HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-24, Page 6• t • • ° PAGE siot wow! - • ••.-Le'eeee,.•••",:..esse•e.s......;.....,;.1"•:?..eiee.e.:e....e.s The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • P • SOFT ICE MARS FIRST" Battled To 7 -All Tie OF GROUP 'FINALS In Owen Sound Friday • Maple Leafs Won First Game 7 to 1 Monday night—Ice Was Bad and Good Hockey Impos- sible. A• record breaking crewd • over I.,5p0 fans:packed every co • ner of the Arena on Monde night for .the .first .game of, th • :groun chasnpionship series, be tween Lnekeove:MpIeLeafsan • Goderich Lions. LucknOw'wo • ••it 7 to 1.• " Soft -ice ,slowed up the. gam and made good, hoCkey impoSs ible, which at times was actuall Jistless. A'donnybrook at fiftee Minutes in the second period liv ened things up, and the, boy .•turned it on• after order was re stored; but the ice soon wore • them down. They . just couldn't keep "teethe. pace, norcontrol the crazy antics of that little black • disc. • , The-Maplel Leafs were consist- ," ent.• though. They finished the • first peeiOd, on even terms 1 .to 1. At •the t end Of the second it was 3 to 1, and still. room t9 doubt • whether they were going to have tmuch of an edge at •the finish, but four goals° in the third with- out a.reply was a typical finish. • . Bill Chin got. four -goals and • Havens, A. Chin and Purves one • each. Stevenson was •a Pest., a - •round the Goderich net particus larlyin the third, but tirieeafter •'tithe the goalie., blocked :his 'thrusts., MacDonald got • the, lone Goderich LucicriOW,—Go4e Orr; Defence, Hall; Stevenson; centre, A. Chin; • Wings, B. Chin, G. Chin; Alt.;' Havens, Purves, 1Johnston, Cul-: bert. „• Goderich-e-Goal, •Ginn; •Def., MacDonald; Steep; lat line,' Bis - •set, Mere,. Newcombe; A.1.e., Ad- ams, 1Vestlake, Wilson,. Graham. Anderson. Referees—Webster and Mur- ney: ' Summary Mist Period •i--Lucknow, B. Chin (A. .' • Chin) •• 3.25 2—Goderich, McDonald .12,05 Penalties—Havens, McDdnald., Second Period • 3—Lucknow, B. Chin (A. • Chin, G..Chin)I .20 4—Lucknow, B. Chin (Hall) 16.30 Penalties --Havens. Newcombe, Stevenson; Graham, McDonald • and Purves' (5 minutes). Third Period , 57---Lucknow, Purves 5.55 6—Lucknow, A. Chin (G. Chin, Stevecson) : •9.10 7--Lucknow, B. Chin (G. of r - y e fl e n s, • • • Chin) • 17.05 8—Lucknow, Havens ...... ...18.27 • Penalties—Hall, Stcep. • LOCAL MIA. DEffEATED • LISTOWEL LAST WEEK Lucknow Girls' hockey team is also .winning new laurels: After conquering. the ltipley giriS, the local lassies went to Listowel last Wednesday night, where they won a 5 to A victory. Helen Mowbray scored Lucknow's first r goal midway through the first' • period. Helen Salkeld scored two more before the period ended and added another pair •in» the third period. The second period wa scoreless. . Jean Bissett replaced ' Mai•y Caution as-gualeteridere-the I1WF ' having gone to Toronto. Lucknow's°1inegip -.was: Goal, Jean BiAsett: Def., 'Helen Mac- • Kenzie and ' Mary Marshall; 1st line, Alrna Solomon, Helen Sal- keld, Helen Mowbray; Alt., Mate jorie Solomon, Isabelle MacDon- ald, Mary Salkeld. 11 Over 1,000 fans, the bigge crowd to see a hockey game, Owen Sound this year, turne out on Friday night. for a sixty minute eye •full between th Greys and Lucknow Maple Leaf It ended in a 7-7, draw as Luck now came from behind Witt:1).219 ten seconds to go .to upholdethei season's record of no defeats. 'Thaler .of •Walkerton' :got • th tying goal. He • and. Jini Scarber ough -91-1Flaineker helped botste the short-handed squa for this return exhibition tilt. Orchids go to Bud Ore who turned.in a sensational game. in the Lucknow net. The Sin Times referred to the wo teams as evenly matched -se ne bigandfast, the other fast nd tricky. It is this Owen dund teani that meets • Barrie n the: jun* B series. Under wartime regulations those who re• juveniles do not loose their tatus by playing in 0.H.A. Com- etition.• • Lucknow: goal, •Orr; • Stevenson, Hall; centre, A. Chin; ings, dhin, B: ,Chin; atter- atce, , Johnston,. Scarborough; aier, Culbert; PUrves.. • Owen Sound, goat,' McAuley; efence, Morrison, Tighe; centre, ishop; wings, McWhieter, Mc- titeheon; alternates, MeLernon, ougles, Shears,' York, Mont - ornery, •Ed McAlthur: • Referees:, thJohn McArur. Wen Sound ; Webster, Lucknow.: First Period --OVren Sound, McCuteheyn, • (Bishop)• 2—.Lucknow.,Stevensim (Scere" borough) . st e • MONDAY'S. GAME DREW RECORD CROWD HERE• - Gate • receipts at , Monday night's Juvenile game here were 042.00 at an admission fee •of 25 and 15 cents, and the child- ren were not by any means few in numbers. 'It is estimated that airriost 1500 persons paid admis- sion and finally With "no place, else to put 'em", the ticket sellers closed up for the night. This attendance figure is re- , garded as an ,,e11 -•time record mice the, arena. was opened in 1937.. Every nook and Corner of ✓ the ice palate was jarrinsied and; fans vlsere draped hien the the rafters e and any out-Of-theway spat that afforded • a good obSerVation P• oint. There were eogis in the d building that surely coulclei get • more than. an •Oceasional fleet- ing glimpse of the play. t a .a p n Tn B g 0 1 • But this, and the soft ice into 'the bargain, didn't seem to mat- ter much. The majority of fans were satisfied. •• In •any event they'll be back again at the first •opPortiMity. • By scores of 7 to 3 and 7 to 1, • Godericn eliininated Kincardine •:from -the Juvenile group playoffs, and won the right to meet Luck- • now for the group championship. • • How • Kincardine took Wing - ham two in •a row to pushthem out of a playoff spot, is a. big puzzle to most neutral' :fans. • The Sun Times. said last week that ."Hap" Day as expected to he in Owen Sound to. see Fri- day night's exhibition game with ILitcknow. Day,. who 'is coedit. 'of the Toronto Maple Leafs, is in- terested in the Chin 13rothees the Sun Times says. No one:. from heee •saw any sign of Day that night. and maybe its just as well if he "Wasn't on hand on that:oc casion, for local fol owers of. the • • • , 3—Lucknow. Purves (Thaler Scarborough) .. • • Penalties—Montgornery, Stev enson. McArthur. team elaim. that all three eboys - were .far below .forin that night,. •'Hanover Air Cadet • juveniles. . • have eliminated Mount Forest - tle .19 to 4 goals on. the rciunci. Second P• eriod • 4—Luelcruew, Scarborough (Pur ves, .Thaler) • 5—Owen Sound, Shears 6—Owen. Sound, IVIcViThirter • 7—Lucknow, B. Chin (G. Chin) 8—.Owen. Sound, Bishop Chin, McLeron, Douglas, Stevenson, Shears. Third 'Period » • • 9--Lucknow, G. Chin (B. Chin) 10--Lucicriow„.B. Chin (A. Chin) 11 --Owen Sound, Tighe •• 12 --Owen Sound, McWhirter 13—Owen Sound, Bishop 14--Lucknow, Thaler (B. • Chin, • „Stevenson) ; , • • Penalties—McWhirter. • Pisrvis; McCutcheen, Hall. . • ST. HELENS WON THIRD GAME SATURDAY 13-4 The St. Helens -Belfast Corn - bines came to town at full strength on Saturday morning and overpowered the local 1ee- Wees to 'gain e 13 to 4 victory.. 'It wes the visitors second win in the three gameseries. • , . Billy MacPherson and Mac Ruttefford :scored five each for St. Helens. Billy Bolt got a pair and Bob Lyons 1. • Lucknow goal • gettOs were Arnold' Boss, 2, Keith. Kitpatriek and Donald !Thompson. St. Helens --Billy Webb, goal; Billy MacPherson, Mac Ruther- ford: Billy Bolt, Bobby Lyons. Lorne ' Humphrey, Lloyd Hum , phrey, Harvey MacDonald, Geo. Cranston, Lucknow—Goal, Donald Jones; Def:. Keith Kilpatrick, Joe Whit- her:" First line, Donald Stewart, Bruce Johnston, Donald Thomp- sem: Alt., 'George Anderson,, Arn- old Ross, Bowen Rcss, :Donald McAlpine, Gilbert Howes, Leon I.Gaynor. • 'Hanover is waiting to meet the Winner of the Goderich-LuCknow series. In event of this-series„go-:: ing. three games Lucknow could not • play the third, game until Saturday night at the earliest as the High School concert is being held on Friday night. • And a Saturday night game would not be such a bad idea at I that. • ' The local' fans and players who follow what other papers have to say about » the local Juveniles, failed to find even mention made i ef the game in Kincardine when the Maple Leafs wound up the schedule with a 9-0 victory. ' Lucknow can: boast the "sport- • ingest" hunch of farmers to be found anywhere. For miles • 'remind about there's scarcely a concession or siderQad that isn't represented when LucknoW Juv- eniles take the ice. And . this en- thusiastic and pppreciated sup- port isn't Confined to the rnen folk alone,' i'h'se women and »child- ren come too. • , When. ”Skip" MacDonald drop- ped . • his stick and started swing- , ing at Ike Purves, the rest. Of • the boys .paired off, wit lightn-,„„ ing speed and got -in „some good punches before it, was broken up. It. locked likea egaertesof- ten- pine- - ' with Hall and Johnston knocking 'ern down as fast as they could set 'ern up. We couldn't 'see where the attack on Purves was provoked, but teen clf them got five minutes in the cooler. THURS., FEBRUARY 24th,. 1944 night and •saved many •Haire goals". He. Went to the ice to block Abe ChM in the second period and suffered a scalp wound that sent hitii:to the dres- sing room for repairs. Gin had a much busier night than Bud Orr in the Lucknow goal, but Bud was on the job too, when they got in 9n him. Coderich was without their husky, •• hard - hitting' Jolumy Holmes, who c011apseci at school that morning. • "Chuck" Webster isachieving a reputaticinas .a referee, He's handled the majority of juvenile games in , this •group during the .past two seasons, ' and now the Q.H.A. has added hilt') , to' their l'sst of (official whistle tooters. Charlie got a call from 0.H.A. Secretary W. H. Hewitt on Mon- day, wanting hien to handle a junior • game in Owen Sound on Monday night,but he couldn't :accept' as he had a juvenile; aa- signment here. Owen Sound rec- ommended Chuck for the job af ter seeing him. ,officiate at the Juvenile game in that city "last Friday. • -• •• A "Cyclone" . Taylor', Story • • Fred "Cyclone" Tayber, form- erly of Listowel, tells the 'follOw- ing as his greatest, "hockey thrill.' ,"I aw a • youngster :crying rinkin front. of the one night, ask- ed him» why, and' the little boy said he had lost hi S •money and he had So' wanted to .see ycIone, Taylor play. I took him In and put hint in the seat next to: my wife. r scored four or five-goalS, and every time I saw that young- • ster: I seemed to be inspired. never played better, I am sure of that. Well, after the game my wife asked the young man what • he thought of Cyclone noW.. And • the •boy said: 'Gosh', which" one was' Taylor?: ". • WHEITECFILIRCli, Miss Kay.Bottom of Woodstock visited last week at the homes of Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and Mrs., James Wilson; • Mrs. James Laidlaw was laid • up last week with. a'todch • of pleurisy, but we are •pleased to ,,• say she is up .a.nd•arourici agein. • Congratulations to M. ,,13e Mrs; J. F. McLean, who celebr•ateci • their 40th wedding anniversary: • last • Thursday. Their deughter, • , Mrs'. Crosse Mr; Crass and Janie ily Of. Walkerton .visited with' them that. da'.. • . • • • Mee. Gibson eGillOspie had a Red, Cross qui Iting.:et'' her; home • one Tuesday 'of this' Mr. aside Mrs. Robert ..MoWbray and Roberta • also Mr.., encl. Mrs.' Ezra •Weilwood and•Gordon. vis- ited last Wednesday•evening. with • , the former's daughter, Mrs. Jas: Wilson and. Mr. Wilson., At the time of' writing Mrs. James McGregor is' very low :n rn Wingha.hOspitai and no hope re held for her recovery. .She fell six weeks ago end broke her leg above the knee, and developed pneumonie last week. - On' Tuesday evening • of last week the WOmen:a Institute held a concert and dance with a. large attendance. The program opened • with community singing. Mr. Jas. Falconer Was. chairman and gave a short address. The pro- gram incuded the following num- bers: an accordian solo by, Mr. e Kenneth Rossreading, by Mrs: DtlsOn Beecroft, a solo •by Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, a 'duet by Misses. Ruby Conn. earil .11oberta Mow- - bray, a reading, bye Master Cur- rie Burchill, a violin duet by Mr; Garnet Farrier, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtzei solo by Mr. Eynon, reading by Mrs. George Fisher, solo by Mr. Toll, a number' y the orchestra; Messrs. Wallace cinn, Eddie Waddel; Alex Rob: rtscin and Mrs. Wm. Tiffin as ianiste a reading by Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, and a solo by' Mr. Geo. Tiffin. Lunch was served and the est of the evening' eitas'• _sPent n dancing tothe Conn and Wad: . el orchestra. Mrs. John Webb of this com- unity made a quilt and done - ed it to the Red Cross. fi was .auctemed off at the dance and Mr. Aldin Purdon bought- it for $5.00. 'The money is., being used - to lielp send boxes overseas to ' . our soldiers. a a e ip My lady. •be wary of Cupid, • I And list to the Tines of this verse; r To It a fool kiss you is stupid, To let a kiss fool ycnt is worse. ! d A great post - war inVerition • should be a transparent. icebox, Chronic worriers who always o re eve the minds of those wonder if that light inside really does go out when the cilor closes M t • GOVERNMENT NOTICE NATIONAL. WAR LABOUR BOARD Incorporation o.f Cost of Living , • Bonus into Wage Rates HE, ATTENTION of all employers in Canada, subject to the Wartime Wages Control Order 1943 (P.C. 9384), is directed teethe provisions of the Order requiring them so establish for each of their occupational classifications,. not Above rhe rank of fateman, a single wage ,rate or range of wage rates as prescribed by the rules set out in Schedule ."A". of the. . Order by adding to the previous authorized single wage rate or i previous • authotiied_range 'of wage rates she amount of previous [authorized cost of living bonne and that such established single wage rate or range of wage rate shall be' effective for the Ws( payroll 'Retied beginning on or after February 11, 1944.. Employers who may noi be paying previous authorized cost of • living bonus as required by General Orders of the National War _, _psirsn.t_to—the•--e---- Labour Board, issued ender dates of August 4, ,1942,' armrdeNwovaenie; ber 3, 1.9A3uae-provisionv Mi) eeri Control Order, P.C. 5963, are required to- include such amounts of cost of living bonus in .the establishment of wage rates of their • employees under P.C. 9384 effective for the first pa}roll period beginning on or after February 15, 1944, as stated: • C. P. iefcTAGUB,' • Chairman a Young Ginn in the Goderich • Otrtwa. Canad • NATIONAL WAR, LABOUR BOARD 6.3.44.w net"playedstandout hockey ell . • ' 1 11 If • . . -....... . . . ., . . ,, , • ',..',-•,', ,