HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-03-30, Page 4FAME }'OUa The Lucknow Sentinel_') Lucknow, Ontario 9126. *e Carry A Full] Stott( Of bAIRY; HOG and CHICKEN FEEDS and Sanitation Products We Can. Fill Your Order F•or, BABY CHICKS ANY AGE ' — ANY KIND :ANYTIME' Poultry Wanted. -:.iarnesway.:Poultry ,Supplites, Lorne MacLennan; 'Phone,. 77-w ASHFIELD al Mrs. R. Bissett spent the week end in . Toronto.' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mar"tyn and little son of London' visited over the week -end with Mr.. and Mrs. ,'D: A. MacLean of Lochalsh. Miss, Isabel. , Hamilton of Lon- don and Miss Elaine Little of Lucknow were. guests_ of Mr. and. Mrs:> Frank. Hamilton. Mr. Donald MacLean whois suffering. with a' sore eye as the result of an accident was in Lon- don for treatment. Mri Walter Brown of Amber - ley is taking care of the. distr_- bution ofthe new ration books. Mr. and, Mrs. Ross Shiells'mot- ored to. • Totonto last week-,abd were ' accompanied by Mrs. Ches.-: ter •Campbell and Mr. and Mrs: George Elliott: NORTH. CULROSS .A patriotic quilting was held at the home of Mrs: Howard Hal • denby ;, on 'Tuesday, March 21st at which' two 'quilts were finish- ed. . Mr. George Lindsay, Red' Cross• collector,.' called . along :.the.. Line last week. The response was • hearty. Mrs. Dave Donaldson spent Sunday with Mrs. Helen Brown. Mr. Ralph Haldenby has .gone with a party up North toa maple syrup camp, owned bye his. uncle Earl Thompson of Teeswater. Quite a number have tapped their ,maples around here: TENDERS ' 1. TWP: of WEST WAWANOSH SEALED TENDERS will be ,re- ceived by the undersigned until 1.30 P.1VI. Tuesday, April 11; 1944 for the contract ' of supplying, crushing and delivering on the Township' roads, 5,000 cubic yds: of approved gravel screened not larger: than one inch and ;to be, delivered as directed by the Rd. Supt. Tenders tobe submitted on, a flat rate .per cubic. yard. Con- tract to be completed: before the 15th day of July. 1944. A marked cheque for $20.0.00 must accom- pany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. C. Putidon, Rid. Supt, R.R: 2, Lucknow, Ont. FOR SALE --quantity good Bar- ley, O.A.C. 21, d suitable for seei : p�:�' HARRY LAV.... 5, Lucknow. • ' • - Vi•i'•" • FARM WORK Wan • led by a- young • couple. Can start at once. Apply ,,- L 1 at Senti`[iel Office•r= .,;j�.�u -" MEN WANTED fqr • bush work, I . - ` $4.00 or $5.00 per day for suit- I GRASS FOR' RENT—have grass j CARD OF THANKS able .men. Apply at Sentinel O '- 'for 35 "head of cattle. Apply at } flee.. - Sentinel Office, • � ( AC2. Cliff McNall. wishes �to� thank the Lucknow branch of FOR SALE_mixed grain, EarlyLOST-a • la'dy's pale .blue change the Red Cross for the lovely par-' i Alaska Oats and barley, suitable purse.Finder please leave atcel of knitted goods he received for seed. Cordon Struthers, R•: 1, Sentinel. Office• recently. Lucknow, ` • JERSEY COW.for sale, justLloyd and Warren Wylds wish freshened or will trade; on 'light to . sincere.iy 'thank the Lucknow horse. Fred 'Emberlirr, Luckrio*, Red Cross Society for -the lovely gifts of knitted goods•which were" most appreciated. Moe 4W 'TTUURSDAY, • MARCH 30th, 1944- FOR, SALE—quantity of •Erban oats, suitable for seed; 1942 crop. Apply to Mrs. John ,MacDougall, R. 6 Lucknow.' INDIGESTION PAINS vanish in three minutes • when you .use Wilder's Stomach Powder= -pleas- ant and °tasteless. 50c and $1. at TAYLOR'S DRUG STORE. It, FOR :SALE—Improved eatly Al- aska seed oats, 1942 crop or 1943 crop, No. 1 :Government grade, 99% .germination. •LLOYD Mac-.• DOUGALL, R. 6, Lucknow, Phone 26=30 Ripley. TENDERS ' •- TWP. of: WEST WAWANOS'II SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by :the- undersigned until. 1.30 P.M. Tuesday, April 11, 1944 for the contract of operating the Township crushing plant per cu- bic yard, the' corporation will furnish repair, parts ,and oil . for the crusher. ' The contractor to supply'. power and men. ° . At the same time tenders will also be received to ,'truck gravel Or yard mile. A marked cheque for $100.00 must accompany each tender in-•� both cases. Lowest oT any tender not necessarily ac= cepted" • , • • • J. :C• Pu" rdon, Rd. Supt.; R.R. '2, Lucknow,. Ont. 39th ANNUAL Siring � CLINTON Thursda3,April6 Featuring Horses, Beef "Cattle, and Bacon Hogs $1,250.00 -Prize Money, • ..- Exhibit of Dressed Bacon Hog Carcasses • .i9nior= Far rnerst':itidging Competition Loud Speaking System , The fair be officially opened by the Lieut- enant Governor of Ontario, the Honorable, .Albert Matthe«`s,'«ho will arrive at Clinton, 12.03. notin: a • 1 'Mrs. Matthews will accompany, his Honour. Middlesex Huron regiment .will ftiitnisli gliard of 'Honour. - No. 5 R.0 .A.F.. station band will be fn attendance accompanied by different R.C.A.F. units for the opening: ceremonies, xvhich will. be •ht oadcast over , C K N N, \Vingham. • 'Promises,to be an outstanding stock show c(.0r(li;11 ilivitati„11 is (.•.70.(.11.(1.»•cl JOHN INNES. President. • :'t•, J. Mc ItRRAY.,, . Ccenei•al Manager, • AUCTION SALE of stock & . im plernents at Lot 12, Con. 10, .Ash field; '314 Miles south, 01 Luck - now on Gravel Road, on Monday, April. 3rd. No reserve.. See .hills. •for list and terms... GORDON 'E McTAV'IIH, Prop.; Klatt. Gaynor, Auc. AUCTION SALE of 30• head Cat- tle, 3 horses and, 5 pigs about 183 lbs. at'farrn.' of P.' M. Johnston. 14 mile north, of Lucknow) nn. Friday, April 7th at 1.00 'o'clock: Cattle include 10 cows. 5 just freshened and .5 . to freshen time of safe, milking .strain; 11 head rising .one -year-old.: and 3 yearl- ing heifers. ' Absolutely no re- serve. See bills .for list & terms. P. M: °JOHNSTON, Prop:; Matt. Gaynor, Auc. ° TENDERS SEALED TENDEIIIS , will be re • Biue. s Auction FOR SALE About 125 bus. 1942 Erban Oats suitable for • seed: HAROLD CAMPBELL, R. R. 6, Lucknow, Phone 10 -17 -Ripley.' FOR SALE—Purebred Poll An- gus bull calf; Hereford bull calf; 300 bus. Buckwheat for feed or seed. MARSHALL GIBSON, . 3:r Lucknow, . Phone Dung. 61-14. X, °TRY PIONEER CHICK, MASH STARTER this year. Obtainable at Finlayson Bros., Lucknow. J. Lorne • Webb, Pioneer Feed • Rep- resentative: AUCTION SALE of : household. effectsat the Parish Hall, Dun- gannon, Saturday, April, est .at 2_ o'Cloek. No reserve. Terms cash. C: W: Alton, Prop.; Matt: Gay- nor, Auc.' • AUCTiON SALE ,of farm stock and implements at WIL Lot 29, - Con... 9, East Wawanosh at ;1 p.m? 'on` Tuesday, April 4th..6y months' credit: David Chamney, Prop.; Matt. Gaynor, Auc. AUCTION SALE: of stock & .'irn - plements at Lot 29, Con,' 5, Kin- loss .on Thursday April' 6th .at 1.00 o'clock. No reserve. Terms, cash. George Harkness,Prop.;, Matt. Gaynor, Auc. • AUCTION SALE. of .farm .stock at Lot 3, Con 12, Huron Twp. on Friday,' March' 31st at 2 o'cloci including 3 horses, . , 5, Durham Cows springing, 12. yearling 'Here- fords; 50 Oxford ewes, 2 :Oxford . BAZAAR & • BAKING SALE The ladies of South Kinloss W. M. S. are- holding a bazaar and •sale of homemade baking on.Sat- urday • afternoon, April 8th in .•tbe new . Legion Rooms, next to the Bank of Montreal. NOTICE- ` Walls' Feed Store, handlirig a full `line of Purina Feeds, is 'now open for business inthe former Greer Radio Shop,• adjoining the Lucknow 'Sawmill Office. Watch for next,week's..advertisement.:... A 'FULL.. LINE OF WALLPAPER .PAINT, VARNISH and ENAMEL NOW IN STOCK. Order Your .Wallpaper Now 'As Factory . ' Stocks . Are Becoming Scarce PHILIP S. STEWART 'PHONE, 8 • LUCK40W ceived by the undersigned up un- til April : 3rd at ' p.m• for the' [S a1: Reglater installation .of a heating. systertir' • edi Dreg' -i-n-„-the Bruce —Con' • rams, 50 yearling hens. No re,-. THU S., MARCH 30 ` livestoe Children's Aid Home;: Walkerton., serve. Terrhs cash• RALPH HILL, t . at Thomas Harris'Stock Bar Ontario:• Prop.; Donald'B. Blue, Auc R ' �• .Ripley.• Plans, and specifications fo• r the FURNITURE & PIANOS at the FRIDAY, MARCH 31-LivestoSS� same. may' be seen at the office Mildmay Furniture Store. Spec- at Ralph Hill's, Lot 3, Con. 1 of the County Treasurer: : l . Huron Towpship: Lowest or any tender not, nec- essarily accepted. • ' A. • NELSON. Treas. Co: Bruce. '' Walkerton. Ont. Notice To, Creditors ial discounts this. month on 10 Used Pianos, 16 new .Chesterfield Suites, bedroom & kitchen suites, springfilled Studios & mattresses. Free delivery. SCHUETT & Mildmay. 'i' All • • persons • • having • clairn- 1.1 against the Estate of Elizabeth , Thompson, ,late of the Township ; COLLECTIONS of Kinloss ' in. the County .nf' • A Guelph medical client. Druce, Widow, ' deceased, we writing us on March 20th. r1ie i •on or .about•'the eighth clay ,says in .part: 'Thank you of July • A.D. 1943 arc notified very much indeed for your *n ,end to A, D. McTavish. Tees- , very 'i effective services''.. ' 'ter. Ontario oh or -before:the- That unsolicited compli- • 1,51.11 •lav -of A.p'ril . A,D). 1944 fur`i ment s p ea k s'..• volumes, particulars •of .their claims in-' doesn't it. ' ' writing.. Immediately after , thc: said fifteenth 'dap of• April the assets of the •said Testatrix will' be ' distributed •among the parties, entitled thereto, haying , Qn1y re- gard to 'clair:ris of whic} ,the,,Ex• ecutors shall 'then have Jrotice, 'Dated -at •;.Teestvater,,:Ontario. this 22nd day of March A.D..1944. A. H. MCTAjVISH, . .: • Sol citor for • the. xecutor. l o Notice :To ,Creditors • All persozli Lavine; claims against the :Estate of William Thomas Thompson late of the Township of Kinloss, in. the .Coun- ty of Bruce, Retired Farmer, de- ceased', who died on pr about the fifth day of ; January A.D. ' 1943 are notified to send to A. H. Me Tavish, Teeswater, Ontario on or before the 15th day of April' A:D. 1944 full particulars of their claims, in writing, Immediate,l•:; after, the said 15th day of April the assets of the said Testate: will be distributed among the r)art•irs cntitic•d;'thereto, hdvii a• re•Y f IV : (,g),r;d tocl.:,;in, o,1 ,,, i, th.e• oX(-cutr,r•s , SF 1.1. 1;14,, res• t (t3r, , f ll}:rtird at 'Ti.:( sv,:,te (- ;, , till, 22nd day of Mare:Y, A:l) 1944 A. H. IVIeTAVfS;~f: vfsso' Esti -• :.t¢ .. e +Y z3 r,; � M A WI i b This "effective service is • available to you. Take ad- vantat;e of it and • send in your list NOW. KELLY & AIKEN - The. (Collection Specialists' ORANGEVILLE, ONT. Est. 1890—Busier t+, -day • than ever: , SOUTH KINLOSS W. M, S. • Bazaar & Homemade Baking Sale SATURDAY. APRIL 8 New • Legion Rooms • tNext To Hunk el Montreall), fancy Knitted Goods... tlprwr)., ( f,ildrere, ll!re��,w� F,tc,• ffornerrra:ta Bread and Bur,-,. Pies -acid Cakes • TUES., APRIL 4 --stock and • plements at 'Wm: Gottalch, Con:'2,' Bruce Twp:, 1 mile east of Bluewater Highway. TUES., APRIL' 11—stock and irn plernents at Chas. .Sd'hmidt's, Con. 6, Bruce. Twp.. '2 , miles • cast of Underwood. , • See Bills For Listings DONALD B. BLUE, Auc. North American Life A' MUTUAL- • COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan District Representative Ripley,' Ont. Phone. 28-r4. • F: T.' ARMSTRONG' OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW - 4 . EACH WEDNESDAY. FROM 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock AT WM..SCHMID'S STORE - d P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR ' Walkerton, Ontario. .IN '•LI4CKNOW • Earl). 'Wednesday /iftt41)oil & Evening.: lit Ca. il. ti111'llt'S o FICI• 1.