HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-03, Page 8wsl:. Iii.. sa vecaia:1 PAGE EIGjI The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario THURS., FEBRUARY 3rd,. 1944. Brighten Up Your Home fQr sPring TEMPLETON'S have a splendid New Stock of New Cur- tains that you will want to brighten up your home. PUT: A RUFFLE • CURTAIN on your . window this sprwg. Closely set medium size dots on, a, fine duality marquis- ette, .wwth. wide frill,. colors 'Peach, Rose, Geld: Blue, Mauve and •Green. Pau' $2.25 COTTAGE SETS—Gay cottage set fo>; your kitchen win dews .or bathroom, colorful frills.: and colored ground in, Red, Blue, Green. Pair. $1.5o,\ $1.6.5 & $2.00 LIVING ROOM CURTAINS °- . Sunny web voile, this., popu- lar .:rayon voile, very sheer tailored curtains.y ' Nothing': ;better for living rooms., Pair .4:50 BETTER QUALITY CRE TONE...: For slip covers or side curtains, 36" wide. Yard': ,s,. 98c ,w empleton • During.' February the Grocers _at 'Canada__ have• ---- pledged themselves to selWywo •Mil - lion :Dollars worth of War Stamps. Give them your sup- port by buying regularly.. We can supply you: ' • TAHE YOUR' "'CHANGE-: IN, . WAR STA iPS- RATION ;NEWS Now Valid MEAT --No..' 35-37 SUGAR -No. 14-26 BUTTER --No: 4649 TEA, COFFEE --No. 14-29 PRESERVES—No. D1 -D13 Commencing February 17th, �i'a Coupons E- to E6 will be used to obtain Tea and Coffee. Revised Preserve Ration One `D' Coupon now • valid . for 1' lb. --Jam : or Marmalade: 2 lb.—Extracted Honey. 1 qt.—Molasses, Maple Syrup. 1 20 oz. can. --Canned Fruit. 15 . fl. oz. --Corn Syrup. �K 1b. --Sugar. 'e Your Ration Guide: Just Another Friendly Service From THOMPSON'S `'PHONE 82 WFC DELIVER • Dk 41EL A.100.1 (,Fernie, B. C., Free Press) Late Tuesday night, January 18th, there 'passed away at the family residence, McPherson Avenue, one of our' very earliest settlers . in the person of Daniel Alton, at the age of 80 years. 7:iad he• lived until May 22 he would have .:.been 81. Born: in 'Huron County, near Lucknow .in O1'd' Ontario, a son of the late Jeremiah Alton‘ and - Mary Caesar, he spent, his .early y: eons on the- farm. °When . 11e• reached -manhopd , he took , up; building.. • and barn construction and soon became famous for -his work all ; through western Oar •ario and . many .of the structures he erected 'are ,still standing and in use as a 'monument to his ef- ficiency in that line. j e was of Irish . extraction his parents . coming,/ out. to this country a little ' over 'IN years ago and Dan was always .very proud of his, Irish origin. About forty-five years sago he Wok. up bridge construction and came west v4orking for the C.R.R. In 1898 he came to, Fernie, walk •ing in .ahead. of the steel like -quite a number . of ''our. other , BORN D WSON—At Alexandra Hospi- =1, Goderich, on January 27th,. 1944, to Mr. and Mrs:'• Kalrner Dawson, Dungannon, a son.. The condition of Miss Margaret McLean; who has been seriously ill for the past two Months, .con=` tines to be. grave. Her sisters, Mrs. J. W: Mank of Detroit, Mrs.. W. P: Bartlett of Aurora and Miss Jewelle McLean ..of Toronto have been calleci.to her. bedside. -Rip- ley 1 Express. ' „CANNING, SUGAR QUOTAS REDUCED.: IN •S;Oil1E CASES early pioneers. He worked for a ,time at Coal Creek, but later. on again joined the C.P.R. When the Great. Northern came into Fernie 'he. took a job .on ttridge c ' t ucton ' with that railroad ENTERTAIN ,SUNDAY A largely ' attended congrega- I SEP 011 PL AXING AT TII SCHOOL 'FRIDAY 1 tinal supper , was held in . e United church on 'Friday even- ing, when the Women's Assoacia- tion• entertained the teachers, of- ficersand members of the Sun- day School. After supper, cormmnity sing= ing was led by Mrs. J. W. Joynt. and the Junior .choir. 91 special • interest . Was the presentation• of. a lovely bouquet. of "flowers to Mrs:- 'Thomas :Bairns by two mens- hers of .her. Sunday School class in .recognition of Mrs: Burns' ,long', and', faithful, •'service, oto which Mr.',Wm Iurclie:"paid tri- bute on behalf : of..:the.; 'Sunday 'School. ' Mrs. Burns is retiring from ..active teaching. ' Rev. J. W. Stewart presided for the following program: open- ing recitation ' of welcome. by Nancy. McLean, choruses by sev- eral Classes,, readings .by John all, Jean. Treleaven, Elizabeth.. Ann and George Webster., oler ley .Marilyn Kilpatrick;. and Qnsr.• i• .After that' he again- worked for Many years.'at ;Coali Creek, being • •ii placed in' charge of haulage. He •t was an. expert rope :splicerand the :men under him.,boasted that cal duet by Doris. Taylor. and Lorainne Drennan., Mr: S. C...Rathwell extended; thanks to the Women's_ Associa- tion and Mr.' Harvey Treleaven to 'those taking part on the .pro gram. .Other. short addresses were given : by. Messrs.., ,Ernest Ackert and W. L. MacKenzie. The , W:P.T:B.-'—gas ;`azrnoiiriced- the. allotment• of sugar that will beavailable' for • canning pur- poses in 1944. In most cases it means a reduction' in the quant ity allowed in. 1943: • A comparative .• table follows: ' Persons Amount Amount In'. 1943 for 1944 10 lbs. 10: lbs. 20. " • 20 „ 35 " 5r• 30. „ 45 . 40. „ 60 " 50 ," 70 " 60 • 80'" 95 „ .105 " 120 'In Home 1' 2 3. 5 7 8 9'• 10 there was not , his _equal in:. the west—He worked actively. up • to. a few years, ago when the. de-, pression, in the coal industry was the cause of so many old 'employ- ees being laid off. Dan always took a keen .inter- est in civic. affairs and Made himself;.lieara on many occasions when he did not agree with ' the way city' affairs were being con- ducted. ' He was an active member of the local' lodge of the Knights of Pythias •up uCntil a -few weeks ago when the lodge• disbanded. 70 . .,, Mr. Alton was ° twice. married, His first ` wife was Elizabet4 80 " White, who died in. 1896 in- Al - 90 " • 100 " ST. HELEN'S BORN ---In 'Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on Thursday, ;January 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd, . St. Helens, a son. . Mr. and Mrs. Victor, Taylor and children of Barriefield,were. reeent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • R. Woods and •Mr. and Mrs. - Lorne Woods. • Messrs. F. G. and, Tom Tpdd, Fred McQuillin and 'George Ken- nedy .were . in. Toronto this week for the conventions. • A CHAPEL and mortuary is to be' built. at. Southampton by the .Cemetery Commission. U NflTED ' CHURCH LUCKNOW Rev.. 3. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor ' SUNDAY; FEBRt1ARY 6th' 11 a.m.—"The Value of Def- ' inite Aim". Story --"The Strange Pate, of Matilda". Junior Church. 3.p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—"Building". 8.15--Y. P. S. • PLAY WELL PRESENTED'' Theatre Thursday, Friday, T Saturday & Monday Reveille With Beverley Starring .. . DUKE ELLLINGTON and' his Suring •Band -of the ,Year THE MILLS 'B.ROS, hottest .,`of all, harmony steams. COUNT BASIS and his un- dispilted• Kings of THE RADIO ROGUES;: mer riest of all mimics,. BOB. CROSBY and his Band. ANN MYLLER, scintillating :dancing star. And last but not least., that., most exciting vocalist of radie and .screen. FRANK SINATRA SHORT SUBJECTS NEXT WEEK '.. VICTOR MATURE LUCILLE BALL The Great Gildersleeve The ' 3 -act 'play "Ready4"iV1ade, rdrnily"•. to be pr esented' in Luck - now tonight was staged in Rips ley recently. "The Express" says "This' comedy,illed' with many laughs, was well presented and richly enjoyed. -The 'castwas well chosen " and each member per formed individual • parts • with credit". 7 DAYS' LEAVE''' • 'COMING ;. "WHA DONE IT" goma, . leaving six sons and :three daughters. Some years': later he' remarried: Deceased is survived; by his wife, and nine sons, Geo. and Henry of Sault Ste. Marie, William of ' Port Arthur,. Wesley of ' London, Ont„ Earl of • Echo Bay, Daniel of Trail, Joseph. of Hamilton, Ontario; Thomas of the R.C.A.F. • at Dafoe, Flt. Sgt, James , with the R.C.A.F. overseas, three daughters,• Mrs. Alfred Armstrong of London, Ont., Mrs. Wm. Irvin, ' Luckirow°, Ontario; • Mrs. Lionel. Watson, Echo Bay, and -one step' daughter Mrs. W. Pirie of Fernie, One son Alfred predeceased him a num- ber . of years ago. There are '37 grandchildren and 17 great. grandchildren, two brothers, Jerry Alton of Echo Bay, .Joseph Alton -and a 'sister, Miss Mary Alton,. Lucknow, Ontario. Dan Alton ,has 'been a well- kndwn and useful citizen and in his death Fernie loses a man who will long be remembered: The funeral was held from the United Church' today (Thursday) at 2.30 p.m, and was largely at. tended. Rev. J. H. Matthews con- ducted the service. We take much pleasure in 'an- nouncing for your special en- tertainment A NEW" SERIAL Commencing Feb.. 18-19-21. entitled '!FIGHTING. WITH KIT 'CARSON" , And, will run for 12• weeks: We feel sure you will not want to miss a single chapter of this absorbing continued story. This is not the . usual run' of serial- pictures but a story based on events which are •re- corded in, the History of Early America. - It brinis merica. It.brings to' life again those stirring times when the. In- dian held sway over vast areas of this continent, before the Red Man and the White Man learned to dwell togeth- er • in. peace. - WE REPEAT You•,wil'1 not want to miss one •episode of. "FIGHTING WITH KIT CARSON" • . 9r • r• GOOD STOGIES here . for you to choose from fl NEW TABLE. OIL 'CLOTH NEW CONGOLE+UM RUGS NEW LINO MATS and 'RUNNERS ;__�_ _-- --•NEW FACTt?RY S -IEETINGS NEW FEATHER -PROOF . TICKINGS The Store With The Stock ST • \VriY9�k