HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-17, Page 3THURS., FEBRUARY 17th, 1944
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BOWL -----
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknaw, Ontario
Hydro Worn® Economist
Hello Homemakers! As the
shelves of Canadian shops are
becoming depleted due to scar-
city: of certain articles .pf food
• and to the. 'requirements of the
military "forces, each household
. must be governed more and more
, econemieally, with the. focal
• ' Pdint on sUfficient • nourishing
food for the .family. • 0. - *
1t must ••becerne apparent• ' tO
every loYal homemaker that 'the
conserving of, Vitamin content in
. '•foods at our disposal is most irn-•
• .portant.. Cooking, therefore, in
•• . ' these wartime days:needs to 'be
accomplished by properplanning
• and study ' of those • . methods
•' 'which' 'preserve that nutritive
.quality.,-guesSwork • •teday is out
• . and every homemaker should
realize :it. It 'may mill 'ler a dis-.
• Ciplitte in regard to food and, its i
• preparation never, before ent-•
•:. • • ployed in a .large number of
• • households, but a family to be
cared for is: the homemaker's re-
sponsibility, and not many will
•• Shirk. it •in this present time of
--need. , Gather ' •Your •ammunition
• to, •astist with Canada's .Nutrition
Program -- Now .Food Fights for
: Freedom. . , . • r .
., To Preyent Loss or Food Values
in, CoOking Meat
•> Use gentle heat, and don't over-
cook. Long cooking at high teinL
perature not only has ,a destruc,.
•tiye action •on Thiamin, but it
•dries out meat, •fish and poultry,
and toughens, rather than ten-
• derizes: .Learn tO. use low tefit- ,
peritures ,fOr• 44astiligo-026;41e-
• • grees F. to 350 degrees' F.) and,
• :'
'roast uncovered. Use short cook -
ring methods when feasible -that
• is, for all tender,,eUts. Be •.sure,
..hovv-ever, to cook all forms of!
• fresh pork very thoroughly, to
• ,avoid danger: which comes froni
eating underdone pork. It •is bOt-.
ter to accept siime• destruction
of vitamin B1 (of which. pork
• is' a rich source) than to risk in -
lection. To avoid vitamin losses,
•• avoid leftovers of cooked ' meats
so•,far as practieal. Serve leftover
, ' roasts sliced cold •when possible,
rather than. •Warmed over. Re•
°heating causes increased vitamin
kiss. . ' • ' •
Basic Recipe !Or Pot Roast
A delicious roast,. may be pre-
pared in this way from •the less
expensive cuts of beef. Cuts of
• chuck, rum. round. shoulder,
• short ribs,. brisket, plate or flank,
may be used for pot roast. It may
he cooked with the buries in,
o'ithey may be removed and'the:
moat rolled and tied or skewered
secure ly. When the roast is rolled
•, IF is easier to serge in Slices„and
'the bbnes may be saved .to.uSe.
• in the soup Pot. The bones in the
short 'ribs are left,in.• '
312-4 Ib. meat •
( - flour, salt and pepper
Andrew-Haddoek'. Group
The Andrew - Haddock group
met at the home of Miss Mac-
Gregor . with 16 present: The
scripture:lesson wai read by Mrs.
3 tbsp.,fat or drippings - '44 .Kilpatrick and '4!Fs. •Andrew
'a cup hot water . ' -
• Heat the fat slowly 'in a heavy
deep skillet or •deep -well ,cooker.
Dredge:the. meat ,with flour and
brown well on all sides. Season
• with and pepper, add ho
Water, cover,s,and let simmer un
til tender:, Add mire water as i
epoka away. Ttirn'oCcasionally
simmer 3-,4 hours or until tender
RemoVe to a hot' Platter and
• thicken the gravy with 2 tbsp
flour blended in the fat remain-
ing in the pan. Gradually stir
n 2 Cups cold water, and con-
tinue stirring until thick and
smooth. Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
••Thrifty Changes
'One Onion finely chopped• pr
sliced May be , added while
browning meat: •2 •
Try one or two 'garlic cloves
finely chopped.
One tablespoon vinegar added to
• the water' helps to season and
• make the meat rih-e tender.
One-half cup rated/horseradish
• nay be added to gravy;
One bay leaf. ('broken) and a
few chili tepines May be add-
One tablespoon of any meat
sauce such as' Worcestershire
adds to the flavour. •
•Adding •3/4 tsp. f. any, favorite
• herb (thytne, rosemary, etc.)
give the. roast. a .delicious
• savory flavour. •
One teaspoon caraway seed or
celery seed is a favorite :seas -
y oning:
Tomato jniee:rpay be added in-
stead of Water:
Add. plenty of :hot tomato juice,:
or stewed tomatoes the 'last
. half-hour. Season with garlic
'and add 1 cup spaglietti,- rice,
'or macaroni, and cook Until
• tender, •
Wholo vegetables (washed and
peeled onions, potatoes, car-
. rots, turnips, eta.) may. be
placed around the meat the
last hour. They yriak,e a del-
!' iciOus.dinner all cooked in one
pot. .
Try cooking a few parsnips a-
round the roast, arranging
then, on the:platter and
sprinkling. with a little nut-
-,meg and a few drops of lemon.
Soak a ,few dried mushrooms for
one •hour, and add them with
the juice :to. roast the last 20
• minutes. •
Chopped celery tops and parsley
,are another adventure in ,flav-
Noodles may be added the •last
15or 20 minutes. -• '
Dumplings are always good and
are another way to pleas
everyone. Remove the roast to
a hot platter, and keep hot, c
gave a short reading.' The pro-
gram consisted of readings by
Mrs. E. Harieis and Mrs. MeXizn
and. a musical number by Mrs. 1.
'c amphell and • Miss Gladys
Campbell. Mrs. HOWard Robin.%
son coriductled a contest •after'
.which a social half hour was
Much ertjoYed.. The next meeting
will be at the hprne,"of, Mrs: Os-
trander. •
Presbyterian Mission Band
• (The, ' regular meeting of the
• Victoria Mission pand was: held
on Monday afternoon. The wor-
• ship period was conducted by the
• leader.The roll call was answer-
ed by a Bible verse. Recitations.
were, given by Evelyn Warner
and thce Huston. Musical num-
bers included a song by the seri.
ior girls and one by the primary
children, and • solos by '•Joyce
• Mowbray and June Ross. The
Band divided for • study,' Miss M.
MacDougall taking charge of, the
senior and Mrs. G. Fisher the
Juniors. After singing :hyin 494
the meeting closed With prayer.
Presbyterian Guild •"
The Presbyterian Guild held
their weekly • meeting at the
Manse on 'Monday night, Feb.,
ruary 14th. The ineeting,,Opened
b singing Psalm 31, after which
Ronald Johnston read the scrip;
• ture reading. Hymn 317 was fol-
lowed by the business part of the
meeting. It was decided that the
next meeting would be held at
the home of Miss, MCGregOr. The
offering was feceived, ' and • a.
reading by 'Marian Graham was
followed by the topic on "The
church in. the Middle Ages", ab4:
taken by .Miss Mary McLeod. A'
piano solo by Ruby Ir\vin Wits-
follewed by a reading by Gwen
Stewart. The catechism question
was discussed by Miss Katherine
McDougall, Hymn 582 was sung
a contest enjoyed, and the meet-
ing closed by • repeating the
Lord's prayer.• ..
• -‚•-•
McDiarmid-Henderson Group
• The MeDi•artnid - Henderson
group of the NV, A.rnet at the
.home • Of Mrs. Robert Button for
their February meeting • with
Mrs. Eldon Henderson as leader.
The meeting openedwith a verse
of .What a friend we have in
Jesus", followed by the •Lord's.
prayer in unison. Roll call was
answerecl'With.a Valentine verse.
Mrs: Burns read and explained.
•the scripture . lesson.' 'Reports
were heard from the various
ednimittees.and plans were made.
for the home-made baking sale,
This was 4ollowed by a Program
onsisting of 'readings by .Mrs.
Grant McDiarrnid and MrsesEvsrart
Taylor. Mrs. Durnin .conducted.
. Very interesting 'contest and
the meeting was closed with .a
ymn and prayer. The March
meeting will be held at the 'home
f 'Mrs. J.•'W. Stewart. •
while •dumplings are cooking.
Have about 21/2 cups liquid in
kettle when you drdp in, the
dumplings. •
. .
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Gardner
Wiwi) t he week -end in Harnilton
with thrir.son Lane. who is no -W
stationed -n- St_liyacinth„ QUe.'„
in. the (.'iiailian ••Navy; •'
'Will. Ritchie spent
10-,.t week • with
her. doochter. Mrs. Ivan Paper-
'Much sytqpathy i extend,,d to
lhost• 11y the -Passing ot
Mt--; Ct‘cti Gardrier ;pent Tues-
day ith hei parents. Mr. and
Mrs Wilfred Quaid, Saltford, •
M:• Fred Ritchie ditigey
a Zion visitor on Sunday last. h
Mr. and Mrs. Alex •• Hackett,
Mr. and -Mr S•andy 'Hackett or °
Belfast were Visitors' on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter
and Mr. and Mrs. George 'Hunter
The Young People held their
Valentine meeting on .Monday
e‘,-enin&K-at .Ir.and Mrs, -W,
Hunter's. • \ •
Mother: Roberts; I'm shocked to
hear you using such language. Do
ydu learn it at school?
Robert: Learn it at school? No,
Mom: it's •rne that teaches it to
the other boys!
• Mrs. Stanley Todd and little
son 'John Andrew returned home
on Sunday. .4. —
Miss Jean Thom is a Visitor in
Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Thernp,.
son, Donald and Patsy ,Jean of
Lucknow '-ere week -end :visitors'
with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom...
-.1.\11•5s. Ruby YourLg of 'Nile is
a -visitor*with her •aunt,
Stanley Todd:.
Magic's Rich Prune Biscuits
1 c. sifted flour4 tbsPro. shortening
4 taro. /Via* Bak- 'i C. mil. ..h
log Powder, 6 to ,I2 cdopped ,. .
S tsPo. sole, , stewed prunes, as
9%1 c. whole airless( flour. desired
. r�nd
grated riga 1 lotto y, c. brown. tope
Sift together first. three,ingredients. Ad,d
Whole wheat douraeihott rind:. Cut in
shortening until mitted. Add milk. to make
soft dOugh..Roll out % ittch thick, spread
wah well -drained chopped Prunesi.sPrih-
Ide with browosugar.Roll is toti'4 roll.
Cat in 1 -inch ineceestand on end in
greased muffin tons. Bake In moderate
oven 0754.) aboatv30 min. Makes 1).
Costs Isss tbaii if pet Oveftsp baking
A. M. Nie,holson, M. P.
• The throne Speech• has been
finally adopted after five votes
.were taken. The C.•C. K amend-
ment regretting that qundarnert-
tal social changes and economic
planning had not been Proposed".
Was the .first to, • be smothered
Under an avalanche of votes. An
unexpected feature was the sup-
port given the Government, by
the two Laber-Progressive mem-
bers. Two different amendments
Proposed by Quebec members re-
gretting that Canada had • not
pursued a "moderate", war pro"
grain found seven supporters in
the entire house. • Two govern-
ment supporters voted with the
five sitting on the opposition tide.
•Fifty •voted in support of the
Progressive -Conservative amend-
ment, the only two on the oppos-
ition Side voting with the Gov-
errunent beingMrs. Neilson and
Fre Rose. •
• Before .the debate cdncluded T.
C. Douglas of Weyburn and the
• Minister of Agriculture provided
-a lively afternoon. -The 0. C. F.
Member outlined a 12 -point pro-
gram' for agriculture which call-
ed for the important changes in
goVernmeht farm poliCies..Crit-
icisrn; of the governrnent brolught
'the Minister of Agriculture into
the debate. He is usually assign-
ed the task of rallying the 'forces
and Striking. &wit the critics.
Xtealt Services ••
The •member for 'MacKenzie
disenSSecl the proposed Health.
Insurance legiilation, He feared
hat it.w6'uld fail. to provide ade-
ouate :services for alI sections of
he Dominion. Unless a central
agency will plan thehealthser-
'ices for an entire province, pep -
le in rural areas will be 'unable
o •secure*services comparable to
hese available in cities, he argil -
d. Under present conditions each
oetor- cafes for 927 peoPle, in
IMario anc11.1,700 •in Saskatche-
wan where roads are • inferior.
ach dentist cares for 2,318 ped
le in Ontario but 4,766 in Sask-
tchewan. In the Canadian army
doctor, cares for 245 soldiers
nd a dentist, 535. But in the
IacKenzie 'constituency there, is
doctor for every 5,217 peqple,,
nd a dentist for 19,131 rt has
een denionitrated that money
vested in providing health ser-
ires is Well spent. Saskatchewan
rIci Ontario have the ',best ree-
rd..4 for T. B. death rate,s in Can -
da. In 1941 the death rate pet:
00,000 was 21 in Sagk-atehewan.,
6 in Ontario arid 80 in Quebec.
limatic conditions are similar in
Ontario and Quebec, but ade-
quate facilities have been prov-
ided for the treatment• of the
disease in • Ontario but not in
Qnebec. -
• General SteNaughton
There 1 -,ave .,peen many rumors
• "
ii,A646mccamm6166m '
The February meeting of the
WOrnerfs Missionary Society' was
held in, the church with the pres-
ident, Mrs. Harold Vogan presid-
ing. The Lord's 'prayer was re-
peated in unison i The minutes of
the Jam:wry meeting were read
by Mrs. George Brooks. A *letter
• on. finance 'vas read by Mrs. Wm.
J. ,RottlSten,•, . The temperance
paper Was .given by 1VIrs. 'Gilbert
Barkwell. Mrs. Walter Walden's
gratip then took charge. The
scripture lesson was read by Jean
• McGuire. The'study book' wAS
taken -by rrs. John Coiling. A
reading wagiven by Mrs. Joseph
Colling. 'Oui kilest speaker, Mrs.
Wrri. Steele, gave an interesting
address on Life as a quartette of
work, play,. lOve, and worship.
Mrs. Beech Closed the meeting
with prayer. , •
Mrs. R. Martin is visiting with
• friends in Fergus and Toronto.
Mrs. Angus Graham is under
the. doctor's care.
• •,The February meeting will be
held' on Wednesday at Mrs.Mef
Irwin's home.
Miss' Annie. McKay, who has
been in Wingham hospital with
infection in her hand, is improv-
• Miss A. Cruikshanks of Tor-
onto spent the week -end with'
Miss Anna Graham. •
j• Mr. Henry Hodgkinson is eon-
fined to the house with the 'flu.
Mr. K. R. McKeniie,. Second
Concession, who is in. Wing -
ham hospital, is much improved.
and Mrs. Thomas Moffat; Con. 4,
Culross, received his wings re-
cently at a graduation ceremony
at Centralia. That evening he was
honored by friends and •neigh-
bors at a reception in Teeswater
when he was presented with an'
insignia ring.
regarding the ,retirement of Gen-
eral McNaughton.*.On December
2.6, Colonel Ralston announced
that "General McNaughton has
advised the Government of hiinabttitv s,
phvsically •to., carry' on
and- has•'asked to be relievecl as
soon as possible-. However:' When • .••
the General returned he is re -
not -ted to have. said: "There is,
-.othing \\Tong ith rny health.' I
do ni.it know what mason 'as
atisolutely ft. Ax -IV further sta-t...!-
Inent as ,to the reasons for tm-
resig9alion shOtad come from
those who made the original an-
nouneepent'i. . When questioned, •
•jh the House aboutthe incident .
thi Prirrie Minister declined to
rn.:-Oe any cointnerit till the Min-
ister of National Defence 'bring.,
hi.: estimates before tile House.. „
. • '
. 6 •