HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-10, Page 8i'. • re.1 Wmdm.vrle-N/.vw-.wy PAGE' TION . • NJ „ The I.,ucknovv .Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario THURS., FEBRUARY , 1944. ......... Remember Your Valentine on FEBRUARY 14 ` GIFT SUGGESTION FOR HER .... . HANDIi1,G,—She may have .been disappointed at Christmas if ,she did not receive a ' handbag. ALL WOOL COAT SWEATERS—in green and black. GLOVES are always acceptable at this time to brighten up ' a winter outfit. ,A good assortment to choose from; ., WHITE 'SCARF—in Sheer Rayon. BLACK & 'WHITE SCARF—in Sheer rayon. WHAT ' JOUT : A FORSYTHE TIE .FOR HIM? ---r; N e w Spring (patterns to wear with his new spring suit.'; Templet�n o. • Ypu• Can Heat ' Your House One :way to beat the coal and oil shortage is to . let 01' Sol do the heating. ,Dr. Robert D., Pot: - ter, Pot -ter,. science • editor, writing in The American Weekly with this Sun- day's :('February, 13) issue of the Detroit Sunday . Times, describes a new house which • sunlight' helps to, heat; and how , old hous- es can .easily make use of the same '.principle. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. • HASTEN Their: vidoriou: HOMECOMING Buy War •Stamps from your " Grocer' TO:. 'AY HornerGravee Browning For Gravy, Soups, Stews ' Package 10c Flub House PUDDINGS Choc., Van., B'scotch M 1 lb. ,tin 25e Forest` City Baking Powder 12 oz. tin . 19c Woodbury's TOILET :SOAP 3 bars 25c. Velvo HOT CHOCOLATE For mailing Overseas. 5 packages • 25e HI DO QUICK YEAST 4 packages. 15c Catelli CHEESEI=�A-RONI' AA Meal in Itself" ' Package . .., 19c NO ONIONS? Try Club House Pure Onion Salt for real onion flavour. THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 82 • . WE DELIVER SHOWS LARGES' 'SURPLUS EVER Policy -holders, - directors' and • officers attended • the annual meeting of the West .Wawanosh 1Mutual Fire Insurance Company held in the parish hall, Dungan- non. on Friday. Wilfred McCar- thy, the president, was in the chair and conducted the meeting, arid. Mrs. Lauretta :Treleaven, the company's secretary, took the minutes. Bert Marsh, one: of the auditors, •gave. the . auditors' reg, port, showing the finances of the i company 4n healthy .condition, with the :largest' surplus in , the history of the.,company in its :65 years' operation. i Year's Finances Total receipts : forthe year4 were $,48,319.84,, which, included a balance of cash •.on hand at the beginning of the year, amounting to $9,670.21; Total cash disb'urse- ments were $23,565.72, in addi tion to irnves`tng $15,000 in Dong inion of Canada Victory Bonds., Assets of the company amount to $108,534.66; surplus ford the year, $94,781,45;, increase in'surplus for 1943 was $14,689.84; fire losses paid in 1943, $13,66$.41. ' Elect Directors 'Election • of directors resulted in' the •three retiring directors being ''re-elected, .namely;. 'Ross McPhee, ; "Marvin McDoitsrell, by acclamation, and H. D. Anderson ,was re-elected by a. small maj- ority 'over Eimer Johnston,. A. T. McNay . and Bert Marsh were re- named as auditors. A meeting of the directors was held in the company's office at the • conclusion of the meeting. 'Of thepolicy-holders, when, the l -fol-' lowing Officers- Were elected, for 1944: president, Wilfred .McCar- thy; vice&&president, Ross. McPhee; treasurer, Thomas Stothers; sec- retary, Mrs. Lauretta Treleaven. The directors are: Donald ' Me - Kay; Lorne Johnston, H. D. An- derson•; Wilfred McCarthy, G. M. Stuart,. Ernest . Ackert, Harvey McCartney; Ross • McPhee ane "Marvin McDowell. • OBITUARY MRS. WILLLAM JOHNSTON Many • friends in the coinmun- JAMES RITCHIE { ity were shocked- and saddened The death of Mr. James Ritchie occurred with unexpected ..sud- deciness at his home here on Tuesday mcirning, February 1st. The funeral service . was held privatelyat his late residence on Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev. J. W. Stewart. Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery: Pallbearers were six brothers, William, Robert, Alfred,- Russell, Leslie aiid Gordon n. Ritchie,‘ Jim, as he. . was popularly known:to .a Lwide circle of friends, was .a .son of the late Ahdrew and Ellen. Ritchie .°and -was barn in Ashfield`. Township „ in ' 1884. As a young man he . went to Wes: tern Canada and in 1912. estab- lished a dray business at Semens, Sask. 6n -December 2nd, 1914, he was married at Saskatoonto his now bereavedwife,. formerlyr Barbara Brunner.. ` Mr. Ritchie took .up farming in. the West in 1919 .but two years later developed diabetis.' and in June of •1925 came east again • to secure insulin treatments . which he has taken ever since. A heart condition however was the cause of :his 'death Mr. Ritchie.. assisted his bro- ther. Russell in the dray business. here •for a time upon his return, but was latera employed in the furniture .factory and more re- cently at the Maple -Leaf -aircraft plant" Vim was particularly fond of. • sport, and; a fancier of. gopd 1 erses. ,Besides his wife he is survived. by one son Harold of the Can- adian', an-adian • Navy, at sea; and four dau- ghters, Mrs. Ross McLagan (Mar- garet) of London; Mildred and Norma of Lucknow and Doris, student ;nurse at Stratford, also bythree grandchildren, Gary Ritchie: and Billie and' Betty Lou: MacLagan. ,11/Ir; Ritchie's death was the first break in a ;family, of eight -brothers and one sister. They;are Williarri, . Leslie and Gordon. and Russell, Leslie and .Gordon • and Mrs. Janet Twamley. of Wood stock. • ((, hum .JOHN SIM. After a lengt?iy . illness the deathoccurred in Toronto on Friday of .Christina Inglis, -be-, UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor •SU;NDAY, FEBRUARY 13 11 a.m.-"Christ, the Door to Life". Story-"Catarrina's Finger Stories". Junior Church..' 3 p.m. -Sunday' School. 7 p.m:-"Tekel".. 8.15 p.m.—Y. P. U. ' Mlissions. ' by the sudden death of Mrs. T n. Johnsto.4 which occurred at her home on Havelock St.late Fri: day evening. Mrs. Johnston had retired in her usual health late that eye.n- ing but suffered a severe •heart attack shortly_ after and ,passed away before midnight. She was in her 71st; year. Mrs: Johnston was formerly. Isabella . Muir MaeNay, a daugh- ter of the late Wm. 'MacNay" and Jane Ramsay, natives of Scotland: and "pioneer residents of Ashfield Towiaship, where Mrs. Johiistoi was : born. The MaeNay home-, stead is now owned by a grand- son, Kelso MacNay. After their marriage, Mr.'• and Mrs: Johnston farmed in Kinloss and: • Ashfield Townships before coming to .Lucknow 'forty years ago where they have since re- sided and have been held in highest esteem. A private funeral service was held at the late residence ion Monday, afternoon, 'conducted ',by Rev: C. H. MacDonald. Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery. Six nephews acted as pallbearers, Harold Johnston, .Gordon John- ston, Kelso MacNay, Alec Mac - Nay,/ Wm. G. Irwin'` . and Wm. John Irwin. Many , lovely floral tributes.' were borne • by Lloyd Hunter, Lloyd. Irwin, George Needham, Jaynes Irwin, Adam° Johnston• and Wm. Hunter. • IMrs;` Johnston . is survived. by. her husband, two .sons, Peter of Lucknow and • Jack: of • Elmira';. two daughters, Mrs. Fred: R. Prioe. (Jean) of Goderich and Mrs. Len . Lindsay '(Isobel) , sof. London; one brother, Peter Mac - Nay of Ashfield; a great grand-. song • . Douglas.: Guse of Hamilton and eleyen grandchildren. Mrs. -Johnston' was , predeceas- ed by-'her",sister Mr -s: -Sam -Cairn ochsDn and, by her twin brother John,, who passed away last sum- mer. . loved wife' of John (Bud) Sim. Mrs. Sim was' in her 33rd• year: Chrissy, as • she was , best known, was ap `, dau'ghter: of M. and Mr -s. Thomas Inglis, . R.R. 1, Lucknow, and was born and grew to .'young womanhood, in. West Wawanosh. . She 'attended school. at S:S. No. 14; West • Wa- wanosh and at St. Helens.' In 1939 she married Mr. Sim and has since resided in Toronto. The funeral ' service was held at' the home of her parents on Wednesday afternoon with 'inter- ment in . Greenhill. Cemetery. Besides' her husband and 'par- ents, Mrs. Sim is survived'by five brothers, MacLaren and Roddy at 'home;' Alex of Toronto, re= cently returned from overseas;, Tom in 'trip army in B'r'itish Coil °umbia and',Jack' at home andby two sisters, Mrs. John Flanagan (Petty). of Toronto, who. -' had nursed her sister during her last illness, and Pauline at home, W1itting Yar 41111110111111111111111k IPLAYING AT THE sEpoir IJ• Theatre Friday & Saturday -71 • (NO SHOW • 1VMONDAY) 'VICTOR MATURE LUCILLE BALL The Great Gildersleeve in 7 DAYS' LEAVE" Blending a •weaifh; of ,:enter-. tainment'into its fast paced story, "RK:° 'Radio's "Seven Days' Leave'. presents a bril- liant cast. • and scores of sur- prises in support of Victor Mature and Lucille. . The Great Gildersleeve ap- pears. p-pears in the show along • with the two famous radio pro- grammes. ,. "court of Missing Heirs" and "Truth or Conse- quences", which produce some hilarious twists to the ;plot. SHORT ' SUBJECTS PICTURE PEOPLE • and CARTOON COMING .. • . . NEXT WEEK .. - BUID ABS.OTT LOU COSTELLO .. _.. .. r , o$ i k x A hilarious shuddery murder Mystery "WHO: DONE IT" ASHFIELD NOTES Mr: and ' Mrs: John --Campbell of Belfa$t spent • Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs.. J..Hunter. Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. Helm and • ch'il'dren" visited with Mr. and Mrs. ' George ' Saunders on • Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter spent a day withi Mr. and Mrs. ' Humphrey of Wawanosh The, people of : this vicinity were deeply shocked last • Tues- day morning t� learn of the death of Mr. James Ritchie and again On . 'Saturday' morning of Mrs. '411'. Johnston, {both of . Lucknow but formerly of this section. Our sin- cere 'sym:pathy is extended to. the •' bereaved relatives. ;United Church -Y. The meeting on , Sunday ' evens " ing •opened with hyriin 500, fol= lowed 'by. prayer 'by, Rev. J. W.• Stewart, The' scripture .was read by Mary Johnston. • Theminutes : • were read by Ruth Winterstein, - followed by.; a reading by Jea Treleaven, .. The topic . was take i • by, Hazel . Webster. The .Meeting closed 'With the Mizpah benedic- tion. j vnder:,ear, White Flanmelette__ *arm goods r but we have them The Store With The. Mock 0 4 0