of tinware.. .The guests departed wishing : them many more: years of happy wedded life. .. PROVIDE FOR .ORDERING \ .. MAPLE SYRUP BY MAIL Consumers who, wish to order Maple syrup by mail will: turnin to their Local Ration Board . suf- ficient "D" couions to cover the. amount: of syrup they wish to buy, at• the rate of four coupons. per. gallon. Officials of the Rat- ion Board will then provide them With "purchase vouchers" . which must accompany the money ord= er for the . syrup: Incidentally, produciAr'who are limable to fill the ~orders, roust refurn the pur- chase voucher to their customers. In all sales 'direct" to customers a farmer should collect one "D" coupon ' for every 40 ounces - of syrup he sells. His ceiling prices are as follows: $2.40 for ungraded. 'syrup; $2.65 for Canada dark grade; $2.90 for Canada medium grade;• $3.15 for Canada light grad and'$3.40 for Canada •fancy. These prices include screw top containers. • , 'F. ,G. Moffat Resigns - Mr. Foster G.1Vluff'at` of KnIoss' has resigned as a -member- of the executive of the Mutual Fire Un-, r derwriters' Association w,hicb re- cently convened • in Toronto. Mr. Moffat is a past president of the Association with which he has activelyserved.; for many 'y"ears. THOMPSON•'S Man. Call the manager. I've never seen .anythg as tough as 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER. this steak! in Godspeed on your °inew venture. 2:00; ."Wm. ", Stanley 1.00; George Signed' 6n behalf of those pres- I Hunter 4.00; Bill Hunter 4.00; Mrs. I. Andrew 2.00; Gordon Kirkland 5.00; John Ritchie ,5.00; John. Gardner 5.00; Mrs.. Fobert. Andrew 10.00; Frank Ritchie 5„00; Cecil Gardner 5.00; Ernest Gard- ner 2.00;, Richard Gardner .5.00;., Henry Gardner ' 5.00; . Sydney Gardner 2.00; Will Gardner, 51001. `Fred Anderson 5.00 Sam Reid 5:00; Dr. Rhoad 10.00, Neil Jr McKenzie 10.00, John 'C'uwari Sr. 2.00, R. ,A. Grant 3.00; Murdo 5.00; Luella Gowan '5.00; . John .Matheson ,10.0.0 N. G.. McKenzie Cowan Jr.. 10.00; Richard'...West _2.00; Betty Durnin .'.44; ' Mrs. 5.00; 3: R. McKay 5.00; Mrs. it Grace Lockhart 4.00; Mrs. D. H. D., lylgDonald 1..00; H. Bar.'kwell Alton 1.00; Miss Ethel Robertson =1.006 rerna.'Hamilton 2.00 Tena 4.00; Samuel Morrison 10.00.; Bucldtigham 2.00; R. J. Bulien Philip Stewart 5:00;, Mrs. Thomas Reid 10.00; _Roszella . Mu1l1in 2:00; Lucknow Chapter 147, 5.00; Jas. MLittle 25.00; James Smith 1.00; audie Fisher . 2.00; ' Kairshea Club 25.00; Mrs. Archie Ander- son .75; Reg McBride 2.00; Frank Johnston .50; Denzil Statters $10.; MacLennan• 5..00; Allan "fp-rant (Continued Next Week) ent, Clifford Kilpatrick and Gor-•. don Anderson: - In a . few: :well chosen .. words Bertram expressed their thanks for the gift, after which games, were enjoyed and a dainty lunch served. BORN WILSON -In Hamilton Hospital on lVtarch 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence .'Wilson (nee . MadeIine MacKinnon) a song,. Larry, Allan. STEWARD -At; the Homeopathic 12 heatre `rr�r W EK FRID., &' SAT. 'only ROBERT 'PRESTON ELLEN DREW OTTO KRUGER in "Night Plane From Chungking" SHORT: SUBJECTS: . Johnny Davis ' and .Orchestra in "Headliner" Variety subject "Shorty Goes South". Betty . Boop Cartoon NEXT WEEK`. - Next Fri;., . Sat., Mon. DEANNA DURBIN in "The Amazing Mrs. Holliday" Short Subject: "lEtag of the 49'ers". SPECIAL SHOW WEDNESDAY &'THURSDAY APRIL :12th '& l3th ' Star :Spangled 'Rhythm Coming Friday ' and Saturday APRIL 14 '& 15 LUM and ABNER in ' `,TWO WEEKS TO LIVE Coming "THE MORE,.THE. MEItRIER" " Hospital, Montreal; .on March 22, 10.00; 'Russ Bissett 5.00; Charlie 1944, to Cpl. and Mrs. Fred Ste -..'Robb 5.00; Tom Bueglas 1.00; ward (nee Agnes Swanson) a . Henry MacKenzie. 10:00; C..Shaw daughter (still'born) . . 3.00; S. Gibson David John- ston 5.00.; Reuben Wilson 5.00; RICHARDS-In Wingharri Hospi- Frank Munro 2.00; Tom Rabb tal on Sunday, March -26th to Mr. 10.00; Bill Johnston 2.00; Ken D. and Mrs. Orland Richards, Waitress: You will if I call the i manager. a son. %UNITED • CHURCH ' LUCKNOW Rev, J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY APRIL 2nd PALM SUNDRY 11 a.su.-"March ng with King Jesus". Story --"Calvary Clover". Junior. Church. ' 3 p.m.--$iunday School. 7 p.m. -"Who Is . This' " '8.15 p.m. -Y. P. U. 1 ew Spring CLOTHES Our Stocks of the 'Latest Styles for . this Spring in Men's and Ladies' *ear .are now on hand. May we suggest you come in and select your needs now and av®41 disappointments. B. PEARLMAN LUCKNOW, ..ONTARIO You Will Find Here Good. . Stocks of Underwear dor Every Member of the Family The Store With The Stock • .'.°.'.x•SJZ.r'•+�ixG� Mvn � .u�..-.-...r.w-S�h''N."liCr:{' Luckn�w