HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-17, Page 4-); . ' • • root Disappointment ; r•I: .g.,,S.:11&.1., • • voi The LAICIdnOW SentrnI, Lucknow,' BY ORDERING . YOUR BABY CHICIC.S NOW A.S WELL AS . • . • YOUR CHICK STARTER. FOR .DELIVERY WHEN'YOU WANT THEM. WE BUY POULTRY Complete .Line Of " CONCENTRATES 'arid MILL FEEDS• Ailiml••••••=.•••••••••....• •'MUST •TRY: TO FIND OWNER OF STRAYED ANID9L8 • Eldon White, of Sullivan Township, got himself into a fix recently, when he stabled a steer . belonging to a neighbor, that had •'straYed to his farm. The animal ,• 'Wanderedaway from his; •farni • last October, and White, instead of advertising the animal as re-, quired by law, sold it to a,Ches- •' ley ,livestock buyer, In his de- . • fence, White said he had lost a •steer a couple .of years ago -much • like the, animal in question, and • thought that perhaps- it was his -.own steer corning back home. The evidence seemed to indi- §HOULD KEEP FA -IR ACTIVE DIMING WAR " • Nt• naliumot otho944. Speaking at the annual con- vention of the Class B Fairs As- sociation 'held. in the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, 'Dr. G. I. Christie, president of the O.A.C., Guelph, emphasized the neoess- ity of keeping fall fairs ' active during the war. "It would, have been 'a great calamity to discon- tinue theae- fairs", said Dr. ciiris-,,HOUSEKEEPER, WANTED For The Lucknow, tie., "The people wanted there, n ert will he held in the Town the war effort needed thein and war Production has increased be- cause, of thein". Dr. Christie ex- pressed the view that Wartime conditiong have•produced a great -improvement in these fair S from an agricultural standpoint •and have. restored them t� their or- iginal Ptirpose: "•- In his address Dr. Christie con- .demned the practice of:shoW herds, travelling all over the pro- vince winning the prizes at every fair and • urged the fair ClirectorS to •concentrate' on bringing, out the best livestock in 'their own neighborhoods. ' The majority of the societies represented at the meeting %re- torted that .their 1943 fairs had shown an increased attendance over 1942 and a very substantial increase •in the entries . agri- cultural classes. J. A: Carroll, superintendent of the •Agricultural SocietieS Branch, dealt- with Some of the problerris and handiCips •which had to be overcome on accOunt of wartirrie restrietions of hydro Power, travel, gasoline and food • and intirpated that the arrange- ment whereby.livestack for show:- eeiikt be transported by 'truck tver • the. 35 -mile limit would be continued in 1944. Wilfred Walker, President of the Association, in an address on "Wider Fields of Activity", said the...work-of agricultural societies was an all -year round job and not One for time, or three days onlY. He .Outlined a wide, variety of activities- in which societies engaged - • • • • • -- - • HOLYROOD • • CongrattilatiOns :to Mr. ,&. Mrs. Will ,Grahain on the birth of son-• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Cathers, Mr, and Mrs.'•Eldrid 'Cathers. and Mrs. Eadie.. of. ,Glenannon visit- • ed. Sunday 'at Mr. Will • Eadie's.; .• ••, The annual 'At • Home . Of the Wornen's institute •Iteld- here in, the ,To-Wriship Hall 'Friday' night. Was Well, attended. Will Eadie. and Mr.•Stanley..Johnston Were • winners • at...:'prOgresaiv.e„ euchre. •.• • '6011111iirt ;fil*Peos::••••:•re 0/000;4‘144:4..."414 1-1011§ TO RENT-13owker delve, mile north: of Lucknow. Apply to RICHARD EL,uptrr, Coming Events Holyrood: wpm SCHOOL coricERT S h ol • general household dirties, .% mod- . ern conveeiences. Apply to H. R. ALLIN, Phone 38, LucknoW:' • IT PAYS to start your ..chicks right Use :PIONEER CHICK 'MASH 'STARTER, •Ohtainahle at FINLASON: BROS, Lucknow. J. Lorne Webb,'Pitrina Feed rep- reseritatiVe. • .. •• ' , AUCTION SALE of household effects at the residence of the late •Mrs. R. T. Carter, Station St., L'ucknow, on Saturday,. Feb- ruary 19th at 2 °o'clock. Terms cash. Well. Henderson, Auc. AUCTION SALE of household effects, ,hay; wood, etc. at Lot 14, Con. •6; Kinloss Township on • Tuesday, February 22nd at ow:3 o'clock ,sharp. See bills; terms cash. Mrs, Thomas Roach, Prop.; Donald B. Blue, Auc.. • Mrs. Harold Congram, Shirley. and Gordon are,viSiting with Mr. • Nelson Mast, Toronto. ' • Mrs. Almer Ackert had as din- -7- - -- -tate-that -ranch of -the:blame- for ner guests on`ThiiikraY, Mir,--and-- the onence rightly belonged -to •Mrs: Hall, and Lloyd, Mr: and Mrs. White, who was actually Mrs. Ewart Taylor and Betty, Mr. • the business head ''' Of . the family., and Mrs. Rae and Margaret, Mr. and her husband was now taking, and Mrs. Richard Elliott, Mr. and the blame that should have been Mrs, Raynard Ackert, Mr. Will hers. Taking the; circumstance in- McLeod. ___ ___,_ _ _ ,•• Mr.- and Mrs. Geo,' rge Colwell, to® crinsideration; however, the i • • me -istrate decided to suspend '.. ' • • , • .711, Hall, Lucknow, On: Friday; •Feb- ruary 25th„ and .will include sev- ,-- oral interesting nu'mbe'rs, featur- ing a one -act play:, The Castle • ' of Mr.. SirripsOn", and a '4 -Pageant . and family spent Sunday at Mr. Welter •Forrester'S, • Pte. Calvin .McKay and Mrs. McKay spent the weeksend here at, Mrs. Minnie Valad's. • sentence on 'the pair, upon the • condition that they pay the court • and -legal ' expense connected • with the case. • The -magistrate. took occasion •to remind the public .that where an anirtal strayed onto 'their premise , •belonging to another _owner, it was their plain duty to advertise the fact, and an hon- est effort be, made. to. find the rightful owner of the stray ani- mal. The accused in, this case did mitt of, these things, but almost im ediately sold the ani-. mai to a local buyer to be ship- ped to. the market. • Mr. John ColvVell spent the week -end at' Mrs. Walter For: ster's.*Annetta May has been un- der the doctor's care 'suffering from an infection. • • Miss Doris Johnson spent Sun- day at her home here. Pte. Percy Deyell and Mrs. TENDERS • SEALED.TENDERS for the pur- chase Of the farm of the late Wil- liant Donnelly being the: west. half of Lot 23 in The •12th Con- cession Of the Tovi:nship of West Wawatiosh., wall be received by the tinc:teisigned until 12, o'cloelt, noon,. on Saturday,, February 19. On property:: is said to be a frame 'barn on stone founda- tion, good stabling, and a frame house. There is also said to be 10 to 12 aches of liardivood bush on the property., Highest or any tender hot necessarily accepted. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingharn,.Ontario. of the Corviuered Natiens"., The • program will .open With the play 114_ at -8.15 •shar0 Admission 25c. CARD OF THANKS • , Charlie Robinspn wishes to thank the Lucknow Red CroSs for the lovely and useful, gift of knitted goods received by him,. , It was inueh appreciated.'• Annie McKay wishes to ex- press her most sincere thanks to 'all those who so kindly remetn- bered her when she was in the • • • • • Mr. Wm. Johnston and fainily wish to' acknoWledge with sin- cerest mpreciation the kindness and sympathy extended them by friends and •,neighhors in their bereaventent. • The family of the late Mrs. % Annie Carter wishes to.thank the. kind friends;and neighbors- for • " their many acts ofkindness 'arid expressions of syinpathy, as well as the beautiful floral tributes at the time of their bereavement. shouldbe Delegates to the Fairs Conven- tion .froni the Lucknow Society •were Wallace Miller and George Kennedy, SAWDUST BURNERS have made their appearance in Wing- ham,where three were recently installed. These, burners are rid novelty locally, and have been giving excellent satisfaction. D and Mrs; Martha of White- • Mr. eyeii, 'Church visited -at son's, Tuesday. Mark John -- LOGS WANT BASSWOOD SOFT MAPLE and HARD MAPLE - ForFurtherParticulars Apply Now At The Maple teat Aircraft Corporation, ,Limited LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: LANGSIPE NORTH, 1 The Y, P. S. social was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Peter Moffat, on Monday evening with 17 in attendance. Charlie Tiffin had charge of the devotional part and Jim Richardson conducted the contests. Lunch was served and a social.tirne spent. A quilting was held on Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Wm. Orr. Thig week's qiiTthtg -Will- held at the home of Mrs. Farish' Moffat. • A 'number from here attended the dance iii Teeswater on Fri- day night. Mr. John Marini& jr, spent the , week -end at the home of his uncle, ..Mr. Bob McInnis hear Teeswater. • - • Licensed Auctioneer • For Prompt and Efficient Ser-, 14CP, 'Phone. 198 Lucknow or write Box,75, and I will call and help you arrange your sale. Having been away for the past few years on war work; I am now at home and will appreciate serving you. • • Sales taken anywhere in Hur- on and Bruce Counties. I do not • make a practise of canvassing. WELL HENDERSON LUCKNOW, ONT. 4,4# 001104's MY/ iormo• . . . . • -• . " FINLAYSON BROS., Lucknow • NOTICE, - We now have : good hardwood slabs and are booking, orders on the basis of one hardwood td -Otte' - mixed slabs. These slabs are all choice green slabs. We will also have cordwood and ball kinds of short wood. Order now, for later >Notice To Creditors delivery. • The Lucknow Sawmill Co. A11 persons having claims a- .1. rhpries: .Office 80; & ID gainst the estate of William Don -4. nelly, late of the Township o!' West Wawanosh• in the Counts,. of Huron. Fartrier, deceased; who died _on or about . the --twenty• seventh day of. December, A. D. 1943, are notified to send to J. 11 Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-sixth day of February, 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately: alter the said twenty- sixth day z of February, the assets of the said testator will be distri- buted -amongst the- !ranks en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. • DATED this fifth day of Feb. ruary, A.D. 1944. • SolichorWfolnrgham' the Executor.nrli J, • H. CRAWFORD, res., - - • The Langside Presbyterian W. M. S; held their, regular meet - ng February 10th at the home of Mrs. Bert Moffat with the president, Mrs. Neil MacDonald opening the meeting with the call to worship. ' The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. R. Scott after which the topic wad given .by- Mrs, Peter Moffat Jr Readings were given by.several members. The roll call was ans- wered by twelve. Hymn 794 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer. Lunch wps served by the hostess • 57 F. T RMSTRONG OPTOMuriusT IN LUCI<N9W EACH WEDNESDAY FROM I 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock • L AT. WM. SCHMID'S STORE- ir P.Stuart MacKenzie TO HELP .RELIEVE the fu'1 shortage , at Kincardine, -the Council, has purchased ten car-. loads of northern birch .fup! wood, Each car, contains about 17 eords . BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At 6, 11. SMITH'S OFFICE f •