The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-03-02, Page 3•
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lueknow, Ontario
Before you blame
your telephone..:
Engineers designed the. mduth-
• 'piece ,of your telephone to give'
• :best •re,011ts at one -.quarter uf, an.
. inch from the lips.\'lien your
lips are 'farther away than this,
your ,.voice is' •transniiited •less
strongly less .dearly. •' ,
Fail'ure•.'.to , reineinher these
simple facts accounts for the
great • majority • of `,trouble"
' reports. .
Help avoid needless .service-
..'cheek -tsps, and at the satiie time,
let those you talk to bear ,you
without strain. ,Just remember:
7 silt •
clerk; normally, directly.
`Milo'' t a telephone, with y.:prtr •
lips just one-rytturter.o/ .on inch
. 'from the mouthpiece.. •
Smoking while
you talk; ' may ,
cause distorted
reception: l; also
prevents . your
holding the
• mouthpiece di,
reccly in front
of the lips.
if • you need to
reach acioss your
desk as you •tatko. '
continue to 'hold .
the telephone in '
correct' ,.position. •
dost„ to the lips.
A wall set catt't
come to you; stand
or •sit so that .your
lips are directly
in front of. and
close to the ,mouth-
piece Don't "talk
across" it.
For . clear, noise -
free transmission,
always keep your
desk telephone
.upright not at
or near the hor-
izontal position.
,Happy birthday greetings to
Master Gordon • Wellwood and'
Misses Mary Laidlaw and Ruby
Conn who each celebrated their
"Leap Year" birthdays on, Tues-
• day, February 29th by a party:
Mr. Alex Coilopy of the West
and' who used to live , around
here, 'spent the week, -end at the
homes. of 1VIr.• Wm. J. Coulter and
Mr. R. J. Ross also , other old
The World's Day of Prayer was
held lash Friday in the Presby-
terian "church Wiith a good atten-
dance. Mrs. Robert Ross and Mrs.
Gibson Gillespie, presidents 'of
the United church and Presby-
terian Societies took the chairs.
Mrs. Robert Mowbray read the
scripture 'lessen. ` Prayers were
given by Mrs. Lott and Mrs: John
Craig. A duet was sung .by -Mrs-
Gannet Farrier and Mrs. Dawson
Craig and a • vocal solo by Mrs.
)✓•zra Scholtz.
Mrs. Donald McDonald of ' St.
Helens visited one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Gillespie
also Mrs. David Kennedy.
We . extend dlir sympathy to
Mrs. Wln- Itoati of Teeswater,
formerly' Mrs. Caution of this
ommunity,' in the • loss of her
usband Mr. Wm. Roane who
passed away in.. Wingham hespi-
tal on Saturday. Thefuneral was
held at Teeswatet' on Monday.
Her. daughter, „ Mrs James. Mc-
Innes and Mr. ill Innes attended
the funeral from here.1
Mrs. Eliza Jane Haines •be
Loved wife .of, the late Mr. Eca-
ward Haines passed away: Net
Tuesday, February '22nd at th.e
horns: of her brother, . Mr. Albert
McQtnt ltn�
�.s.} a.e. sh•e spent thea
past' few Months. She leaves to
mtnrrn her loss her three bro
thrrs. Albert of this community,
and. miss ,and Richard, Sr. of
Lurk now. Her husband , pl edi' •
t':,.;rti her 17 ytaa x, ago. The full
a•t ;,1. ht'kI last 'Plaursday from
Nil.. A1hi rt Mc9uiillin's'to ,Wing •
hnl,i rt'nnett ry Irv. E. 0.' Gal
'Unite Church, Y. P. U.
The meeting was' in charge. of
the Christian ' Citizenship group
with Hilda Twarnley in the . chair.
The meeting. opened . with . hynin
488 and Mrs. Stewart ' led in
' prayer, The scripture was read
by Gordon Morrison . and the
minutes -cif the last meeting were
read by ' Ruth . Winterstein. . A
piano .solo was splayed by Gladys
Campbell: followed by a reading
3y D,.ris "Taylor:. A: Sing -song was
led by Mrs. D. MacLean. ' A skit
and panel discussion was con-'
ducted by D.. MacLean: Hymn 37
was sung and .the meeting closed
with the Mizpah benediction.
THE DEATH of Mrs.. Edward
Yaeger of Kincardine occurred
in Kincardine Hospital .after a
week's: illness. She was in her
51st year:; For 25 years Mr. and'
Mrs: Yaeg'er conducted a rest-
aurant in the Lakeside town,
where she was also very active
in the Rebekah Lodge: .
-laghcr officiated. The pallbearers
were Messrs. James McQuillan,
Richard McQui lin,: John McQuil-
lin, Harry l,VlcQlin, Wm. Snow-
den arid Thos.. Jamieson.
An old and. highly ' respected
citizen of our village passed a-
way in Wingharn Hospital on
Monday of this week from the
effects of a fractured leg she•
sustained seven. weeks ago. Her
husband predeceased ,her some
years ' ago. She leaves to mourn
her loss- "otre 'son. Mr. Duncan
MacGregor. of Tee'swater and :8
daughters,' Mrs: Thos. Moore and
Mrs. Mac, Noss of this community,
Mrs.; John Henderson of Luck -
now,; Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. 'Bray-
Bray -ford ' of Toronto, Mrs. Anderson
of Buffalo, Mrs. Russe} o'f Waw:
baushini' and Mrs. Moffat of. the
West. All the family were here
',rfore she passed away'. exeept
Mrs. Moffat' of, the West. She
:also leaves several grand child-
ren ancl, great' gra-ndchildren,.The
funcrel was . held: on Wednesday
with, interment in Teeswater
Ce rne tery.
Mrs. Mel Irwin was hostess. to
the ladies of the Kairsheaclub
for the ,February meeting. There
was a large attendance of visitors
aid members. Mrs. Sutherland
was an charge of the meeting and
Mrs. Philip presided at the piano.
.: The meeting • opened _With sing-
, .ing "The Ode" and repeating; the
Lord's Prayer, .in unison. After
community.. singing the roll call'
was answered' .by a Valentine
verse. The business was . deait
with; and letters, of thanks Were.
read, Mrs. 11/1eKinriort_ read ,the
Minutes ' of the '.last meeting and
a Aaplendid .programme followed.
which included" a, reading on .St,.•
Valentine' ' by. .Mrs. D. H. Car=
ruthers, . a duet by Mrs: S. Mc
' Leod and Mrs. H. ' La.vis accoin-F
panied by Mrs. Philip, 'a song by
Mrs. McKinnon; Mrs. MacDoug-
all and Miss Dean McLeod. A.
Valentine table demonstration &
menu was given . by Mrs. George
Lockhart ' which was very beau-
tiful. A Valentine contest was
conducted by Mrs. D. Carruthers.
Mrs.` J, ' Carruthers being the
winner. A vote of'. thanks was
given, the hostess and singing the
National Anthem brought the
meeting to. a close. A . sumptuous
lunch Was served and a pleasant
time spent. The March meeting.
will be• at the home of Mrs. A.
Try` A . Want Ad
• GIC AP!". hA well beate>!•
MA 2 egs�'
t Np mid ' ,_.
2 tbspns: shorten
3•tp der
u„ tspn• salt . •. '
t-tbsp►r• .
. % tr. auspice .. ingredients; add eggs,
'Sift together shortening , ening and apple;.
milk, melted shote kly•. Bake . in oven
ether' 9 ahs hot
all. toe; muffin P in
ll -
Makes 12
greased about 20 minutes- Mak
2 tbspns• shredded
hat Does Inflation
You and Me
:Why, we couldn't buy enough food
to keep our families healthy, under
inflation. For wages and salaries
never catch up to prices when they start
to soar! . .
HOW Would.ive like to pay $1.10 a
dozen for eggs? You say it .can't.
happen? Don't forger it's. already"
-happened right here in•this Domin-
ion, during the last war...And. it'arill happen
again . - . unless we're on our- toes'' to keep
the cost of living down: Every Canadian must
face this •challenger It's' our•retlpootiibility:
But be of good beast. Livinecostre
have risen LESS in Canada than.a
fi' anywhere -else: Canada- leads the'
world in the fight against inflation.
HIRE'S HOW $T'$ nom—
In 1941,..Canada '• determined to
control the' cost of living. Price
ceilings were establisllaed'on wages,
' rentals and commodities; subsidies
were paid on essential foods;,goods in short '
supply wetie rationed ... so. that everyone
could get their fair snare at a price they could
afford to pay!. .
But control of prices is a two-way
• responsibility. It needs your support.•
if itis tb continue working effectively,
So make ;this:
Pledge Today
1 poomme to give my'suppdrs
to, keeping the cost of Wiles
down. I will buy only What I'.
need ---I Will observe, the ceil-
ing .whether buying or selling
goods or, services: I'll pay off .
old debts, save for the future,
invest its Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates—and'
will support taxes which' help
lower the cost of, living.
Published 1'
to reveal the (Linger; can mean to all the people of Ctuutdaa
.t •