HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-20, Page 5Toms., p4ivit.itar 20th, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Lyceum Theatre
V Thursday, Friday, Saturday
JANUARY 20, •21, 22
'Johnny Come
James Cagney is •back fight-
ing with his -fists and sharp
wit in this pieture containing
a full portion of dramatic sus-
Also "News7
Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30
MOnday,.Tuesday, Wednesday
JANUARY. 24, 25;16
* * in * *
So Proudly We Hail
This story of nurses 6n- Ba-
taan Leaptures • and transmits:.
the emotionar experience of
the last bitter 'days of Phil.'
lipine fighting.
Make Re -Check On Those
Eligible For Call -Up
Hon, linniphrey Mitchell, rain-
isr of Labout, announces that
recently an Order in Council Was
• passed, authorizing the Minister
of Labour to issue an •order
which will require- all employers
of male workers to examine the
standing of.enciployees of Military
Call-up age, to make 'sure • that
they have complied with Nation-
al 'Selective ',Service lViobilization
regulations. . ' ,.:
The. term; 4ectiployer" will in-
clude Dominion, Provincial . and,
Municipal Governments, •as -'well
as -all private btiaineases, and also
will incinde farmers, even *here
the employee is a son or other
relative of the farmer.'
The order of the Minister,, Pro-
vided for under the Order in
Couneil; Will, it is anticipated,be
issued in the :course of ta few
weeks, When the necessary arL
rangernents have been corripleted
to assist employers in making•the
necessary survey. The, order will
set forth the dates between which
elliplOyers 'are to check On their
employees,' ,...., _
It is the hope that through this
sur y any . man who may be
deli quent in regard' to the mil.-
itary call-up, .1011 .be . located, so
that their cases may be dealt
• The Labour MmiSter pointsiitit,
that no action on the part of em-:
'ployers is ' necessary until: the
formal 'Order is' issued—although
male employees should in th..
meantime provide themselves
with copies, •of ...any documents
they. :. need: to prove that they
have not , failedto comply with
MOhilization Re-guiations.! A
warning in this regard was is-
sued by the Department of La-
bour some ,time ago to male per-
sons in employment. ;
. • .
Mr. and Mrs: John :Schumacher
• and „Helen •Visited, Mt.' and Mrs
Earle • Hodgins : Saturday even-
ing.• ..
Mr. and Mrs,. Morley Walland
babe spent Sunday:. withMrs.
Whitehead ,of Teeswater. •
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith and
Gertie•soent Sunday with Mr.'
and Mrs. Robert Stobo.• •
Mr. and Mrs..Eckensikiller vis-
ited With.Mr. and•Mrs. John Res;
one evening last week.
• Miss Eileen • Ross spent .the.
Week -end' at her home, Conces-
sion 10: .•
Mr. and Mrs.' Hodgins
and Shirley visited -Mr. and Mrs.
Peter -Moffat's Sunday evening.
, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eckenswil,
• ler observed their pool wedding
• anniversary. on Monday. • Cotagra-.
• •tulations.
son gets
• mine. .
Do you suppose our
hiss: Intelligence from
He must—I've still get
Farm .Machinery Schools
'Being Held This Week.
TvFo-day farm machihery cour-
ses have . commended. in . Huron
County, under. arrangements
made by Agricultural Represen-
tative J. ' C. Shearer, and will
continue.. until. mid-February.. The
regular . instructors art?. Gordon.
MeGavin; ,Walton;. • Mervyn
Stelck, 'Zurich, and J. C. Shearer.
The .hours of these sessions are,
from. ten' to "twelve' noon ", and
from 1U0 to 430 pm:;.•-••••
Thecourse S.' opened at
ottc_Ttiesday- and Wednesday
and are being heidat-Dungantion
today and Fnday.
• Theobjects. of .CoUrse..... are.
t,o point .butrepair jobs which
are most often encountered.. on
the more ifnportant fanm. mach-
ines; to ..suggest to farmers some
PtactiCal,niethods. of having re-
pairing done; to .encourage farm -
'era to check repairs and .to °icier •
them immediately:: to point :;but •
simple , but :most •„....iniportant , ad-
justments .necessary for. the, most
efficient-. and economical. opera..
tion • of various farm machines;
to encourage labor-saving.,Meth-.
oda.. and. devices .'.for • farms; to.
.assiat Huron :county,• tarniers
' to
• produce •fooclstti.ffsto the '..rna.i4z
mumand to support the war.af-,
'fon in , every way possible. •
The Y.P.S. social was held at
the home of Mr. F. G. Moffat on
Friday evening With 22 in atten-
dime. Gertie Brown had charge
'of the programand gave thp top-
ic. Gorden Wall had, Charge of
the contests and games. Lunch
was served and a- sbcial time
The January meeting of the
Presbyterian W.M.S. was held on
Thursday, at the home' of Mrs.
Neil MacDonald.
Miss Dorothy MacPherson and
'Miss Switzer' of Teeswater spent
the Week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Moffat, 8th Con.
.Th. annual meeting of tht,
church was held on Monday 'dr -
Tuesday, January 25th
WINCIIIAM' vs: 1;.UCK1451.11V--
In The Arena, Lucknow
Puck Faced at 8.30 iSharp
APMIS510N- "7 25c tyz 15c
Under Fire Company Auspices .
• In The, Carnegie :Hall, Lucknow
Music by Carruthers :Orchestra and the Pipes
Square Dance Competition
First Prize $15.00 'Second Prize $10.00
Entries to be received by L. C. Thompson by Saturday,
January 22nd. „
The ,Crazy Ghost •
Sting Ray Key .
• FOr ,the. curious .spook storyof
the wierd herrnit and Zeke. the
"crazy ghost", who . storms and,
howl's until .threatened •with' a
araitiacket, see The American
Weekiyin new size, .streamlined
form, with .this Sunday's (Jan.
23). 'issue of, The 'Detroit, .Sunday,
'TitneS. Get The Detroit Sunday
rimes this week and every week.
The' January. meeting of •'the
W. M. S was held in 'the chtirch.
on .Thursday, January .13th. at
2.30 p.m. i,vith the president, Mrs:
H. 'Vogari, presiding.. The firian-
cial statement for the Rear 1943
was given .and the ladies were
grateful' that they had exceeded
their. allocation. Leiters of thanks*
were read from some of the boys
Who received Christmas gifts: A
temperence paper. was. given by
Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell. 'Md. W.
• S: McGuire's group took Charge.
Mrs. Daisy Barkwell read the
scripture lesson. Alice Barkwell
rendered .a selo. Mrs.. Alex, Mc-
TaN'tish gave an interesting talk
.from the study, book. Mrs. W. S.
i.VIcGuire.closed the Meeting with
The following are the 'officers:
president, .Mrs. H.' Vegan; vice-
president, Mrs. J. Coping; sec-
retary, Mrs. G. Barkwell; treas.,
urer,. Mrs. W. J. Rouiston.,' cor-
responding secretary, -• 14rs. A.
McTavish; secretory.. of Christian
stewardship.. Mrs. R. Black; tem
peyance secretary, Mrs. P. 'Bark..
Cassociate helpers. secretary.
Mrs. Mc'Charles; literary. sec-
•+ -Clary, .Mrs.,0.. Finlayson; supply
secretary. Mrs, W. S. MeGtiire:'
strangers. secretary, Mrs. .Daisy
McCharles; Missionary Monthlit,
Jean McGuire; organist, Mrs. J.
McIntosh: press aecretary, Mrs.
Mac :McGuire.; auditor, Mrs. D. J,
. • ,
" •
John 4. MacDonald, for many
_years -a ,resident of Teeswater,
-died.. ithe Generar-gos-p-trar-
Guelph, on Sunday , morning,
January 9th. he had not
oeen in good health for some
months past; he had been able to
carry on his duties until taken
suddenly :ill .Saturday. He was
rushed to -Guelph General -Hos-
pital where he' died' early. Sun-
day , morning. 7
Funeral services on TuesdaY,
January 1116, were conducted by
Rev. R. N. Stewart of the United
church,. assisted' by Rev. D. B.
Cram of the PresbYterian church'.
After a short service at the home
a ptiblic service was held at 2.30
p.m. in the United Church, of'
which Mr. MacDonald was- a
faithful member.
Interment, was made in' Tees -
water cemetery. Pallbearers wefe
M. A. Donahue; Robt, Donaldszn,
Maurice McKinnon, John Aitken,
Frank. .Field and Alex B.. Mc -r:
. • •
Mr. MacDonald Was .00 years
of, age. He was born in,Green-
ock ,Township near Riversdale,
where he: spent his boyhood and
,attended school. As a Young man
• he moved to a faim near Bervie
where he resided until Coming
te Teeswater 22 years, ago. For
some years he was in the employ -
of Mr. Robt. Trench. For .the
past four 'years he has served as
caretaker of the Culross & 'Tees -
water Cemetery, and of the Un-
ited church: in Teeswater. He al-
ways performed his duties faith-
fully andconscientiously., giving
attention and meticulous care to
partieulars and detail. In his
passing the community will miss
a valued friend, and his wife
and family a loving husband and
a kind father. ^
Besides his- wife, the former
Nettie Belle Abbott, Mr,. Mac-
enera mission .
. -
The Dungannon Womerfs•
-stitute. were the 'sponsors of: a
• 'ProdUction . of butt€r in the •
Successful, social.evening.last Fri. pros of 'OntatiOshows
procimately the' same -decline in• . •
December Over the aame. month
in..,1942: as was experienced in
November,' according- to a -report , •
.i5,sued by the• Dairy Branch of
thentarioDepattnient. of Agri- •
Culture. The • decline'' in 'produc- • .'•
tion, however', • seems to have
reached 'the .bottom •and
'eral.aections of the .province, par-, • .
ticularly in Western • .OntatiO, .
some increase is anticipated in
January as compared with' De- •
cember, although the make in .
general. is .expected to' be lower
than in the corresPonding,petiod
in 1943. The inerease in the but-
terfat subsidy from eight to .ten
.cents a pound on January 1St 'is. -
• likely to encourage greater but-
ter production. . '• •
night. Progressive euchre and
bingo were played •and at lunch
time .a sllort program was
en in.cludilig two .choi uses oy
Dungannon schOol and a' snort
hUmordus reading by Miss Melba
Fowler„ Prizes. at progressive
enhre were :w,oillay Mrs. Wilbur
Johnstonofor the ladies and
Wilbur' Johnston won the •gents
plize. Consolation prizes wen to
Mrs. 'Amy Qrser and Mt. Lorne
Hasty. Dancing was enjoyed to
usic °supplied by Mr. and Mrs,
Robert' Bogie, .ShepPardton pa rt
of the evening and also .by. Mr
and." Mrs. George Stuart ref
Helens, The proceeds arnounted
to- $35.00 from deflections at .the
..'•ocir and bingo games. The
ts will be. used to send smokes
to the boys overseas.
Pte. Franklin -Eedy, who ar-
rived Monday of last week to
'visit his parents, returned ,again
On Thursday- to St. John,N. B.
Mrs..IVIel J. Reid, who. under-
went an operation at Clinton hos-
pital Over two weeks ago, has
been ,nicriied to some 'friends at
.Goderich ,for a few days..
W. A. Meeting
The United Church W. A. met
on Friday "afternoon at the par-
onage. Vs. Alton, the president
opened the meeting with all re-
peating a New Year's hymn and
then singing 'a hymn "Land of
our Birth" which was followed
by the Lord's prayer. ,:Mrs. Al-
ton' led in -responsive reading.
Rev. Vickerson Offered preer.
,The roll call was answered by
payment of fees. Following ,the
business discussion Mrs. Olive.
Donald leaves three daughters, 'Cnlbert read an 'article enfftled
Florence of Orangevillel and Jan- The Threshold of the Year". The
e'tta and Wirinifred at home; also
two brothers, _Archie of Tees -
water and Lauchiin of Bervie.
.D. A. STIRLING of:Godetich was
appointed sales agent at an ex-
ecutive meeting of the fluroli
Holstein Breeders Club held in
Glinton last vireek, Vhe Club del
eided to affiliate with the Fe -
eration of Agriculture and 4.
.ponsor a calf .club in 1044. •
officers of 1943 were re-elected
far 1944. Mrs. Culbert, the Jac-
retary gave the minutes. of' t.lae
last annual meeting, and it was
shown that' the Organization bus
been a' success. The officers are
president, Mrs. C. W. Alton; lst
vice president, Mrs, Jas. Mc -
'Whinney; 2nd vice president,
Mrs. Robert Moore; secrttary,
Mrs. Ctilbert; assistant secretary.
Mrs. Otto Popp; treasurer. Mrs.
• —
— ' e, •
Blake; Pianist; Mrs. Leroi SA tin-
gel; assistant, Mrs. Popp; parson-
age committee, Mrs. M. J. 'Reed.
Mrs. T. Webater, Mrs. Moore;
flower committee, Mrs. R -an,
Miss Elliott, Mrs. Eedy, Mrs. Rut-
ledge; strangers secretary corn.:
mittee; - Mrs. M. J. • Reed, Mrs.
McWhinney; group leaders, Mrs.
Will Sproul, Mrs. Harvey Alton,
Mrs. A. 13. Pentland, Mrs. K.
Finnigan; Red Cross secretary,.
Mrs. Robt. Moore. Mr. Vickerson 4
closed with prayer.
Mrs, John Blake has been help-
ing at the home of her si.stes',,
Mrs. Will Alton wraere there
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Petrie and
familyof Clinton visited Mr. and
•Mrs, Jacob Reid on Sunday.
Mr. Geo. Pentland • of nrarit-'
ford spent a, few days -here a- •
Mong friends.
The annual Red Cross meeting,
is being held in the United church
school rooms on Friday, January
21st at 2 pan., A.good attendance
from all zones 'in the Dungannon •
area is looked for.
„Mr. Flarold SprOul oF David7
son, Sask., is visiting his mother,
Mrs. D. Sproul and relatives
Miss Clara Sproul of Stratford
and Mr. and Mrs J. D. Hessen,
also spent the week -end with.
Mrs. S'Proul:
. •