HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-03-30, Page 6ti
the Lucknow Sentinel., Litcknow, Ontario
THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1944
Lucknow Juveniles spent a • big
week -end in Toronto in recog-
nition of their feats this Season:
Leaving here early Saturday
morning the boys had a chance
to look around : a bit: before head
ing for `the Gardens to ,see" St.
Michael's. eke out a 3 ".to. 2 win
over Oshawa,' They were back:.
agairi to the ttadi uim at •night to
Watch the Canadiens , and Leafs
tangle ii • the ..third ge pf the
'.° 'Stanley duo playdow.ns ..' which':
the former team . won by a score:
of 2 to 1.
The .boys spent the -night''' at
th,e Ford Hotel with the majority
of the party returning home late
Sunday afternoon, Transportation'.
was provided by W. B. Anderson,
W. A. Porteous, George Joynt and
JimCarriegie. Accompanying the
team . were ' Manager W.ellingtpn
McCoy and his left bower, W.. G.
(Binky) Webster.
After being eliminated; Luck
Juveniles were swamped with re-
quests' to play exhibition games
They came from Windsor, Sea-
forth; Listowel; :Palmerston, Fer
gus, Kincardine and Hanover, and
Maybe we've forgotten some.
The boy's planned togo to 'Sea
forth ' last Thuii;sday. but the wea-
. therman' fixed 'that.
Talk aboiit a heartbreaker! In
the semi-final, 'series ' between
Welland- and Whitby. ', the Wel-
land lads ,.had a, two -goal ,lead
With Um nfauttes_Via'--go-in :the
final' game: The lead. was cut by
One ;'goal with :less than two mirk-
utes left and • the round was tied
.up with only,, 29 seconds remain-
ing. hi the overtime Whitby cop
ped, the series with a goal at six
Inc elental ty . Whitby -vent :on
to whip Preston 11. to 3 in the
first game of the O.M.ILA. Juv-
enile "B" final series.. The. sec-
and„ game ., is to be played . to-
night. (Thursday). It ' was sched-
uled for last -Priddy nights but
Preston couldn't provide ' ice . it
seems, although the report Was
current ' here that , the game had.
ended' '8 -all.
All the ladies .are invited' to
- the Red Cross quilting in the hall
on Friday afternoon.
The annual meeting , of the
Women`s Institute, will be held
on Thursday: April. 6th at 3.30
in the Community Hall. Roll call
—A humicrous story and the pay-
ing ;of fees. Subject by Mrs. W.
A. Miler. Program committee.
Mrs. W. Rutherford' and. Mrs. T.'
s J. Todd. Motto, ..Rome was not.
built in a day" by Mrs. - Earl Darr -
nim Hostesses—Mrs. 'F. G. Todd,
Mrs. E Durnin. . ,
Sgt, Gordon Mclntz-re'and Mrs. !,
Mcdntyre :of Kingston are visitors'
with Mil. McInt -re's parents, Mr.
and Mrs.( W. 1. Miller: At the
conclusion of his leave Sgt. 'Me-
Intvre returns to kirigston as an
Mrs. Gordon Miller of London
was a week -end visitor with. her
patents, Mr. and Mrs., Chester:.
Had the suggestion advanced
the other day that we try to "feel
out” the reaction in regard to.
organizing a juvenile box lacrosse
loop in .this district. Sounds lik-
e 'good idea and . orie worth look-
ing into.
• 'Twas suggested .that if neigh=
boring towns could . be interested
a compact four -team group, such
as played juvenile hockey,., could
be formed. .
Baseball is . a :pretty 'dead': issue,,
and box . lacrosse might just; be
the answer tosporting fans'. de-
sire for action. 1 1
Charlie Webster, Lloyd Hall,
Bud Orr and Dave Horne were
in Toronto the first of last week
.taking in- •t•he,. St. Michael-Osh-'
awl Junior playoffs. Davere-
mained in the city to watch the
Leafs and Canadiens _ battling it
Jahn, Hol nes. ace defenceman
of the dederich Juveniles was
chosen by his teanirnates for a
recent trip to Toronto to see 'the
Maple Leafs• in action. The trip;
was arranged by ° the hockey
committee of the Liens Club:
Recalls Windup Imitation
rs.. RaymondSnyder 'of Wat-
er e. ',formerly •Florence Hod-
gins of Con. 10.' Kinloss, in re-
newing her Sentinel subscription
says she can 'hardly, believe ,that
the Chin.. boys are old leeough tn'�
be playing hockey. 'Florence's
i-hief,'memory oft:--tben'i::is: w;atcit _ 1
ing the irritate Gordon Irwin's
basebalndup. . 't.
Sur+rlav visitors with Mr. and
err . Frark • lVtil.ler... v erre.11 . W II_
Mr. .and Mrs: John Smith
and Jean of Kincardine. Mr. and
Mrs: ;Herb. Miller • and. Pat of
Lucknow. Mr. J.... ,D:aa`�oia and
Mr. 'and kris.. Lawrence McLeod.
,Mr. and Mrs. • Cecil 'Forster.
Jimmie 'and Grace Elisabeth
Palmerston, . Mr. and Mrs. Rorald 1 .
Forster and Nancy and Miss Jean
. Forster .spent.Sunday at Mr. Jas
A very' quiet but. pretty wed-
ding took place at noon. on Sat-.
urday, March 1H 8th, et' the • home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon con -
gram, Ashfield, when • • their
youngest daughter, Gloria Mary
was united' iia marriage to Wel
son Gilbert. Pearson; youngest.
son of Mr. 'Nelson Pearson and
the late • Mrs. Pearson. Given in
marriagehy:her :father,. the :>jride
was prettily attire::' if a• two y
piece ensemble ..of. aqua crepe
With -'a cottage, of t'ea .roses. • 'Her
•sister; Miss Audrey, Congram :of`
Clinton,„ was bridesmaid; ': in, a
dress' of 'beige.: figured silk w axed
a. •oorsage of red roses.' . 'The
groom. was assisted by Mr.. -Paul.
Astrom of St. Thomas.. Rev.
'Vickerso.n performed • the cere-
mony,. and the wedding" music
was played .by. Mrs. .Gor than Pear-
son of Clintopa The bride's moth-
er wore ;a two -' piece dress of
black , crepe with.' gold trimmings
and a co sage of pink • carnations.
After eongratulations, the wedd-
ing dinner was• served. by Miss:
Lucille Eedy of Dungannon and
Miss Dorothy Pearson of Tor:,
onto, relatives of• the bride.. The
color" scheme of pink : and' white
was.. followed 'in the diningroonr
The' table was centred with•'a"'3
story wedding cake and pink
candles. Later the bridal couple
left on .a short honeymoon. •
The' March meeting of the
Kairshea Club .was held in the
Sixth . Schoolhouse with Mrs.
Peter MacDonald as hostess and
Mrs. A. . Sutherland presiding.
Mrs. McKinnon 'read the minutes,',
of . the last meeting and, some
letters of appre iation. . After,
community singig,• the' .roll call
was answered by an Irish joke.
It was decided to 'donate $25.00
tozthe Red Cross drive. and $10.
to.•the Milk, for Britain fund. Mrs,
Ho istori -:gave a- reading and Mrs.
Philip .sang a "'solo,. playing 'her
oven accompaniment, • Miss Dean'
McLeod gave a talk on..Irel'.and.-
The • topic • iva.s..taken by Mrs.
peter MacDonald:• '.An• Irish con -
test brought the meeting to a
close., when' lunch was served.
The :April meeting: will be at the
hone'. of ,Mrs.- A: Hughes.. '
J. Edgar Hoover Warns
On `Postwar Crone Threat
Will ,,post - war t'eadjustment
spawn a new horde of despera-
does whose ruthless . defiance of
-law and . order make Baby Face
Nelson and John Dillinger seem
Iike mere beginners?-{ J: Edgar
Hoover. writing in T!1e American
Weekly „with this Sunday's (Apr.
2); 'issue of The: Detroit Sunday
I�I Times, reveals the threat of a'
new postwar gang era. Get Sun-
day's Detroit Times!
(Intended_ for last week)
Mr. and lVIrs. John Gibson, Fred
.and Joe of Clinton and Mr: and
Mrs. Earl .Gibson and Cahin of
Arpberly visited with Mr.. George
and Miss Susie Gibson on Sun-
.Mr.'' and Mrs. Bruce Hollane
&' Wesley of Clinton spent • Sun -
•day •with Mr. and 'Mrs. 1't ter ..
Mr. •& Mrs. Jake 1-lun+er spent,
an evening •last week . with Mr.'
.J:ahn and ,)Miss' Agnes,Mal)hers of
l\'Ii ' and Mrs. John Mac,,Kintior:.
of Tiverton spent ..an. afternoon
last week with Mr. and Mrs.:Will•
Hunter. '
Miss Kathleen Gibson,: who`• is
attending.. Business College •• at
Clinton '.spent Sunday at• her
home... .
. Elmer Culbert ...of the Royal
'Canadian Navy at London spe:fit
the week -end with his parents.
A .SCARLET FEVER -epidemic of
"fair •proportions" has broken out
in • the Porniosa • district..
the` lst' (Active) Battalion .of the ,
Perth. Regiment has been. killed
•in Italy. First .word .received in •
mid;January by his brother, T.
MacDougall, R.R.. 3 Tiverton,' was
that he • Was •missing.. Major Mac-
Dougall is a native • of .Bruce
Name Omitted
In Ward 5 Huron Township list
of Red Cross donations the name
of Duncan MacKenzie, $21)0. u as
Forster's. A : •
• Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers
entertained the Jolly Workers
"Club and - their, husbands to a
social evening, on Thursday
night. The ladies quilted a com- 1
furter which was, donated by Mrs. 1
Patrick MacMillan to be sold
by Dutch auction , at the euchre
and bridge next week:
Mrs. Charles Cook spent last
Monday with her mother. M.rs:,
D. Gillies.
To 'rain . money for till Red
Crt1� the Teesrtater Branch
,tr act~k on three
poatilyar Idea. of
having aving thrl. e, short • plays. : pr ese
eat€cd 'in the 'Town flail. Seatine
capacity of the hall is about 37:-1.
but after a crowd of 500 packed
the building it was . notiee'd that
• a main beamsupporting' the flop''
ainging. Part of the' audienc -
left the , hall and returned for ia
repeat performance, the *next e, -
eninig. ,
Mrs. Phillip Lehman, , of Carg_".1
haze' received word that a son i
missing. Air Gunner Jun Lehman
was thefirst to be reported mis-- 1
irig and since then it is learned
he is a prisoner of war. Last
Tuesday • the parent- were advis-
ed that PO. Edward Lehman was ..
also miadng;
Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips
of Wawanosh spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jake.:$unter.
Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Sherwood
spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs,
Les Ritchie.
Dr. Evans and Miss Carol . Ev-
ans of Clinton' visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Will Helm one 'day - last.
Mr. Leonard Ritchie of Holy -
rood spent Sunday at his home
here. ,
Mr. Earner Culbert of the 1✓'�.oyat
Canadian. Navy stationed'.at' Lon-
don is home on a month's fur-
Yr and Mrs Will Humphrey
of Loeknou- S isite'' w.th Mr. and
Mrs. Peke Hunter one evening
last week:
Miss Irene Hogan returned
home from Toronto after a brief
visit With her,.br e+th a there..
. This is orae in a series of advertisements explaining problems of electric supply to farm
and .hamlet consumers served, direct by The Hydro -Electric Power' Commission. •of Ontario.
, y'
_Note the you. \i':il obtain Ui7Cler the
1 . '6 lOc.. and 3 4c i:-1 .she •r,,'1owjng c\a.r ,,c... �. i,•,:
cont )stab\'.
(ltlsntin..e 0j, energy -
There .014 Rate
3 Months' ' • YOUR BILL AT
Kilowatt ' . Old New
Roars: • 'Rate Rate
150 $ :8.60 $ 6.56
3O0' . 11.52 :8:86.
600 17.35~ 13.53
Was ' 4c; 2c, 3/4c
3 Monts'. YOL"R' BILL AT ;
New '...
Hours . Rate 'Rate
200: 8.87 - 7.554
300 10.82 9.10.'
These examples illustratethe' sevings rOu wil:'secure it :Your •HYr-aa)
bill. in Rural 'districts. where the old rate. v.-as.as shoat; eh:ee. ThF:
amounts 'show -s are for quarterly net bilis. including Dorn.inion , Govern
Brent .War Tax: The reduction i your bili in a .district having. a higher
old rate '(such as 6c. 2c, ric oe Sc. 2c. lac) will be proportionately greatir
than the •Picarnp1' s shown above,
Please •e'
note, that the service 'chatgfor farms 'is discontinued. bpi
rhe minimum bill for .such consumer is $6.a6 rimer quarter..for whicri
aznount up to 1s8 kvr.-hrs. can be used. In a district haurng, a termer rate. •
cif roc and 2.c: this same amou :t would have cost the tvnsumer `8.29
Hamlet consumers have the. Service charge cut 'is': half but tea .
mininiuin bill is ka.87. per quarter -6'r which, they ear; use ar arnaun' of
1".3 kw.=his. Im adisfrict having'a former •.rate of 4c and 'ac. try:: amour*.
would have cost the -consumer W.46.
These explanations are given to help you unclerstAr.:: tre nc� a
in- our next atlyertrsement. we will discuss' for your oenef;' the •
,FORM RATE. In the Triearriane if yen. Tip eo 'l urtrae 1:':farina ear .
ask you' "Rur a: Dist -en Senee int-eixw n'