HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-03, Page 5• FE—WIL 1.1t,VARY 3rd, 1944' The LuCknow Sentinel, LucknoW, Ontario PAGE FIVE .14,01,041 Theatre." wINGHAN •' Thars„ Fri., Sat Feb„ 3, 4; SPECIAL -VIPERS WHAT A HO's' , A .TEAM WHAT AFi OPT tgall't? 5 . •-i . ,,, • ' . 1 %p.a..' •,,, ,rq.`",...C..„-- • 'I) . . - • , • •' • • . • • • • "4 with • Dona Drake. Cully Richards • Eve Arden ZaSu Pitts • Marjorie Weav Raymond Milburn A Fararnevel new, ' r . • • .... .... o". . ••• ....... Of cool vi it% %;e cool onot flru" Also "Little Lulu," "Speaking of Animals" "News" Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Mon., Tues.„.Wed. Feb-. 7, 81 John Carridine Patricia Morison "TL' MADMAN,' •This is ,the telling of the story of the de- struction of Lidice in reprisal for the as- sassination. of Heydrich. Also "March of Time" and "Cartoon" • .•New.A.a,tiOn Plan For . Forces On, Long Leaves • • .A new procedure regarding ra- tion cards fOr members of the forces on leaves of more than 96 hours is now in. effect. Formerly the person on leave had to get 'toucht's with. the Local Ration Board to get coupons. Now the Army,. Navy and .Air Force are issuing a ration card themselves and persons going onmore than. hours' leave get the card frorn. • ,their own unit. The ..ne* card -is.. 413-183. TO be valid it must be.'cOmpletely,, filled .in .•,and• merchants 'should.. eheekthis•pOint.- ' .." ZION • 'WHlTECHURCH Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Gardner Mrs: *John Kennedy :has ',Ord! were 'recent visitors at Saltford' to Toronto to visit with her dau- with Mr. and;Mrs. Wilfred Quald: The YOung PeOPles elected at. RB -183 iS". a folder containing One or mPre sheets •of .,coupons, depending 'on the length of.the leave. These sheets may be either form RB 179A, one .Week ration coupon sheet, r RB 179B, two week ration coupon sheet. The one •week sheet contains 2 meat coupons • and one butter coupon. • The. two week sheet contains 4 Meat and 2 butter coupOris. • But • in other respects, the two week sheet' does not double the one week sheet. Each sheet con- tins- one tea -coffee Coupon. This gives a SuPply for a. week and a half so is not dOubled on the two week''sheet..The• one week sheet contains one sugar coupon. This giVes a two Weeks' supply of' sugar for a :'spne Week leave so that no,preserVes 'coupon appears -ori the one week sheet. But. the two week,- sheet contains both a sugar and,,a preserves coupOn. • •There are 5 coupons all on the one week sheet- and -9 cou- pons on the two Week. sheet: Sweater Talk A Matted shrunken sweater ,is a tragedy these days with sweat- ers -so hard to dome by. HoW a- bout brushing up on the wash- ing rules? First 'thing is:t� place your sweater on a piece of paPet and draw it'sno* yoti know how big you want it to be • . after it's dry. Now, dunk it in lukewarm s.uds and squeeze gen- ghtcr. Mrs. Roy McInnes for a tly no -rubbing or wringing. while. ' . Rinse t least twice in water of a former meeting the following, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier the same.temperature and stretch • and Mr. Cartnen' Farrier spent oil the paper diagrani. (Never officets: president, Chas. Ander- son; ist vice 'Christian fellowship, Harvey Ritchie; 2nd vice Chris - tion missions, Allan Ritcbie;:3rd vice christiari citizenship, - Sid the week -end with their brother, Mr. Russel Farrier and Mrs.,Fae-., rier of Preston. • • Mrs. ,Clarence 'ctix •had a Red hang °t. -a -line). If you want to be extra careful put a bati:dowel underneath. and one on top and .weight the sweater down 'with • • " .Gardner;' 4th vice christian mil.; • Cross :last Tuesday. • • • • . . , • magazines. ° ture, . Eldon and Elsie Ritchie; Mr. John Reid, and Mr. an• d • CRENIV secretary, John Hunter; treasur- Mrs. Harvey Reid- of Auburn vis- er, Eric Hackett; •organist; Mrs. 'rank Ritchie. It was decided to • i-neet• once a month during- the winter months. The next meeting to be held on February 14th, 'when a ValentineTprOgrarn will be carried out and ail are 'invited • to be present. . Miss Helen Thompson 61 Holy, rood spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Gorda kirkiand. • • Mr. and Mrs. Chas: ML.Donald and Joyce of LucknoW,were Sun-, " Clay visitors with Mr. and Mi.s. Sam Reed. • : Mrs. Will Garoner spent a few days with her mother. Mrs:.Dav- id Alton, LticknoW,•who,has not .keeh. enjoying' good Arealth late. ited last Thursday with the lat- ter's par6ris,. Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Currie of pear Wingharn, and Mrs. John Reid, of Auburn Visited with her aunt, Mrs. Dav- id Kennedy. • 'Mr: Angus Mowbray has gone to Woodstock. 'WA. Ed. Gaunt fell last Friday and sprained her ankle,. " ' QUite a number from here at tended Burns Ball at LucknOw last Tuesday. Pte. Gordon egg,att who was visiting. his Parerits,war. and Mrs.. 'Wesley Leggatt of Wingham, also his sister Miss Leila Leggatt call, ed on relatives here oti Sunday. , 'Ir. and Mrs. Stanley Pyinn of Lucknow. visited recently with Mrs. Frank Johnston and .dau- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. • • ghter Lois of Hplyro„od spent"the -Congraittlations to Mr...George week -end with. -Mi. and Mrs.. Sid. Fisher ‘,vh45 got 3 foxes -this win- Gaisdnei 'Mr: and. Mrs. Frank. 'spent -l'uesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifford. Memiry cif I./net:nom.% . • • _ Mi'. apl1111s.. Air sShWir S•he'r‘,.%•90 of Be -were • Sunday visitors ‘citli and 11/lys.- Henry Gardner Ellen Andi-vw. an em- ployee if lawknos.y‘Aivc•rikft. h. beeri tvansferred. to•the John' in Plant,;4Tennt . n • . . , • • • ,r. :"• nitti • s sacrament of 'tfl_e-Lord's Supper will be ,adininstered on each 'ap- pointment on Astifielc, ' charge. glalces: 1,45 p -m- flacketts.; 4.00' - Zion . • • :11v:: and Mrs:, Wesley Ritchic :=.ptiit Friday with Mr, and Mrs. MacKay and Mr. and Mrs. Nixeti at PtiiA:,y. Mr, and itie 'enjoying very health,.\' . : .• 4.4120....i2ineetai* • 1 , • EXHIBITION JUVENILE OCKEY IN THE ARENA ILLICKT4OW At 815 Sharp Friday, • February OWEN SOUNDvs. LucKN'ow' Here's a chance to how the local kids stack up 'ligainst fast company. DON'T MISS IT! ADMISSION'25c and 15c 1111BANIANAMINIIIIMIAMISIOMININA LANGSIDE , . The Red Cross sociaj: evening Was held Friday in the Foresters Hall at Langside with an attend- ance'of 25. There was nol music - for dancing present so a num: •ber of -games:`of.bingo were en- joyed and lunch was served. It 'was decided to have another social on Friday- evening of this week when Mr, -and Mrs. Farish Moffat %val. pay the' hall expen- ses. Bingo, cards and dancing will. be the entertainment. The proceeds *ere $2.95. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kilpatricr were: visitors on Friday after- noon with Mrs. Kilpatrick's ,bro- ther Fred arid, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Loriainne - Drennan of LucknoW. spent the week -end with - her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Drennan. ' • Mrs. - EdnaForsythe:of Toronto Spent the week -end with 'her parents; Mr, and Mrs. J..B. Mor- rison. 1" .,.• • • ' • Mrs. Bill •Scott spent the week end with 'her Mother, Mrs. Neil MacCallum •of Lucknow .WhO on the sick list. Her many friend-- here wish her a speedy recOvery. Mrs. Edna Forsythe of Toronto Mr. Jim Morrisont end Jack spent met at the horrie of, Mrs.. R. Ste- wart last week and quilted one quilt and (made a top for an-, other. This week they will,meet. at the home of Mrs, George Til - fin on Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Scott -of - Ripley •spent- Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Tom Hill. , , Mr..and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw ot West Wawanosh spent Saturday With Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewait. : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr and Richard spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Lapp of near Kin - lough. , • •; Mr. Richard prr recently un. derWent his -medical 'folexainination— r heServices. , 1VIr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and sona of Lucknow spent Sun- day ,with Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Cpnn: 1Vir. Tom CcTok sPent• the week, end at the borne of Mr. and ,IVIrs.* Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs: R. Stewart; , Sunday. Mrs R Tiffin at Eileen arid Donald spent Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- with Mr.. and Mrs.• Don 'Martin • • sel Ritchie. • ef East Wawanosh. : Miss Betty Conley of. Lucknow. ' • spent the week -end at her borne here. Mr. Russel Ritchie ' had the Lucknow, phone installed ' on MC.Inday and Mr.: 'Ralph Caskin- ette had the Wingharn phone in - 'stalled. •. The Ited Cross quilting group Mr..- and. Mrs Jack Curran 'en- tertained on Saturday evening at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran and. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson; Jr.; it being the occa- sion of Mrs. Curran's birthday. • -;Mr. and •Mrs. Cecil Blake at- tended a euchre party at Austin Quigley's when about 30 guests were present, .A number from here attended • the. Federation of Agriculture picture show and dance at Kings- bridge_hall Lon _Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Torni- Anderson Jr. spent Monday evening witp Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Kilpatrick.' Miss. Shirley Sherwood was frofno LUCknow -for ttie, week -end. Mr. Cnester Finnigan • spent Saturday „in Goderich. Misses. 'Violet Culbert pf Laur- ier .and Annie of Sky Harbor spent a pleasant week --end at their home here. • • ‘lifienfl" rin•W 7 ' Anvottiotnainn,dannownangirinnasizrin • • I • ' DAMAGE:. estimated at seVetal thousand dollars, mostly from water, occurred' at' the Hesky • 'Flax Company's plant at Sea - forth when fire of undetermined origin broke out on the third floor. • and Under. Auspices Of The Lucknow 'Agricultural Society ' IN :THE TOWN HALL Lutelknovv hursday, February At 8.15 P.M. Sharp Mildmay Rotary Club presents The 3 -Act Comedy Farce — – "READY MADE FAMILY" ir well- presented -and -hilarious play that has _been staged before capacity crowds on several _occasions. ADMISSION 35c and 20c I) CE AFTE M• usic By Carruthers' Orchestra GENERAL ADMISSION -25c "anigil'igunssano 4.-4a-1•1••• V.too' ' Akatia ,,,Aweratl,frir* " •. - ArdZwr..,A05ft.LELLP' 3' •tr • • ••