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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-03, Page 4
• PAGE FOVR The Lucknow Sentinel, Luckno Avoid- Disappointment • BY, ORDERING .. • YOUR BABY CHICKS NOW AS WELL AS . - YOUR CHICK STARTER FOR DELIVERY WHEN YOU WANT, THEM. WE BUY POULTRY Complete Line, Of CONCENTRATES and, MILL,. FEEDS Lorne MacLennan, Phone. 77-w NORTH CU OSS. Not a kick about ,the :weather: Put ' a nick in ' the. post. Getting out tl4e 1945i wood sup ply is .the prder of the day. Mr. Wm. Ruth and Miss Kate. visited their brother .Linixs' , and his wife a couple of days.- last week._ Mrs..•Wm. Haldenby 'and Ralph visited her sister, Mrs. Earl Thomson in Teeswater}, Tuesday. Mr: Hugh Armstrong, of. Tees - 1 water •and Melvin Schumacher are swamping out wood froi'n their wood' lot ,ori the 14th Con. Miss Eva .Stewart of Kincar- -dine •spent:. Sunday under the par- ental roof.' Mr. arid, Mrs:- Dave;Donahison, 3r.T entertained, their trienda and relatives Sunday to a fowl din-. ner. Mrs. George Drehwan;, we are BELFAST d d y Mr we H ERSKI.NEa CHURCH REVIEWS YEAR THURS., `FEBRUARY 3r4, 1944 Following the pre -communion service in Erskine • Presbyterian church, Dungannon,, on Thursday h' h was conducted C. H. MacDonald, pastor, the annual meeting .of the congregation was held. Mr., Mac- Donald also presided for the lat- ter rneetirrg.. • Mrs.' R. Davidson •acted as. secretary, Jaynes David- son reported for the congrega- tional .missions, -which showed . -that $187.4'03.' had been raised.,,for` missions,' '$185.47 of which had been 'forwarded'. to the' . church treasurer., in ..Toronto.. .. Mrs. R.. Davidson -'reported• for the W•,M. 0011.1107110,01.. ...00.444109,,W4.4.10104444. �.•� "• . ,,..f•�^""��wnasl.'���' J91.—.-_ r,,..�,.—fie. afternoon, w, C by Rev.D ld theFOUND -- A man's neck FOR SALE —Boy's three-piece'' 1 at Sentinel ©ffice, winter outfit, helmet, coat, leg- Apply. .. , . gings, age 6,� good as, new. Apply at Sentinel Office, - Mr. and Mrs. George Lane &' Cliffordand Mrs. Elmer Alton visite with friends in. London on Saturday': Ms. and Mrs: Pharis Mathers spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Hackett. . . _ Mr. and Mrs 'Spence, Irwin and family spent 'Saturday , with Mr. and. s: Robertson of Auburn. Mrs •Lawrence Harrison. and Donna. Louise . of Saltford spent last week with Mr.. and "Mrs. Wil- fred Hackett: Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Sherwood' visitedon Sunday wi`h M. . aria Mrs. Les ,Ritchie. • `sorry • �c�-QpoT`• ; -rs--sti;l-1: in=Walker- ton hospital. • • Mr: WOOD . FOR _SALE ---dry • hard- wood. Apply 'to GORDON .RIN- T'OUL, R. ' 2, Lucknow, • .'Phone 44-r-2. , AUCTION SALE', at the Harris Stock .Barn,. Ripley, •on 'Friday, February 4th..at 1:30 .o'clock of 10 choice Durham :Cows; due .'to; S. that the . allocation of $55 ha.a freshen Feb: and March; 5 H . ol- been oversubscribed by $3.00, 'stein cows due .Feb. and lylarch; $4.55 in cash was sent for the 3 purebred Jersey Cows, due bale, and; twoquilts, valued • at $9.00 had also been contributed towards thebale. A total of $75.41 had been raised. The Sunday School report showed a total .of $32.78,, with $9.38 sent to, 'mis- sions and a. balance on hand, of $9.47 after purchasing all :Sup- plies for the school. Radcliffe Murray: gave the aud- itors' ', report which showed that the total of $823.71 hadbeen re- ceived for congregational-' psi,- poses,, with an expenditure of. $743.31, ., leaving ..a balance in bank of $80.40. 'Two $100 Victory, 'bonds had .been' purchased 'and the sum of $100 additional is held intrust by the trustee board of the church. The following ; officers were el-. ,ected: congregational' missions. secretary; .. James . Davidson; .,cop he t • Mrs. Jos. Wall, spent, a isiting..Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart and family. IES WANTED For The Lucknow Agricultural Society, Standing Field Crop petition In; Oats $75.00 IN .`PRIZE MONEY 1st. e ' $13.00. • °: 5th . . $ 9.00 2nd • 12.00 „ 6th I 8:00 3rd - 1.1.0 ' 7th_ • 7,00 : � 5.00'. 4th 10.00 8th ...9 , Minimum ' of 'Ten Eitries Required Feb. and March; 5 heifers in calf, due Feb., March, April; 10 `spring Calves; 2 driving horses; chunks •of pigs: THOMAS IiARRI5, Prop. Donald B. Blue, Auc. RULES and REGULATIONS Each field :,must have art' area of not less than 3 acres. Competitors are expected to notify their 'secretary not less than four .days before '.the. crops are ready for inspection. Fields' that ha Je been cud' will not be considered. • 11 a field contains moreacreage than ' specified the entire field • will be scored. Competition grain should be separat- ed from other grain by at • least 3 feet. If • an entry is deemed ' unworthy the judge, may rule that , noprize be awarded. ^� A competitor will be confined to one entry •antd may enter -in competitions •conducted by one Society only. A father and son or twoor more -persons working on a farm in. ly...._ .,.. partnership may make one entrl! ..on Competition/ will be limited to those. who are paid-up members of the- Society for .the • eurr'eat year; . and fields entered shoulld,, not be more than. 15 trrliiles from its head; quarters. The Board of Directors may require an exhibit of the pro- duct of competition fields at the Fair and .may award , a stated percentage of :prize on field score and: -the -b11- ance. on ,exhibit at Fair. • . File Entries -With The Secretary, . Joseph Agnew, By SATURDAY,FEBRUARY' 19th gregationar secretary Albert -Tay- lor; congregational treas., : Mrs. Frank . Jones; . church organist,, Mrs.. S, H. Stotbers; . assistant or- ganist, Mrs. W.' J. Reid;.. auditors, Wallace Wilson and Robert' Mc- Allister; `managers, S. H. Stoth- ers, • Radcliffe Murray and W. • J. Reid .for term of :three' years., A vote of. appreciation ' of the feathful services. of Rev. C. H. MacDonald as pastor was heart- ily endorsed by all. .'HATCHING. EGGS WANTED We 'require ' additional, breed- ing flocks all breeds to supply • us with . hatching eggs': for '1944 hatching - season. -Flocks' culled -anl.- blo:odtested . free _of,' charge., Guaranteed premiums paid.. Also turkey .flocks ,needed. Cockerels wanted: Barred •Rocks, . White Leghorns; White Rocks and Black Australorps suitable for breed- ing.. Write reed-ing..:Write for, full details imme.d- iately..' Tweddie ' Chick ,Hatcheries;. Ltd. Fergus, 'Ont.• CHESLEY PAYS. $150,0'0; to' the owner'of the rink for providing free skating for the ehil,dren o the town. 'three afternoons each' scar IIcominsE.nts EUCHRE. & .BRIDGE The Women's Institute will. hold a euchre, and bridge in the Town Hall; Lucknow, on 'Eburs - day, •February 10th at . 8 . o'clock sharp. Everyone welcome, Ad- mission, . 25c.i, i CARD. -0-F-7-THANKS Mrs. Thomas Robb wishes to' 'acknowledge with sincere thanks 'the „ kindness of, '.friends and neighbors . who' 'remembered - her at : Christmas time.and at • the , tine • of her. ,accident with flow- ers, .fruit, letters and'cards Audrey Campbell,. a patient' at Freeport Sanatorium for the past, seven q onths, wishes to thank i her friends, , acquaintances; and organizations for• 'their , thought- fluness, kind Wishes,' letters, cards, visits and gifts during this, time and' especially at Christmas, all 'of which meant much to hers f, week. • MAFEKING elves the ",papel week, but it is with regre e reads of so many • "goings`+ oVvn the Valley,. •ohe by one". Larry Culbert, son of Mr. and rs. Earl Culbert, formerly of • on. '8, Huron Township and now f Thorndale, was a.'visitor last ' eek with, friends at. Holyrood. ' scratched face and a hand viii= ry were 'evidence of _:an acci- nt Larry met with recently __ , .**0"bekel ' ? .AhicYcle..,k3 .:, T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LU•C•KNOW EACH WEDNESDAY, . FROM -2- p i'n. to 6 O'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE P. Start IatKenzie • BARRISTER & OLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN �L•UC KNOW Each Wednesday :Afternoon &'Evening At G. H. SMITH'S OFFICE KINLOUG•H . • Mr. and Mrs. Neih'MacKay re- turned to 'their home at Glamis • The Blake's Y.,1?.' U. held their afters visiting with the latter's t Mrs Wm pert • . Mrl and Mrs: Levi Eckenswit- ler and Douglas of'London spent . meeting. on Thursday evening : at sister,'. Percy. • the home Of 'Mr. and Mrs. :Har; the week -end with their parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cassidy o! Walkerton , spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. H. A. Graham. Mrs. Graham' returned to Walk - 'McLelland, Bervie. " erton to spend a few days at the: • Mrs. Frank 'Johnston and Lois ; Cassidy home... .. , ' spent the week -end with' Mr. & • ' Mr. and Mrs. W. .app and Mrs. • Sydney Gardner, Zion. Douglas,' Mrs. Harold Percy 'and Mr., and Mrs. George Haldenby Billy spent Sunday with Mr. and and • Ethel were ' Sunday visitors Mrs: John Currie. near Wingham. with Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, • Mr. and • Mrs: John .Barr •and Kincardine. family visited Sunday with Mr. Mrs, Jimnhie Hodgins and in.-- and Mrs. John Purves, Conees font 'son reurned home from Kin- .sion 2. • Ivey Anderson with a good atteri- here. ` dance.• Mrs.• Howse and Mrs.. Mrs. B. Slessor spent a few Thomas Anderson sang a duet. I days with her sister, vIrs. S: Rich Kilpatrick conducted a eon - test "Trees''' found in the Bible, which was very interesting and instructive. They will meet at ' J. A. Henry's on Friday. evening •of this week. "' r. and -Mrs. Thos. J: Ander- s°, and Mrs. H. Horton visited with Mrs.:Isaac Andrew on Sat urday afternoon. 11, n 6• Service at Blakes church next Sunday morning at 10.45. Sacra- ment will be observed. We , hope for . a good `attendance. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Hallam and family ' and. ' Mrs. Robt,' Johnston spent 'Sunday with ' friends at Mr. and Mrs.• Reg Broome and Mary of Holyrood and Lloyd Saunders of St. Helens visited their parents, on Sunday. , Dr. and Mrs: A. N. Aitkinson of Goclerich spent Sunday P. m • with their daughter, Mrs, Rich. Spent a few days this week in Itil trick, arid , Mr: `L' orrdr rr with M1-:' and Mrs„ :i. Pl.. cardine. hospital. • • Mr. Charlie Gillespie and Don; • Mr. Joseph .'Hodgkinson return Mrs. Jack Hodgins and Johnny ed• home from London after un- and Miss Irlma Hodgins of Kin-. ,dergoing ,an operatigrr. ' ' cardine spent Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben' Logan •of and Mrs. Jarnes Hodgins. Ripley visited Monday with 'Mr. Mrs. Wm.. Orr and, Ritchie of and' Mrs. James Hodgins. Langside{ visited' with relatives here . during the -week. Mr. Jack Walsh of, Bervie spent Sunday `at -his home ?here. ' ' The -ll -ems`exp 'cts the co - 7. and Mrs. Bert'McLean, operation of all in the' comnun Balfour acid Nevin were.'Sundny ity to -attend the -Valentine Soc., visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor ial on Monday, ,evening next, , don Mcl urney, •Southampton.. February 14th.. Funds must . be raised now for ' packing boxes Mrs. Karl Boyle, and Marilyn Mrs. H. Webb and children %,f St. Helens visited at tl•ic parental :home on 'Sunday afternoon. ' ' Many happy returns. to Mrs. ll.obt. Johnston, Mrs. Herb Cur ran and Mrs. ` George Saunders, Who each celebrat :d a birthday on Sunday; January- 3pth.. liott' Miss, yr;iyn' Me14an •of • Loh - don pent•. thf• w'in'k-J-nd st -hyr horny- rJ rr 14/ • and Mi Wesley 'Hype! Vv': %,Y,r!t' i vier(• fiundsy ••ii:;lt, with Mr :,r,d•Mr ; Torn "lfo'i soon : o the boys will have them in ti►nn for Easter: A, table of articles will also be 'offered for y:�r• AN, (3UTd3Rl;AK • of diphtheria in (lrc'y. C.nun1y goal at 'Owen Sound; has 'r(stilted, in all new hr i;;r►nr i t in that. County being .senr440 the Bruce: county bastile id: Milker—ton' • , r^svtvws •