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THURS., .FEBRUARY 24th, 1.944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Luckno le
The regular monthly meeting
of Paramount Women's Institute
was 'held at the home of. Mrs.
0. McCh•arles with the president,
Mrs. Robert Reid presiding. Mrs.
H. .Ensigfi' took charge of the
program. Readings were given
is by Mrs. Wrn. •Kempton, Mrs. 0.
McCharles, Alice Barkwell and
Mrs. E. McLennan. . ' Mrs. Jack
Hamilton gave a splendid paper
on "Horne Economics". The Mar.
meeting will be held .at •the home
of Mrs, Robert Reid with Mrs.
Al Irwin;' and Mrs; Wim. Stanley.
the program corninittee.
- ` Miss Ada Stanley is visiting in
Toronto -
M•rs:.J. 'Henderson is with her
'Mother ;who, is -.seriotisly In in
Wingham hospital.
Mrs. A. McNay attended the,
funeral of her' aunt in Teeswater'
and is, spending a few days with
° relatives. '• .
Mr. • and. Mrs. Jack Hall ••of
° Lucknow visited .with. Ar,' and
Mrs: Grant 'McDiarmi'd on Sun=
Mrs:. Tom Roach . visited 'with
her nict�, Mrs. W. Dexter.
Misses Lillian 'and Lois Mac -
teen of Kincardine spent the
week -end at their home.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Bradley and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie
spent last. Friday in Owen Sound
with Misses Edna and. Eliza Cook;
R.N. and also attended the hoc-
key match.
The . Ki•n'tail ''Institute meeting
kri11 be . held at the home of Mrs:
D. McIntyre. Roll call, "An Irish
Mr, and Mrs,.,.Hugh__Fergusbn
and family spent, Sunday with
Mr.. and Mrs. Bill . Harris of Rip-
A large crowd attended the.
Orangemen's •'Card' Party .held at
Amberley: • '
Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie.
and . family spent Sunday' with
Mr. and Mrs.. .Best Alton of•
Lanes. .
WALTER ROSE, widely known
poultryman; of Brussels died at
his home on . Saturday from a
heart attack: The funeral was ';en.
Tuesday' with interment in Brus-
sels cemetery. • •
It is just as important in war. -time as in. peace -time that
you keep up your life insurance, but it, .may be harder
to do ' so.. If ,you need_ cash to. pay. ,premiums, do_ not., :
hesitate to• talk over .,your requirements: with ''the •
manager of ournearest,branch. We make loans also to
help pay taxes, to provide for education, to. pay doctors' '
bills, hospital charges and :other emetgency expenses,
or to take advantage of business opportunities. .
Our policy in making personal loans is to help'Canadian�,•`'
citizens.— salary -and -wage-earners, professional men
and women; business 'executives to keep ;financially
fit. The cost is low and our terms are fair:
$3.65 per $100—repayable in 12
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Ask for our folder on Personal Loan'.
FOUNDEDIN 1817. . .
Up-to-date Banking for (1:a>?adianIndustry _arid -Workers,
l,uckilQw. Branch: N. PREST, Manager
Uu'ited Church Y. P. U.
The meeting was in charge of
Lorraine Drennan and opened
with hymn 226 followed by the
scripture reading taken by-Shir•.
►ley. Culbert. Mr. -Stewart .led in
prayer. Hymn. 416 Was then sung
followed' by a piano instrument.
tat, by Miss -Sharpe. Rose Howse
gave a reading.: The topic was
taken by Dr. ' ,Johnston.. ' The
meeting' .closed with the . rnizpah
benediction. . . •
United Church. Evg, Auxiliary
The,: February. ' meeting :was
held at the) home of 'Mrs. 'Camp-
Thompson with Mrs. G:
Taylor, .presiding: The. scripture
lesson was read. by Miss Helen
Hamilton.. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.
K. Murdie 'were appointed to as-
sist at. the, World's .Pay of Pray-
er. During the study.. period, a
chain `of readings was given . by
Miss J. Osborne, .Mrs. Charles
McDonald, Miss 'H. Twamley and
Mrs: Percy Webster. . Mrs. K
Murdie. gave ..the topic on' "The
blessings of Health" and . , "The
Skill and Joy .of Work"., from the
study book "For all of Life". Mrs,
Harvey Webster gave ' a Valen-
tine talk. The meeting closed
with mizpah benediction ' .and•' a
contest' and social half hour fol-
lowed.. The meeting on March
21st will be' :at the home of Mrs.
Arthur Cann.
j Presbyterian. Y. F S. ' ,
On' Monday evening the Y.P.S.
meet at the •home of Miss Mac-
, .Gregor. The president, • Ronald
I Johnston was in the chair. After
the opening exercises Marion-,
Graham :gave the Bible Study.
After the business part 'of` the
meeting Joe Agnew took charge.
The Catechism' was explaCifed by
Elaine 'Little.. A •duet by Gwen•
and Allan Stewart •was enjoyed.
Thetopic 'The :Travels .of a brief
case" ' by Rev Hugh McMillan
was read by :Marion MacDougall.
Readings were given by Mayme
• Irwin and. Everett Lane. ' The
hymn "Abide With Me was sung
and Rev. Mr. MacDonald closed
with prayer. .
"Doctor", .enquired -the anxious
patient about to 'gounder .anes-
thetic, show long will. .it be be-
fore I know anything?"
"My dearsir," responded the
exasperated..niedico, 'aren't you
expecting 'almost too much from
a little ether?"
Mrs. D. A. MacLean of Loch-
alsh was in '. London cast weeti
'Visiting with Mr. and. Mrs.• Don-
ald Martin. • '
Starting on February. 6th and
for •the next six 'months the
church service in Ashfield 'Pres-
byterian church will be at eleven
o'clock a.m.
Mr. and, Mrs.. Frank Hamiton
were at home to a' few of their
friends on Thursday evening. -
'While the ladies quilted a quilt
the gentlemen played progressive
• euchre.
The people around Hemlock
Cityare. very much interested in
the Lucknow Girls Hockey tear
as four of the players come from
'that district. They are the Misses
i1,rances Hathilton, Isabell Mac -
( Donald. Jean Bissett *and Helen
MacKerl,zie: .We wish them the
best of luck for the -•whole hire-
key season. •
We extend congratulations 10
Flight Lieutenant Donald M. Me -
Kay of the Royal Canadian Air
Force, ,overseas,' on being award-
ed the Distinguished Flying.
Cross. He' is. an Ashfield boy of
whom we are very proud.
The. regular . meeting of , the
Women's ; Institute' was held
Tuasday, February 1st at the -
twine of -Mrs, Garnet Farrier with
the vice president, Mrs. E. Case
more. in the chair. Afterthe op-
ening exercises • was community
singing, "Carry me back to old
Virginia" and "When you and I
were young Maggie". The roll
ca11 was answered by Hints , on
poultry raising. After '•the busi•:
ness was,` 'dealt with anirnstru-.
mental,' the sTlower Song, was
played"• by Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mrs. Lott gave .the motto "For -
I get the mistakes' of the past • year
ands press" on . to greater achieve-
ments". A solo, "Somewhere, A
:voice ' is Calling" was ` sung by
Mrs. E:. Scholtz, after which :the
meeting was btrought to ' a close
by • the • singing of the National
Anthem.. • ' . • •
Review Red .Cross Year
The annual Red Cross. meeting
was held .at. the •home of Mrs. G.
Farrier. • Reports were given by
the leaders on the year's work
of each '.group.' Mrd. Mowbray
took the chair for the election .of
officers, assisted , by . MrsFE.
Scholtz, secretary. Mrs. ,Jas. Fal-
coner .' was. re-elected president,
Mrs. D. Craig • and Mrs. R. Mow-
bray as vice presidents,. Mrs. E.
Scholtz .,was elected secretary &
Mr.. Milan .Moore was returned as
treasurer. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie
wasre-elected as head of the
work committee and:' Mr. Lance
Grain' was named for campaign
manager. The report of the past
year'.s work of the Whitechurch
unit. was given by Mrs.. Gillespie
as follows: quilts 118, crib quilts
9, afghans 1, sweaters 5, child-
ren's sweaters 2, . turtle neck
sweaters 1, socks: 18 pairs,• sea-
men's socks 9, gloves 9 pairs,
scarfs 2 from S.S. No. 10 'White -
chinch, ,10 • children's ''dresses, 8
convalescent' jackets, 6 pairs. of
pyjamas, toilet articles and hos-
pital supplies and cash donations
of $36.00. The Whitechurch area.
donated $645.50 to the campaign
tund of the Wingham Red Cross.
Donations to .the Jolly Workers
Club toward this work were tons
by Mrs. George Ken edy, Mrs.
George Fisher, Mrs. Ed McQuil-
lin. Tpp and'batt by. Mrs. Forster
:and Mrs, Pat McMillan and • quilts
by Mrs.' John, MacMillan. , and;
Mrs. Ed' McQuillin:' ,
Several'letters of thanks were
read :;from the 'Soldiers—Who. had
received 'boxes from. the Red
Cross. The next . meeting: is to .-be
held the second Tuesday Of
March ' at the home of .Mrs. G.
Gillespie. ••
The Women's Institute . held a
St. Valentine concert 'and dance
in Whitechurch on 'Tuesday night.
with a . record attendance. , Mr.
James" Falconer Was in the chair.
Thie prograih consisted of solos"
by Mrs. Eynan, Mrs. Scholtz;' Mr. ,
G9orge Tiffin and .Mr. Towle; .
duet by. Roberta : Mowbray 'and'
Ruby Conn; . readings entitled.
"Imagination and • good advice"
by Edgar Guest were given by
Mrs. Beecroft; "Should a Lady
propose" by Mrs.. R. Mowbray;
"Courtin', by Currie ° 'Burchell
and "The Cattle Thief" by Paul+
ine Johnson'. was given .by Mrs: ,
G. °Fisher•. Musical numbers were
given' by Mr..Garnet Farrier and
Mrs. E.•S.:choltz and by the or=
chestra. Lunch was served . and
a dance followed with music by
the Conn Waddle "orchestra:
Proceeds 'amounted tc $24.35.
During the dance a quilt which
was donated by Mrs. John Webb
was 'auctioned off . and bought by
Mit Aldin P-urdoh. ..'
The Y. W. A. meeting was het
at the home of ' Mrs. Dawson
Craig with Mrs. Johnson Conn
inthe chair. The scripture read-
ing , was given by kAlis. Conn.
Meditation taken by Mrs. Rhys.
Pollock. The roll call was ans-
.wered by a verse of scripture.
,Papers • pn India were read by
Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Craig and
readings by Mrs. James Wilson
and Mrs John Craig.. Lunch was
served by. the hostesses. The next.
meeting is to be at the home of
Mrs..James Wilson:
Lady (reading newspaper) : It
says here . that a woman in,
Omaha has just' cremated her
third husband. 40
Old Maid: "Isn't that always
the way? Some of us can't even
get one and others have hus-
bands to burn".
Biscuits that
the whole family;..
Magic's Orange -Raisin Biscuits
2 cups sifted flour , 4 tbspns. shortening
4 teaspoons Magic • 32 cup raisins
Baking Powder t tbspn. orange rind
tspn. salt 1 egg
2 tbspns.. sugar ' .cup vni/k
Sift • dr*• ingredients together. Cut in
shortening until well mixed. Add rai-
sins and orange.rind.'Beat egg slightly
in measuring ..cup•and'add milk to make
cup. Add to first mixture. Roll out
about ;11. -inch thick; cut with floured
biscuit cutter.. Place on greased pan.
Bake in hot oven (.475°F) about 12
minutes. Makes 16.
a ,
Yowt;'guc rantee.=of +� 'r + pitl ll