HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-24, Page 4t. 6, • PAG g .FOUR, • 1.1 •The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow,. Ontario .466.. 1...„'66.;.1....4;24.....4 void Disappointment BY ORDERING . . . . YOUR. BABY CHICKS NOW AS WELL A.S . , YOUR CHICK STARTER FOR DELIVERY -WHEN YOU WANT THEM. •WE:BUT_ rOVILTRY: • Complete Line Of • :CONCETORATES and MILL FEEDS Lorne MacLennan, Thone,77-w memarsiumtiosamuitaimagmnee '11•11.1.1111.11W assomIlliall=11111MINIOSIr Me.11; 301 4:07 50 ! Want. Karma! Pep; Vim,Ostrex Tooke. Tablets. Contains :tonics. stimu.. 'ants; Ion, vitamin 1.11,,calcium, phosphorus: aids to norm:MIMI). vim. vigor. vitality after 30, 40, or 50. Introductory, size anti, 35c. If not delighted with . results; Of first package. maker refunds .low price: • At drugglgts. Sturrtaking Ostrex Tablets today.' .7 7. THE A /3/CesffiCIC DOES THE TRICK! • FINLAYSON • • Luckilow • • AHFIELD NOTES Mr.'Leonard Phillips of Wing - ham spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter. ' Mrs..A. Culbert returned home last•week after spending the past to months 'with her, daughters •in Detroit.. • • '• 1V1r. C. E. MCDOnogh is visiting •witfi:friends in Toronto, at pres- ent . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter 8z Mr. and .Mrs. W. Hunter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Mac& Kinnon of Tiverton • Mr. and Mrs. •A. ,Wilson „and Jimmy Of Lucknow visited 'with Mr. and Whs. Robt. Ritchie and family'on Sunday. , • ' • Miss Frances Gilmore is visit- ing with her sisters in Hamilton KINLOUGH°' 24th 19&1- The Red •:Cross held a very successful Valentine Social on Wednesday evening in the Schrl. Mr. John Emmerson was .chair- man. The opening chorus was 0 Canada. Messrs. Calvin Robert- . ........... , son and Tom McFarlan, Played HOYSE TO RENT—Dowker resi- FOR SALE L--- A good Durham. . several violin seleCtions, Read- 1dence, mile north . of Lucknow. cow, 4 years old, to freshen in 11 • • • HOLYROOD • • Mr, :and Mrs..Clifford Young and..Kenneth'Zent Thursday ev- ening•at. Mr: Reg' Broome's. Mr. Richard Elliott .is attending the good road convention- in Tor- onto. • Mrs. Howard Harris returned home from 11St: Joseph hospital TueSday. Her condition is very • favorable. : Bobby:Smith is under the doc- tor's care. We wish him speedy recovery. . The Women's. Institlite meets at Mys.,Alrrier Ackert's on Thurs- day. The ladies of the cominunity are'•all invited. Mr, Peter Moffat had the:mis- fortune to have his" finger' jam„ riled in his car door so severely as to require medical attention., Mrs. John Reid spent Monday .with hei daughter, Mrs. Raynard Ackert.. , :Mrs: Martin of Whitechurch & Mrs. Deyell of. Wingham spent Sunday at Mr: Mark Johnston's Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Broom and Mary .were Sunday. ,visitors at Mr. .Clifford Young's. Mr. •Lidyd Ackert of Toronto spent the 1.veek-end at his home here, , Margaret Philips of Mafeking is assisting with the ,work at Mrs. Will • 0„....400....•' • ings were given by Mrs: Bert. McLean, Ws. Milton Walsh, Mrs. - Alex Percy and Mildred Pinnell. Mrs. -Bert. 1VIcLean conducted a • contest. Miss May ,Boyle read the journal. Mrs. John, Ernrnerson contributed 'a solo. Messrs. John Blackwell and. Perry Hodgins &• Mrs. Fred Itocigips spoke briefly. Balfour McLean 'made the draw on the hOSteSs :tray donated by Mr. and .Mrs. Chris Shelton of Toronto He drew ticket no. 18 which made Mr. George Thomp- sOn of Purple ,Grove the owner of the tray, 'Perry Hodgins , was auctioneer to dispose of a num- ber of articles the ladies •had bro,ught for sale to raise suffici- ent funds .to send Easter •boxes to all those frorn here in mil- itary service. This proved. a very successful method as $19.85 was realized from the sale. A ,collec- tion of $4 was teen 'and the sale of tickets on tyre tray was $7.01, ," The, 'total proceeds were $30.86. The next evening, 'will be a St. yatrick's social and in the form 'of a box,.social. Mrs. Bert McLean and 'Mrs. Alex Percy are in charge of the", program., The prayer service for this community on .Friday, the. World Day of. Prayer, will be held at 2.30 in the Presbyterian church.. AI1, ladies are urged. to 'be pres- nt.% Mr. 'Hugh Lane is confined 'to bed after suffering,a severe heart. attack. Rev. George Honour will con- duct' .mid -Week services during • lent: at the various homes in the cornmunitY.• Private Harry Johnstone' of Brantford, Misses Jean and Beth. Johnstone of Kincardine ,spent the, week -end with their. parents,' Mr. and Mrs', Frank ,Johnstone. Mr. and Mr's: Wrn. Lloyd, Ivan andDoris spent Sunday With•Mr. and, Mrs. Karl Boyle. Miss. 'Muriel McBride of Kin- cardine spent the week -end at' her home 'here. , Apply to RICHARD ELLIOTT, about two Weeks GEO. WHITE, Holyrood. • I R. 2, Lucknow. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, FUr general household duties, mod- ern conveniences: Apply toH.R. ALLIN, Phone 38, Lueknow. When the other fellows snouts. . that he is deeply insulted thq • IT PAYS 'to startk. your 'chicks right. Use PIONEER cairck MASH .STARTER.„'Obtainable at FINLAYSON J. Lorne Webb, Purina •Feed rel..) resentative. , FOR SALE 18 -months' -old Aberdeen -Angus bull. LORNE FARRISH, R. 7, Lucknow, Phone Dungannon 82-15. Mr. and Mrs.. Syd Gardner of chances 'are you have told the Zion visited* Sunday ' with, Mr. truth. , .. .1 and Mrs. Frank Johnstone. '. ai Present ' t, , The March meeting Of the Wo-' Mr. Harold Ritchie spent Sun- men's Institute will be held at day with his parents. . the home of Mrs. Aylmer. Ackert • FOR SALE — Erban' seed' Oats. Write MILLAN MOORE, R.R. 5, Lucknow, 'or "Phone 611-r-13, Wingham. ' FOlt SALE quantity' of seed •grain, Victory •,Oats and mixed' Barley. and Alaska 'Oats, ' 1942 crop' also 6' Shorthorn heifers due in April. Apply' to ROBERT MALCOLM, KirilOugh. • (orning Events 'HIGH SCHOO -'0NCERT The Lucknow High School • 1. concert 'will be 'held iti•-the Town • - Hall, Luckno'w, on Friday, Feb- ritary 25t1i,'-and will include sev- eral interesting numbers, featur- ing a one -act play, "The Castle of Mr. Simpson" •and a "Pageant of 'the Conquered Nations". The program will open with the play at 8.15 sharp. AcimisSion.25c. TENDERS TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received by 'the under - 'sighed for10 cords of hard body wood, -beech. and 'maple, 16- in- . ches, ,be delivered at the school, U.S.S. ,14, y - Paramount. •b' June lst. ROhert HarriiltOn, Sec. R.R. 3, .Lucknow. IN. MEMORIAM PREST—In proud and ever-lov- ing memory of Sgt. -Pilot William Henry. (Harry) Prest, second and beloved son of Vincent and Caro- line Prest;' who losthis life at Rivers, Manitoba, February 25th; 1941, aged 20 yea. ; "0 valiant heart! ,All you had hoped for; all you had you gave". 4 . Licensed Auctioneer FREE SHOW AND DANCE. The MasSey...,'Harris Farrners'. meeting, .sponsored by •the local",; :dealer, Wm. A.:2Ste.Wait, wiII be , held in the 'Town Hall, Lucknow,- • Friday,. March 3rd. There Will.be • motion.pictureS. at 3•.o'clotk,,,iri the afternOon arid at :8 TYcIock • - , with a. dance .after.. Music by. :MeDonald'S 'orcheStra. 'F�' Prompt and Efficient Set:. vice, 'Phone. 108 Lucknow ,write Box 75, and I will 'call and help 'you arrange your sale. Having been away for 'the past (note change of hostess) Thurs- few years on war work, I am BASSWOOD • SOFT MAPLE &gild , HARD MAPLE For Further Particulars Apply NOW At The Maple Leaf Aircrat Corporation, Limited LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. •day, March 2nd. Convener, Mrs. Howard Harris; assistant, Mrs. Jim Smith. Motto, A 'word fitly spoken is like apples ,of silver in pictures 'of gold. Roll call,.Uses of salt. ,Lunch, Mrs. Ackert, Mrs. Frank Thompson, and Mrs. Chas. Congram. •. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walsh were Pte. M. C. Hartenick of Camp Ipperwash, Mrs. J. .Hartnick, Miss Marion Walsh of Kincardine, Mr. Jack Walsh of Zion. 1111111111k • ,VdtItt6 -Mr. and. Mrs. Perry • Hodgins visited' Sunday with 'Mr.. and Mrs. A. E. Halderiby. "When you asked her to darinci did she accept quickly?" ' "Did she? Why, she was on my feet' an instant". Where .Is Your Double? , Every one has a double some- where.. English bubbies_came on a suicide they .i.nistook for Mussolini. A Scotchrnan is the "spittin' image" of Mahatma Gandhi. Read strange stories of lo.ok-alikes and how science' ex- plains them, in The American ,Weekly with this..Sunday's (Feb- ruary 27) issue of 'he Detroit Sunday' Times. , • ••••..; ',Leo .•.• CARD .OF THANKS'. With sincere gratitude that wordscannot express, Mrs. W.. J. • Little wishes to thank all those who so kindly :remembered' her in many ways while She was' in 'Wingham 'Hospital. Their kind-- .• hess and thoughtfulness of her was a great Comfort and these: acts will 'be ever remembered with deepest appreciation. • Ted. Murray of the R. C. A. R Overse"as, wishes 'to • sincerely thank ,.the l Kairshe.a Club for the lovely. box received. 'from thenr at. Christmas' time,It very much appreciated. .. • now at home ,and will appreciate. serving you. •Sales.taken anywhere in Hui. - �z•• and Bruce Counties. •I .do „not Make a ,practise of canvassing... NOTICE - Dr. James: L:ttle will be out Of town from 'Saturday 'I until Friday, February 26th to March 3rd, attending a 'post graduate course .in Toronto: I":NOTICE We • now have' good' hardwood slabs a.nd are booking orders on thebasis of one hardwood to one mixed slabs. These slabs are alt' choice green slabs. We,will also have cordwood and all kinds 'Or short 'wood. Order now for later delivery. The.Lneknow Sawinill Co. Phones: Office 8(1; res., 57 .8z 19 WELL RENDERSON LUCKNOW,colv.‘ I • , 1 • Notice To Creditors All' persOns having 'claims a- gainst the estate of William Don- nelly, late ,of the- ToWnship. of West Wawarkosh in the.„CountY of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who' 'di'ed on or about the twenty.: seventh day of' December, A: D. .1.943,are natitied to sent te..J..11. .Crawford, Wingham. Ontario, on or before the twenty-sixth day. of February, 1944;-ftill particulars o'f. their claims in writing. Im mediately after the said twenty-, sixth clay of February, the assets of the said testator Will Ix -distil-. buted amongst life Parties • titled thereto, 'having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this fifth day of Feb- ruary, .A.D. 1944. J. H. CRAWFORD, • Wingham, Ontario. • -Solicitor for the Executor. • • F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST 1 IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY • • FROM Z p.m. to 6 o'clock AT, WM. SCHMIO'S.TOAE.. P. Stuart MacKenzie BAARISTER & SOLICITOR alk,ertoit, Ontario. • I4 LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At G. 11. SMITH'S OFFICE