HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-20, Page 1Q
02.00 Year..--ln Advance; 5Oc Extra to U. S. A.
William. Sneyd Holmes,, centen-
arian and formers Lucknow mer
chant, died . in Western Hospita:l;..
Toronto on Wednesday W'. last
weep' in his;,101st year,
The funeral service was held
r .•• -MT St .Peter's: Anglican `church
• on Saturday afternoon, .conducted
by ' Rev. J. W... Donaldson and
with last- rites of the Masonic
Order , conferred by Donald Bi
: •: Elie: Interment• was in Green -
trill Cemetery with members of
Old Light Lodge' acting as: pall-
carers. .
Mr: Holmes was a son of the
late Samuel ,and Margaret
•.Holmes who came from 'Dublin
to establish " a 'home • in Huron
County at. Hoirnesville, the .ham
'let that. bears the family...name,
and where the little white 'house
of his parents still` stands.• There.'
Mr:.Holrnes was 'born on May 29;
1843, •being one of a .family of
r • a.ug ers.
Mr. I plmes. received his early
education at Holinesville and af-
"` ter graduating ' from London
Commercial College spent sev-
eral. years in New 'fork in' the
employ' 'of; a Fifth Avenue pro-
dduce--firm-an -aS- Trrana er yff- a
Brooklyn •chain. store.
Returning., to Ontario' he ;set -
tied at . Lucknow ,where ' he es-
tablished a .gram andfruit ex-
port business. which lie • conducted
The annual '.meeting of the Friday; •February. 4th, has been
Lucknow Branch . -of, .the , Red. ,
set -,es the= date -46i :-tlre-rtext,�P•ti''ed-
Cross` Society 'rill 'be 7 -held in Cross Blood Donor Clinic to be
the Town, Hall at' 8- o'clock :to- "held in Luckfi'ow•' That is;'.- two
morrow evening, ' Friday, Jana- weeks from, .tomorrow, and:,with'
ary' 21st, ',when reports of the the : 'holiday' 'seasonovers. and
j�astyears _activities' will J-he,.ever one "back"- to.- nor a_l"::`4a=
heard • ancir eaor an a d
Y .gain, it is exp'e'cted that 'his clan-
ing onekhe work in 1944.
The , :work of*:the Red Cross is
of, ' utmost importance and this
meeting Should -be' be; • largely ; at-
tended by 'all interested citizens
of, the community.
is will be one' of the ;largest 'yet
held: It is Hoped by those in.
charge that the attendance' wilI
set a new record. •
And it should,, in accordance
with the urgent 'need 'for . blood
plasma, s4_that:a reserv_e._may b
built up 'in: readiness, for the op-
ening of. the second front.
Register now for the February
Many friends in the community
were shocked, to :learn. of the .sud-
den death of . 'St. ; Clair ' Irwin
which occurred in Si.' Michaels
Hospital, . Toronto, 'last Thurs-
day, :January 13th... Clair had
been in ,the hospital ',for a" few
days preparatory to .uindergoin,
o ion,
took a stroke .on. Thursday morn=
ing,' passing:' away. shortly _before
ten o'clock that •evening:.He :was
in,'his, ,49th ., year. •
A .son of. Mrs; . Mary, Irwin and
the late ' Thomas Irwin, St. Clair
as -born on threitWn homes
a mile•" west' of Lucknow. ;He
grew to young manhood ' in ;the
community, enlisted in the `Bruce
Battalion in March 191.6, and af-
ter the war returned hone again
for "thirty years: In 1872 Mr: in 1919.
°-Iiolmes married Alicia Taylor The • following spring ,Clair
who . predeceased him in .1911• mari•ie--d Hazel° Gardner of Zion;
ntehr k iV" ti r when -•tom took.utisfornOng-tkesf
,•were leaders in;' the activities ''crf of the .' Irwin homestead: Mrs..
the Village, ' and devoted mem- Irwin passed- away suddenly four
bers .of St. Peter's Anglican years i ago last may, . and their
church which church they help- only child, Mrs. David Hardy WILLIAM "S. HOLMES
ed to .establish and where: for (Dorothy Eileen) passed away ii: 'en•ten,arian; and' Former. Luck
• twenty years Mr. Holmes, was April last in •her 21st year. • ,1 zow Resident„•Who ,Was Laid 'TO:
superintendent of the Sunday Clair was very • popular' in the j : Rest Here 'On Saturday. •
School. These and other i services corrinunity and active in the”. '
to his, c, hurch were. recognized in
a 'fitting tribute paid- by ;Rev.
J. •W. Donaldson..at the funeral
service. on .Saturday: •• •
Mr. • Holmes • was an •active
Mason, and .an: ardent •Liberal. ''•
' On retiring from -business iie
went- to !Port Arthur where ►ie. Th'e'i:.iservice was • conducted ,by
.resided With his son-in-law and Rev: • J.. W. Stewart assisted by
daughter, Mr. and •Mrs. C. W. Rev...Herbert. F.- 'Dann, and Rev.
Coulter, .Mrs., Coulter .(Gladys)
• passed away, several years ago,.
and a son William Taylor Holme::.
of Detroit. also 'predeceased his
. father. •
Canadian • Legion, , . being vice-
president .of the local branch..
Fellow members .attended the
funeral service, held at the home
of his brother, Alvin Irwin en.
Monday afternoon, and acted :.as
_pallbearers and flower bearers.'
For. sometime M•r.'•Holmes has:
. -, lived With his daughter, Miss,
Irene Holmes: .Aiiout. ,a, year ag°r
`they' inoved ,tel Toronto from pit..
• Arthur, where in 1939 Mr'
' 'Holrrres was presented,. to. Their
Majesties 'upon their visit .to that
city. Mr. Holmes was a Fenian
Raid veteran having served ii:
the Seaforth Battalion. •
Siirviving are his :daughter,
Irene and son. Harry V. Holmes
of. Gorrie. .
A recent dance sponsored by,
the Maple Leaf Club, proved a
delightful success and as well
the young' ladies cleared. about
-11,'2(l:60 with *Which to buy . war
work materials.
Prizes forlovelty dances were
donated by Bill , Schmid, and
werewon as follows: spot dances,
Yvonne and Miles MolVlillari and
Mr. ` and 'Mrs.., George Joynt;
statue dance, Cuyler Rarriage and.
1Vl,iss Lena Robinson. , •
John Hall' was' master .of err e-
Mt i volt aet:4_4
Howard '.Robinson called the:
square derides.
"SPECIALS in Cengoleum Rugs.
The Store with the 'Stock. THE
Next Tuesday, January.'25th is
a night, of •dual entertainment in
Lucknow—hockey and dancing.
Howse, Interment was sin Its Bobby .Burn's anniversary
Greenhill Cemetery with Nobil which'is ;annually'.rnarkecl'by the
.Johnston, Elwood Drennan;-Nel- P,ire Company •'Bali, and' ha a s•
son '.Webster, : Torn MacDonald, Well' come- to be•assaciated as the
Dick- McQuaig and N, l3. Hedley `night of •a hockey Sattlhere
acting as pallbearers. between Lueknow, arid Vv rngi:4.m.
St. Clair is survived by' h;6 •• Well that's the'set-up,for next.
mother; two, sisters, .Mrs. Thos. Tuesday., Wingh•any, Juveniles
Hack•c'tt •(Rena) •.oi -Ashfield and conk„ to token aiid need we say
Bllecla of .Toronto and three bro.
thCi•s, . Emmerson of Lu•cknotk.•:.
Alvin on the hoine • farm . and
'Leonard of Toronto. His fathr..r
prrdeceased hiin nine years' ago 1 The :hi; fe•a.ture' of the. 1',1-ril
last 'fall.i`` is a square dance•comp�titron,
The passing of this entire fai`!l- with $25.00 in pr.iie roomy, •div-
William A.: Johnston of . Ash-
field, who will be.' 89 years ' of
La?im March--was-ittthe Vi >a e-
on�o d
M n a Mr.- Johnston i .re-
markably bright and active, . and
steps along as spry as a, cricket.
He is busy every ,day, with chores
_01011e f r
a in, n a, d ,says he.is feel-
ing line.e;'while-,sue-, atk'e-a with
Mr. Johnston, along .came W. J.
Little' who . is 92, "Here's another
old-timer", said Mr.'Johnston as
the twoof them shook hands and
enjoyed a reminiscent chat..
Many friends gathered on Fri-
day 'afternoon ing the Lucknow.
Presbyterian ` Church to pay' .,a
last tribute•to the :late Miss Helen
Campbell; Archibald, who was
suddenly called heinne' ‘on, 'Tues•-
day 'afternoon, January 11th, 1944
,at' the residence of her niece, Mrc
S. Oliver. at Sault Ste: Marie.
Mrs. Oliver and . her, young: son
Douglas accompanied the body to
The service .was conducted by
the.. Rey. Chas. .MacDonald • as-
sistod-b-y Mr: David-Mt-ean-
the Shantyrnan Christian Associ-
ation', . 'Toroiito, and John C.
Thompspn,• of .the Bethel. Gospel
Hall' of North ,Bay, Ontario,, Mi',
�:V1acDonald, spoke ofknowing the
'late'.Miss Archibald for a num
ber .of ;years in Midland' where
she , taught school :.and . ;both
Messrs• McLean and Tlibrripson.
reviewed a fellowship : of over 30
years. '
The late . Miss Archibald, Ella,
as she .was:' affectionately known
was born in Lucknow.,‘.. the
youngest daughter of, the' late
Mr., and Mrs. John P. Archibald.
In ` those days when the church
wind religion seemed to mean so
Much Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Archibald were outstanding in
their, Christian. . character and in
The-cpngi egatio.11 . e li g i
the United • Church Was . held on
`Friday evening: .when repori .s
submitted ,showed,. almost .with -
our exception, ' sustained interest
and increased support ort 0 f all or•.
ganizations of the, church
The . meeting. approved a ten
per ,cent •increase in • the salaries
of the: minister, choir leader, : or=
ganist and caretaker.
Mrs.. Thomas 'B.uriis 'reported
for the W. " M. S., expressing re-
gret in. the �-Psignatian- oP A4rs:.
S. Cc Rathweil as' president .due'
to ' ill.. health. Mrs. Decker has
been elected as her, successes..•
Mrs. Burns also •gave the Misiion
Circle report. Miss Kerry report -
;ed for the Evening Auxiliary .aid.
Mrs. Kilpatrick, .for the Mission
Band.':M'. W. G• Andrew said.
that' the Baby Band had 'conclud-
ed its first . year :with an enroll-
ment : of 38 merribers.' krs:.
Breckles is taking charge of this.
new. department. , v
All missionary departments
raised approximately' $425.00 .dur-
ing the year, not ,including. a $ J0
bequest 'to the W. M. S. from
rattton__.Estate ,
Miss E., .Murdi'e, treasurer 'of
the Women's Association, r, eport-
ed ,that all three' groups' had'
ed .$.427.16 • during . the'• year; ori tti. -
an additional $61:59 raised at the
Fall Fair bazaar.
• Has Taught 27 Years.
Gordon: Morrison .gave the Sun-
day School` report and Celia Wi:l-
son reported for the Ready -r or- :
Service Class: MrsJ. W. -Stewart
reported a Baby Band enrollment..
,of 44 members at :present .atter
ten promotions • had been made.
W. L. MaclKenzie,. Sunday School
superintendent, • paid tribute to
Mrs. Themas .Burns who has, re-‘.
zigned from active: service as a
Sunday.. School teacher after -27
wears of faithful service.. Mrs-.
'Burris will, continue' to act ` as a.
PPIy teacher.. Mr: ° MacKenzie
• i slr•
thanked the ' .teachers; officers
and 'congregation for their loyal
support. • . if
Mrs. J.,. W: Stewartreported a '
Junior Church enrollment of 31,
Members. , Sh'e' urged• the ,parentso
to see that the children. attenied
this servcie:
. -Church statistics given •by Rev. '• •
Stewart showed • 202 families
the congregation With a . frith] (i+
fluence in ..the, cornniunity • and
Ella wherever 'she :went, and .es-
pecially among the. ' children
which . she ''taught 'during •.the
years, never failed' to •emphasize
the importance of the Christian,
'character and , outlook 'on life.
Surely it. can be truly said .that
she "•Being • dead. yet speaketh"
through the many boys and girls
who ifanie' under 11er' influence.
Among thos'e'present to pay their
last respects at the. service wen,:
many who 'bore testimony to her
splendid, influence over th:cin•
than' chiIdhoac ..years.. She. re-
mere.. These 'bays beat. Godericn•''•
gai'dcdher profession as a sricrc:l
on Tui.,' do' •night 41 'to 3 ,and thr ti a 't' and responsibility. A gi.ic.i
Sepoys Will .have• their task cut uatc of Toronto 'Normal Scheid,
out handling the Indians. • Mi. -s Arehibalcl, tzugh"t the prim
•any class in Lucknow for sots
twenty years ,arid later at•"Mid-
land:•••Since, her retiiCement ' she
has lived in North Bay and Fer-
oriia, Ontario -.,,.Last )Decembox,
after a visit With friends in Tor,
onto, she went to Sault Ste.
Marie to visit• her niece,' Mrs. -J,
S.' Oliver. , • -
'She is • survived •by her :sister
.Miss ,Mazy Archibald of Sault
.Ste.• Marie; the; sole 'remaining
gieniber of .thee fatai'rly. :
Miss Archibald was laid to rest
in the South Kinloss Cemetery,
a worthwhile addition to a
galaxy of worthies entitled• to
I' hiWe their splendid ac.hicvcnicnts
made immortal by• a • Gr-(.y'r'
'Ele;,.y• •
ily within less than five.. yea_:-
is grieved by • a wide cfrele• of
For.. sustained activity; the.
'arena steals the shoty. Here Rink
Manager McCoy has a busy tirn.e
arranging his- schedul .to ac-
,ecimodatc the' High ,School ' girls'
.1-,ockey tcarns,'High School boys'
teams, the Pee-Wees,'thie Midgets.
the Juvenile,, all' of" which are
kern to get on the ice at every
opportunity. And 'besides their
is .slating four times a week.
cis well as exhibition and ;,iehrd-
uled Juvenilr•,i mes.• All in all.
ided •$15.00 and $10.00. Entries
for this •contrs 'should • , lie lc
i-th---L:>-• f- 'f'liompson-- -by Sat
clay of this week. •
Grange-Aikeri ,
„The • home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Aiken, Kingston, Ontario,,
was the scene of a quiet wedding
on Wednesday; January 12th,'
when the marriage of,their elder
daughter. Julia Ruth and John
Oscar Grange...son of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Grange of Napanee.
Ontario, was s. leninized by Rev
H. W. Cliff: •
The bride. is a hritr�ddauglitei ,The pallbearers •trere Stewart.
of Mr, G. A., G'i>e�l�r of Lu:cktio ;,t1soaa, George Sniith: Chase,:
e and EusscL-.I' ol;-
oval y fig MN NINO q: r .,, grrfc n
rink most an time Gran e verc guests the end of- "• placKc, z'
y hen s(_hool g ,i'
is out.
tlae weep., c ..
individuals. ''There were si .
hnptisins. brie ina>ariiigP 'aiul .12
f 1�r=i'a1s, dtai"i:lf; t1ie ,y•'ai • •i7C
,n; mlicr<llila. i•Lrila?ns at
removals ,hr (meatal and ' ce:•.r "
fn;catc' equalling .t.hi n' i:�, ler rc. ,.
;'(lrred into the, churc': ,'' ii in,:! ili,
year, Of the •rn'e.mbershir) of :'r,a\{
persons, , 103 are •non-rcridci•.t-
7.•(-itilc On'the si.ih c•ct of rtati: ; is
;,7r., Stewartgave •a cin' < C(•c�iit'il
of the activiities'nf ;a rri•i,li,stcr.
our ten 'sermons • or nrlf., _sse•s,
-nude forty-one. calls. 'tough:- 3
'Classes and attended .t\;^enty four •
11-e• .absence Of ]lir. •
I,oc.khart. eh rk of Si:•sgiccn:'
t;, ted with regret. . • .
1\ir. W.. G. Andrea" zropecicrl •
-fiat.1.4.. &; M. givings
,shout $100 ,from •. the previ•,;is
year, but by the end
is was nl;icic up. a:1 hit, a
.it•;ai`:. \1•it}7 `!'Cll;' •.r i .
'Ia,tt?„i;, r>;1.rtc,l, lli�•,. ?i;,i ;f.
';'Ciei(,(' a :`ii(l0 I)ef;u, °i 01.1
lir'\v •Irra .
(Continued oil Page tight)